45 Things That Are Easier For Women To Do, According To These Reponses Online

Whilst men and women each have their own struggles to contend with, there are certain advantages in life for each sex. Recently, one user on r/AskReddit wondered what these were and asked, "What is easier to do if you're a woman?"

There are some surprising answers, including ones where we'd never imagine that the physical difference gives them the upper hand. There are also a few that bring up some interesting points about how men are considered in society compared to the ‘fairer’ sex. Check out the best answers that we've collected below.


Work with children.

As someone who works in early childhood education I've had the cops called on me three times when I took my kiddos to the park. Thankfully I know the beat cop quite well so it has never caused me any real issues, but the fact that people see "Adult man...interacting with children???" and assume I'm a violent predator honestly hurts a lot.

My team is all big, burly, heavily tattooed men, but we are all insanely qualified to do our jobs, but that all means nothing to some random Karen who sees scary-looking me give piggyback rides or do a girl's braids. I had a bad childhood and just want to care of the little ones, kindly fuck off.

Image credits: CaucasianDelegation


Seek help for domestic violence

Image credits: rhonaldreagan


Knowing for certain that the baby is yours

Image credits: endl0s


Wear another gender's clothing.

Image credits: SYLOH


Physical contact? If I feel like it if I need a hug, I can just cuddle with my girlfriends. I don't think it's that easy for guys...

Image credits: LisslO_o


Consoling a lost child in public (more to the perception of male threat, no matter how unfounded)

Image credits: Sinnes-loeschen


Changing babies in public. Many men's rooms do not have baby changing stations.

Image credits: DJD119


Get support from others.

I tend to feel completely alone in my suffering, most times when I talk to someone they just wanna tell me to "tough it out" and "be a man".

Sorry, I'm in grief from my son dying in my arms and my chronic illness has taken a turn for the worse this year and I'm just fuckin depressed all the fucking time.

Yet everyone wants me to continue my life and my job as if everything is honky dorey.

Image credits: sobedragon07


I'm not afraid of getting accidentally hit in my private parts. It can hurt, but not nearly as much as men I believe.


Small thing but telling what a lotion/deodorant/body wash/shampoo smells like by the label. Women’s is just labeled like vanilla or lavender but men’s get dumb names like wolf hawk or champion.

Image credits: WeavBOS


Compliment any complete stranger. As a dude, I have to very careful complimenting strangers. I will actually tell my wife, “check her hair out, it’s super cool. Will you tell her?” And she will, and it made that stranger’s day. Just wish I could do that more often without being seen as creepy.

This especially applies to children. It’s a big no-no for a 41 year old guy to compliment a child saying they look super pretty. Woman - no issue.

Image credits: _Mikey_Boy_


Fun answer - Its easier for women to learn how to rock climb. Men will use their upper body strength as an early crutch and muscle their way up a wall, while women have to develop correct form and technique to do as well when first beginning. This leads to much better climbers from my observation.

Sad answer - physically abuse the opposite sex. Many times if a man is in a physically abusive relationship others will assume he isn't or can't be abused. There are numerous videos where actors has shown women hitting men in public and at best no one helps, some will even laugh. Switch the roles and everyone comes running to help a women being physically abused by aman.

Image credits: Takataz


Sit down on a chair without accidentally sitting on yourself.

Image credits: dusmeyedin


Tons of martial arts throws. Female center of mass is lower down in the body than male center of mass, even before accounting for height differences, and it's absolutely crucial to certain martial arts throws.

Like, you know that one throw you see all the time in movies where someone grabs a person from behind, and that person just leans forward and rolls them over their shoulder? Yeah that's almost impossible for most men to do unless the stunt person grabbing them is helping with it. But for your typical woman it's literally as easy as leaning forward, it takes basically no strength, it's all leverage.

I'm a man who practices mixed martial arts and four times out of five when I'm sparring a woman and I lose against her, it's because she threw me.


Touch your friends I think

Image credits: NationalPassion9144


Binaural Hearing. Using headphones, play different recordings per ear which each contain mostly gibberish with the occasional intelligible word thrown in.

Women are consistently better at recognising the words, particularly when two intelligible words are played at the same time. Men have more difficulty with this.

The reason this experiment is fascinating and repeated many times is that cis women and trans* women perform just as well as each other, with trans* men and cis men together doing generally worse. We don't know why.


Carry anything on your hip

Image credits: goneuphoric


Ask for help.

