“I Did The Job, Boss”: 80 Times Workers Definitely Did Not Go Above And Beyond The Call Of Duty

Motivating your employees to go above and beyond the call of duty is a fantabulously complicated puzzle for managers. A fair wage, good company culture, and proper growth opportunities are great, but they’re not always enough. Some workers simply show up and do their jobs to the letter—but not the spirit of the request.

That’s where the 'I Did The Job, Boss’ subreddit comes in. It’s an online community whose members document some of the most egregious cases when people do the absolute bare minimum. Technically, they did their jobs. But practically, there’s a lot left to be desired. A picture is worth a thousand words, so scroll down to see what this looks like in practice.

Bored Panda wanted to learn more about how managers can successfully motivate employees their employees, so we reached out to award-winning business psychologist Lee Chambers. He is the founder of Male Allies UK and Essentialise Workplace Wellbeing. You’ll find the insights he shared with us as you read on.

#1 Stopped The Pride Parade Boss

Image credits: lifeordeathsworld

According to business psychologist Chambers, there are other ways to improve the employee experience, aside from compensation, the potential for progress, and autonomy. Managers ought to look at every employee as someone unique.

“Firstly, consider the power of recognition and appreciation, both formal and informal, for contributions both big and small,” he explained to Bored Panda via email.

“Flexibility is an increasingly important factor, so flexible working policies can promote trust and balance. Supporting your people to find meaning in their work can be beneficial, as can providing relevant training and upskilling,” Chambers said.

#2 I'm Not A Robot

Image credits: Six_Rabbit

#3 Used The Billboard To Sell More Chicken Strips Boss

Image credits: Memesallthewayboii

“Clear communication is valued, and the ability to feel included through feedback and input can increase motivation, and access to wellbeing can promote positive engagement in other aspects of work.”

According to the business psychologist, it is possible to have a healthy work-life balance without employees feeling like they need to disengage or practice quiet quitting. 

“Setting and communicating realistic boundaries creates space to work efficiently, prioritizes tasks, ensures urgent and important tasks get the attention and progress needed, and allows space for regular breaks and less overtime,” the founder of Male Allies UK and Essentialise Workplace Wellbeing said.

#4 Write A Dictionary Definition For Horse

Image credits: WanderBadger

#5 Put Up The Evacuation Plan, Boss

Image credits: lifeordeathsworld

#6 "Disqualified"

Image credits: BrendanInJersey

“Time management techniques can be effective for some people to give structure, and this also opens opportunities for flexibility in other areas. Minimizing distraction can improve output and provide more time for personal commitments and practicing self-care, leaving you with a balance that won't be perfect, but it will leave you with the opportunity to perform well both at work and outside of it.”

According to Chambers, the key to finding an effective work-life balance is being proactive and strategic.

#7 They Installed The Alarm, Boss

Image credits: Ogurasyn

#8 I Translated It To Spanish, Boss

Image credits: PauloDybala_10

#9 "Are You Sure This Isn't A Mistake Boss?"

Image credits: Six_Rabbit

Most entrepreneurs obviously want their businesses to be profitable, attract talented and capable people, and make an impact on the world. However, they need to know how to motivate their workforce. It’s not something that happens on its own. And it’s too important of a question to leave it up to chance.

Good managers know when to be proactive, not just reactive, when it comes to motivating their subordinates. They also know to look at what drives each individual person to excel. Even if they're considered 'problematic.'

#10 Where's My Raise Boss?

Image credits: Six_Rabbit

#11 An Appropriate Subtitle

Image credits: reddit.com

#12 I Put The Warning Label On Boss!

Image credits: Six_Rabbit

If your employees feel demotivated, burned out, and disappointed with your company’s culture and overall strategy, you’re in a pickle. They’ll check out. They’ll either scrape by doing the absolute bare minimum or they’ll look for better opportunities elsewhere.

They might jump ship and sign up with your competitors if you’re not careful. But before you start coming up with elaborate schemes to boost everyone’s morale, make sure that you’ve got the basics right.

