If You’re Feeling Down, These 130 Wholesome Animal Pics Might Lift You Up

Pretty much everyone has lived through moments where things don’t turn out how you’d planned or hoped. Well, it happens. Maybe you’ve had a tough day, a challenging week, or even a whole hard month. If that’s the case, you’re in great need of some uplifting pictures to see that it’s not all bad and, luckily, we’ve got you covered.

There’s nothing like a dose of cuteness to ease your daily troubles and help you get through the week. That’s why we at Bored Panda have combed the web and collected some of the most adorable and charming pictures of our beloved animals to brighten your day. Get ready to witness how our four-legged friends make our lives generally better by showing us love and kindness wherever we go.

So sit back, relax and enjoy the wave of positive emotions that comes with this list. Continue scrolling, upvote the ones that made you smile the widest, and share your thoughts about them in the comment section below!

Psst! If you’re in the mood for even more wholesome pics, be sure to check out our previous posts about furry canines right here and here.

#1 I Haven’t Seen My Dog In A Few Days, This Was His Reaction For 5 Minutes Straight

Image credits: jaytavira

#2 An Autistic Boy, Who Can't Be Touched, Connects With A Service Dog, As His Mom Bursts Into Tears Of Hope And Joy

I'm not sure why, but people still ask us why we place service dogs with children sometimes. Let me help you understand, from a momma who knows first hand:

See this moment? I've never experienced a moment like this.

This picture was taken near the end of the day after my autistic five-year-old was finally able to sit down with his new Service Dog Tornado. He flew across the entire ocean, stopped in multiple states, and uprooted his entire routine to travel the globe for this. He was so overwhelmed through the day that he had to leave to take a break for a couple hours before he could come back. This boy is the strongest child I have ever met; he has faced countless rude and ignorant adults and children who do not understand him, who have hurt him, and who have not valued him because he is different. This picture captures the face of a mother who saw her child, who she can't hug, wash, dress, snuggle and touch freely lay on his new Service dog of his own free will, with a purposeful unspoken attachment. This is the face of a mom who has seen her son experience countless failed social interactions on the playground in an attempt to have a friend. Any friend. Any kind of connection. She has sat with her son while he has cried at night for months because he has no consistent connections outside of the family no matter how hard he tries and no matter what he works hard on in his Autism therapies. It doesn't transfer to the natural occurring world for him. And now she is sitting behind her son silently watching this moment, with the air sucked from her lungs, and no words to say.

Holding her mouth and silently crying because she doesn't want to distract him from the moment and break him away from a pure, honest, and truly fulfilling moment for her son of his own free will. This is truly magic. Words cannot explain it.

I have cried so many times for this boy, but this is the very first time I have cried for a reason like this.

It's new, it's painful, it's wonderful, and it's grateful. I will always stand behind this boy (probably still crying ) but I am grateful that he will have Tornado to stand beside him. The 4 Paws magic is real. The wait is long, but this moment right here makes it worth every moment of waiting. It's worth every fight for services for my son, every diagnosis, every new provider, every dollar spent, every paper filled out, every school meeting, every shed tear, every step forward, every step back, and every wonder of the unknown future. Somehow because of this- because of Tornado- I know everything will be okay.

Image credits: 4 Paws For Ability

#3 Dog Survives Camp Fire. Found Guarding Charred Paradise Property When Owner Returns There For Them As If He Were Protecting His Former Home

Madison’s owners were unable to get home to him when the Camp Fire spread. They hoped and prayed he would be OK. When they finally got clearance to go back to the lot where their house once stood... Madison was waiting there for them as if he were protecting his former home

Image credits: K9PawPrintRescue

#4 This Posing Frog

Image credits: a6igai1

#5 Stray Doggo Interrupts Street Performance In Turkey To Help The Actor Who Was Pretending To Be Hurt. What A Pure Heart

Image credits: tilltheend0ftime

#6 True Love Knows No Fences

Image credits: ifaponfirstdate

#7 This Tiny Fox Has Been Visiting Our Garden Every Day And Wants To Be Friends

Image credits: Badders00

#8 My Son Always Texts To Say He's On His Way Home. I Open The Door, Letting His 17-Year-Old Cat, And 16-Year-Old Dog Know That He's On His Way. This Is Them Waiting For Him

Thought it was adorable and wanted to share.

