33 Of The Deepest Rabbit Holes People Ever Found Themselves Delving Into, As Shared Online

Do you sometimes get so bored that you decide to read something online that leads you to more information that again leads you to yet another sequence of information? And then you remember something that may be interesting to check out and after quite a while, you find yourself somewhere deep inside a rabbit hole. But there is still a lot of research left to do that leads to you just falling deeper and deeper into that hole…

If you ever have found yourself in such a situation, just a little warning - you may end up in the same situation again. One Reddit user recently started a thread asking folks online to share questions or topics that pulled them into the deepest rabbit hole.

More info: Reddit


Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.

Arthur C. Clarke.

Image credits: sgrag002


If cigarettes are such a significant public health concern, are a multi-billion dollar industry, and are over a century old, why can’t we make them less harmful?

Went DEEP into the research. The answer was surprising: we can.

The rabbit hole involves GMOs, a secret research project dubbed “Project X”, catalytic filtering, Central American politics, and the Amish. I now have a file on my computer dedicated to the research papers I dug up on the topic.

Image credits: No-Exit4324


Missing persons. People have no idea how hard it is to find someone in the wilderness, especially if they aren't trying to be found. The bodies are there, just never found. Sometimes people stumble upon the remains, but it's usually coincidence.

Image credits: First_Cranberry_2961

Bored Panda got in touch with the author of this thread and he kindly agreed to share more information about the inspiration and topics that pull him down the rabbit hole.

To begin with, the OP shared that he has been reading about so-called ‘perfect numbers’. To summarize a little bit what it is - an integer that is positive and equal to the sum of its appropriate divisors is called a perfect number. The sum of 1, 2, and 3 equals 6, which is the smallest perfect number. The remaining perfect numbers are 8,128, 28, and 496. The precise date when these numbers were first described is currently considered lost.


Nothing had me in a chokehold like the Bermuda Triangle at 10 years old.

Image credits: Bringmecoffee444


For a little while, I couldn't stop reading about Action Park, a water/amusement park that was open in New Jersey from the late 70s until the 1996. Basically, the whole place skirted a TON of rules and regulations, and six people died on rides.

There were also literally THOUSANDS of injuries.

The owner would pay employees $100 to test out crazy new rides. They had a slide that went completely upside down. It was um, not safe.

There was a giant human sized hamster wheel they tested by rolling down a hill. It rolled down the hill, broke the fence, and crossed the highway, with someone inside.

I recommend the documentary "Class Action Park" on HBO, or you can just see some crazy rides and old footage on youtube.

Image credits: Madmanmelvin

He then added that he was curious why scientists have been so obsessed with finding them and whether or not there’s a real benefit or use for perfect numbers.

“It is the deepest rabbit hole I've ever seen,” OP emphasized. “So much time and resources are spent finding them, but now with AI things are changing.”


The life of Harry Houdini. I was working on a historical novel idea a couple years ago that wove fictional events into historical 1926 New York City. My main character encountered several notable locations and places, and Houdini, his home, magic, and family played a major role.

There is so much of Houdini’s life that is fascinatingly well-documented. There are also tantalizing unknowns that keep both historians and magic buffs intrigued until today.

Weird facts:

He was the first to pilot an airplane in Australia.

When WW1 broke out, he trained US troops how to escape prisoner shackles if they were captured by the enemy and how not to panic if trapped underwater, such as in a torpedoed ship.

He knew and collaborated with HP Lovecraft who ghost-wrote an adventure story set Egypt in Houdini’s voice. They were collaborating on a book debunking superstitions at the time of Houdini’s death.

His house in Harlem was wired with a secret microphone system permitting him to eavesdrop on visitors and then appear to have mind-reading powers.

He purchased an actual Egyptian mummy what rattled around in his basement, much to his wife’s chagrin.

I could do this all day. Check it out.

Image credits: East_of_Amoeba


Christian fundamentalists in the US. Randomly stumbled across the Duggars when I was a teenager, which set off an entire chain reaction that culminated in dozens of hours of watched LDS documentaries, YouTube essays, Reddit deep dives, etc. There is so. much. mess in those communities.

Image credits: teebeutelchen

However, after this followed OP’s curiosity about whether there are other people who are also in the same rabbit hole as him and decided to ask the question on Reddit.

However he noted that “It seems not everyone is into math, hehe. No one mentioned ‘perfect numbers.’”


Cults, criminal psychology.