Image credits: Smil3yAngel


Apparently women fighter pilots handle g-forces better than men, mainly due to being shorter and their heart not having to work so hard to pump blood to their brains (short men also handle g-forces easier for the same reason).

Image credits: wtfisthat


Bleed for a week and not die!

Image credits: ihavewormstoo


Daycare worker. Really any profession to do with kids

Image credits: abcdeezntz123


Here’s a fun one! Women are generally better at conserving air while scuba diving. I teach scuba and 95% of the time my female students could stay down twice as long on their first dive than their male counterparts.

It’s a big pick me up for so many tiny women who think all the heavy gear is going to set them back from the big muscular guys.

Image credits: slightlyspiffy


In most instances I’ve personally as a man found women to be more self-aware and have a greater understanding of their emotions and how to identify their feelings. Not to say I don’t have male friends and acquaintances who possess these traits.


Find nice pieces of clothes full of colours. It is so hard being a man in many clothes stores. Next time you wonder why men are not interested in shopping clothes, look at the choices we have and the minimal amount of variety and fun in men clothes compared to women !


Cry around people


Floating. It’s a fact because women’s fat is deposited differently in our bodies, mainly in our thighs. My husband tries to float but instantly sinks whereas I can just float all day long. Exception is if your a bigger male with a lot of fat around your thighs


BEING A SINGLE PARENT: my parents have been divorced since i was 6 (i’m 19F now) and my dad has always been the more stable parent in the situation so my siblings and i always lived with him and travelled with him as kids. TSA would always look at us weird and interview us kids about who we were traveling with, making sure we weren’t being kidnapped? or something? idk. people would look at our family weird in public every time we went anywhere. it’s hard to be a single dad these days for some reason but it makes no sense to me bc men are just as capable of parents as women are. one other example i can think of is the fact that a lot of men’s bathrooms don’t have changing tables for babies… like wtf? it’s honestly astonishing that society basically assumes that men are completely incapable of caring for a child smh.


Distinguish between colors.

I can't find the reference now, but I once read an article where some fraudsters were sneaking into a conference with fake badges. The fake badges had a slightly different shade of color. Women could spot the difference, but men couldn't.


Sales. Seriously females salespeople are on average much more successful than their male counterparts. In my industry (industrial sales), it's an open understanding that our typical sales contact (older middle-aged male) is much more interested in talking to females than males. Huge sales buff if you are young AND at least a little attractive.

If you are a hard working, quick witted and social young female looking for a high paying job without education requirements, I would strongly encourage you to look into B2B sales. All of the technical knowledge you can learn on the job.

Image credits: Zincktank


Women have better fine motor control. People who assemble circuit boards that are to small and delicate for a machine to complete are predominantly women. I've also heard they pick up things like flying helicopters faster as well.


Getting their hand into a Pringle can.

Image credits: bigblueberryboobies


Gaining sympathy sometimes

"Just man up" doesn't really help


Get a babysitting job


Getting tattooed. May be anecdotal but I have spent hundreds of hours in tattoo shops and women seem to sit better from what I have observed.


Shoot a gun. Women are willing to be taught and men think they already know how. Any gun instructor will tell you that women first time shooters are better than men.


Any sort of stretching exercise. Unless the man had been doing exercises in his early years, a woman is going to have more stretching. No where it's more visible than yoga class.

On the other hand, guys have strength and can hold yoga poses for longer so there's that.


Get complimented.


Thrift shopping. Aint nothing in the mens section but 2007 fun run t shirts in bright neon colors.


Survive the NICU -- apparently, girls do much better in the NICU than boys do and tend to have fewer health complications. We heard that time and time again as parents to a 29 weeker girl.


Have piercings. I’ve had like the basic one since forever, and have never been dress coded for it, even now when I have 3, but guys always have to take theirs out. This could j be where I am tho


Read people.

I don’t mean auras or anything woo. I mean READ people and read rooms. I’m not saying men don’t do it but every woman I know does this. We’ve always had to I think. Our instincts have to be attuned even if we don’t always heed them


Serving tables at a restaurant. While the overall sales between the men and women servers are about the same, the women get tipped much higher. People seem to have a better time at restaurants if their server is a woman.

Image credits: FourStringTap


Getting custody of the kids….? So I’ve heard that’s the way the courts swing


Survive the titanic sinking (or avoid a draft)


Getting a match on Tinder.

Image credits: blueeyeswhitetoucan

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/38T6Cdu
via Boredpanda

45 Things That Are Easier For Women To Do, According To These Reponses Online Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
