The Sony World Photography Awards is an esteemed photography competition that celebrates the finest works of photographers and artists worldwide. It consists of four contests: Professional, Open, Student, and Youth. With no entry fee, participants have a chance to win the top prize of $25,000 and gain recognition for their photography careers. The Sony World Photography Awards are highly regarded in the industry for elevating photographers' profiles and acknowledging their artistic contributions.
The World Photography Organization and Sony announced the winners of the 16th edition of the Sony World Photography Awards. The winners, hailing from diverse parts of the world, were presented with awards showcasing their contemporary and imaginative photography. The winners are awarded digital imaging equipment from Sony, and the Photographer of the Year and Open Photographer of the Year receive $25,000 and $5,000, respectively.
If you would like to see more Bored Panda posts about the previous editions of The Sony World Photography Awards, click here, here, or here.
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#1 Creative, 1st Place: The Right To Play By Lee-Ann Olwage
"What do girls dream of? And what happens when a supportive environment is created where girls are empowered and given the opportunity to learn and dream? The Right to Play creates a playful world where girls are shown in an empowered and affirming way.
Worldwide, it is estimated that around 129 million girls are out of school and only 49 percent of countries have achieved gender parity in primary education, with the gap widening at the secondary school level. Every day, girls face barriers to education caused by poverty, cultural norms, and practices such as FGM, poor infrastructure, and violence.
For this project, I worked with girls from Kakenya’s Dream in Enoosaen, Kenya who have avoided FGM and child marriage, showing what the world can look like when girls are given the opportunity to continue learning in an environment that supports them and their dreams."

Image credits: Lee-Ann Olwage
Bored Panda has reached out to Edgar Martins, who won The Photographer of the Year at the 2023 Sony World Photography Awards, to learn more about his work. First, we asked him to share with us the inspiration behind the 'Our War' project and his approach to it. Edgar told us: “Our War is a previously unseen series of images produced over a period of 3 years in Libya and North Africa that forms part of an overarching project symptomatically titled 'Anton’s hand is made of guilt. No muscle or bone. He has two clinically depressed fingers and an angry thumb’.
It uses as a jumping-off point a speculative investigation into the death and disappearance of a close friend of mine, the photojournalist Anton Hammerl, during the 2011 Libyan war. As his mortal remains are missing to this day, I set out to produce a project inspired by his story but also rooted in a very simple premise: how does one tell a story when there is no witness, no testimony, no evidence, no subject? Moreover, how does one grieve in the absence of all these things?”
#2 Portraiture, 2nd Place: Afghanistan’s Girl Athletes By Ebrahim Noroozi
"A number of women and girls who used to play sports pose for portraits with the equipment of the sports they loved. They hid their identities with their burqas, robes, and hood that cover the face, leaving only a mesh to see through. They don’t normally wear the burqa, but said they sometimes choose to when they go outside and want to remain anonymous and avoid harassment.
The ban on sports is just one way the Taliban has shut down life for girls and women since their takeover in August 2021. It has also barred girls from attending middle and high school; ordered all women to be thrown out of universities; severely limited women’s ability to work outside the home; and, in November 2022, the Taliban’s Ministry of Virtue prohibited women and girls from going to parks or gyms."

Image credits: Ebrahim Noroozi
#3 Portraiture, 1st Place: Our War By Edgar Martins