Image credits: bthubbin


Narcissistic personality disorder and borderline personality disorder. Mental health fascinates me because it provides answers to the abuse I experienced as a child and in relationships as an adult.

Image credits: Vast_End521


Michael Jackson and whatever he did or didn't do. Extremely interesting topic due to the unprecedented amount of smoke and mirrors surrounding a celeb, and probably impossible to determine one way or another. Was never a big fan but went down that rabbit hole one time because of some random reddit comment and it turned into a guilty pleasure hobby for a solid year. I probably could get a PhD in Michael Jackson lore now.

Image credits: WolvoMS

Probably most of us have that topic that we can discuss with somebody without stopping or even read article after article.

So what about you guys? What is the topic or question that pulled you into a deep rabbit hole? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


In Virginia radar detectors are illegal, so they have radar detector detectors. So I’m wondering if anyone built a radar detector detector detector?

Image credits: Pawpaw-22


“What was Prussia?” was the question that indirectly made history go from a subject I had a bit of interest in to the subject that I plan to teach for a living, so I guess you could say I’m still going down that rabbit hole years after I asked that question.

Image credits: Michael_Kaminski


The disappearance of MH370 in 2014, as I've flown on Malaysian Airlines several times and a big part of my job is doing root-cause analysis of complex incidents. I work in medicine, not aviation, but the reasons why planes go down has always fascinated me.

Image credits: ThadisJones


Double slit experiment.

Image credits: trinier101


The fact Marilyn Monroe’s body disappeared for several hours after her death. Her entire life story was tragic.

Image credits: y2kristine


I read about the Japanese concentration camps being especially horrible on Reddit and that was extremely depressing and f****d up but I couldn't bring myself to stop reading.


The f*****g titanic....which leads to other shipwrecks.
It's mostly the images of something so alien as the bottom of the ocean.

Image credits: HeadFit2660


Random people from ~100 years ago who pique my interest, and then I'm on Ancestry for the next little while, trying to piece together their life stories.

Image credits: TheSanityInspector


Central banking. It's just financial aid for the 1%.

Image credits: BinaryCheckers


The Bootes Void. Space is fascinating and terrifying.

Image credits: MaximumZer0


Gastrointestinal Distress. The stomach, intestines, and digestive process is actually very intricate and interesting to learn about. Also taught proper ways to relieve bloating and stomach issues.

Image credits: Ballsack2025


A few years ago I was curious to know what "sonichu" was all about. That's about as deep as a rabbit hole can get and it still gets deeper.

Image credits: dumb_password_loser


UFO's and aliens. I'm still in the rabbit hole.

Image credits: BroccoliD8


Have I ever played any of the Five Nights at Freddy's games? No. Do I have any desire to play any of the Five Nights at Freddy's games? No. Did I watch hours and hours of Five Nights at Freddy's lore and lore prediction videos on YouTube? Yes. Yes, I did.

Image credits: Deep-Jello0420


Pit bull attacks after one happened to me and my boy.

Image credits: CanaryDue3722


The Stanford Prison Experiment Also, the difference between crows and ravens and whether I can tell them apart after studying them (I still cannot) Edit: I'm getting some great material to fall into rabbit holes for from this thread, thank you.

Image credits: Better_Ninja_1039


The amount of people who have 'gone overboard' on a cruise ship...

Image credits: soundguy_2603


The McDonalds McFlurry conspiracy.

Image credits: RascalKing403


Current rabbit hole? Ryan Gosling...

Saw a post on here with his performance at the Oscars, went to Google, then discovered he was part of the original Mickey Mouse Club kids. Then took to YouTube to find video clips of MMC and then rediscovered the fact that he was initially invited to try out for The Backstreet Boys.

Image credits: P3n3l0p3_G4rc1a


Elan school. Thanks, Reddit, for the nightmares.


Are we inside a simulation?

Image credits: ApexOverlordIsDrunk


 I discovered "Andara crystals" by accident once and that led to going down a strange reality of Lemuria and Starseeds and Orgonite pyramids that can block 5g radiation. I highly recommend you search Etsy for some of this weird metaphysical stuff if you're ever bored lol.

I genuinely find it fascinating stuff even if I personally think it's a load of b******t.


Where is Kate Middleton? Why is the royal family fumbling the PR bag so bad?!

Image credits: rosymaplemothfan

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/fs3W1Rc
via Boredpanda

33 Of The Deepest Rabbit Holes People Ever Found Themselves Delving Into, As Shared Online Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown