68 People Share The Things They’re Getting Too Old To Tolerate

My 17-year-old self would be severely disappointed in the fact that I’m exhausted by 10pm every evening, and I only have about three sips of alcohol a year. But the reality is that many experiences that are exciting or enjoyable for teens and young adults are a lot less glamorous decades later. Why stay out late when I can curl up with a good book at home?

In honor of all of these things that we’re simply getting too old for, Redditors have recently been sharing what they find much less fun (or much more annoying) as they age. Below, you’ll find a list of their thoughts, so be sure to upvote the replies that make you feel less guilty about refusing to go to restaurants with loud music!


anything starting past 9PM

Image credits: No_Finish_2144


Caring for people who don't care about me

Image credits: zrru



Image credits: Lothar_28


Anxiety. I need to get over this s**t already

Image credits: CashAppMe1Dollar


B******t arguing with other people.

It makes me think of Keanu Reeves. He gave an. Interview about growing older, and said he protects his peace by refusing to argue with anyone about anything. He said “2+2 is 5? You are correct. Have a nice day.”

Image credits: PatMenotaur


Sitting on the floor.

Image credits: ThingsWePutOnTacos


Lack of sleep. All nighters were once manageable. Now I pull an all nighter and I am useless.

Image credits: theWildBore


Eating food that’s not delicious.

And I don’t mean eating unhealthily.

I mean, If I’m going to consume calories, it’s going to be delicious. Sometimes that means heating things up in the oven instead of microwave, or adding an extra ingredient that makes the dish.

Image credits: jess32ica


Leaving the house

Image credits: cgeezy_


smoking cigarettes. I quit 5 days ago after 15 years. just woke up and went "you know what, nah."

Image credits: YourDearOldMeeMaw


Noise. Anyone or anything that is too loud.

Image credits: dma1965


Hangovers, 3 days to go back to normal is too much now and not worth it.

Image credits: CaisLaochich


BS excuses. Stop trying to make up elaborate, unbelievable stories. Just tell me you forgot, or you overslept, or whatever. It's fine. I get it. But don't expect me to believe your convoluted, half-a*s ramblings. Grow up and own your shortcomings.

Image credits: N1cole_Nurko


Putting up BS. I'm 64 and will retire in 8 months and also just filed for a divorce and hopefully that will be done before retirement. I'm done with it all. I have looked into buying a coop condo in a 55+ community and should have one secured within a couple of months. My employer seems to think they can call me for advice when I retire, no they can't because they have been very toxic and I'm almost done playing that game. My husband thinks he can treat me like c**p and not acknowledge anything important to me, I'm done with his toxic behavior. He's still in shock that I have the guts to do it but when I made a list in writing and he wanted to continue to be married I showed him a list I made of why I needed to leave and why I should stay and the should stay list was completely blank. He couldn't even argue because it was all true on reasons I should leave.

I am not too old to start a new chapter in my life and enjoy what time I have left.

Edit: Thank you all for the encouragement. We both meet with the attorney today and divorce will be final in 60 to 90 days. This decision has taken 15 years to put in place but someone did tell me about 10 years ago when the time is right I will move forward, the time is right at this phase of my life.

Image credits: mary48154


Skinny jeans

Image credits: sonic_butthole_music


Going places without a bathroom nearby. Not necessarily "too old," more like "too IBS."

Image credits: MidwesternMillennial


Booze, hangovers are almost always near extinction events these days.

Image credits: TheDukeofArgyle


This heat. I remember when I used to want to lay out, do beach activities, and swim. Now, I’m dreading having to go out in the sun and want to be locked away in my air-conditioned home


Concerts without assigned seating.

I'm not showing up hours early to get a good spot and then be *stuck* there the entire time without being able to sit or use the bathroom or else I lose my view.

Image credits: Hrekires


All the work necessary to maintain a house, especially the outside.

Image credits: Affectionate_Sir4212


Not being comfortable. I'm done with that.
Give me a pilow and some legroom.
A bench in the shower and a fluffy towel. Give me space to breath and live. Give me quality over quantity and I gladly pay extra for an upgrade.

Image credits: Swiftzword


internet bickering

Image credits: weepinwilo


Convincing people not to do dumb s**t.

Go ahead I don’t care anymore. Learn the hard way.

Image credits: Reynolds_Live



Image credits: RESF1973


People. Honestly, they're everywhere.

Image credits: nuclear_watchdog


Grudges and impatients. It's just exhausting.

I've become a much more forgiving and tolerant person with age. Learning how to set healthy boundaries has helped.


I used to go to the bar on the weekends, play darts, listen to the band, etc. It was fun!