“By retracing Anton’s steps, some of the places he visited, the place where he met his end, by engaging with people involved in the conflict (individuals that fought in the war or their descendants, freedom fighters, ex-militia, Gaddafi loyalists, local residents, Libyan dissidents in hiding, but also individuals that didn’t experience the traumas of war directly but which were interested in sharing and enacting their stories), by finding meaningful intersections between both our journeys and understanding the motivations behind his, I was able to step into his shoes, even if momentarily.
Notwithstanding, this project is about much more than honoring my dear friend. It portrays a complex story, warped by absences, that talks of the difficulty of documenting, testifying, witnessing, remembering, and imagining. This project explores new visual representational methods and techniques to interrogate conflict and trauma and enable innovative approaches to respond to war, photographic ethics, and dealing with bereavement, loss, and missing persons.”
#4 Wildlife & Nature, 3rd Plac:; Billions Of Synchronous Fireflies Light Up A Tiger Reserve By Sriram Murali
"Searching for stars near my hometown of Pollachi, India, I was led to the forests of the Anamalai Tiger Reserve. The further I moved away from the towns and their lights, the darker it got and the more I could see stars and fireflies.
I was fascinated by the hundreds of fireflies flashing at the edge of the forest but recalled hearing stories of trees laden with fireflies deep in the forest. So, in April 2022, I set out to a remote area of the reserve with forest officials. Flashes of green started appearing at twilight and as the Place; grew dark, millions of fireflies started synchronizing their flashes across several trees. The flashes would start in one tree and continue across other trees like a Mexican wave.
Such large congregations of fireflies are very rare, and this series captures the phenomenon of fireflies turning an entire forest into a magical carpet of yellowish-green light. The images were created by stacking several photographs."

Image credits: Sriram Murali
#5 Photographer Of The Year: Our War By Edgar Martins
"In 2011, my friend the photojournalist Anton Hammerl traveled to Libya to cover the conflict between pro-regime and anti-Gaddafi forces. On 5 April he was abducted and killed by government militia. Frustrated by the lack of progress in the investigation to find his mortal remains, in 2022 I traveled to Libya. This previously unseen body of work is structured as a portrait of Anton through the people he photographed and met, and others involved in the conflict."

Image credits: Edgar Martins
Next, we wanted to find out how the photographer managed to find a balance between the need to document the conflict and its impact on the people of Libya with his desire to create a portrait of Anton Hammerl. Martins answered: “This is not a documentary project, nor does it document the conflict per se, as I traveled to Libya 10 years after the civil war took place. The project was also produced in neighboring countries as there were aspects of the work that could simply not be produced in Libya.
The Libyan War is the background story of a universal story about loss and friendship. It is important to make a distinction between the reality of the situation and how I imagined this reality to be in the 10 years prior to traveling to Libya. In the absence of all of the things I mentioned previously (testimony, evidence, witness, subject, etc.), an imagined reality of the conflict, the people, and the circumstances of Anton’s demise was all I had. So I wanted these two dimensions to collide, overlap, and blur in my work. I knew from the outset that whilst I would need to retrace Anton’s physical journey I would also need to go beyond this. I needed to connect with people, find the right ‘protagonists’ and subjects, find the right approach, and ultimately weave this narrative in an engaging and ethical way.
When the full project is finally presented to the public, next year, the portraits will only be a small part of it. The project includes sound recordings, drawings, immersive AV projections, and a short film.”
#6 Documentary Projects, 2nd Place: Gaza Struggles To Accommodate The Living And The Dead As The Population Grows By Mohammed Salem
"While the authorities grapple with a growing demand for new housing in the densely populated Gaza Strip, a battle for space is pitting the living against the dead, as homeless squatters settle in the area’s cemeteries,
The pressure on space in the cemeteries reflects a mounting demographic crisis in Gaza, where the population is set to more than double within the next 30 years. The land is running out and competition for scarce Gaza real estate is understandably fierce, with an ever-increasing demand for both housing and farming land to help feed the growing population. Now, even the dead are affected, as their resting places are pressured by squatters and the relentless realities of a growing population with nowhere else to go."

