Hey Pandas, What Is The Strangest Compliment That You’ve Ever Received?

It can be weird, funny, or dark, either way, what made you think "Huh?"


I teach English to adult immigrants. As our semester was ending, one of my students said, "You are a BAD teacher. All laughing, and games, and conversation. This is NOT real school!" ... I replied, "Oh, really? You couldn't have SAID that to me six months ago ..."


A coworker recently told me that I have the best laugh because "sometimes it sounds maniacal."


I have one of those voices that sounds smooth and soothing. When I worked in a call center, one man told me, "Wow, you give really good phone!"


Someone told me I have the devil’s eyes.


I quit my job at the age of 32 to finally go to art school. My freshmen class was all aged 17-20. One of the students said to me, "You're cool for your age!" Obviously, 32 was quite elderly to my classmates.


A lesbian friend of mine, who was very short and would always call on me to do odd jobs for her ( cause I'm tall), once introduced me to her new girlfriend by my name and then added" just think of him as a really butch dyke".... Gee thanks! ( unfortunately, my later girlfriend found out and started to use the phrase herself!)
Sort of flattering really , I guess?)


I always get "you speak so well." I'm a POC it's super annoying like okay how am I suppose to speak in broken English or colorful slang ?


"Your voice is so calming. If the world is ever going to end, I hope they let you announce it."


I had an Afghani restaurateur in Hamburg (Germany) say I look just like Brad Pitt (this would have been about 2002)... Which I absolutely do not (I'm a white American with long blond hair at the time, maybe he had recently seen "Legend of the Falls"?

Also, my favorite high school teacher once told me, "I don't know if you're dazzling me with your brilliance, or baffling me with your bull$hit," as I was defending my biology-theory research paper.


My crush's mom was a little unsure about me because I gave off "single aunty vibes" and I am definitely going to take that as a compliment.


I was shopping for my husband some underwear and a man on the aisle said "you look like you know a lot about men's underwear. What should I buy?"


Not me but my dad. My family has really thick hair (blessing & curse yada yada) and at the salon a little old lady told him he had Filipino hair.
We are not, btw. But I think it was really sweet ?


I was on a trip to Uganda, Africa and was attending an evening party. I'm a blonde, and a woman walked up to me and said "I love your hair! It's so...funny!"
I know the language barrier was likely the case, but it was still a bit odd.


"You have a very tall head but it's round sometimes"


My friend’s little sister: “For a Russian boy, y’know, you’re pretty hot.”

Me: “Huh?”


I don’t know about strange, but the worst would be a much older man telling me I looked good with a baby on my hip… when I was thirteen.


Got told I looked like a pink watermelon. This was by my best friend, so I asked “you mean like an unripe watermelon?” And they said something like “yeah!”

Also when I told the same friend that I had a crush on a girl, they said in an overjoyed manner “MY LITTLE GAY MERMAID PRINCESS WEREWOLF PRETTY LADY” (yes, all caps) so yeah they are pretty awesome


mom was waiting in the car for me as i ran into a "quick stop" store. when i got back into the car she said: i may not have had beautiful children but i did give birth to uniquely attractive children. uh...thanks, mom


This was a completely weird thing but when I was in fifth grade someone said to me that I was not as bad as they thought


This one happened yesterday, actually.

I was on the bus, minding my own business, playing some games while listening to some music.

A guy, who looked like he could be in his early to mid 20's, comes out and sits not too far from me and looks at my left arm (where I have a tattoo of the Fenrir logo from the God Eater series, link to see a reference image in the comments).

He gets my attention, and says "Man, your tattoo looks really sexy".

I honestly wasn't ever expecting to hear that phrase ever come out of anyone's mouth, and while I appreciate someone complementing one/some of my tattoos... the choice of words left me a little uncomfortable.


"He looks exactly like you." I love my son and he is on his way on becoming a legend. However there is no getting around the fact that he is adopted. He is Hispanic and has perfect skin. Me, im white. And i mean white. A saltine cracker is tanner than me.

In a way my son has taken on my qualities ( all the good ones of course.)


A former boss once told me that I was "the smartest person she knew that watched a lot of television". She was one of those intellectual snobs that would go out of her way to tell you that she didn't even own a TV.


