There is nothing wrong with looking at all the items in the store and going “I’ll just do it myself,” in fact, that’s a pretty admirable way to approach life. But normally that means learning, honing skills and experience over months and possibly even years. But some people decide to just go ahead and wing it.
The “That's it, I'm craft shaming” Facebook group exists to document these sorts of projects and share them with the world. We sat down with the admins to learn more about the page and their thoughts. So scroll through, upvote your favorites, and comment if you have any of your own terrible craft stories.
More info: Facebook
#1 It’s The Pie Tins For Me

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#2 Literal Nightmare Fuel

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#3 Crocheted Mold On Vintage Handbags. It’s Well Executed But … Why Oh Why?

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
Bored Panda got in touch with some of the admins of “That's it, I'm craft shaming” and they were kind enough to answer some of our questions. First, we wanted to know about the group's inception. ”The group was started as a bit of a joke, just a way to poke fun at crafts that go wrong which is why we encourage members to post creations they've made that went wrong or not the way they wanted, it's about not taking it all so seriously, learning to laugh at your mistakes and embrace the human in it.”
Despite the focus on “shaming,” the real goal is lighthearted. After all, seeing a terrible project might help you gain confidence in your own work. Mistakes and happy accidents are all enjoyable content, and soon a community was born around, well, terrible creations, proving that you can find something good in the bad.
#4 Looks Like They Tried Buying A DIY Chewbacca Kit From Wish

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#5 So Lifelike. Really Captures The Lj Essence

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#6 It Took Me A Minute To Realize These Are "Artsy" Photos. I Thought They Looked Like Cheese Slices On The Coffee Table

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
We also wanted to know a bit more about the people behind and in the group, as it’s gathered a diverse assortment of amateur craftspeople and just curious internet users. “We're a broad bunch of people who come from all over, from Canada to the US, to the UK and Australia, so you'll find we differ a lot on what we call 'bad' if it's a case of style, I personally appreciate what others may call tacky or kitsch, love me a glittery hot pink feather mess!”
#7 Down The Rabbit Hole

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#8 “The Giant Cheerio Mirror Can’t Hurt You”, They Say, But I Don’t Believe Them

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#9 Yum, Hot Cheeto Mirror

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
“But we tend to post crafts that are physically and technically bad, a clay sculpture that was meant to be a horse head and looks like a boot, a knitted bear that is so misshapen the comments are struggling to say what it was meant to be. We also monitor every post that if the majority don't agree it falls into a 'bad craft' it will get removed!”
#10 Some Horror From My Facebook Marketplace

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#11 They Just Glue Their Lost And Found Items To The Mirror And Call It Good

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#12 This Looks Miserable To Wear

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
We asked if they have any experiences from the group they remember fondly. “Not so much favorite stories, but things we've learned. As such a diverse group from so many countries, it's fascinating to see the taste and skill levels of different places. As someone from outside the US, I never knew how common it was to use your state as decoration, from slogans to flags to the actual shape of your state as a wall feature! I also like how creative people can be, sometimes the idea is there but the execution is just terrible.”
#13 Perfect Gift For Someone. Not Sure Who. But Someone Will Appreciate A Necklace Of Tiny Plastic Babies

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#14 For That Unique Christmas Decor!

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#15 This Is So Cheesy

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
They left us with this thought to ponder as we look at this selection of “terrible crafts”: “I would like to add, that, in life, it is human to err. To make mistakes and have things fail to work out the way you plan. And you have two choices. You can hide your mistakes in shame, never speaking of them, and letting them fester and spoil inside. Or you can laugh, laugh at how funny our mistakes can be, laugh knowing you tried, and trying is the first step to succeeding.”
#16 The Straights Are At It Again

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#17 I Just Want An Ounce, An Ounce Of The Confidence These People Have

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#18 Why Ruin A Perfectly Good Globe

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#19 One Might Call It A Jair

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#20 Thanks For The Nightmare Fuel

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#21 Granted, Better Than I Could Do, But..... That Price?!?!

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#22 This Messy Popsicle Stick Wall "Art" Is Giving Children's Craft Vibes

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#23 Thanks, I Hate It

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#24 She Looks Tired Of The Crafters Bulls**t

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#25 Wine Rack?

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#26 When You Toddler Ruins Your Nikes So You Try To Make Some Extra Cash With Them

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#27 Man Cave Art

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#28 It Just Looks Like Chewing Gum

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#29 Yes Those Are Bed Bugs

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#30 Came Across This Today, A Nativity Made From Wine And Liquor Bottles

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#31 So This Person Took Somebody’s Art, Cr**ped It Up And Is Trying To Sell It For Profit?

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#32 It Should've Been 100s At Least

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#33 FlamiNO

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#34 Just Check The Profile Pic Of The Seller

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#35 Found At A Thrift Store. I Thought That Was A Cake

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#36 Guess Nothing Is Off Limits When It Comes To Bedazzling

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#37 In 20+ Carts? Time To Start Bedazzling

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#38 That Glitter Is Going To Exfoliate Some Cheeks

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#39 "Fixed Up So It Won't Hurt You At All" Is What I'm Looking For In A Ring

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#40 It’s Janky, But It’s Got Potential

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#41 I Can’t Imagine They’d Chime Much

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#42 It Looked Nice Before I Noticed What It Was Made Of

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#43 Yes, Its Made Out Of Popsicle Sticks

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#44 I'm Curious If She Strung It Together With Lost Whiskers

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#45 This Is The Type Of Thing I Fear My 7yo Daughter Will Bring Home From School For Mother’s Day

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#46 I'm Pretty Sure I Just Had A Stroke

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#47 That Old Robe Would Have Been Worth $$, Now It's A Fire Hazard

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#48 Melcome????

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#49 Fb Marketplace Find By An “Emerging Local Artist”

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
#50 Yeah In Memory Of $10 And Wasted Fabric

Image credits: That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
from Page 4 – Bored Panda
via Boredpanda