Being broke is romanticized way too much. There are plenty of dystopian situations that mask themselves as feel-good stories. Like the idea of the "struggling artist" — we love hearing about some waiter who sacrifices their material well-being and puts all of their disposable income into their creative projects. But in reality, is there any glamor in hustling paycheck to paycheck?
Whatever the answer might be, if you want to make ends meet with empty pockets, you have to be resilient. And part of that is being honest with yourself and everyone around you about the predicament you're in. To show you how it's done, Bored Panda collected a list of very honest tweets from people who are broke and proud.

Image credits: BigJoe_KE

Image credits: coliegestudent
The number of bankruptcy filings in the United States has steadily increased over the last century, and especially so from 1980 to 2005.
In fact, bankruptcy filings hit an all-time high in 2005, when more than 2 million cases were started. In that year, one out of every 55 households went broke.
But the following year, bankruptcy filings dipped to about 600,000, the lowest point in 20 years.
Sadly, nowadays the vast majority of bankruptcies are filed by consumers, not by businesses. In 1980, for example, businesses accounted for 13 percent of cases. Today, they account for about 3 percent.

Image credits: thatshaikh

Image credits: NicCageMatch

Image credits: TheCatWhisprer
According to a 2018 study, 66.5 percent of all American bankruptcies were tied to medical issues —either because of high costs for care or time out of work.
The researchers found that roughly 530,000 families turn to bankruptcy every year because of medical issues and bills.
Other reasons include unaffordable mortgages or foreclosure, at 45 percent, closely followed by spending or living beyond one's means, at 44.4 percent, providing help to friends or relatives, at 28.4 percent, student loans, at 25.4 percent, or divorce or separation, at 24.4 percent.

Image credits: thefunnyworld

Image credits: TMWanish

Image credits: Laurrr_iee
“Unless you’re Jeff Bezos, people don’t have very good alternatives, because the insurance that is available and affordable to people, or that most people’s employers provide them, is not adequate protection if you’re sick,” a co-author of the research, Dr. David U. Himmelstein, a distinguished professor at Hunter College and founder of advocacy group Physicians for a National Health Program, said.
Most families do not have enough saved for a simple emergency, let alone thousands of dollars in unexpected medical costs.
Over three-quarters of all full-time workers are living paycheck to paycheck, according to a report from jobs site CareerBuilder, and just 40 percent of Americans are able to cover an unexpected $1,000 expense with their savings, according to another survey from personal finance website Bankrate.
So sadly, it looks like we will see a lot more similar tweets in the future as well.

Image credits: BronxAF

Image credits: BacklineNurse

Image credits: shutupmikeginn

Image credits: steverox777

Image credits: SaluteEm_Rat

Image credits: SpenceDen

Image credits: HomeProbably

Image credits: david8hughes

Image credits: @thatdutchperson

Image credits: ArfMeasures

Image credits: peachesanscream

Image credits: ColIegeStudent

Image credits: sophiamaws

Image credits: chuuzus

Image credits: Playing_Dad

Image credits: nobcyousuuck

Image credits: Sassafrantz

Image credits: shutupmikeginn

Image credits: sadgirlkms

Image credits: slodwick

Image credits: chrismsotto

Image credits: bobvulfov
from Bored Panda
via Boredpanda