This Viral Online Thread Has 40 Peeps Who Can’t Stand Some Smells That Are Normal For Others

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on humanity, forcing us to reconsider dozens and hundreds of things, from our attitude towards health and safety to the organization of remote work. And the coronavirus has also shown us how important smells really are in our lives.

Yes, only by losing and then regaining the ability to distinguish odors can one understand their importance for a full perception of the world around us. However, each of us has our own unique sense of smell - and some absolutely cannot stand some odors that are completely natural for the rest of humanity. And this viral thread in the AskReddit community is dedicated to just such examples.

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Seafood. Easily the most revolting smell ever IMHO. Yes, even fresh seafood in a top notch restaurant makes me gag.

Image credits: ProbablySatirical


Incense, it tends to give me a headache.

Image credits: aRabidGerbil



Image credits: ZodiacRedux

The great German writer Erich Maria Remarque once wrote: “It’s strange how easily everything is forgotten except smells,” and he was damn right. Except for one thing - literally the same smell can be perceived completely differently by different people. For some, let's say, an expensive cologne smells nice, but others begin to sneeze, wince - and generally admit that they can't stand the stench. No, it's absolutely true - one of my friends couldn't stand the smell of perfumes. Almost any perfumes, to be honest.


Avon perfume from the 1970s that old women drench themselves in before heading to the grocery store.

Image credits: soylentdna


Those pine tree thingy air fresheners? they make me feel nauseous.

Image credits: frailmobility


That goddamn cucumber melon lotion that *every girl on earth* used in the early 2000's.

Image credits: OxytocinDeficiency

In fact, the smells that some of us find unbearable are completely different, and often it can be the most harmless and common of them. The smell of chocolate, fresh bread, milk, coffee, apples, or that unique smell of a fresh book, repeatedly sung in numerous books (damn, isn't that a form of book self-promotion?..) - any of these scents may turn out to be just disgusting to some of us.


Bath and Body Works. Thanks for ruining this section of the mall a******s. 

Lush gets an honorable mention. .


Lavender. Someone gave me lavender flavored suckers when I was having horrible morning sickness during my first pregnancy. It made it so much worse. The smell still makes me gag.

Image credits: Isitgum


Pumpkin scented candles ?.

Image credits: scarlett_wonder_9540

By the way, doctors say that this phenomenon is called hyperosmia, and that in fact it is a kind of disease that causes a person a lot of problems in everyday life. "People with hyperosmia can experience strong discomfort and even illness from certain smells. Exposure to chemical odors like synthetic fragrances, perfumes, and cleaning products can trigger mild to severe discomfort. Even the scent of certain shampoos can be too much," the Health Line dedicated article states.

Among the reasons that can cause hyperosmia, experts list pregnancy, migraines, Lyme disease, autoimmune diseases, as well as various neurological conditions. There are different treatments available - so if you have some common odor that you find unpleasant, perhaps you should see a doctor for a checkup?


Ripe bananas. Cloying near rotten fruity sweetness mixed solventy volatiles.


Baby powder. I legit gag.

Image credits: ANameGoesHeer


Lillies smell like death to me.

Image credits: Extra_Flower6958

Be that as it may, if a given feature doesn't cause serious problems for you or those around you (and doesn't harm your health) some people simply perceive it as a unique feature of their body. Well, everyone decides for themselves - but for now just feel free to scroll this list to the very end, and maybe share your own examples in the comments below. After all, a fascinating discussion is also good because it doesn't have any smell - neither pleasant nor unpleasant...


Air freshener in a bathroom! For the love of God, just turn on the fan or open the door or the window!

Image credits: SassySoul_Xoxo


New car smell, cant stand it.

Image credits: ABitchForSalt


Rose scented anything.

Image credits: g00gly-eyes


Vanilla scented candles and lotions etc. The winter holiday season is a plague on my senses. QQ.

Image credits: OolongPeachTea


Any liquor smell tbh.

Image credits: ArgoverseComics


Those damn cinnamon pinecones they put out at christmas. So overpowering. I was forced to stock them at work and maintain the christmas candle section one year and now I can't stand anything "christmas scented" They dump twice as much perfume into the seasonal candles, and its all too overwhelming.

Image credits: Nerdy_Nightowl


Coins and wet metal. It makes me shutter to even think about it.

Image credits: Wifey_snowflake


Powered Parmesan cheese smells like vomit to me.

Image credits: Slight_Sherbert_5239


Freshly cut grass. I'm super allergic to grass, so while others associate that smell with nostalgia, summer and sun, I associate it with headaches, sneezing and itchy eyes.

Image credits: EdithWhartonsFarts


Babies they smell like s**t.




Artificial grape. Most people I know love it, but it turns my stomach every time.

Edit, because this has a stupid amount of responses: Please quit telling me to try Concord grapes. I’ve had them. I don’t think they taste remotely similar. Also, this thread is about smells, not tastes.

And for those of you claiming no one likes that smell, this thread of full of people stating that they are also surrounded by people who love that smell. They literally make incense and air fresheners in that smell that sell out.

Image credits: Artistic_Arugula_906


Anything that smells too sweet tends to make me nauseous. Eating it usually isn’t a problem, though.

Image credits: UsefulIdiot85




Cooked eggs.

Image credits: Sylvergirl


Truffles. They smell like hobo feet.


Gas….. like gas at the gas station lol.

Image credits: TheBigBrainProject


Burning sage.

Image credits: Free-Industry701


Bubblegum (Lush’s snow fairy scent).

Image credits: DerekSnuggles


Mint. There was an incident as a child involving a days long ride in an old dodge van in 100+ degree weather while cramped in like a sardine between various family members chewing mint gum in the heat while being violently car sick. and now i have a mint aversion. Can't stand the smell or taste of it.

Also, lavender, it smells like itchy musty dust to me and now that i'm thinking of it, i'm fairly certain that probably means i'm allergic.


Some people love the smell of the sea. To me it smells like old rotting fish.


Coconut anything ?.

Image credits: BossKitty311


Hay. My mom grew up on a farm and she loves the smell. I'm allergic (so is she).


Fruit perfume ???.

Image credits: Dudethekittycat


Star anise - I have some in my pantry for certain recipes and it's locked away tightly in a jar.

Image credits: leezahfote



Image credits: tmbeatles9091


Asiago cheese. I used to LOVE it. Once upon a time ago Ruby Tuesdays had an Asiago Peppercorn steak that was a favorite...and then one night I developed a stomach virus after having it for lunch. Now I can't smell it without my stomach turning.


I hate the smell of food cooking and hangs around the house for days I don't know how people cook daily for big families yet keep a nice smelling home.

Image credits: Electrical_Desk_3730

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This Viral Online Thread Has 40 Peeps Who Can’t Stand Some Smells That Are Normal For Others Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