The basics are pretty straightforward. Make sure that you’re paying your staff an adequate wage. In these economically bizarre times, you want your people to know that they’re financially secure.

But a good wage isn’t enough. What motivates many people is a sense of growth and development.

#13 He Did The Job

Image credits: reddit.com

#14 No Smoking

Image credits: pietradolce

#15 We're Going Green Boss

Image credits: Six_Rabbit

That’s why it’s vital for your staff’s wages to grow annually, and based on their results. That way, you’ll avoid creating an atmosphere of stagnation. And, on top of that, you’ll help your employees feel properly rewarded, and able to outpace inflation. Or, at the very least, keep their purchasing power at a decent level.

Next, consider what sorts of other opportunities for growth you’re offering your workers. Are you investing in their futures? What sort of skill training or courses do you offer? What do the career opportunities look like at your company?

#16 Teachers Making Quizzes

Image credits: reddit.com

#17 I For Lady B-I-Rd

Image credits: reddit.com

#18 Put Up Signs About Satanizing The Laundry Room

Image credits: tyw7

To put it bluntly, if your company has only stagnation and confusion to offer new employees, you need to change things, drastically. You need to give people clear reasons to stay without resorting to cliches about everyone being ‘treated like family’ (yuck!) and how their vague ‘culture and values are so amazing’ (ew!).

These are empty platitudes. Make sure you have something realistic to back all of these things up. Words are cheap.

Something else that gets employees pumped up is feeling respected, trusted, and supported. To put it simply, workers want to have the freedom to do their very best, without being actively micromanaged. When you take that autonomy away, you’re hamstringing the entire business. Certainly, communicate with your workers about their tasks and performance often and clearly. But do not micro-analyze their work. It sets a bad precedent and pushes professionals away.

#19 Rosa Parks

Image credits: pietradolce

#20 Made The Sign To Attract More Customers Boss

Image credits: Memesallthewayboii

#21 Listed Some Of The Allergies Boss

Image credits: Few-Ad2663

Not only that but people want a decent work-life balance. We all do our best work when we’re given purposeful tasks, get proper rest, and have some spare time to spend with our loved ones and on our other passions.

If all you ever do is work and answer your boss’ calls and emails during overtime, you’re going to burn out, and resent yourself, and you’ll have a hard time even getting up in the morning. Balance—you need it in all aspects of your life.

#22 I Added Eyes To The Photo Boss

Image credits: reddit.com

#23 Didn't Fit In The Mailbox

Image credits: reddit.com

#24 I Tried My Best To Write His Name

Image credits: Few-Ad2663

The r/ididthejobboss online community is a fairly new one. The group was created in April 2022 and since then, it’s attracted just shy of 30k members. The entire point of the subreddit is to showcase the funniest and most ridiculous moments when employees “successfully” complete their assigned tasks… but in the worst possible way.

According to the moderator team that runs the project, they’re open to all kinds of submissions. This ranges from hilarious work fails to poorly designed products.

#25 I Mean

Image credits: Memesallthewayboii

#26 What Do You Mean By "This Is A Historical Monument"?

Image credits: reddit.com

#27 I Painted The Angles Boss

Image credits: Sulfitodecobre

The mods themselves point out that their subreddit is titled in a slightly ambiguous way, so they’re giving other redditors the freedom to interpret it as they wish. If you have examples from your own daily life that fit the spirit of the sub, feel free to share them. But they have to be real, not made up for the sake of fake internet points and karma.

However, they’re very strict about people behaving in a respectful, civilized manner. Nobody should be spamming up the group with awful content, posts related to politics, or explicit images. 

#28 I Wrote The Google Page Boss

Image credits: dacanadiankid

#29 Freshly Painted In My Home Town Today

Image credits: My_Clean_Account_

#30 I Made The Political Campaign Poster Boss

Image credits: Kush_Likes_That

How do you and your colleagues stay motivated at work, dear Pandas? Have you ever done the bare minimum that somebody asked of you? If you manage people, how do you inspire your staff to get awesome results? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section!

