118 Times People Struggled With Words So Hard, They Cracked Others Up

How much easier would life be if English spelled words like they sound? We wouldn’t need a minute to think about expressions like necessary, entrepreneur, and Wednesday, sound them out loud or rewrite them too many times just to give up and Google it or turn on the spellcheck. 

Unfortunately, in reality, the English language is a mix of spellings and pronunciations from all over the world that also depend on which country you’re in (how fun!). So it’s no surprise that many people seem to struggle with it, even if they’re English native speakers. 

Below, the Bored Panda team has gathered some of the most hilarious instances where people couldn’t spell out words correctly to save their lives. Scroll down to find them, and make sure to leave a comment telling us what words you also struggle with that are way too complicated for no reason.

While you're at it, don't forget to check out a conversation with Lindsay Dow, language consultant at Lindsay Does Languages, who kindly agreed to chat with us more about spelling in the digital world.

#1 Aunt Rap Runner

Image credits: jin_of_the_gale

#2 Grapes Are Discussing

Image credits: Kes0n

#3 Vanilla Abstract

Image credits: Malaluan31

Even though we write less and less by hand and use autocorrect and grammar software daily, the importance of spelling correctly still remains, says Lindsay Dow, language consultant at Lindsay Does Languages.

"It does but it’s something that perhaps doesn’t matter as much as in the past because we can rely on tools like spellcheckers and Grammarly to ensure we’ve got things right. And then if you do make a mistake, you have the excuse of calling it a typo! However, it does, of course, still help to speed up writing and editing for yourself," she says.

#4 Autistic Guitar

Image credits: whoaisthatatesla

#5 Orthodontist Opponent

Image credits: SirCubsalot

#6 Maybe Both?

Image credits: valkalrie

The words she personally struggles to spell are resource and language. "Two words I write a lot in my line of work—and they often end up as resoruce and langauge if no auto-spellchecker is on."

As for others, she noticed that some modern abbreviations in spoken language don’t always get a set written form for a while. "For example, we might shorten the phrase “as per usual” to something like (and I hope you can understand my spelling attempt!) “as per ughe”!"

#7 Do You Lemonade?

Image credits: funtimezallaround

#8 Hole In Tire

Image credits: BloodyTerror

#9 Had To Confirm This Is Really What They Mean. Damsel In This Dress

Image credits: OmenLW

Some typos could be harmless and even funny (like these on the list), but a slip of a finger also has the potential to make us look less intelligent to others than we are. In fact, it was proven that a lack of proficiency in writing could be a barrier to people getting a job or even a date. It creates confusion as well, hindering our basic ability to communicate.

#10 There Is Just No Winning. I Accept The Feet

Image credits: Xephia

#11 Kidney Garden

Image credits: moxieroxie13730

#12 My Favourite... Triangle Food With Topping

Image credits: ben_games

It's hard to say if our ability to spell is getting worse because we rely on auto-correct and spellcheck. We are writing more and faster and more efficiently than ever and that might be the reason the number of typos is increasing, says Lindsay.

"One interesting point made in this article is that we type more (and quicker) than we write "manually," and more people are typing nowadays, all factors that increase the number of spelling errors. So it may not be as simple as spellcheck making spelling worse. There are a few other factors at play."

#13 All Tomato’s Ruin Relationships

Image credits: lordofthefries_

#14 All Rise As The Prosecution Performs The Ever Dance

Image credits: reddit.com

#15 Sell My Nana Illness Is Going Around

Image credits: reddit.com

While there's no concrete research proving that our spelling is getting worse, it doesn't hurt to try and keep it up or improve it—to make our communication clearer, appear more intelligent, and avoid losing job or dating opportunities.

For this, Lindsay recommends practice. "Much like anything, the boring answer is practice! However, as I say to my clients when they’re learning foreign languages, ensure that you’re making the process fun, flexible, and functional. There are endless ways to improve spelling, but if it’s boring rote exercises and you find them tedious, then you’ll learn nothing!"

