A Little Part Inside Me Dies: 89 Things People Judge Others For Without Even Being Sorry

As much as they might hate to admit it, some people can get pretty judgemental. And while a few might tell you exactly as it is, others are likely to keep their comments of disapproval to themselves. Or at least behind your back.

Redditor u/gotwire was curious to find out what’s something people secretly judge others for. They posed the question to the ‘Ask Reddit’ community and received plenty of answers, ranging from disapproving of one’s parenting style to judging people who wouldn’t clean up after their dog. Scroll down to find more of redditors’ replies and see what they simply can’t let slide without a comment—even if only to themselves.


People crying in front of the camera and posting it on social media.

Image credits: mllnnlmnmlst


How they treat complete strangers out in public.

Image credits: anon


Letting their kids roam around and destroying things in stores or restaurants.
Also letting them hurt others physically, it happened to my fiancé when we were at a birthday party, this 8 year old kept hitting him as hard as she could and he didn’t do anything in fear that it would cause drama.

Image credits: Vanity-della23


People who can't have a conversation without bringing religion into it... I get it... you think you're being nice by saying your godly pleasantries, but please stop spiritualizing everything.


Parents who are constantly yelling at their kids.

Image credits: TheGracetoGetThere


Hygiene. I had a coworker who pinched a loaf in the stall next to mine (our bathroom only had two stalls). It smelled terrible. When she was finished, she left without washing her hands and went straight to the break room fridge. She started touching and moving things around in there. From then on, I never put my food in the fridge and just kept it in an insulated bag at my desk. F*ck that s**t. Nasty people!

Image credits: milkcustard


Bad driving. No turn signal, tailgating, treating the drive like a race.

Image credits: Maren_Boyle




If you play your music without headphones, you are for sure going to The Bad Place.


What they name their kids.


wblack79 replied:

If it’s a normal name with a weird spelling, I’m judging so hard.


MissFuzzyPants replied:

Try Quartney. Really. A teacher’s kid.

Image credits: starglitter


Giving a sentimental gift to someone and recording their emotional response. Even with permission, it feels like it takes away from the genuine gesture and turns it into something exploitative.

Image credits: OsirusIris


Not neutering their dog ?.

Image credits: aking0120


If their cat is an "outside cat". More likely to die early by getting hit by a car, eaten by a predator, or catching a disease or parasite. Also very harmful to the bird population.

Image credits: tacobuenofreak


Anyone with an of the mostly right wing stickers on their car. These stickers include but are not limited to: molon labe, thin blue line, punisher, Calvin pissing on anything, let's go brandon, #FJBLGB (that was a new one to me the other day), or 3%er. You get the idea.

Image credits: Burninator05


Parents that don’t teach their kids boundaries.


1) How they treat their pets; 2) How they treat the waitstaff.

Image credits: BlitheringEediot


When people do good for others and video it to put online. I get that Aristotle says that the greatest good is a good that helps both parties.. but it doesn't sit well with me. In my experience, those who go out of their way to showcase how much a good person they are, are rarely a good person once you scratch past the thin mask.

Image credits: AcrobaticDig5710


People who cut in lines.

Image credits: BeastoftheBlackwater


People who wear their mask below their nose.

My f*****g god it's been how many years since we've had to normalize mask wearing and people still can't get it the f**k right? It's not even mandatory to wear now! Just don't wear one!


Being over the top with any belief or affilliation they have.

You are a Christian? Cool with me, just don't shove your religion down my throat.

You came out as gay? Good for you. Don't want to hear about it all the time but not really a problem to me.

You like this politician but not the other? Okay, i don't know either of them so don't waste your breath explaining.

Vegan? Interesting choice, won't force you to eat anything you don't want, as long as you don't do the same to me.

Image credits: GabeStop42


Not cleaning up after your dog. If you do this, I believe you to be an a*****e. Cleaning off my shoe, or my kid's shoe, blasts a 15 minute hole in my already crazy busy day, all because you don't want to spend 5 seconds cleaning your dog's s**t. And don't fool yourself that nobody is going to step there. Kids, especially, step everywhere.

