Kids are known to say things honestly and without filters. Maybe because you don’t expect them to say certain things, when they say it, the only reaction left is laughter. Kids sometimes come up with such hilarious things to say that parents often go to Twitter so that the whole internet can laugh together.
One of those parents is Jessica Valenti, who shared how her 3-year-old daughter got sick after eating carrots but her reaction was that she would need even more carrots, which you could understand metaphorically and take inspiration to not give up when things get difficult.
Image credits: Jessica Valenti
In response to Jessica's tweet, many people started sharing some genius things their children have said, so here is a list of the best ones. If you have anything to share, put it in the comments and upvote the tweets that made you laugh the most.
More info: Twitter

Image credits: jaye_elle6
Jessica Valenti is an American feminist writer and a columnist for Medium. She has almost 300k followers on Twitter and usually her tweets get several hundred likes, but recently, her tweet about her daughter’s hilarious reaction to getting sick from carrots was liked over 100k times.
Then she added her second favorite thing her daughter ever told her and it was her saying that Jessica was wearing clown pants, though she herself thought that they were very fashionable. Apparently, Layla, her daughter, thought they looked like pajamas.

Image credits: bonald

Image credits: NudelHalbWeiner

Image credits: G8rgrrlCheryl
Children that speak their minds without thinking about how their words could affect someone can make parents feel uncomfortable, especially if they say something rude or inappropriate in front of other people, but it can lead to funny situations that later are worth telling over and over again.

Image credits: TerryDwyerSyd

Image credits: Bloomswest

Image credits: marvinallen
Also, they see the world in a more simple way, so they come up with some creative solutions to problems. Maybe they’re not realistic, but they are creative. Bored Panda has done plenty of articles about children surprising adults with how they think. For example, a teacher from the UK, George Pointon, asks his first graders various questions and he puts them up on Twitter with his own commentary.
The internet loves these tweets and if you would like to see what that is all about, you can find the answers the children gave to the teacher asking what they would do if they became the president of the world here, or what they think is the one thing that makes a person an adult here. The tweet that received the most love is the one in which the teacher asked his students to tell him their best jokes, and you can find the article about it here.

Image credits: angelthecellist

Image credits: ChrisBr59990913

Image credits: LaurenMeir

Image credits: ClayDayton
Judging from these tweets, it seems that the children didn’t mean what they were saying to be funny, but having a sense of humor is a part of healthy development. It gets more sophisticated the older they get and having a sense of humor helps kids emotionally and socially.
Humor is a concept that is difficult to define and it’s even more difficult to pinpoint what it is that makes us laugh. There are many theories to this, but one of them that is often discussed is the incongruity theory, which “suggests that we find fundamentally incompatible concepts or unexpected resolutions funny. Basically, we find humor in the incongruity between our expectations and reality.”
So enjoy this list of children saying unexpected things and possibly things that are so different from the reality we see that they give us a little chuckle.

Image credits: MikeBrustad

Image credits: jeanette_gault

Image credits: crankypantsknit

Image credits: hhodges

Image credits: fieldersdc

Image credits: PamCamp60217334

Image credits: PointOfMatter

Image credits: JeannieH75

Image credits: welshlady17

Image credits: madfishmonger

Image credits: elpitak

Image credits: pmbakerygirl

Image credits: lindazNC

Image credits: fanmomaf

Image credits: mtut76

Image credits: LDMT69

Image credits: LaVidaAutistic

Image credits: juliakarmo

Image credits: the_dollymomma

Image credits: mackinnom_kari


Image credits: cheekyvervet

Image credits: thepseudoJLevin

Image credits: RBokhour

Image credits: JackMcCullough

Image credits: PhD_RN5

Image credits: KenAVL

Image credits: scifictionnut

Image credits: sandship

Image credits: flamingal
from Bored Panda
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