Hey Pandas, How To Make Yourself Feel Happier When You’re Stressed Out?

The point is that I am wondering if should I continue with my work or not...


Dark chocolate. A little piece of it. Melting slowly on my tongue as I lie in a sunbeam. Or sit in one. Whatever.

Beats the days when I threw knives for stress relief.


Go outside and with bare feet plant them in earth or grass if possible and breathe in the calm


I repeat "This too shall pass" in my head. And try to remember how good the good times feel after the bad times.


Walking the dog or baking.I wont eat more than a slice but having one thing go ok helps my mood


Be near any of my animals: dogs, horse, or husband.


I have several different sound systems (my Beats headphones and my laptop, my Klipsch sound bar and subwoofer, the Bose premium speakers and sub in the Highlander), and I put on my favorite music, with lots of bass thump, and ride the auditory waves of ecstasy! AHHHHH!


Eating chocolate, petting my cat and reading a good comic book or a novel.


I hug my cat and listen to his purrs. It works wonders!


#1 - punch a wall. #2 - wipe blood off wall. #3 - hug the nearest cat. # 4 - relax with as many cats as possible whilst reading a good book. #5 - ask yourself why you stressed out at something so stupid in the first place. #6 - oh dear, I never learn do I?


just remember that it will pass. if this thing that u are stressed about is out of ur control, distract yourself with hobbies, friends, and whatever else that you like to do. We all know how you feel and it happens to the best of us. Best wishes and I hope your stressful feelings pass soon! :D


I put on headphones and listen to music loud enough to drown out the world and my thoughts.


I know this is kinda chiche but I play a lot of netball, so training by myself really helps me.


Drinking coffee (black with sugar) while listening to metal songs


Wash my car or do some gardening whilst listening to music, play my drums, read a good book


Get out, enjoy nature, exercise.


Pharmaceuticals. legal, of course


There are a couple different things I'll do if I'm stressed. I'll go for a long hike. I also like to forage, and/or identify different plants. I find it very calming and also interesting. What also works well for me when I'm stressed is to go for a drive, blast death metal, and scream my head off. I always feel so much better after I scream.


I know that there are several pet-related answers here. I have an unmentioned one. I take my dog early in the morning to the dog beach. Early in the morning it's not too crowded and the dog really have space to run and play. The joy they have frolicking in the water and playing together is infectious. Before I got my dog, I used to bring my lunch and eat it on the hill that overlooked the dog beach. Just watching them play brought me joy (and eventually prodded me to get my dog).

While there are sometimes challenges to pet ownership (emergency vet bill!), having a dog has brought me so much joy overall, and even kept me going when things got pretty dark. There's nothing quite like that unconditional love of a dog to get you through the tough times.


Chocolate always helps, but recently the stress was overwhelming. I started watching Outlander, from the beginning, again. It had been a few years since I'd watched 'Jamie & Claire' .
Any Outlander fans will understand. It worked wonders for me. :-)


Metal music and boxing.


I read my favorite books or paint random little things, all while listening to music and sometimes snacking.


Well I like to distract self like I read or go outside and listen to the birds and the wind It’s really nice!


I go out on my bike and enjoy the evening when I am not too tired.
Sometimes, I go to a place in my neighborhood, which is like a raised platform in the middle of a lawn. I just go there, reflect and chill.

Much better than the unhealthy mechanism that I used to employ, not long ago ;)


I know this isn’t really healthy but i do have a binge eating disorder ( i AM getting professional help ), so i binge eat way too much stuff to calm myself down. On smaller situations i journal and just listen to a song i like and talk to myself.


I chew gum, pick out a good song, find a private spot and uh… give myself a pep talk? yeah sure.

hair ties too. You can even use those in front of people


Try to remind myself that I can't fix everything, that everything happens for a reason, that it won't last forever. Then I craft, read or play with grandkids


Someone told me to ask myself, “Will it matter in 5 years?” “No.” “Then give it NO MORE than 5 minutes now.”

I’m still bad at that some(most)times so I like to perch and stroke an available cat. Playtime with them is best but I can fall down a play hole.