Image credits: mikeymikeymikey1968


If can’t turn off the corporate/HR jargon in a casual setting.

Image credits: whopty


Talking on the phone in public, while being obnoxiously loud then bi**hing at everyone else for “violating their privacy”.


Face tattoos, especially words or phrases.

Not "you must be a criminal" but "You followed a really stupid trend in an effort to seem authentic".

Image credits: Bribase


If you drive a big, loud a*s truck. It kills me. They sound like they're really going fast and then you look and they're going 12 mph.


People who park like a******s.


Those who feel superior to others when they don't indulge in junk food or television.


Daily selfies. Makes me cringe. Okay, we get it, you think you look cute….again.

Image credits: dresstoopure


Using crystals for healing.

Image credits: Perlax


The attention seekers on Facebook that post things like : (google maps screen shot of the local hospital) “well that was crazy!” And then they just watch the likes and the comments pour in, but they don’t respond to anything or give any details as to what happened.


nakedwithoutmyhoodie replied:


Image credits: AkKik-Maujaq


Teens that do TikTok dances in the middle of the shopping centre and get pissed when people keep walking in their shots. Like take it outside or do it at home.

Image credits: Wynonna99


Having their buttcrack out.

A little slip is fine if you realize immediately and then pull your pants up, but if you’re sitting at a table with several inches out for an extended period of time…how do you not feel the breeze going through that canyon??


Using sunbed shops.


Heavy drinking, even if not alcoholism.


People who are Karen’s, Kevin’s, are entitled, claim to be influencers, ……


People who litter are as trashy as they come. I’m not secret about it though.


When people film s**t and don't help when something bad happens. Like if someone is hurt. Why are you still filming? Help them!


Talking about their Religion like they are better than everyone else just for believing in it.


Having kids by the dozens and then cry/beg/rant you don't got s**t for them or that you DESERVE for others to step up to take care of YOUR kids. B***h bye.


People who don't say thank you or please.


Fat parents stuffing their young children with bad food.

Image credits: dickbrained_forever


Making politics a core part of their identity.

Secret because getting into a conversation about it with those types is utterly exhausting and I'd rather avoid it.

Image credits: Cyrakhis


Cheating on a SO.

Image credits: RedandDangerous


People who wear shoes in the house.


People obsessed with getting married and planning their life around it. They judge me for not wanting to get married and have kids and I judge them for the opposite.


I don't like people who don't return their shopping carts, but I never say anything...


Older people when they can’t control their anger. 30+ and unable to control your anger: throw fits, regularly get visibly angry, no coping skills, etc.

Yeah, I’m judging you. Grow up.


People who will whip their phone out to start video recording you and anything else, for everything and anything.


Neglecting the Oxford Comma.


Spreading info that isn't true and acting like they know what they're talking about (even though they clearly don't) just because their opinion fits their narrative.


Using words incorrectly: effect/affect, principal/principle, there/their/they're, your/you're, whose/who's, etc

Image credits: Hora_Moan


Immediately believing one side of the story just because they heard it first.

Image credits: SaturdayNightCity


Overly macho men.


Lots of interest in celebrities.


Their ability to listen without cutting people off in group conversation.


Apostrophe’s for plural word’s.


Obese pets.


Having bad breath or crazy B.O. If you DO NOT have medical conditions that cause them or you can afford to bathe everyday but choose not to, you're just irresponsible in my book lol


Loud chewing of food.

Image credits: grumpyoldmanBrad


Whether they have manners or not.

Image credits: XenomorphXx121


Lipfiller, Botox

It screams lack of self-esteem to me.

Image credits: ms-wunderlich


If they push their chair in when they’re done or not.


Dirty fingernails.

Image credits: wolfieei


When someone constantly tries to finish your sentences for you. Especially when they in fact do not do it correctly ?


