Recently, a handsome boy named Marshall made his way to internet fame. Being the beautiful cat that he is, he caught the attention of Erika Strong, an employee at Shopify’s office in Toronto. Her office windows face another building, and in one of its apartments lives Marshall.
This post, tweeted by Erika Strong, an employee at Shopify Toronto, has recently gone viral
Image credits: Erika_Strong
In her tweet Erika wrote that she stares out the office’s window at a cat that likes to sit on a windowsill. One day, she and her co-worker decided to ask the cat’s name by putting post it notes on the window with the question: “What is your cat’s name?”
Before the winter holidays, she and her colleague asked for the name of the cat that sits on a windowsill in the next building
Image credits: Erika_Strong
And the cat’s family responded!
Image credits: Erika_Strong
“I died,” Erika said to the media. “I freaked out. Everyone was so excited because they all knew we’d been waiting.”
Erika and her co-worker waited approximately 6 weeks for the answer
Image credits: Erika_Strong
Just after the tweet went viral, Erika wanted to let Marshall and his family know that he’s officially internet-famous now
Image credits: Erika_Strong
And is now actively thinking about what should be the next question for Marshall
Image credits: Erika_Strong
Of course, Twitter came to help
Image credits: Erika_Strong
Image credits: Erika_Strong
Image credits: Erika_Strong
Image credits: coreyhaines
Erika made a poll for Twitter users, asking what the next question should be
Image credits: Erika_Strong
Image credits: Erika_Strong
Image credits: Erika_Strong
Image credits: Erika_Strong
Image credits: Erika_Strong
Image credits: Erika_Strong
Image credits: niamyaraghi
from Bored Panda
via Boredpanda