#16 “Bone Jaw”

Image credits: IShotTheMH370

#17 Please Pay For Gas Recipe Inside

Image credits: IcyBrradford

#18 Couples Tee

Image credits: Evodius

"One thing that I have discovered by accident that might help is to switch the language of your keyboard," she added. "That way, spellcheck will be wanting to change almost every word, and you’ll be forced to pay attention!"

#19 Maybe My Friend Should Retake Health Ed

Image credits: reddit.com

#20 Caucasian

Image credits: theholykingkiwi

#21 Don't Eat Asians

Image credits: proudsquid125

A method that research has found to be effective for improving spelling is Cover-Copy-Compare (CCC). It involves looking at a word, copying it, and then covering it and trying to write it from memory. It can enhance spelling accuracy, especially when combined with sounding out words by slowly and carefully pronouncing each letter to figure out a word's spelling.

#22 Feminem: The Rapper Eminem’s Daughter?

Image credits: BeyondLiesTheWub

#23 My Friend's Poor Attempt At Spelling Necessarily

Image credits: bobross128008

#24 Nobody Secures Funding Like Gaston

Image credits: mac_daddy1

#25 I Digest

Image credits: Jamesxxxiii

#26 Forcible Future

Image credits: l3El2Tl2AM

#27 Found My “Double Banger”

Image credits: Myreddditusername

#28 Aarons

Image credits: AfternoonHellcat

#29 Just My ‘Six Cents’

Image credits: Owlaholic

#30 Giggle Bites

Image credits: reddit.com

#31 Meaty Okra

Image credits: beefhead74

#32 This Guy Is Living The Life And Taking Life For “Granite”

Image credits: GalileoIsSmart

#33 Flewed Out

Image credits: Souse

#34 The Leggo My Eggo Things

Image credits: Shxcking

#35 Man, In Some Near Sucks Dude

Image credits: hotcheeto-boi

#36 I Guess She Didn't End Up Becoming A Pedestrian?

Image credits: existential-jitters

#37 Dye Of Beeties

Image credits: neskire96

#38 Always Bring Poop Purée On Vacation

Image credits: Jerbear0122

#39 Placebo Gazebo

Image credits: vinylslyfox

#40 For What?

Image credits: aildeokl

#41 They Are Cinnamons

Image credits: cloudish94

#42 Hiyaaahh

Image credits: reddit.com

#43 Cease And Dentist

Image credits: tevsm

#44 Eating Raw Eggs Gives You Salmon Vanilla

Image credits: shay_2709

#45 A Two Stick

Image credits: DumpyPajamas

#46 A Loan

Image credits: NoSiemma

#47 Jason Waterfalls

Image credits: book-nerd-daisy

#48 Since I Missed The First Three, Luckily There's A Fourth

Image credits: YesImThatJ

#49 Daylight Saving Time Is My Worst Enema

Image credits: weirdsideofreddit1

#50 Allah Cart

Image credits: gordoncrisp

#51 Damn Those Clouds Look Anonymous

Image credits: reddit.com

#52 Shoot Yourself Or Eat Pizza

Image credits: twotimetony

#53 I’m Starving, Boutta Go Grab Some Cow Zones From The Pizza Place

Image credits: EdRosenbruins

#54 Legal Legends

Image credits: jetpackguy221

#55 Ellen, The Generous

Image credits: iceballoons

#56 Alabama

Image credits: efanhywel

#57 The Start Of The A Pack Of Lips

Image credits: Starfox7421

#58 In Greedy Ants

Image credits: reeenababe

#59 Her Favourite Song

Image credits: reddit.com

#60 Nana's Cooking Up Some Beagles For Breakfast

Image credits: reddit.com

#61 Firstable

Image credits: kingofkonfiguration

#62 Stand Office

Image credits: chunkyyeti

#63 Gastro Astronomer / Astrologist

Image credits: baba_oh_really

#64 Nickel Teen Is A Highly Addictive Substance

Image credits: PrivetKakashki

#65 Eight The Hd

Image credits: NineMoreBurgers

#66 Mini Guitar

Image credits: theshep43

#67 Cooker Honda = Kooikerhondje

Image credits: gaenji

#68 A Prang Mantas! Oh No

Image credits: Supringsinglyawesome

#69 "Further Of Due"