Image credits: Mohammed Salem
#7 Portraiture, 3rd Place: Egungun Voodoo Society, Benin By Jean-Claude Moschetti
"The Egungun association is a secret voodoo society that honors the spirits of their ancestors and perpetuates their memories. These ancestral spirits are believed to be in constant watch over their living relatives; they bless, protect and warn them, but can also punish them depending on whether they remember or neglect them.
The spirits can also protect a community against evil spirits, epidemics, witchcraft, and evil doers, ensuring their well-being, and may even be invited to come to earth physically. When they do, the Egungun are the receptacles of these spirits, appearing in the streets day or night, leaping, dancing or walking, and uttering loud cries. The spirit is supposed to have returned from the land of the dead to ascertain what is going on, so can be considered a kind of supernatural inquisitor who appears from time to time to inquire into the general domestic conduct of people and punish misdeeds."

Image credits: Jean-Claude Moschetti
Then, we wanted to find out more about some of the most significant challenges Edgar Martins encountered when photographing in Libya. The photographer said: “Mostly logistical, but also to do with access. It took a lot of planning and preparation and assembling the right team of people. And a steadfast commitment to come back again and again. It also took resources and patience.”
#8 Open Photographer Of The Year: Dinorah Graue Obscura, Mexico

Image credits: Dinorah Graue Obscura
#9 Outstanding Contribution To Photography: Untitled, From The Series Illuminance, 2009: Rinko Kawauchi, Japan
One of the most important Japanese photographers working today, Kawauchi has achieved international renown for her intimate and luminous images, capturing ephemeral moments of everyday life.

Image credits: Rinko Kawauchi
We were interested if the photographer encountered any ethical dilemmas while photographing in a conflict zone, and how he navigated them. Edgar explained: “This entire project was an ethical dilemma. How one talks about war, how one photographs people, how one can engender an ethical remembering of a deceased person, the issues around representation in photography, how to talk about the difficulty of documenting and testifying… all of these concerns were paramount in mind.
I’ve always had a particular concern about photography's proclivity to disavow its subjects, either inadvertently misrepresenting or outright exploiting them. When the power dynamics between photographer and subject are not kept in check it often leads to photographers producing images whose sole purpose, in my view, only serves to confirm the already held opinions within the dominant ideology about the particular subject the photographer is working on. This approach only serves to reinforce the act of photographing and photography itself as apotropaic devices.
So take the example of war, how often have we seen these tropes: the rebel as the good guy, the freedom fighter as the ideologue, the militias as the bad guys, the conflict reduced to binary polarities such as the aggressors vs. victims? The reality is always much more nuanced than this.”
#10 Youth Photographer Of The Year: China Mainland By Hai Wang

Image credits: Hai Wang
#11 Student Photographer Of The Year: Keep The Yunnan Opera By Long Jing

Image credits: Long Jing
“So in order to distance the viewer from the way in which it is used to consume these kinds of stereotypes, not only did I photograph the people one might expect me to, but also individuals enacting their stories. These ranged from descendants of people that fought in the conflict but that didn’t experience the horrors of war directly, local residents whose support we need for access or information and whom we’d invite along to participate in photoshoots so we could share our stories with them and learn about theirs, etc. There is a variety of differences in the work.
Some of these photographic sessions were cathartic and reconciliatory. And this made me realize that photographs don’t have to be the end goal but a means to an end. A means to bring people together and share their personal stories.
By employing this approach the viewer is never really sure who is represented in the images. And this not only disrupts the voyeurism usually inherent in the consumption of this kind of imagery but it is also a way for me to protect those I am collaborating with. There is a certain indignity in speaking for others. I’m much more interested in creating conditions in which people that may not have a voice can speak for themselves.”
#12 Portfolio, 2nd Place: Portfolio By Marylise Vigneau
"In 2022, much of the world reopened, and I could finally continue some of my long-term projects that had been interrupted by the Covid crisis. These images are a collection of contrasting moments found on the way: a Cuban actress shines in the Havana night; a woman about to turn 100 recalls the Soviet famine that took her father; a young girl crowned with dandelions embodies the spirit of youth. 2022 was a cruel year in many ways, but the possibility of encountering people again and listening to their stories was genuine solace."