#31 Following The Steps Carefully

Image credits: reddit.com

#32 Cant Be Asked

Image credits: Memesallthewayboii

#33 I Made The Wheelchair Ramp, Boss

Image credits: l_the_weeb_king_l

#34 This F*** Motivational Quote

Image credits: JaniPratt

#35 I Did The Job Boss Lmao And It's So Amazing

Image credits: Humble_Vanilla_2749

#36 You Wanted Me To Put The Expiry *day* Right?

Image credits: Memesallthewayboii

#37 Put The Sign Up Boss

Image credits: Few-Ad2663

#38 I Hope This Sign Solves Our Issue Boss!

Image credits: Six_Rabbit

#39 I Labeled The Package Boss

Image credits: SuperDuperOtter

#40 They Just Had To Use That One

Image credits: theHoust

#41 This Fits

Image credits: Rizatriptan_96

#42 I Wrote The Parking Sign Boss

Image credits: Redditlogicking

#43 I Put Up The Tiles, Boss

Image credits: CinemaslaveJoe

#44 I Created Original Content Boss

Image credits: idumeudin2009

#45 Hmm

Image credits: Don_R53

#46 What Were They Thinking?

Image credits: reddit.com

#47 The Staircase Is Complete, Boss!

Image credits: AnotherAccount4This

#48 It Is Done

Image credits: Palette300

#49 Don’t Buy A Year Book Forget High School

Image credits: RecordingEarly

#50 Hiring Sign Of The Week

Image credits: Pranav_RedStone971

#51 To Help Wheelchair Users

Image credits: tmd429

#52 I Made The Football Field, Boss

Image credits: Freedom_of_memes

#53 I Painted The Mercedes, Boss!

Image credits: Immaloner

#54 Wrote A Menaingful And Thought Provoking Article Boss

Image credits: _The-Batman

#55 I Programmed The Forgot Password Button Boss

Image credits: thyme_cardamom

#56 Nachos Are White Fries Now Hot

Image credits: Advertisementss

#57 I See You

Image credits: IulianRL

#58 Found This Abomination To Disability

Image credits: 1ce_W01f

#59 Put Up The Motivational Quotes Boss

Image credits: Memesallthewayboii

#60 What About Now?

Image credits: Beautiful-Pie-5416

#61 Did The Tattoo Nicely Boss

Image credits: megaroid

#62 The Perfect Icon For The Sub

Image credits: Hayasaka_Best_Girl

#63 I Made The Bicycle Lane Boss

Image credits: Somm1k

#64 I Installed The Lamp Posts Boss

Image credits: jonashagjac

#65 I Put The Image Boss

Image credits: CcockadileE

#66 I Made The Sign Boss

Image credits: These_Setting3211

#67 I Put The New Sign Up Out Front Boss

Image credits: Six_Rabbit

#68 I Painted The Lanes On The Road, Boss

Image credits: Iamthestiggy

#69 I Made The Panda Exhibit Boss

Image credits: SignificantLifeform

#70 I Wrote The Description, Boss

Image credits: PauloDybala_10

#71 I Installed The Processor Boss

Image credits: Palette300

#72 I Painted The Lines For The Bikeway, Boss!

Image credits: Esist1996

#73 I Laid The Road Boss

Image credits: boombaat

#74 I Installed The Fan, Boss

Image credits: y6ird

#75 Proofread The Sign Boss

Image credits: juicepants

#76 Did It Boss!

Image credits: soph_i_e

#77 Made The Ad For Your Movie Boss, Whatever The Fuck It’s Called

Image credits: Memesallthewayboii

#78 Told Them The Card Was Supposed To Be Blank Boss

Image credits: Few-Ad2663

#79 I Updated The Prices On The Digital Display, Boss

Image credits: cephalization

#80 I Made The Wheelchair More User Friendly Boss

Image credits: Six_Rabbit

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/5jaV2MW
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“I Did The Job, Boss”: 80 Times Workers Definitely Did Not Go Above And Beyond The Call Of Duty Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown