If you ever feel a little bit under the weather, the Internet will surely jump in to help with an infinite amount of adorable cat videos and all kinds of other fluffs you could possibly want to brighten up your day. Of course, cute little kitties might not be everyone's cup of tea but not to worry, since there are so many other kinds of fluffs (and not only them) to cheer anyone up. And sometimes all you need is just a little something behind that cute photo or video, therefore this time we are here to warm up your hearts with the cutest uplifting facts the animal kingdom has to offer!
#1 Cats Don't Think Of Us As Humans. Instead, They See Us As Equals, Just Like Other Cats
By nudging you with their heads (bunting) they're actually greeting you as they would another member of their cat family. This means that to them we're probably the ugliest, biggest, and clumsiest cats they've ever seen but they accept you into their family and love you anyways.
Image credits: kamanabe
#2 Tiger Populations Are On The Rise
Image credits: David Salter
#3 When A Baby Elephant Is Born, Other Mothers In The Social Group Will Trumpet To Celebrate Or Announce The Baby's Arrival
Elephants tend to stay in close "family" groups for their whole lives, which are generally made up of female elephants (the males often leave the group to go mate, but sometimes group up with other solitary males). So other female elephants are often present for new births.
Image credits: Eric Kilby
#4 There's An Abandoned Minefield That Has Accidentally Created A Penguin Sanctuary. The Mines Keep Poachers Out, But The Penguins Are Too Small To Set Them Off
The mines were set on the Falkland Islands when Argentinian commandos occupied the territory in a 1982 conflict with British forces. Since then, Magellanic penguins have thrived in the area. And because the areas are well-marked and fenced off, no civilian has been injured by the mines, either.
Image credits: Ronald Woan
#5 An Otter Will Find A Pebble As A Juvenile And Keep It For Their Whole Life
If that's not cute enough for you, they keep the pebble in the pocket that forms of the skin folds of their armpit.
Image credits: Mike Beltzner
#6 Your Dog Probably Dreams About You
Image credits: Bev Sykes
#7 There Are Little Tiny Harvest Mice That Sleep Inside Flowers
Image credits: Sue Cro
#8 Sea Otters Hold Hands While They’re Sleeping So That They Don’t Drift Apart
Image credits: Márcio Cabral de Moura
#9 Pandas Are No Longer Considered An Endangered Species
Also, being a professional panda caretaker is one of the highest paying jobs in China, if I remember correctly, their average salary is about $32.5k.
Image credits: Ken_from_MD
#10 Cows Have "Best Friends" And Are Happier When They're With Them
A study from Northampton University found that when cows were paired with another cow that shared a social bond with them, their heart rate was lower and they were more relaxed while they were penned.
Image credits: Neil Williamson
#11 When Dogs Appear In Movies And TV, Sometimes They Have To Have Cgi Tails Because They Wag Too Much During The Scene
This happened during filming of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, when some husky dog actors didn't look "menacing" because of their happily wagging tails. It's possible that they were wagging because they knew they were doing a good job at their acting tasks. The same happened while filming "White Fang" and "Game of Thrones".
Image credits: HBO
#12 Bees Get Sleepy After Drinking Nectar And Occasionally Take Naps On Flowers
Image credits: glass-cyclopsFollow
#13 Dogs Can Tell When You're Due To Come Home By How Much Of Your Scent Is Remaining In The House
Ever wondered how your dog seems to be able to tell time accurately? If you or someone you live with has a daily routine, your dog might go linger by the door or start looking out the window right before their human is due home because they can smell how much your scent has deteriorated in your absence.
Image credits: Derek Bruff
#14 Dogs Sneeze When Play Fighting To Show They Are Playing And Don’t Wanna Hurt You
Image credits: lillie kate
#15 Dolphin Mothers Sing To Their Babies While They're In The Womb
According to a study at the University of Southern Mississippi, dolphin mothers will make a "signature whistle" for the benefit of their calf while it's in the womb. This whistle is thought to act as a sort of "name" for the mother, allowing the calf and mother to locate each other easily once it's born. After the calf is born, other nearby adult dolphins will whistle less, likely to help the calf learn and use the right whistle.
Image credits: Tom Dennis Radetzki
#16 Bees Make A "Whoop!" Sound When They Bump Into Each Other Or Are Startled
#17 Some Tiny Spiders Wear Water Droplets As Hats
Image credits: Kyle Ezdaman
#18 Goats And Cows Have Accents
Cows tend to moo differently depending on the region they live in. It's similar for goats, but goats will also adopt a new "accent" if they hang out with new goats for a while.