Image credits: reddit.com

#70 This Sign Was At My School

Image credits: Dumpster-Raccoon

#71 I Too Love To Sit On My Thrown

Image credits: Black_Tears524

#72 Starch Your Engines

Image credits: CeonSun

#73 I Agree It Is Physically Irresponsible

Image credits: Chosen_one11

#74 An Interesting Title! (Also, Cake Day!)

Image credits: afellowoxygenlover

#75 A Florida Lee?

Image credits: RTROTA

#76 That's A Bold Tack Tick, Cotton

Image credits: MrFolgersDude

#77 This Question Keeps Me Up At Night

Image credits: reddit.com

#78 Everyone Love Party Sean

Image credits: evolsoulx

#79 Key Bored

Image credits: reddit.com

#80 Food Instructions

Image credits: p*nisfencing_fox

#81 Farmer John Cheese

Image credits: gary5602

#82 Do You Come Here Off Ten?

Image credits: zachbeeman1

#83 Disposable Thumbs

Image credits: TheJoshWatson

#84 Debt Written

Image credits: hmonglubpaj

#85 Spotted In London

Image credits: sleek1t

#86 Grow A Pear

Image credits: Razz_Dazzle

#87 Mackened Cheese

Image credits: PianoManGidley

#88 Ease Dropper

Image credits: AgentOfMediocrity

#89 50 Purse Cent

Image credits: ButImNot_Bitter_

#90 Snores

Image credits: Quinnplayzgames

#91 Holapino Peppers Anybody?

Image credits: braldeyteam

#92 Bloody Hate Those Mindgrains

Image credits: NoahWantsToDie

#93 Yum, Sweat Treats

Image credits: reddit.com

#94 Well Bless Your Sole

Image credits: bluequick

#95 Just Need A Blanket

Image credits: davmill9

#96 Doctors And Their Patiences

Image credits: Uneducated_Leftist

#97 Woldrob

Image credits: DarkStryder360

#98 Day Sha Vo

Image credits: Skibidi_Bop_Mm_Dada

#99 Meganism

Image credits: budenmaayer

#100 Goggles The Mind

Image credits: jill853

#101 When The Resident Is Dense

Image credits: Ambiguous_Noise_95

#102 Goody Tooshoo

Image credits: swaglessnseattle

#103 Nutritious Italian Gangster

Image credits: NightmareXD43

#104 Sonic The Head Chog

Image credits: JustBurpMeAndLeave

#105 Lacktoast Sensitivity

Image credits: myroomisnotred

#106 Pure Breed Puddles

Image credits: reddit.com

#107 Okay, Your Owner

Image credits: redtopian

#108 Orango Tango

Image credits: reddit.com

#109 It's Ale Looya. Noted

Image credits: SarcasticDrHouse

#110 My Mom's Still Learning How To Text

Image credits: trelemar

#111 Tummy Aeigth

Image credits: lilkingjohn

#112 I Must Be Playing The Wrong Game

Image credits: aluckyvaultboy

#113 My Self A Steem

Image credits: graz_the_spaz

#114 That's A New One For Me

Image credits: figureinplastic

#115 Literally 1984

Image credits: Known-Ad290

#116 Telaniqus

Image credits: backupKDC6794

#117 Whaalaw

Image credits: ShadowX433

#118 Just Say The Magic Words And “Walla”

Image credits: Cheap-Panda

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118 Times People Struggled With Words So Hard, They Cracked Others Up Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