Now it's just crowded annoying people, loud music and overpriced beer with a cover charge.

I'll still make an appearance for some food or to watch a game, but more of a happy hour thing.

Image credits: CpuJunky


Chasing after people. Like if I ask you to hang out a few times and you’re always busy… come find me. Phone works both ways.


Mainstream music

I am old. I don't like auto-tune. I don't like people speaking lyrics. I'm tired of how music went from what seemed like 5 or 6 genres all feeding each other country, s**t rap, or annoying pop.

I can still dig some Adele and T Swift though


Waiting in line.

Image credits: njdevil956


Caring. Growing up I was a people pleaser due to the abuse my bio mom did to me. Now being older, I’ve come to realize that I give less and less effs about if I make someone like me or not.

Image credits: Meep2Beep


I am tired of anime and superhero movies with teenage protagonists. I’m not saying the stories aren’t good, but I am f*****g tired of coming of age stories

Image credits: denial_falls


New slang.

Image credits: VixenOfVexation


Just turned 40 and I can't get "lost" in a game anymore.

Every time I try my brain is like "pssst you don't have your whole life ahead of you anymore..."


Trying to be hot.


Nuisance noise, kids whining , cars blasting , mufflers, lawn mowers …. Stupid people in public making noise .


People driving like a maniac to show off… it terrified me then and scares me even more now.


Staying out late, especially during the week.


The dating scene.




Being treated like s**t


Stuffed animals. But they’re just so cute


Three day music festivals. I still try, it never ends successfully.


Listening to people who don't pay my bills or my way if living. If I have to pay my I wn way then ima listen ti myself


Bad managers that don’t listen. I use malicious compliance, selective hearing, and miscommunication to work around them.



Image credits: Bluerecyclecan


Driving all night. Did it one time at 65 never again.


Family b******t


Camping on the ground.


Apparently Im getting too old to be self sufficient or physically active.


Stupid a*s people and friends that still cause drama in their 50's!!! F*****g idiots


Paying cover for bars/clubs. Why? I'll just go to the next one


The news in general


Bending down and up quickly.


Long conversations. Please wrap up whatever you need to say in 3 minutes or less. I zone out on each Teams meeting I have at work. I simply can’t stay engaged for longer than a few minutes (this might be a mental issue the more I think about it).


Guest rooms. I got hotel points.


Some of Gen-Z, I feel like. I just came across a video from someone who suffers from "time blindness," aka not being able to show up to work on time.

That's a *you* problem, sweetie. Get your s**t together and f****n be a productive member of society. You think that the world's supposed to cater to you? Nah, f**k outta here with that! I absolutely *dread* going into work most days, but I'm getting paid good for a good job, I'm going to be able to pay off my college debt in a few years, I'm going to use some of my grandmother's inheritance to put a down payment on a house soon, and I'm planning on getting married to my girl and traveling the world. Not only that, but I have 3 square meals a day, a roof over my head, a car that works, and a job that although sometimes dreadful, I can still get up to work on time, because not everyone is a pussy who can't get to work because you think the world revolves around you. I'm sick of people in Gen-Z who think that the world is going to cater to them. Nope. Not happening. Suck it up, buttercup. Rant over. Have a lovely week, everyone!


Social media. Rather meet face to face


Hard labor.


I’m getting too old for social media.

I used to care 20 years ago with MySpace, and then Facebook. But in these last 5ish years I’ve just stopped caring.

Instagram, Twitter, uhhh whatever is out there. Snapchat? TikTok? Fk it. It’s all stupid and there is so much out there. Now I’m reading threads… UHG.

Social media used to be cool, now it’s a lame waste of time. I don’t want my private life public anymore and I only honestly talk to 5-10 people regularly out of the hundreds of friends I’ve made in my lifetime.


Customers that don't know what they want. I work in a male dominated industry, when the 98% old man customer base is assisted by a female, they have no idea what it is they want. They will stutter and sputter but then catch a glimpse of a man in the background, they want the be served by a him. Dude, he doesn't know 1/2 as much as I do. They get schooled very quickly.


Drinking 2 days in a row


Niceties. Like in this economy??? Don’t ask me “how’s your day been” in the grocery line, just nod and we can move on. Lol


Classic rock. I had to listened to it when it was new. Enough already.


Eating fast food apparently! I used to be able to eat spicy, greasy food no problems. Now I just get heartburn and indigestion


All this s**t.

Honestly, if there was an easy way, I'd nope the f**k out.,

I'm done


Kissing up and playing games in the work place.


Other people's drama and nonsense.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/pRE2Xx3
via Boredpanda

68 People Share The Things They’re Getting Too Old To Tolerate Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