Not me but my friend. We were standing on a corner in Zaragoza Spain waiting for a bus. He had on a pair of jeans that was white on one side of the leg and black on the other. The opposite leg was reversed. Random Spanish guy walked up to him and said his pants were "guapo" then walked away. I had to explain to him that guapo means handsome. The guy was telling him his pants looked good.


"You smell nice", by a random person


I think this was on a plane. I had struck up a conversation with the person sitting in the next seat and at some point they remarked, "You look like a vegetarian!" (Which I am)


On a blind date, the person was like "I'm sorry... but you're just like my childhood friend... he died when we were 7. It's like he lives in you and I've never felt more connected to someone I've just met in my life. It's amazing, you're amazing. Thank you. " The dude pretty much just wanted to hang around me to soak up more of those dead friend vibes... I've never felt more touched and horrified in equal measure.


While working in the A&P, age 16, a man I was checking out said you have the most beautiful eyebrows. Don't ever do anything with them. Just like Brook Shields. -- Oh Boy


Was working in-house transportation at a hospital, when i got a promotion. Received a dozen long stemmed roses w/a note attached from anonymous-"Congratulations Viking Girl!" I have no clue what that is supposed to mean.


A left-handed complement?

A former supervisor was introducing a co-worker (Ann) and me to to a group from our home office. She introduced Ann as "my right hand" and me as "my left hand." Just always felt a little odd.


I was walking through East London wearing a feathered fedora for a costume wedding and this old cockney bloke shouted "Nice titfer!"
(cockney rhyming slang: tit for tat = hat)


I was told that I looked like a beautiful vampire. I am pale!


"Did you ever have a nose job?"

"No, it's naturally straight like that. But if you look closely, my septum is crooked. Would have that corrected if I had surgery, wouldn't I."

"Well, sometimes nose jobs go wrong..."


As a new student in an allied health program I solved a mechnical problem (something not related to that profession's knowledge base) in less than 30 seconds. It had been holding up work in half the department for nearly 2 hours. One of the senior people announced, "It seems that sometimes it just takes someone who doesn't know anything." The others nodded and silently walked away.


Back when I was about eight/nine or so I was at the park playing hide and seek with a bunch of my friends when one of the older brothers of a friend came up to me. He was around fourteen and started talking about how cool looking I was and how I must be an amazing older brother because I was so nice. Like really drenching me in compliments. One of the worse ones that will forever stick with me was to the effect of "it would be a shame to ruin such a fine neerder" He then asked me to come into the woods with him because he wanted to show me something. Wound up getting found by the seeker just in time and he stalked off like nothing happened. Back in August of 2021, he was arrested for s3⨉ua||y @bus|ng his daughter & two more unclosed court cases of possible r*** lawsuits from when he was 15 & 19.


So... when I was in uni I met this older gentleman who was quite intrigued by me... and while you probably think you know where it's going... you don't.

We went to grab coffee, he wanted to get a sense of how I think... and vice versa. We got into very deep conversations, debating various topics and watching each other's behaviours. At one point he had been staring deep into my eyes and out of no where said "can you please look away, you have... black holes for eyes. They are dangerous. On one hand, they look incredibly innocent-- like looking at a baby deer... which just adds this very strange layer to you and how you are perceived... in the other hand they suck you in... you hold people's attention and i thought it was because you're beautiful, which you are... but that isn't it... it's your eyes. It's like... once you look directly at someone and lock eyes you're the one who looks away first every time and until you do... they are just pulled into you. You're terrifying... like you can see through people-- they think they have the upper hand because of how naïve you look only to get caught in a trap. Fascinating. "

Cut to my rebellious/ coming into my own uni years and having guys react one of two extremes either are quite uncomfortable with me looking at them when we're close because I something about my eyes look almost child-like and it made them feel guilty/creeped out... or some were into it and cited my eyes looking like jailbait-- which would creep the hell out of me. Most guys though, just by staring, would pour out every secret they've ever had and had planned on taking to the grave on a first date before being baffled they said any of it.

To test his theory, it wasn't unusual for me to lock eyes with someone tables away and for the person to just look back at me until I had finally was bored and looked away... but, hey, that's how I met my husband so I guess my eyes really are my best feature.

Also, a little added context-- my eyes are incredibly dark brown, so dark that unless I'm staring into the sun they look jet black but they are very very glossy and despite how dark they are you can see the ridges in my iris though it looks like many different shades of black and no brown at all.