Image credits: JonesMommy

#9 High Five

Image credits: psgrom

#10 In France, Peyo, A Beautiful 15-Year-Old Stallion, Often Comes To Comfort And Soothe Terminally Ill Patients At The Techer Hospital In Calais

The horse always chooses which patient he wants to see, kicking his hoof outside the door.

Image credits: sunhistory

#11 Random Girl At Farmer’s Market Seduces My Partner In Front Of My Very Eyes

Image credits: thelasttrashbender

#12 This Veterinarian Has A Comfort-Dog Assistant That Helps Sick Patients Know That Everything Will Be Alright

Image credits: W0LFPAW

#13 These Two Are Melting Everyone's Hearts

Image credits: dog_rates

#14 Jellybean Does Not Like The Cone Of Shame. He Tolerates The Flower Of Protection

Image credits: pokitgiraffe

#15 I Think Someone Has A Crush On My Christmas Light Decoration

Image credits: cyyclist

#16 She Knows She's A Big Deal

Image credits: dog_rates

#17 My Dog's Most Favorite Person In The World Is My Grandma. It Was Her 89th Birthday Yesterday, He Had To Greet Her With A Proper Hug

Image credits: puzzled-bets

#18 First "Aww Moment" With The New Puppy

Image credits: trippyyy

#19 This Is The Cutest Thing

Image credits: briellewestwood

#20 He Guarded A Bird With Broken Wing Under My Truck For Four Days Before It Could Fly Off

Had to bring them both food and water because he refused to leave its side day and night, very proud of him

Image credits: MasturbatingMiles

#21 Proud Mom Moment

Image credits: aussiesdoingthings

#22 Smol Criminal Assaulting Arresting Officer

Image credits: Am_hawk

#23 Buttercup Is Ready For The Minnesota Winter

Image credits: Onlylolita

#24 Boss Said We Could Have Office Pupper Fridays

Image credits: Pristine_Principle_9

#25 Me And My Corgi Copilot, Benson

Image credits: PAVGOD

#26 Animals Really Are Man’s Best Friend

Image credits: michellesound

#27 The True Friendship Between A Dog And A Human

Image credits: Emmasmith77xx

#28 I'm Recovering From Anorexia But My Cat Stopped Eating... Finally Worked Out That She Will Only Eat When I Do. A Very Good Reason To Keep Eating

Image credits: moonchild_86

#29 Today My Dog Kissed Her Vet While He Was Taking Her Blood Pressure

Image credits: black_flower666

#30 My Dad Was Dealing With A Lot Of Stress, So We Decided To Get Him A Dog To See If It Would Help. Judging By The Cuddle Puddle, Mission Accomplished

Image credits: Syntra44

#31 This Duck Used To Come To My Porch For Food. Recently, She Brought Her Babies. I've Been Watching Them Grow Up

Image credits: Templar_1337

#32 Wholesome Dog

Image credits: badmoodrude

#33 When One Act Of Kindness Creates A Lifelong Friendship

Image credits: plebposter

#34 Colorado Man Reunited With His Donkey, Ennis, After Fire Swept Through His Town

Image credits: BarefootUnicorn

#35 My Dog Chewed A Hole Through His Towel And Stuck His Head Through It. Now He Wears It Around The House Like A Poncho

Image credits: RedIceBreaker

#36 Two Years And Tons Of Walks Later, Shiloh Has Reached Her Target Weight

Image credits: mikerich15

#37 My Dad Was Worried My Deafblind Dog Wouldn’t Recognize Him After A Year Of Quarantine But I Think She Did

Image credits: haydenkristal

#38 These Two Have Been Inseparable Since My Wife Got Pregnant. Today’s My Wife’s Due Date. I Think Our Cat Knows

Image credits: Danyandme

#39 The House Was Way Too Quiet For A Little While Yesterday While The Foster Kittens Were Out Having Playtime And My Boyfriend Was Supposed To Be Watching Them

I walked into the living room and found everyone like this.

Image credits: mishalaluna

#40 My Foster Dog Had Never Been Indoors Before. This Is Her First Nap, On A Bed, In A Home

Sundae was taken from a dog hoarding situation — one man had 16 dogs (and a deceased dog’s body) in his backyard. The dogs had access only to a junk-filled backyard and a garage for shelter. We’ve had her for about a week and you would never know that she’s never been an indoor dog before. She’s totally potty trained, incredibly gentle and she’s very polite indoors. She loves to sleep as close as possible to me in bed — I think she’s just making up for 8ish years of zero affection.