Image credits: Marylise Vigneau
#13 Latin America Professional Award Recipient: Guardians Of The Glaciers By Angela Ponce

Image credits: Angela Ponce
Asked about the advice he could give to aspiring photographers who want to document conflicts and humanitarian crises, Edgar mentioned: “Prepare your trip carefully. Make sure you have a network of contacts on the ground and above all ask yourself if you’re the right person to tell the story you’re looking to tell. 95% of the time you aren’t.
I believe there is a place for photography in war, but we need to model a way of seeing that answers 4 key questions: How can images talk about the situation of agency and the difficulty of testifying at any precise moment in history? How can images create the conditions that enable us to imagine for ourselves? How can photographs engender ethical remembering? How can images reveal and resist at the same time?”
#14 Portfolio, 3rd Place: Riverland And Other Projects By Marjolein Martinot
"A portfolio of work from different projects including Riverland, an analog photography project that I started in 2020. It depicts various scenes – portraits, still lives, and landscapes – taken in and around the rivers and waterways of Southern France. With the series I want to portray the way a meandering river echoes the continuing and unexpected course that life takes."

Image credits: Marjolein Martinot
#15 Wildlife & Nature, 1st Place: Cities Gone Wild By Corey Arnold
"Cities Gone Wild is an exploration of three savvy animals --- black bears, coyotes, and raccoons --- that have uniquely equipped to survive and even thrive in the human-built landscape while other animals are disappearing. I tracked these animals in cities across America to reveal a more intimate view of how wildlife is adapting to increased urbanization."

Image credits: Corey Arnold
Lastly, we were curious to find out what his initial reaction was when Martins learned that he had won the Sony World Photography Award for Photographer of the Year. The photographer said: “I was truly overwhelmed. It took me by surprise just how emotive an experience it was. Obviously, it’s a huge honor to win such an award but the reason why it felt particularly emotive was that I got to share my friend’s story on a world stage and therefore bring attention to the family’s fight to find his remains.”
#16 Documentary Projects, 1st Place: The Women’s Peace Movement In Congo By Hugh Kinsella Cunningham
"Nearly 20 years on from a conflict that killed five million people, the Democratic Republic of Congo is once again sliding into chaos. As the renewed conflict with the M23 rebels caught the world’s attention this year, the vital contribution of women to peace remains invisible. Despite escalating violence, some women track human rights violations, warn of impending violence and plead with rebel leaders to stop attacks. In doing so, they take immense risks."

Image credits: Hugh Kinsella Cunningham
#17 Environment, 2nd Place: The Dying River By Jonas Kakó
"The Colorado River once stretched over 2,000 kilometers, from the Rocky Mountains to the Gulf of California, across the western United States. But the river has been drying up and no longer reaches the delta because extensive agriculture and diversion of water to metropolitan areas led to changes. Dams, huge canal systems, and growing cities in the desert. Today over 44 million people depend on the water of Colorado, but less snowfall in the Mountains intensifies the struggle for water rights. Farmers have to file for bankruptcy, hedge funds buy farms to get water rights. The Cucupá, live in the Colorado Delta. 'As a child, I often went swimming in the river, today I fish in the wastewater from agriculture,' says Leticia Galavis Sainz (51). 'The Cucupá have always made a living from fishing, but without the river, our culture dies too!'"

Image credits: Jonas Kakó
#18 Lifestyle, Open Competition: Markus Pasa, Austria

Image credits: Markus Pasa
#19 Environment, 1st Place: Miruku By Marisol Mendez & Federico Kaplan
"Miruku focuses on the Wayuus, an indigenous population from La Guajira, Colombia’s coastal desert. Commissioned by the 1854/British Journal of Photography and WaterAid, the project examines how a combination of climate change issues and human negligence has led its various members to experience a stifling water shortage. In the region, the problem is cyclical and polymorphous. While some communities can achieve certain stability during rainy seasons, temperatures are bound to rise, drying up the land again. Global warming only aggravates this, causing droughts and famine, and spoiling the facilities and installations that help source clean water."

