Rude Colleague Finally Gets Reality Check On Her Behavior After Being Told That People Dislike Her

Nobody likes being left out. Whether it involves games, gatherings, events, or celebrations, we all like being invited. But the host has the ultimate power to pick whether someone can join their event or not. If an individual is rude or mean, chances are, they’re not on the list.

This happened to a horrible coworker who was excluded from another employee’s birthday party. She threw tantrums until someone finally told her she was the problem. Unfortunately, she didn’t get to become a better person or have a happy ending.

More info: Reddit | Update

Toxic woman finds out that she wasn’t invited to a coworker’s birthday party, inflicts her anger on everyone else until she is confronted

Image credits: RDNE Stock project (not the actual photo)

The poster was invited to her coworker’s 30th birthday party and posted photos of it on social media, an employee who wasn’t invited found out and got mad about it

Image credits: ANTONI SHKRABA production (not the actual photo)

The woman who was left out was rude to everyone, she insulted people, took personal digs, and even called the birthday celebrant fat

Image credits: Thirdman (not the actual photo)

When she asked the birthday girl why she didn’t get an invite, she was told that she was mean, hard to be around, and quite disliked, which finally shut her up

Image credits: Tima Miroshnichenko (not the actual photo)

A few days later, the poster got a chance to talk to the horrible coworker while helping her out, and she realized that the woman was actually pleasant and trying to be better

Image credits: u/MissDingusMalingus86

But the unfortunate part is that the woman had a fatal heart attack that same day and did not get a chance to redeem herself

The poster shared her experience dealing with a difficult coworker. She mentioned that she was a remote worker and that her team only consisted of five people and their boss. One of the employees was celebrating her 30th birthday and invited everyone except one coworker to her party. The woman she left out was known to be condescending and rude, which is probably why she wasn’t included.

Everyone had to face the brunt of the woman’s rejection because she got angry with the entire team. She threw around insults, brought up peoples’ mistakes, and took personal digs at them. Although it’s obvious from her terrible behavior that the birthday celebrant made the right choice by not inviting the woman, she was probably hurt by the rejection.

Researchers have found that the pain of rejection is almost similar to physical injuries. It can affect a person’s emotions, cognition, and even their physical state. People who keep being excluded may also become aggressive or lash out at others to deal with the negative emotions they feel. This might explain some of the woman’s behaviors at work, especially if she was always being left out of events.

But this situation is even more complicated because the woman was a bully. Studies have found that nearly 48.6 million Americans face bullying at work. Unfortunately, companies or bosses turn a blind eye to these actions, which allows it to continue. Here, as well, the woman’s tyranny was allowed to go on for a long time. This is probably why nobody wanted to be around or spend time with her. Can you blame them?

Image credit: Liza Summer (not the actual image)

The poster later said that she got a chance to spend more time with her entitled coworker while driving her to the vet. During those 45 minutes together, she realized that the woman was actually pleasant and fun. The lady said that she knew her personality was awful, but she had experienced a lot of difficulties while growing up and could not move past that “victim mindset.”

Just like the woman shared, psychologists also say that bullies might have been victims themselves at some point, and they may repeat the same behavior to feel powerful. In workplaces, these adults may use intimidation and control over others to make themselves feel better and improve their self-esteem. It is truly important for such people to recognize their faulty behavior patterns and try to improve.

Even though this woman finally seemed to realize the consequences of her actions, she did not have time to become a better person. Unfortunately, she suffered a fatal heart attack and passed away shortly after her interaction with the poster. The OP also said that the whole experience made her reflect and decide she should focus on people’s good qualities rather than just the negative.

Although it’s heartbreaking that the lady did not get a chance to change peoples’ perception of her, at least she redeemed herself a bit in the poster’s eyes. Netizens were happy that she was confronted and said that it probably made her think about her actions. Some folks even shared their experiences with bullies at work. 

What do you think of the woman’s explanation for her toxic behavior? Have you ever come across a bully like that at work? Let us know in the comments.

Commenters were glad that the birthday celebrant stood up to the rude woman and told her off

The post Rude Colleague Finally Gets Reality Check On Her Behavior After Being Told That People Dislike Her first appeared on Bored Panda.

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