I was about 24 years old teaching in a majority African American middle school (I'm white). During lunch duty one of the 8th grade boys gave me a creepy smile and said, "Ms Cole, you don't have a white girl butt!"


I was in a gynecology teaching hospital. Before an ultrasound exam they asked me if I consent to a med student being present, I did. The older doctor proceeded with the exam, and the student exclaimed "what a perfect uterus, just like in textbooks!"


someone once told me I take the lead right out of their pencil- ??? I still don't even kno


Been called alfather by way too many kids. Wife now calls me almighty.


This is probably not the strangest, but it's the best I can think of right now. I was teaching summer camp a few weeks ago, and this 4 year old came over to me and said "I really like your voice." Now, this would have been somewhat normal, but he continued staring at me and said "it sounds like someone else's voice that's also your voice." I still have no idea what he meant by that.


"You've got beautiful lips."
"Oh you!"
" I bet your areolas are the same color."


(I'm a big man.) During the pandemic I was wearing a white face mask, and my shirt was bright red. Someone looked at me and said "You look like Santa Claus."


I grew up being picked on for my smile. I was called Joker more times than I'd like to count. This was when Jack Nicholson played Joker. The first time someone complimented my smile as an adult I did not know if they were being sincere.

I'm 41. I have been told on way too many occasions that I sound like I'm 12 on the phone.

A customer once told me (a female) I look like I could be John Travolta's daughter...as in I look like John Travolta. I can't unsee this.


My wife and I were standing at a bus stop in Glasgow, Scotland. This little old lady joins us at the stop. She says to my wife, "ooh, my. Let me have him when you're done."

There was a lady (another bus stop) who felt the need to pet my hair and tell me about my lovely Hollywood accent.


I had a boss who told me my phone voice would make me a great phone sex worker. I could have lived without that.
A coworker told me she liked me because I hated everybody equally. That one I liked.?


I'd have to say, the kid who presented a piece of my art as their own, and then apologized and said they did it because they wanted to look like they knew how to draw to their friends, but they didn't want it to look _too_ good, or they wouldn't believe it was theirs. Thanks, kid.


I work retail and have been complimented on how well I de-escallated a bad situation.


Context: I have a formal phone and opera vocal training. When I'm on the phone the Phone Voice turns on so I can be heard and understood--I take care to enunciate, I open my throat like I was taught, speak slower, etc. I also have a baritone. I was making calls to adopt a cat this week and one of the agencies that called me back, the lady said my voice "sounded very useful". I've gotten a lot of comments on my voice, speaking and singing, over the years, and that was the most off-the-wall description I've ever heard. What does it MEAN? XD


"I hate attractive girls. Think they can get stuff for free just by acting cute. That's why I like you."
He wasn't saying I'm attractive nor pretty.


In my 30s at a bar this dude I'd seen there before, since I was a regular.We were talking and out of the blue he says "Do mind if I picture you while I masturbate?"

Without a pause I said "Sure, its not like I can stop you."


A little girl said she liked my arms.


"You have a cute nose"

Oddly, gotten this compliment a few times


Someone once told me (im a female and was 16 at the time) that I looked mature for my age. Thats fine and all, I get it. But they proceeded to say, “The hips, the lips, the títs; you look very mature.” I just shut my mouth and walked away as fast as a could.
Another time, someone told me I have perfect lips. Like someone on the street I was passing by.
I have no idea why my lips are a subject of attention??


I have been told, "You hum really nice" by a grocery store cashier. There are other weird compliments but I can't think of them right now.


"You have nice ears"
(Long story short, someone was giving out incredibly random "compliments" as a joke)


“id kill you but your beauty makes you unkillable”


So I was driving a school bus for the developmentally disabled and had two students left on board. One kid, probably ADHD but normal, said to the other.
"The school bus driver has a screw loose but it's a very special screw."
What could I say to something like that?


