36 Hard-To-Swallow Pills Women In This Online Group Learned Over The Years

Life is full of surprises, and nobody can guarantee you that these surprises will only be positive. There are nearly 8 billion folks on this planet, living with their own quirks and personalities, and chances are someone on your way will end up disappointing you. It's safe to say that one of the most crucial reasons why everything is, more or less, emotionally tiring is because we attach our happiness to others. 

We struggle to accept our importance, and we only pay attention to how we can satisfy everyone else around us. We put ourselves aside, forgetting that we're supposed to thrive and not survive – though, for most of us, this sort of epiphany comes with age when you finally understand that there's no more room for negativity. 

An online user wondered and took it to one of Reddit's communities to ask women to share their own versions of hard-to-swallow pills they've managed to learn over the years. The post received nearly 4K upvotes and 1.5K worth of emotional yet encouraging stories. 

More info: Reddit


You can do everything right and still get f**ked. You can’t control that.

Image credits: definitive-airwave


That no one cares. This sounds pessimistic but I really don’t mean it that way. When it comes to medical issues, boundaries with friends, or relationships, no one cares about you the way you do, and no one will advocate for you the way you can. You need to value yourself and take action as if no one else will, because in all likelihood, they won’t.

Image credits: queensguardian1


You can be every thing they want- and they will want something else.

Image credits: grianmharduit


If a man is pushy about small things he will probably be pushy in other ways too.

Image credits: SnooTigers6225


That sometimes you can be the toxic one, even if you have the best intentions. Accountability is important

Image credits: lioness-2208


Don’t assume people will treat you with the same kindness you treated them with.

Image credits: motherofsmallones


That there is often little to no correlation between effort and outcome. I've been successful at some things with little effort and a lot of luck. I've poured my entire soul into other things and still utterly failed.

Image credits: ultimate_ampersand


I am never going to be thin and that’s perfectly fine. Turns out it’s a lot easier to live your life when you’re not constantly consumed with hating your own body!

Image credits: s**tforcompassion


The world isn't fair and sometimes people just suck.

Image credits: Shallow-ishPuddle


You can do everything right in college and have honors, connections, and experience, and still not find a career when you graduate

Image credits: everythinglatte


There’s going to come a point where the right thing to do won’t feel good at all. There are some things in life that you have to do, and they will break you down and hurt more than anything. But they’re still the right thing. And you will have to live with that.

Image credits: fill_the_birdfeeder


Your parents are people too with their own issues.

Image credits: underscorehey


Financial freedom is the only freedom

Image credits: The-Clumsy-Pirate


Very few people care about you. Like at all. Even most of your acquaintances and relatives; often even so-called friends.

Exceptions exist for a select small group of "special" people.

Image credits: VeronicaMarsupial


Depression doesn't go away.

Image credits: nosiriamadreamer


If they like you, you won’t be confused

Image credits: Persiope


Not everyone who comes into your life is meant to stay. Regardless of how much it hurts, sometimes you just have to let people go.

Image credits: Imperfect-Magic


Your parents don’t actually always know or want what’s best for you, sometimes it is what’s best for them and/or the society they lived in.

Image credits: DisneyUp


That misogyny is so deeply ingrained in most cultures that most people don't recognize it when they look it in the eyes.

And that women, acting from internalized misogyny, can be as dangerous to you in non-sexual ways as men.

Image credits: pucemoon


That the only person who’s gonna take care of me, is me.

Image credits: msha7


That seeing someone's potential means nothing unless they try to fulfill it on their own

Image credits: ScorpioWaterSign


After about the age of 25 I realized I had to work to stay healthy - physically and otherwise. Did not see that coming and it felt really unfair at first, then I realized that if that's my bar for unfair then I've had a pretty f**king good life so far and I should count my blessings and go run.

Image credits: thewhitewallisblue


People still dont owe you anything even if you're willing to risk your life for them. It's still their decision if they're gonna lift a finger for you and you shouldn't feel entitled for anyone's time and attention.

Image credits: adobocute


I overthink too much. Don't overthink everything or you will make yourself miserable.

Image credits: Ian Sane


You can wait until circumstance motivates you out of your bad habits, but banking on future motivation risks you wasting most of your life.

Image credits: coconutfi


People will think the worst of you no matter how good you try to be.

Image credits: hopkins_notakpopper


"You let them treat you that way."

-My therapist on the takers in my life of giving endlessly.

Image credits: ThankGrace


He's just not into you

Image credits: But-srsly


Only you can be the hero you needed as a kid.

Image credits: Sanaria21


Sleeping with someone too early into the relationship probably isn’t a good idea.

Image credits: cookieana


My instinct was right and i let others talk me into ignoring it for years.


Looks do matter. To be successful, you need to put effort in your appearance to get the proper respect you deserve. Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg may be able to get away with wearing the same shirt and jeans but if you do it, no one will take you seriously

Image credits: VariousGift9742


At work - I will have to work twice as hard for half the respect.

Image credits: Three3Jane


Being single over 25 will lead people to harshly judge you. Being single over 30 will lead to even more criticism and people will try to shame you


That our bodies have an expiration date to have children. The longer you wait, or the longer it takes to find a partner that you can actually see your life with, the higher the risk it is to try and conceive.

Sometimes I also believe women often feel pressured to have kids before they are truly ready (mentally, physically, financially), just because the chances to have a healthy baby are higher at a younger age.

Image credits: cucumberpincone


He doesn’t want to just be your friend

Image credits: ItsjustaFearBoner

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3secf0s
via Boredpanda

36 Hard-To-Swallow Pills Women In This Online Group Learned Over The Years Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