*Blatantly* stupid financial decisions.

When I hear someone tell me they max out multiple credit cards at the casino when they're already poor, a little part inside me dies.


People who make fun of those who mispronounce something. You never know a person's history. Maybe they learned that word reading. Maybe English isn’t their first language. Maybe …


Adults who wear pajamas in public.


Not being able to be on time. I don’t mean running late every once in a while. I’m talking about people who literally cannot bring themselves to be on time ever for anything. Get up earlier, set a timer, do something to fix it, or stop apologizing for being late because you clearly aren’t sorry. ETA I have ADHD. Being on time is important to me because if I didn’t prioritize it, I’d be late all the time. You’re allowed to be offended by being judged for it, but people are also allowed to be frustrated by you always being late. Trying to manage symptoms is part of having a healthier relationship with yourself and your disorders, especially if you expect people to empathize with them. I don’t openly shame people for being late, which is why this was my answer to “secretly judging,” but neurotypical or not, when a person is consistently late and makes no changes to better the situation, it’s extremely frustrating for and hurts the people around them.




Those wooden signs they have in their homes that say “Gather”, or some s**t like that.



A friend bought a house with 'EAT' painted in the kitchen and she kept it because her cabinet redesign makes it look like 'FAT' and the idea of a judgmental kitchen amuses her.


The length of their dog's nails//general husbandry of their pets.


If they honor their word or not. Taking charge of your words when you are not in the mental state to take charge of your emotions, is very much respectable.


The cleanliness of their car. Or lack thereof.


Walking a dog without a leash outside of the designated areas, also, if you can not control your dog when it's off the leash in the designated areas, don't take it off the leash.
Doesn't matter what the size, breed, or temperament of your dog is. If you don't understand why, or still think it doesn't apply to you, you don't deserve a dog.


Passive aggressiveness always annoyed me.


When they say “I seen something” instead of saw.


Asking questions they would know the answer to if they used their brains for two seconds.


When people don’t wave after you let them let them in front of you while driving.


Being two-faced, acting smart while struggling even with basic stuff, crying about boredom and not doing anything about it other than crying even more, straight out inability to think outside of the box.

Just to name few.


People who ask Facebook s**t they could just Google.


I’m old school I judge people when I shake their hand. Weak hand shake and won’t look me in the eye. It’s going to take a lot longer to gain my trust.

I do make exceptions for different cultures. I worked for a Japanese company it’s not quite as common.


For adults, fitness and diet: after moving out from your parents' place, it is 100% up to you and no one else.


Being a selfish, disconnected, neglectful parent who complains about being a parent even though they don't do jack s**t for their kids.


Any adult who uses the word “yummy” is immediately suspect.


How they speak. When people consistently use incorrect grammar I can't help but feel like they're not that intelligent.

Edit: I was specifically talking about how people speak, not how they spell. I realize there are many people who have issues with spelling and my dad is one of them. He is very well spoken, he just has issues with spelling and always has. I don't think of him as unintelligent and never have. I don't judge people whose English isn't their first language either. Like I mentioned in the replies, it is a pet peeve of mine when people who I know should know better, use incorrect grammar. The OP asked what we SECRETLY judge people for, meaning we keep that judgement to ourselves. I won't say anything to the person regardless of how many grammar errors they make.


I will judge any grown woman with a Chihuahua.


Being obese. Used to be 280-300 pounds. Judge might be the wrong word, but more strongly empathize and wish I could help, which eventually leads me to getting angry. It's not very rational, especially because I know exactly how it happens. I just wish these people realized what a better quality of life is available to them. Especially younger children, in those cases I do judge the parents.


When every story somebody tells me is negative. Even if the negativity is always a story about somebody else's bad behavior. At that point it's not juicy gossip, you're just depressing to be around.


Too many sexual partners.

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A Little Part Inside Me Dies: 89 Things People Judge Others For Without Even Being Sorry Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
