Controversial Youtuber and fashion blogger Taylor Goldblatt has been attracting all the wrong kind of attention lately, after a foul racist tirade about the Mexican workers who were installing his ‘Tay Fucking $’ neon sign went viral.
Image credits: ialfreddyate
Image credits: TaylorGoldblatt
Image credits: TaylorGoldblatt
Image credits: TaylorGoldblatt
Now this story has to be taken with a pinch of salt, because it’s hard to believe that a human being could be so thoroughly unpleasant. Surely we are all being trolled? Goldblatt hails from Tennessee but spends most of his time in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles. His online persona is that of the ‘rich brat,’ gleefully showing off his wealth while name-dropping expensive brands, and generally coming across as vapid, self-obsessed and superficial. “Hello there, my name is Taylor. I’m a rich kid, spendthrift and money is my middle name,” he writes on his YouTube bio. “I spend the majority of my time living a lux life of opulence in Beverly Hills, CA. I am a blogger and social media creative, with an avid love for menswear and all things fine luxury.”
Image credits: TaylorGoldblatt
The channel landed him in hot water last year after thieves were able to track him down through his videos and rob him at knifepoint in his New York apartment. He believes that his online presence made him a target, having spoken extensively about his $35,000 Gucci collection. Now his online antics have made himself a target again, this time of people furious about his openly racist treatment of Mexican immigrants. Screenshots of his Instagram stories were shared on Twitter by @ialfreddyate, attracting an outpouring of support for the workers and all kinds of hate and ridicule for the bigoted blogger. Seems he finally got the fame and attention he so obviously craves!
Image credits: ialfreddyate
Image credits: ialfreddyate
People were quick to find Goldblatt’s social media accounts
Image credits: TaylorGoldblatt
Image credits: TaylorGoldblatt
Image credits: bambiii_eyez
Image credits: jav_ierv
Image credits: bunnibabie
Image credits: monidlopez
One of the workers’ family found the disgusting post about her stepdad and had to respond
Image credits: baluga99
Image credits: baluga99
Image credits: baluga99
Image credits: baluga99
Image credits: Decrepitcokee
Image credits: amberbaaamber
Image credits: _Mocchaaa
Image credits: Heyitsjoshhhh
Image credits: 1800racheta
from Bored Panda
via Boredpanda