Image credits: Marisol Mendez & Federico Kaplan
#20 Portfolio, 1st Place: Portfolio By James Deavin
"This portfolio was shot in the first half of 2022 in Saudi Arabia, where I was based at the time. Given more time, I think these pictures would have fallen into more defined projects or narratives, perhaps relating to the large migrant worker and expat population (of which I was part), or Saudi car culture. As it is, I believe this collection shows my style and technique as a photographer – there is no deliberate connection between the images other than I was searching for special photographs that could eventually develop into projects."

Image credits: James Deavin
#21 Still Life, 1st Place: The Sky Garden By Kechun Zhang
"Landscape gardening is a practice dating back to ancient times; Nebuchadnezzar II of the Babylonian Empire built a garden complex in the sky for his homesick princess consort, which was known as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The Sky Garden series takes its name from this history.
Three years ago I settled down in Wenjiang, and there is a tree nursery within walking distance of my home. Exotic trees and rocks from all over the world can be seen there, including Japanese black pines and maple trees. There are workers lifting these trees and rocks with mobile cranes every day, transporting them, and planting them in newly built parks, neighborhoods, or streets in the city. I walk through the woods and take photographs when the trees and rocks are being lifted into the air. Together, these images create The Sky Garden series."

Image credits: Kechun Zhang
#22 Landscape, 1st Place: Event Horizon By Kacper Kowalski
"At the start of winter, I set out on a journey in search of harmony. Driven by instinct, I ventured further and further until I passed the boundaries of rationality. Whether it was fog or snow, frost or thaw, I took to the sky to see if it was possible to fly. When I could, I flew over frozen bodies of water, fascinated by their icy forms. Between January and March, I made 76 solo flights in a gyrocopter or a motorized paraglider, covering around 10,000 kilometers (6,200 miles) and spending 200 hours in the air. My photographs were taken from a height of approximately 50-150 meters (165-495 feet) above bodies of water near Tricity in northern Poland."

Image credits: Kacper Kowalski
#23 Architecture & Design, 3rd Place: In Memoriam: Muralla Roja By Ricardo Bofill By Andres Gallardo Albajar
"Designed by Ricardo Bofill, the Muralla Roja apartment complex is one of the most iconic pieces of Spanish architecture. Over the years I have revisited this place to photograph it again and again. On my last visit, in December 2021, my goal was to create a totally different series by capturing the Muralla Roja during the day, at sunset, at night and at sunrise. I started shooting very early in the morning and continued well into the night. I then woke early to experience an unforgettable sunrise. Sadly, Bofill passed away just a few weeks after my visit, so I consider this series to be a personal tribute to him and his legacy."

Image credits: Andres Gallardo Albajar
#24 Environment, 3rd Place: Green Dystopia By Axel Javier Sulzbacher
"The popularity of avocados has exploded in recent decades, with the burden of the rising demand falling mainly on the Mexican state of Michoacan. High international demand has led to more extensive and numerous plantations, with forests now being cleared illegally to plant more avocados. It is easy to see why, as more than 300,000 jobs directly or indirectly depend on the production and trade of avocados in the region, which generates an annual revenue of US$2.5 billion.
In 2021, Michoacán produced some 1.8 million tons of green fruit, and drug cartels have now become drawn to the revenue potential from the avocado trade. As violence escalates, the government has had to send in the military to maintain order, and in mid-2022, exports to the United States – the largest consumer of the fruit – had to be halted temporarily."

Image credits: Axel Javier Sulzbacher
#25 Sport, 3rd Place: Adeus 'O Rey' By Nicola Zolin
"The last goodbye to ‘O Rey’ Edson Arantes do Nascimento Pelé, the most famous Brazilian footballer ever. Considered the best footballer in the world by many people, Pelé, who died at the age of 82, scored over 1,000 goals in his career."