During my PhD in London, which was financed by KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) I had the opportunity to travel to Saudi Arabia to visit campus and work in their brand new (< 5 years old), totally any scientists wet dreams lab. My supervisor confirmed with me multiple times that I feel good about travelling to SA and made sure that I don’t travel alone. I totally embraced the opportunity to travel to SA, especially considering that back in 2014 they didn’t have any kind of travel visa, only for work or pilgrimage and I’m not a muslim. Anyways, while on campus the rules regarding clothes were pretty much the same as in any European country and I fully embraced summer in February, I also wanted to visit the on-campus mosque and of course I did follow the clothing rules for the mosque (read hijab and abaya, a long mostly black dress). So here comes weird compliment #1: while me and the PhD student I worked with were on our way to the mosque we ran into another student, I think she did her masters, and she first didn’t recognise me but as soon as she did she told me how beautiful I look with hijab. And I know that this was a truly honest compliment but as a non-muslim from Germany it was kinda weird. Still felt flattered though.
The other weird compliment I got was at the airport in Jeddah on my way back. Me and my second supervisor had just arrived at the airport and I wanted to have a smoke before we went inside, so there we a standing, me wearing jeans, a jumper and my scarf loosely draped over my head and this older couple walked past us and the woman looked at me once and her facial features changed in such way that she might as well have said out loud that she thought I was the cheapest hooker she ever saw in her live and is totally disgusted with me showing so much skin and hair (read my face and hands as well as a few strands of hair that had escaped my ponytail). So my second supervisor in his lovely sarcastic way told me, while we went inside, that he feels like he should tell me to please walk 5 steps behind me and to not be surprised when he slaps me to reassert his male dominance. I think we laughed about this incident for another year in the whole department because none of the other female scientists that have traveled to KAUST before ever experiences anything like that, while being similarly dressed at the airport.
And yes I’m still proud of both compliments!


A coworker recently told me that I have the best laugh because "sometimes it sounds maniacal."


Oh, let’s see…
“You look like a young Elizabeth Taylor.” (I did not, but it was a sweet compliment.)
“Your RBF really keeps your team in line.” (Referring to the fact I don’t take my male coworkers’ BS, but that’s more about the fact we’re friends than being cranky.)
“You’re a lot less maintenance than your hair implied.” (Because it’s curly?)
“Your face would look nice on another body.” (I’m fat, thanks to water retention issues and a bad habit of getting knee and shoulder injuries. And some laziness from all the injury down time. XD)


Sorry this is a bit NSFW, but I have been told, by several people, that I have perfect nipples.


"You're insane and I like it."


You ain't half as stupid as you look.


I do not know who or what you are but you are definitely something else.


That I looked like Pauly Shore from his most popular period. This came from a girl I was dating, eventually married and still married to 27 years later.


I know my grandmother loves me but as a kid, she didn't particularly like me. She'd always had boys despite wanting a girl and when I came along, she wanted to do all the pretty, pink girly stuff - however, I turned out to be more tomboy than anyone expected. When she complimented my female cousins, it'd be about how beautiful and kind and smart they were. When she complimented me, however, she said I was 'pale and interesting' lol.


“You have the most beautiful brown hair”
My hair’s red


I (51y f) have always been told, "You could wear a Gunny Sack and make it look good!"... what's a Gunny Sack?


“You don’t annoy me as much as you used to…”told to my sixth graders when i was teaching


Once someone said I could be the kind of girl Conon Gray wrote Heather about 0-0 idk lil weird ig


I was relaxing with a cocktail and enjoying my husband’s company when the phone rang and I answered in a husky aroused voice. It was a local insurance agent cold-calling. He was rendered speechless and gave me a love struck look whenever I saw him afterwards.


"you get hit on a lot for someone as old as you are"


"You have pretty feet, so if you don't use them, I'll chop them off and give them to someone who will" -ballet teacher

I think she was joking?


Standing in line at an amusement park ride in California, I struck up a conversation with a young woman. I told her I was from New York. She said, "Yeah, you have that East Coast look!"

I thought it was the best compliment.


"Your hair looks like Ozzy Osbourne's"

I'm a woman. Not even mad lmao


An 8 year old boy told me I look like “ a less hot version of Jenna Ortega”. Idk if he meant it as an insult or compliment, but you can be less hot than Jenna Ortega and still be hotter than most people, so I take it as a good thing


I’m a wheelchair user and once while being pushed along the seafront one of two elderly ladies said to the other’ what a shame, she’s quite pretty too!’. I’m not sure what was funnier the shame or the ‘ quite’ pretty ?