Image credits: Steve Bates
#19 Dolphins Will Intentionally Play With Puffer Fish And Get Poked By The Spikes. The Poison In The Spikes Gets Them High
#20 Penguins Not Only Mate For Life, They Will Also Spend Time To Find A Beautiful Pebble For Their Mate And Then "Propose" With It
Image credits: David Stanley
#21 Hundreds Of Trees Become Seedlings Every Year Because Of Squirrels Forgetting Where They Buried Their Food
According to Rob Swihart, a professor of wildlife science at Purdue University, gray squirrels bury their food (nuts, acorns, etc.) all over the place but often forget to dig them back up. Those buried seeds have a good chance of becoming full-grown trees.
Image credits: Kevin Arscott
#22 Ravens Can Remember Faces And You Can Befriend Them
Of course, befriending them will require some bribing with food. But they will later recognize you and fly over. Worth it!
Image credits: Supermum1
#23 Your Dog Actually Loves You, Not Just Because You Give Them Food And Walks
Studies that measured oxytocin levels, heart rates, and other biometrics showed that levels of bonding hormones rose and heart rates fell in both humans and their dogs after interacting with each other. In other words, when you pet your dog, both of you produce more of the same hormone in your brain that makes you fall in love with people, and both of you relax more.
Image credits: Aaron Gaines
#24 Cows Take Turns In Babysitting Their Young. One Will Stay With The Calves While Other Moms Graze Further Away
Image credits: Martin Brázdil
#25 Tigers Are Unable To Purr, So In Order To Show Affection, They Close Their Eyes And "Chuff" Because Closing Their Eyes Means They Leave Themselves Vulnerable
By leaving themselves vulnerable, they are saying that they trust each other.
#26 It Takes Some Time For Baby Elephants To Get Control Of Their Trunks
#27 Octopuses Make Cute Little Gardens By Collecting Stones And Shiny Things And Arranging Them In The Sand
Image credits: Andrew Wilkinson
#28 Squirrels Adopt Other Baby Squirrels If They're Orphaned
Image credits: scphoto365
#29 Some Penguins Are Ticklish
#30 Ducks Like To Surf. They've Been Observed Riding Tides And Swimming Back To Ride Them Again
Image credits: Rainer Hungershausen
#31 Guinea Pigs Hop Up And Down When Excited And Apparently It's Called "Popcorning"
A bunch of other animals also do this too
#32 Baby Elephants Suck On Their Trunk For Comfort
Image credits: Paul
#33 Sea Horses Get "Married"
Seahorses tend to be monogamous and will intertwine their tails to stick together while floating through the ocean. Is it because they’re cute and loving, or is it just an evolutionary aspect of their species? The truth is, seahorses are pretty bad swimmers and spend a lot of time hiding from predators. Finding a mate for life boosts their chances of successful reproduction.
Image credits: Nathan Rupert
#34 Prairie Dogs Say Hello By Kissing
Image credits: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
#35 Red Pandas Use Their Fluffy Tails As Blankets To Keep Warm When They Sleep
Image credits: Mark Dumont
#36 Chinchilla Fur Is So Dense That It's Very Bad For Them To Get Wet. So Instead Of Bathing In Water, They Bathe In Dust
#37 Wolves Have Babysitters. Members Of The Pack Watch Over The Young When The Parents Go Hunting
Image credits: Neil McIntosh
#38 Some Fish Can Recognize Their Owner's Face
Fish can learn to recognize their owner. People have a misconception that fish can't see out of the glass of their aquariums, but the reality is that they have surprisingly good eyesight. They also tend to have different personalities. For example, some fish like to be petted.
Image credits: Angus MacAskill
#39 Dragonflies And Damselflies Form A Heart With Their Tails When They Mate
Image credits: M
#40 Dolphins Have Names For One Another
Scientists at the University of St. Andrews state that "Each dolphin produces its own unique signature whistle that describes its individual identity. The new study suggests that in fact dolphins are mimicking those they are close to and want to see again."
Image credits: Peter Salanki
#41 Toucans Curl Into A Little Tiny Ball When They Sleep
Image credits: Didier Iceman
#42 Caribbean Sperm Whales Have Their Own Regional Accent
Image credits: Stewart Baird
from Bored Panda http://bit.ly/2WiIeeh
via Boredpanda