Some days end up being very different than you might have initially thought they would be. For example, you might be employed at the start of the day, but not so much by the end of it. And Christmas is not an exception to such drastic changes.
Today’s story is the perfect example of that – a person starts their day by working as a server in a big hotel but ends it by not being one anymore. And it is mainly due to some Christians deciding to forgo Christian values during Christmas.
More info: Reddit
Sometimes quitting a toxic workplace can be the best Christmas gift you give yourself
Image credits: Xuân Thống Trần (not the actual photo)
This person had to serve rude Christians during Christmas, which didn’t really motivate them to work their hardest
Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Clay Banks (not the actual photo)
Image credits: u/fools_set_the_rules
After the manager wanted to let the server go home for a day due to their attitude towards the rude Christians, they ended up quitting their job
The story’s OP worked as a server for a big hotel, where the management never gave them the lead role even though it was promised. Instead of promoting reliable staff, the management hired new people with no experience. Not only that, but the manager himself turned out to be a fan of nepotism, as he hired some friends of his, to whom most of the work hours went.
This Christmas the post’s author served a big group of Christians who decided to have a celebration in the hotel. Interestingly, these Christians weren’t acting very Christian, as they were entitled and weren’t tipping the server at all. So, the OP said that they didn’t really care to put much effort into working hard for such rude customers.
Alas, this saying reached the manager’s ears. He called the OP in and told them to go home instead of working on Christmas with an attitude like that. This made the post’s author lose it and just quit the job.
So, Christmas turned out to not be very merry for the post’s author. Or maybe it was merry, as they quit a toxic job full of nepotism. It all depends on how you look at the situation.
Image credits: KEEM IBARRA (not the actual photo)
Well, the OP isn’t the only one who had the guts to quit their job on Christmas. In fact, some say that December is the most preferred month to resign, at least in the US.
That is due to the fact that most American companies give out their end-of-the-year bonuses this month, so people tend to wait to get the bonus and then leave.
Also, since a lot of people quit their jobs this month, quite a lot of new positions open up. Basically, everyone who quits during December is opening new job positions for one another.
So, if you’re thinking about pulling a move like the OP did and quitting your job, you still have some days of December left to do so. But before you do it, just think of how many cover letters you’ll have to write when you’re looking for a new job and think – maybe your current job isn’t that bad?
The commenters under the original Reddit post weren’t as surprised by a Christian group ruining Christmas as you may have thought. And this is because the OP isn’t the only one whose Christmas was ruined by them. The same thing with nepotism in the hotel industry – the big hotel from the story isn’t the only one that was corrupted by managers bringing their buddies and favoring them. What we can say – both the entitled Christians and nepotistic hotels should sort out their priorities.
“Very Christian of them”: people online weren’t particularly shocked by the rude Christians and nepotistic hotel
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