Image credits: mugglequeen

#41 Whenever We Foster A Singleton Kitten, Our Dog Becomes Foster Mama

Image credits: pinkhairgirl37

#42 Guy Spots The Most Adorable Little Squirrels Napping Just Outside His Window

Image credits: krisstijan

#43 I Told My Dog My Father Would Come Over To Visit In A While. My Dog Adores My Father And Patiently Waited Till He Was There

Image credits: DutchieWen

#44 Every Morning, Our Cat Patiently Waits At My Sons' Bedroom Door For Them To Wake Up. And It's Not To Be Fed - He Just Can't Wait To See Them

Image credits: NuevoJerz

#45 We Fed Our Backyard Squirrel Once. Meet Frankie At Our Backyard Door Waiting For More Nuts

Image credits: chebstr

#46 Our Cat Has Been Glued To My Boyfriend After We Returned Home From A Week-Long Trip

Image credits: ninefortysix

#47 It's A Good Day

Image credits: VerbotenPublish

#48 My Wife Just Sent Me This Picture Of Our Daughter And Cat. I'm Crying At Work

Image credits: m1le_B

#49 Our Cat Had Kittens 2 Days After We Had A Baby. This Kitten Climbs Into The Lounger With Her Whenever He Has The Chance. I Think These Two Were Destined To Be Best Buds

Image credits: Hoot2687

#50 Some Images Require No Title, Just A Smile

Image credits: CountrymanR60

#51 My Friend's Golden Retriever Has Taken Quite A Shine To His Feathered Siblings

Image credits: TechnoGlobeTrotter

#52 My Mum's Colleague Has A Litter Of 5-Day-Old Bunnies, So We Went To See Them, And This Gorgeous Baby Fell Asleep In My Hands. I Think I've Been Chosen

Image credits: Marshallton

#53 Sweet Rat

Image credits: Carli_Elaine

#54 This Mother Cat Has Taken In An Abandoned Baby Possum

My neighbor's black cat had kittens and they found a baby possum on their deck that must have fallen off of its mom. The mama cat took it in as one of her kittens, but she doesn’t understand why this little funny kitten hangs on her all the time. At this point in time we need to be more like the animals, take care of each other in their time of need.

#55 Snapped This Pic Of This Huge Pitbull And His Pooh Bear While I Was Out Running Errands This Morning. So Adorable

Image credits: anders1318

#56 My Wife Sent Me This Picture When I Got Home. Smokey Knows The Sound Of My Car

Image credits: brocknachos

#57 Cute Pupper To Make Your Day Better

Image credits: dog_rates

#58 Blessed Match

Image credits: TheZombaslaya

#59 This Mare Lost Her Foal And Then, Two Days Later, This Foal Lost Its Mother. Here They Are An Hour After Meeting

Image credits: fenwai

#60 We Adopted These Two Cats The Year My Son Was Born, They've Grown Up Together And Now The Three Are Inseparable

Image credits: eehttofu

#61 This Is A Cute Size

Image credits: hebahx

#62 My Rabbit Is 10 Years Old And Has Trouble Cleaning Himself Now. Colby Stepped Up To The Plate

Image credits: BlueAndDog

#63 Made My Day

Image credits: N3tt1k

#64 Rescued From The Louisiana Floods, Still Majestic

Image credits: Pliny_the_middle

#65 Our Old Boy Is Getting Put Down Today. Somehow Our Other 2 Seem To Know, And They've Been Saying Goodbye All Morning

Image credits: Rawtashk

#66 My Mom's Rescue Dog Rico Is Best Friends With My Baby. I Interrupted Them Watching Peppa Pig

Image credits: izzygray603

#67 Think She Made Everyone's Day

Image credits: taliaphillips2

#68 Hooman, This Is My Son

Image credits: umakira

#69 My Parents' Dog Can Wink Better Than Most Of Us

Image credits: kkotbeom_

#70 My Past Neighbor Rescued A Fawn And It’s Grown Into The Family

Image credits: DrapersASmallTown

#71 I Rescued A Stray Cat In My Neighborhood. At Night His Brother Would Come To Visit Him. I Really Had No Other Options

Image credits: JDeebs

#72 My Dog Smiling, Which Made Me Smile

Image credits: inherentlydad

#73 I Got My Pup A Matching Chair So He Would Stop Stealing Mine. Needless To Say, He’s Very Pleased

Image credits: GeneticCoder23

#74 My Cat Learned That The Alarm Sound Means I Wake Up, And She Snuggles On My Chest Right After

I've been setting my alarm 30 minutes early every day to give her more happy time.