Not me myself, but my name. I have been told on several occasions by my mother that she was initially hesitant to name me the name I have today because she thought it would be "too heavy". This makes more sense in my native language, but the best I can equate it to in English is: think of a 5-6 year old girl named Edith. That sounds like a rather big/adult name on a little girl.

I was then told by a girl that she thought that my name was very beautiful, but a little... Heavy. Because English wasn't her native language, she kept repeating "Grand" and "Majestic" so I don't know if I should take it as a compliment ?. It definitely made me go "Huh?"


I used to dye my hair black. I was at the supermarket one day, and the checkout girl said, "I love your hair color. It's almost too black." Also, I went out with a guy a few times, and while we were in a coffee shop, he smiled at me from ear to ear in a lascivious way and said, "Oh, you're just like a cat." Something preceded that in conversation, but I don't remember what.


Someone told me I was the “craziest sane person” they had ever met. He’s not wrong.


I’ve recently lost 30 lbs (size 8-10 now). My mom said “You almost look skinny.” Ummm. Thanks?


I was on a HOSA trip at ILC June of 2023. My advisor (a teacher at my school who I worked closely with) sat me down to tell me many things that really affected my mental state. Here are two things that stuck out as backhanded compliments:

“You have an intimidating personality, one that can be used for good, if you just fit the puzzle pieces together.” Great, so now I don’t use it for good, fantastic!

“You are a kind person; I didn’t know you could be kind until I saw how you interacted with strangers this past week.” I’ve talked with her all school year, and she didn’t notice I could be kind until I interacted with people I didn’t know? Thanks….


"I love how soft and smooth your undercarriage is" this was from my ex-boyfriend and English wasn't his first language. He was talking about the skin under my boobs, it made me feel like a literal cow.


I was 16 at the book store and the cashier said: in a past life, you were an ancient Greek philosopher.

More recently, i got 'oh I can tell you're not from here, you're special.' Really curious - special how?


That I was a.MILF - from a male colleague


A friend once said to me "you have nice knees" and proceeded to pay them. This is now a running joke


“I like your face bones”


I’ve been told several times I have a nice speaking voice. Two of the times stand out, one girl told me that I should “be the books on tape guy”. The other was when a woman I worked with asked if I’d record myself reading something for her, when I inquired what, it was… how should I put this…graphically and specific sexual instructions.


I was quite badly beaten up once - two on one, partly my fault as I was screwing one of the guys wives (it takes two to Tango though), met a girl a few days afterwards in a pub who thought I looked sexy because I'd been beaten up ...... strange girl, I ended up married to her for 5 years - weird eh. ?


One of my wife's friends said I had 'kind eyes'.
Excuse me? These are the gunmetal eyes of a killer, striking fear into the hearts of men and beasts alike. Kind eyes gtfoh


You guys are getting compliments??


One time in a musical my friend and I were in, someone playing in the pit orchestra came up to the green room to grab water and randomly told my friend "you have good genes." That was pretty weird.


Some kid in year 8 told me he liked my shoes.
I was wearing white sneakers.


I was walking in the street and this man came up to me and said that I had very firm hair. Doesn't even make sense but thanks dude


I had taken my kids to the local amusement park and was sitting at the Merry-Go-Round which was our meeting place. I was wearing a tank top and shorts. A man came up to me and told me that I had the best looking legs in the whole park!


(new woman at work to me) "You know, I don't care what they say about you, you're not that bad". [Without a hint of sarcasm]. Ummmm... thanks?.


At 14 I was told "You'd be cute if you didn't have braces and glasses." 5 years later I ran into the same guy at a bar and he tried to buy me a drink. Yeah, no.


Someone said to me in the street "thanks for supporting the pride movement" I said "I don't support it what the bloody hell are you on about?" He said "well why you wearing a pride T shirt?" Then I had to walk away with my pink Floyd dark side of the moon T shirt on.


That somebody liked the acne scars in my face. I was totally flabbergasted to hear that and asked if she was not joking. No she said, you could see that you went trough to difficult times. Why I took that as a compliment? As she was totally right. And probably the best honest compliment I ever had got. I learned me to accept my acne and my scars. Now we are 30 years (and honestly some threatments) later, but If I ook at myself now I “thank” my bad skin for not giving me wrinkles ;)

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/rYJDwS6
via Boredpanda

Hey Pandas, What Is The Strangest Compliment That You’ve Ever Received? Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