Basically, do what makes your brain quiet.


I sing.


Went through a rough time last year. Got really bad. This is how I ended up getting through the worst of it when I lost all my hobbies, friends, and interests

I made a Spotify Album called the Walk Anthem to Save the World. All motivational, high energy music like Rock. Almost no negative songs on there. Some favourites include my favourite Love Ballad and my girlfriend's favourite love ballad

I got a new hobby: Baking. Neil Gaiman once made a fairly long speech at a graduation. I adapted one of his lines from it. Stressed out? Make good cake. Thinking up new recipes, hand crafting recipes without a guide and then evolving and making those recipes come to life is an amazing distraction. Plus afterwards I get to eat like 16 Supercharged Brownie slices the size of my hand. I in fact do have a new recipe involving my brownies to take them yet another step forward. Handmade Flavoured Artificial Chocolate Truffles in place of Chocolate Bars. How does a Boosted Salted Caramel Brownie sound? The crunchiest of tops, baked so light it's like eating a cloud in the middle and yet I can still make it gooey and really satisfying for any chocolate hit

My girlfriend. I lost my ex during my decline. Took the hell out of me. Once I started getting better and got it into my head "Who needs someone who'd only stick around you to support them and not support you back when you need it?" I moved on. I kinda still have strong feelings against her but I hope she found what she's looking for in her new life. Meanwhile I got my new girlfriend. I'm able to tell her anything and she still loves me for it. In return I help her with her troubles and I get to see that giant beaming smile of pure sunshine. Plus she's a willing volunteer for my baking experiments. +1 for the best woman ever

My cat. Not the most huggable in fact whenever I pick him up he places his paws on my face to keep me at arms length. But sometimes he deems me worthy enough to nap with him. Little Norwegian Forest Cat devil but I love him

Taking walks. Work usually fills my exercise quota and takes the wind out of my sails but as much as I hate the warm weather and sunlight (I have a really hot body temperature so heat just makes me uncomfortable) sometimes it's nice to take the shades out in summer and go to the cliffs. On sunny, warm days you can see all the different colours under the ocean water like sand, seaweed, ocean life, coral and all sorts. You need shades to see it though

And lastly Photography. I'm hardly a pro but it can be nice to just head out with your phone and just snap a few pictures of flowers or trees or parks or forests or the ocean or whatever. My favourite I've taken so far is a twilight s**t of the ocean at the top of the harbour. The last moments of sunlight in the sky making a dark blue through the clouds and the darkness seeping into the edges of the shot with the dark ocean stretching out into the horizon

And that's how I got through most of it. It was impromptu and random but I just found what worked for me the best and I stuck with it. I tried crying and it helped a little but it's never a permanent solution. Surround yourself with people that care and fight back against a world that would put you down. Show them the hard way they you won't give in as easily as they want you to. You got this


Jogging in the sun or hot chocolate. Depends on the weather


I listen to Da Tunes (a playlist consisting of mostly 90’s rap and r&b) Bc da tunes are calming


Hiking with my Dog to play with Rocks in the Rocky Mountains ?


Being with my cat, watching Aphmau on YouTube, reading a book, blaring my fav music, and hanging out with my friend/maybe crush.


Booping a dogs nose. Theres something about it that just makes my dad a thousand times better every time


Cuddling my teddies and kissing their heads


I’m always stressed, so honestly, chilling alone in my room writing journals with a language I invented, just so my parents can’t stalk that too, and listening to music and going on BP.

More about that language, I made 38 letters that all make different sounds, memorized it, threw away the paper that decodes it, so to speak, and began a journal to let my feelings pour onto paper


When I was stressed at work, taking a break to walk to a local coffee shop with a work friend.


Sleep. Solves all problems temporarily. Just make sure you eventually wake up


A cup of coffee, Celtics music, and a good book.


I look at things that I like (being the repulsive clothing fetishist I am). This does the trick unless it is something very, very stressful. But happy? Happiness has no place in my life.