Image credits: FatCat45

#75 My Girlfriend’s Cat Decided The New Puppy Was Okay Last Night After 2 Months Of Keeping His Distance

Image credits: ktnmttns

#76 My Boy Just Had A Successful Surgery And Is Now Cancer Free

Image credits: sciencemint

#77 14-Years-Old, On Multiple Meds, Needs Help Down The Stairs… But When It Snows He Acts Like A Pupper Again

Image credits: CaptPippi

#78 Adopted Little Miss Freya Last Weekend. 1.3 Lbs Of Love

Image credits: EvergreenSasquatch

#79 Our 1st Christmas Together And Our 15th Christmas Together

Image credits: _psa115_

#80 We Get By With A Little Help From Our Friends

Image credits: mynameisktb

#81 Look At This Proud Momma! Thought Everyone Should See This Insanely Adorable Picture

Image credits: reddit.com

#82 She Got What She Wanted For Christmas

Image credits: Rag3ina

#83 A Goat Followed My Friend Home From Work

Image credits: Fuzzie8

#84 From Elementary School Drama To Motherhood, My Sam Was Always By My Side For 21 Years

Image credits: jadedali

#85 May I Introduce You To One Of My Precious Rats - Gizmo

Image credits: sabsel95

#86 A Cheetah And His Companion Dog Have Grown Up Together

Image credits: westcoastcdn19

#87 Turbo's Smile Always Makes Me Smile. This Was His Prosthetic Fitting Day

Image credits: OrthoPets-VOP

#88 I Work In IT At A University And I Had To Upgrade A Professor’s Computer And They Had A Therapy Dog. This Sweet Girl Kept Me Company The Whole Time I Worked

Image credits: Raging_Gamer14

#89 My Adopted Cat Cheering Me Up On Tough Chemo Days

Image credits: dr_nx

#90 The Hospital Let My Dog Stay With Me After A Brain Surgery

Image credits: augustusglooop

#91 She Saw The Kids Playing On It And Now She Meows Until You Rock Her

Image credits: rc1honda

#92 Flight Attendant Adopts Stray Dog Who Wouldn’t Stop Waiting For Her Outside Hotel

Image credits: Olivia Sievers

#93 "You Saved My Life. I Knew I Was Going To Die At That Shelter, But You Saved Me Today" - Dog, Saved From Euthanasia, Thanks His Savior

Image credits: Schenley Hutson Kirk

#94 My Boyfriend And I Got A Puppy Two Weeks Ago. Today I Left Him For The First Time To Start College Classes, And My Boyfriend Sent Me This

Image credits: reddit.com

#95 Somewhere In Heaven There's A Black And White Dog Taking Care Of Seven Golden Lab Puppies

Daisy the dog lost all seven of her puppies in a barn fire at the end of February, and wasn’t the same afterwards, spending most of her days going to the remains of the barn to look for them. Her owner posted a desperate appeal on Facebook, asking if anyone had puppies she could foster. The next day, an owner of eight orphaned puppies contacted her, and Daisy took to caring for them straight away

Image credits: Daisy Woodruff

#96 Yoga Studio Invites Shelter Cats To Do Yoga And Helps Them Find Homes

Image credits: Moacir

#97 I'm A Horse Vet. This Adorable Little Guy Fell Asleep On My Feet While I Talked To His People

Image credits: quantizedd

#98 My Wife's Senior Dog Can't Play Due To Arthritis But Our Puppy Loves Him Anyways

Image credits: _petros

#99 Happy 15th Birthday To My Best Friend

Image credits: thesnootylamb

#100 Morning Sickness Is Rough But This Guy Is Definitely Helping. He’ll Sleep With Her Like This For Hours