Image credits: Nicola Zolin
#26 Landscape, 3rd Place: Loss And Damage By Fabio Bucciarelli
"South Sudan has been plagued by political violence and instability since its independence from Sudan in 2011. Now it is experiencing massive floods for the fourth consecutive year. Since 2019, unprecedented rainy seasons have submerged large parts of the country’s landscape. Heavy rains and floods have swept away people’s homes, properties, crops, livestock, schools, and healthcare centers, and caused extensive infrastructural damage to roads and bridges. The climate crisis is bringing further challenges to this already vulnerable country."

Image credits: Fabio Bucciarelli
#27 Sustainability Prize Winner: Atrapanieblas (Fog Nets) By Alessandro Cinque

Image credits: Alessandro Cinque
#28 Architecture, Open Competition: Angiolo Manetti, Italy

Image credits: Angiolo Manetti
#29 Wildlife & Nature, 2nd Place: Small Backlit Animals By Adalbert Mojrzisch
"Small, inconspicuous, mostly grey insects, spiders, and crabs reveal many colors and interesting structures under high magnification and polarised backlight. All of these high-resolution photographs were taken through a microscope using a self-made setup, and the raw images were processed, stacked, and retouched."

Image credits: Adalbert Mojrzisch
#30 Architecture & Design, 1st Place: Cement Factory By Fan Li
"Tieshan cement factory is located in Guilin City in south China. The factory was built in 1996 and played an important role in Guilin’s economic development and urban construction. However, because it was originally located in the Li River Scenic Area of Guilin, the factory has now been relocated, leaving behind the old buildings, water towers, pools, and railway tracks."

Image credits: Fan Li
#31 Creative, 2nd Place: Lupus Hominarius By Noemi Comi
"Lupus Hominarius refers to the legends of Calabria, Italy, surrounding the figure of the werewolf. According to folklore, you could become a werewolf as a result of a curse or through infections, bites or pacts with the devil. The legend shared by many towns in Calabria relates to the ‘first wedding night’, in which the bride dies at the hands of her werewolf husband while the two are consummating their marriage. Very often, such tales were created to prevent women from going out alone in the village, especially at night."

Image credits: Noemi Comi
#32 Documentary Projects, 3rd Place: Inside The Hamar Weyne Fish Market - Mogadishu, Somalia By Tariq Zaidi
"The Hamar Weyne fish market, in the heart of Mogadishu, is a vital hub for the fish trade. Located just a few meters from the old port, it is the busiest and most important fish market in the city, with hundreds of fishermen relying on it to sell their catch. Despite the challenges posed by the ongoing civil war and a lack of investment in the sector, the market remains a key source of employment and economic activity."

Image credits: Tariq Zaidi
#33 Sport, 2nd Place: Mundialito By Andrea Fantini
"Mundialito is the nickname of one of the most important indigenous football cups in South America. The event started in 1992 and currently gathers 80 men’s and 32 women’s teams from Peruvian, Bolivian, and Colombian Amazonian communities in a 12-day championship.
However, its importance goes far beyond the football championship. The Mundialito is a Place; where bonds between the indigenous communities are consolidated. Dances and celebrations are essential parts of this competition, which fulfills an important social and political function of resistance and empowerment against the disintegrating forces acting on the native Amazonian communities."

Image credits: Andrea Fantini
#34 Sport, 1st Place; Female Pro Baseball Player Succeeds In All Male Pro League By Al Bello
"Kelsie Whitmore is the first female professional baseball player to play in an all-male pro league. She plays outfield and pitches for the Staten Island Ferryhawks in the Atlantic League of professional baseball. Her debut in the Atlantic League was as a pinch runner on 22 April 2022, and on 1 May she became the first woman to start an Atlantic League game when she played as a left fielder. Just three days later she was the first woman to pitch in an Atlantic League game and on 3 September 2022 Kelsie became the first woman to record a hit in association with Major League Baseball."