Art. Play Breath of the Wild. Read. Write. Sit outside in nature quietly for some minutes. Eat!


i listen to bass boosted music and plan car mods i want for 70s-90s muscle cars, really random but it helps


While walking usually makes my stress and anxiety bearable, when I am truly beyond help, I crawl under an assortment of soft blankets with many stuffed animals and have a good cuddle while watching cartoons. It forces me to rest and breathe and helps me to restore.


I try to do something entertaining to keep my mind off of it until I have relaxed! This could mean a book or movie, or talking with friends.


Wiggling the wand toy for Bouche. By the time she actually pounces it, I forget what's wrong.


I take a washroom break and try not to "force" myself to be happy. It's about calming down enough and getting out of the situation so you can come back level-headed enough to get the job done.
I remind myself that if I need help I can ask someone to help.
This will all be done, eventually, but no matter how efficient or fast I work, there will always be more that has to get done, and it will.
I'll look around and see no one else stressing. So, if no one else is stressing than there's no reason to be stressed.

You should figure out if it's stress or anxiety that is your issue.


Chocolate, a book or something funny. Also just talking to special people in my life.


I revisit clips of TWD or GOT on YouTube, maybe some old SNL skits too


Water: taking a shower, taking a bath, or drinking a glass of water. Water has always made things better.

If my husband is at home I take half an edible followed by a long bath while listening to him and the toddler do whatever it is they do. Usually, a tea party with apple juice or watching old wrestling shows, and then he orders takeout for dinner or we go out somewhere if it's early enough.


It really depends on what's stressed me out. Sometimes music makes me feel better, espicaly when I feel like I jsut need to be sad. Sometimes watching adult cartoons makes me feel better because some times I just need to laugh. And other times, just watching kids shows and feeling imature is nice too (though some kids shows can seem more grown up than family guy.)


turn phone and devices off and go stargazing.


I've learnt to empty my mind. All stress is caused by overthinking about things you cannot control or predict. Empty the thoughts. Also, avoid tons of sugar, it aggravates anxiety.


Alone time to inspire myself. Being quiet and alone is my greatest stress relief.


making a peach Tom Collins, cuddling my rabbit, and watching Broadchurch or Downton Abbey, or A


I walk down to the creek near my house


I share many of the same tactics: chocolate, music, going outside. But something else that helps me is to think of five things I'm grateful for. And they don't have to be huge ones. They can be little things like grateful for the fuzziness of my blankets, or grateful for hugs, or grateful for cucumbers, or whatever. Seeing tiny goodness keeps me from spiraling into seeing depths of bad.


Cats. All the cats.


I just like to read a good book, and relax. (show/movie works also)


I like to watch a movie or youtube videos. But I recently found this website that has a great community: https://ift.tt/7opWVs9


reading warrior cats and that makes my life not feel so bad


My quick fix is to get a drink of water. I instantly feel a little less stressed after I drink some water. When I’m teaching someone a new skill at work and they start to get frustrated, I tell them to get water.


Sport or any activity really, to get the good hormones going.


Attack a toy mousie where my soft can-opener can see. She acts like I'm making my first kill.


i like to read play my flute or play my ukulele when im stressed out it helps me SO much i will up-vote you if you comment to show you i saw it because i cant comment (i got blocked because of my religion) anyhoosies have an amazing day hope its filled with joy,laughter,and everything in between!


make a nice peach Collins, and cuddle with my Bunnie, and only watch British or Australian tv,


taking a break from what or who is making me stressed for a bit. ill go to my room and try and close my eyes and take a few deep breaths


Look back into the eyes of my dog. If she loves me this much, I must be worth something.


i pick a random song on my wheel and make a video of me singing, like a cover lol. Or ill practice piano


I have a couple of tricks, depending on the circumstances. First, I see if there's something I can eliminate from my schedule. If I can't do that, I see if I can rearrange my schedule. Often, it's something seemingly irrelevant, like laying out my clothes the night before or prepping veggies for tomorrow's dinner before bed tonight.


I go and hug the person that I love


I seek out the source of my frustration and eliminate it. Whahahah.

from Page 2 – Bored Panda https://ift.tt/6T5R4G1
via Boredpanda

Hey Pandas, How To Make Yourself Feel Happier When You’re Stressed Out? Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown