It’s Hashtags time, dear Pandas! The one, the only, the irresistibly humorous Jimmy Fallon is once again making us smile, giggle, and chortle when we’re supposed to be working or studying. This time, the critically acclaimed comedian has asked his loyal fun-loving followers to share the funny, weird, and embarrassing things that their family members have done or said.
Naturally, when Fallon asks you to jump, you ask, “How high?” So people responded by posting under the #MyFamilyIsWeird hashtag, much to everyone’s amusement.
We’ve collected some of the best tweets for you to enjoy below, so go on and have a read. We think the stories are great and we hope so will you. And we know that every family has its weirdness, so we can’t wait to hear your own hilarious family stories—drop us a line in the comment section at the very bottom!


Image credits: LizSmith1950

Image credits: DHC829

Image credits: jimmyfallon
In a series of in-depth interviews, Bored Panda previously spoke about late-night TV shows, how they’ve been adapting to the Covid-19 pandemic, and how to get noticed by hosts like Fallon with Mike Sington, an LA-based entertainment, pop-culture, and celebrity expert who is known as Hollywood’s Ultimate Insider.
According to entertainment expert Mike, US late-night TV shows have been adapting very well to the year-long coronavirus pandemic, the lockdowns, and the constantly-changing restrictions. Now that multiple Covid vaccines are being rolled out, things are getting even better for the entertainment industry.

Image credits: Andwejigglelike

Image credits: Ames15054837

Image credits: juliedworley
Mike revealed to us that one thing that we can most certainly look forward to is an easing of restrictions in New York City where they’ll be allowing audiences of up to 100 people in April. Talk about a breath of fresh air!
"I’m sure the shows will take advantage of that. My prediction is the late-night shows will be back to where they were pre-Covid this summer," the expert told Bored Panda.

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In Mike’s opinion, there are several things that each and every single one of us can do if we want our posts to get noticed by Fallon and his team on social media. It’s all about persistence, patience, and (you could argue most importantly) having a fun, witty, interesting true story to tell.
“All the shows have social media teams that are writing and monitoring content. To grab the late-night hosts’ attention, tag the show! They will see it, they monitor every post they are tagged in,” Mike said.

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Image credits: meganhughes93

Image credits: lilrascal441
“If the post particularly stands out, they will forward it to the writing team for the show. Other than that, it’s just a matter of luck, or a story gaining traction on social media. The writers are monitoring social media in general, combing it for content to use. You never know when something will catch their eye, and a great story is likely to pop and catch their attention."

Image credits: BisforBlaire

Image credits: Smoore1201

Image credits: drutempy
Mike is a former senior executive at NBCUniversal, so he intimately knows how the entertainment industry works. Earlier, he detailed to us that TV hosts source material directly from social media because it’s a great way to engage with their audiences and stay connected with them.

Image credits: TylerHughs

Image credits: TheHolySchmitz

Image credits: tuanamesquita
Even though late-night shows have lots of great writers to work on the material that we all love to see on our screens, there’s not much that can “top the personal, and often very funny, contributions of the fans themselves,” Mike highlighted.

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Image credits: RyanBartholomee

Image credits: marie_ishfr
In Mike’s opinion, late-night hosts have done a fabulous job surfing the waves caused by the constantly shifting Covid-19 regulation landscape. They’ve had to greatly adapt to the new rules, a lack of a live audience, and a world that spoke almost exclusively about pandemic-related topics.
“I commend the late-night hosts for soldering on during this months-long lockdown. So many people are isolated and alone now, and they are welcome and familiar faces we can safely bring into our homes,” he said.

Image credits: jmbrady29

Image credits: TheotherKellyB

Image credits: ProudPEIMom
“I would even say what they have been doing over the past several months has been somewhat heroic because it hasn’t been easy for them. They knew early on though, the need was there, and they stepped up to the challenge.”
Entertainment expert Mike believes that the material that late-night shows have been putting out over the last year has been great, even if it’s been different. He’s seen an improvement in the quality, in his pro opinion.

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“I think their material has been better than ever. Over the past year, there’s been a wealth of material in the news to utilize. The energy is there, but it’s a bit different. They’ve had to adjust to trying times and having no audience, but have done so admirably.”
He continued: “What they’re doing is paying off in the ratings which have been stronger than ever. They’ve been providing much-needed comfort and familiarity that people are craving now."

Image credits: Danielle_Nellie

Image credits: TedBrogan2

Image credits: Smoore1201
Which of these tweets did you enjoy the most, dear Readers? Do you have any #MyFamilyIsWeird stories that you’d like to share with everyone? Let us know what you think below!

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Image credits: Stump_Chump

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Image credits: JulieKessler5

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Image credits: CanItGetAnyWor3

Image credits: DutchFalPal1972

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Image credits: TheRoKitMan

Image credits: MissErinRenee

Image credits: JennyleeC_

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Image credits: S_S_Daisy

Image credits: alyssabria

Image credits: Halloweeja

Image credits: HRrob

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Image credits: mills__elise

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Image credits: CardcaptorLogan

Image credits: JannieMT8

Image credits: RyanBartholomee

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Image credits: homebabysitting

Image credits: SeanaArrechaga

Image credits: GDiddy1122

Image credits: HochevarK

Image credits: Mamachanic

Image credits: Tonymaster_Inc

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Image credits: WillPresti

Image credits: EBurmeister

Image credits: G_Br0ski
from Bored Panda
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