Image credits: Al Bello
#35 Landscape, 2nd Place: Postcards From Afghanistan After Forty Years Of War By Bruno Zanzotter
"Central Asia was once traversed by numerous peoples, traders and armies. Afghanistan was at the heart of this world, as it welcomed those who traveled across Asia, yet arguably none of the invaders ever completely left. These images document a journey through Afghanistan after 40 years of war and four years of drought."

Image credits: Bruno Zanzotter
#36 Still Life, 3rd Place: Cryogenia By Jagoda Malanin
"I started working with Astrida Neimanis’ concept of hydrofeminism and ‘becoming a body of water’. In addition to the rapid melting of Arctic glaciers, Neimanis also cites studies that show elevated levels of toxins in Inuit mother’s milk, which gets there from pollution in rivers, oceans, and precipitation, as well as from the poisoned seafood they ingest.
I am interested not in the flux, but in the moment of freezing and the Cryogenian period. The Cryogenian was a time of drastic biosphere changes that saw the start of severe glaciation and the entire planet entering a state known as Snowball Earth. The objects I photograph are small treasures chosen by my daughter that are frozen into ice shapes. Is it done in order to survive the catastrophe? What will become of us? Of all our treasures? Of the tons of rubbish floating in the water? I do not know. I only know that the question is worth asking."

Image credits: Jagoda Malanin
#37 Architecture & Design, 2nd Place: Stal - Vernacular Animal Sheds By Servaas Van Belle
"Livestock shelters in fields are so common in the Belgian landscape that nobody pays them much attention, but the countryside offers a range of architectural gems in many shapes, materials, and colors.
For five years I crisscrossed Belgium to find just the right kind of shed, carefully listing them so I was prepared to photograph them in ‘perfect’ lighting conditions, by which I mean dense fog. The fog was necessary to isolate and valorize the construction – without it, the shed is just an extra in the landscape. As fog is unpredictable, I never knew how long it would last, and the project took several years to complete.
In a way, a photograph of a weather-beaten shed is an allegory for our lives: we all muddle on, we try our best, we carry the scars and we all die horizontally in the end. Humans harbor a deep longing for shelter, warmth, and security and that is perhaps what makes these wondrous little structures so human."

Image credits: Servaas Van Belle
#38 Still Life, 2nd Place: La Visita By Carloman Macidiano Céspedes Riojas
"'Don't bring anything, I just want you to come and visit me’ is one of the phrases most repeated by the inmates of Picsi prison, located in the city of Chiclayo in northern Peru. But many visitors do not want to arrive empty-handed, despite the strict controls.
Guisella D explains how ‘I get up at five in the morning to cook fried fish with cassava, which is one of my husband’s favorite dishes. Then I go to the market to buy permitted fruits like bananas and oranges, and by six in the morning, I am in the queue to enter the prison. Sometimes it is stressful: the lines are endless and the murderous sun and the earth ruin your skin. The only consolation is to arrive and meet my partner again. Then you forget about the shameful controls, and the sun, until next Sunday’.
These images represent different visits; the tenderness, affection, and company of parents, brothers, children, and wives. The one who visits also suffers."

Image credits: Carloman Macidiano Céspedes Riojas
#39 Creative, 3rd Place: Africa Blues By Edoardo Delille & Giulia Piermartiri
"What will the atlas that future generations study look like? How can a photograph show the future? Due to climate change, some of the most radical transformations to the world map will be visible in just a few decades. Our idea was to find a way to show what the landscape might look like in some places at the end of the century, compared to the world we live in today.
Mozambique is one of the most climate-vulnerable countries. Droughts, floods, and sudden storms are episodes that now alternate and repeat themselves every year, radically altering the morphology of the landscape. Using a special slide projector, we physically projected an image of the landscape’s possible transformation onto the land itself. The result is a series of complex and dreamlike photographs that become a metaphoric projection of a not-too-distant future."

Image credits: Edoardo Delille & Giulia Piermartiri
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