Image credits: UndrehandDrummond

#101 Hello World! I'm 15 Minutes Old

Image credits: Mari Gavasheli

#102 Ron Came To The Vet Clinic As A Stray. After A Few Weeks, He Started Making Rounds To See Patients, And Would Sit Next To Any Pet While They Were Asleep, Offering Comfort

Image credits: northfieldvethospital

#103 Anytime Someone Asks To Adopt The Pups Separately I Send Them This Picture

Image credits: the-dogtor-is-in

#104 My Handsome Old Golden Retriever/Border Collie Man (11 Years Old) Taking A Subway Ride With Me. The Best Friend I Could Ever Wish For

Image credits: 7chalices

#105 Laila Is Happy To Meet You All

Image credits: NAAnymore

#106 My Parents' Barn Cat Cuddling With The New Foster Kittens On Their Back Porch This Morning. We Were Worried He Wouldn't Like Them

Image credits: fistpumpbruh

#107 My Local Wildlife Shelter Had One Of Their Soft Release Raccoons Manage To Sneak Over The Fence And Into The Deer Pen. Adorableness Ensued

Image credits: th3dj3n1gm4

#108 After Having 3 Tumors Removed And Biopsied We Got The Call Today, Our Boy Does Not Have Cancer

Image credits: diggeo

#109 Murphy Likes To Hug My Pregnant Tum. The Baby Was Going Crazy, So I Think He Or She Can Feel The Purring Vibrations

Image credits: Transplantyourlove_

#110 We Had My Nephew For The Night, He Fell Asleep On The Sofa So Bruce Made Sure He Was Safe

Image credits: xkeshhh

#111 She Fell Asleep In My Palm As We Were Cleaning Out The Kit Nest Today

Image credits: need4s33d

#112 My Dog Adopted 2 Abandoned Kittens She’s About To Give Birth And Is Breastfeeding Them

Image credits: Separate-Fan-6242

#113 My Dad Passed Away 2 Days Ago And Was Inseparable From His Cat. He Refuses To Leave This Spot Where He Can See The Driveway. He's Waiting For My Dad To Get Home

Image credits: octokit

#114 Look At This Baby Goat, Aww

Image credits: Kronyzx

#115 Two Best Friends

Image credits: SweetLife8019

#116 They’ve Known Each Other For 4 Days

Image credits: thepipesarecall

#117 This Big Brother Helps His Baby Sister Use The Doggie Door. He Stands There And Lets The Baby Go Through His Legs

Image credits: bkrees

#118 Rejected From Police Training For Being 'Too Friendly'

Image credits: ElkShot5082

#119 "First Night From The Shelter To The New Home. I Stole Their Hearts And Their Bed. I Made Myself All Nice And Comfy There"

Image credits: stellagotherbarkback

#120 My Little Man Is Cancer Free

Image credits: natatatcatr

#121 This Makes Me Smile And Cry At The Same Time

Image credits: helen

#122 Hasn't Left My Side Since Her Failed Pregnancy. Full Term But No Babies, Everywhere I Go She's Right There Next To Me

Image credits: KaiNCftm

#123 My Good Boy Is Officially Cancer Free

Image credits: Ne0n_Galaxy

#124 The Day I Saw Her And Fell In Love vs. Today, 6 Months Later And Still Just As In Love

Image credits: maskirovkaaa

#125 My Girl Is 18 Today

Image credits: cats_and_keyboards

#126 This Feral Kitten Wondered Into My Yard A Few Weeks Ago And Has Decided It Lives Here. My Grumpy Old Tom Cat Has Taken Her In As His Own

Image credits: SVT_Devinn

#127 Here’s My Autistic Brother Playing With Some Cats That Wandered Onto Our Deck. God I Love This Image

Image credits: ThaCandianGuy917

#128 My Best Friend Turned 1 Today

Image credits: Rsweeney33

#129 10 Days Ago, Somebody Poisoned My 11-Year-Old Fluffball Leon In My Own Garden

Against all odds, he made it through and is back home recovering to cause trouble for a while longer. The veterinarian called him a miracle. So proud of you my grumpy old kitty

Image credits: Fluffy_Dragonfly_

#130 Little Helper At Auto Store

Image credits: emimuu

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3BIU1ak
via Boredpanda

If You’re Feeling Down, These 130 Wholesome Animal Pics Might Lift You Up Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
