When someone welcomes you into their humble abode, you never know what to expect. Will their house be full of adorable decor that would inspire many Pinterest boards, or do they have a photo of a cow plastered across their entire fridge? Only time will tell…
If you’re interested in the less than aspirational home design choices out there, allow us to introduce you to “Please Hate These Things” on Instagram, a page is dedicated to shaming and celebrating the most ridiculous and hilarious design choices homeowners have ever made. Enjoy viewing the following design crimes and upvoting your favorites, and keep reading to find a conversation we were lucky enough to have with interior stylist Kel Harmer!
#1 One Martini Away From Ankle Surgery

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#2 Follow Me For More Time Saving Life Hacks

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#3 Brick Oven Pizza Anyone?

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
The Please Hate These Things Instagram account is dedicated to “absurd, ugly & just plain stupid things in home design.” We can’t all be Nate Berkus, so many of us need a bit of help in the interior design department. And while Please Hate These Things might not provide any practical tips or actual help for those of us out there who are struggling with our homes, at least it allows us a place to sit back, relax and laugh at other people’s design choices. The account has amassed an impressive 571k followers and has shared over 900 photos of questionable decor and designs.
From rooms that look like they were built without an architect to light fixtures that would make interior designers shudder, this page has it all. If you live for watching HGTV or silently judging your friends’ homes when you visit them, we hope that you love Please Hate These Things. And perhaps you’ll find some inspiration for what not to do in your own home! Channel your inner Joanna Gaines, and enjoy!
#4 Do We Have An Epidemic On Our Hands?

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#5 They Didn’t Have To Do Bessie Dirty Like That

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#6 Doing The Most And The Least All At Once

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
Clearly, it’s quite easy to end up with a home that features questionable design choices, so to learn more about interior design, we reached out to Kel Harmer of Oh So Kel, who was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda. Kel is an interiors stylist and the owner of Oh So Kel, the source of Inspiration for Beautiful Living, ‘Best Home Blog’ and ‘Amara IBA Shortlist for Best Design Inspiration'. She’s been described as the ‘queen of accessible style & unique chic decor’, so we wanted to know what she loves most about interior design.
“I love interior design because it’s a way of expressing yourself, reflecting your personality and using creativity in a way that is unique and individual to the homeowner,” Kel says. But when it comes to whether or not there is such a thing as bad design, she’s open minded. “I think there are certain design principles, color pairings and room layouts that work better than others, but I do also think that design is an art form which is subjective too,” Kel told Bored Panda. “We don’t all have the same tastes or opinions on what makes good design so there will always be varying ideas and debates on it.”
#7 You Can Checkout Anytime You Like, But You Can Never Leave

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#8 In Case You Want Some Stitches With Your Night Time Face Routine

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#9 Hide-And-Go-Poop

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
We also asked Kel if she has any big “don’ts” that she tries to avoid or recommends that others avoid in their designs. “Personally I try not to follow through on bold ’trends’ when making more permanent, expensive decisions such as kitchens, flooring, or large pieces of furniture,” she shared. “These I try to keep fairly neutral and classic which creates a foundation from which you can build on, bringing in personality and more bold statements through pieces that can be easily changed if you change your mind over time. Items such as cushion covers, art prints and wallpaper are examples of that.”
#10 You Know, I’m A Bit Of An Oil Tycoon Myself

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#11 Pandamonium

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#12 Honey It’s Getting Warm In Here Would You Mind Cracking A Testicle?

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
Kel also shared one of her own articles on 5 Steps to Define Your Home Style to help others know where to start when it comes to designing their own homes. Her tips include saving everything that you love on Pinterest, noticing trends that appeal to you, defining your style, referring back to your Pinterest boards whenever you lose sight of your vision and keeping your home cohesive. “Even if you’re not completely redecorating or buying everything in one go, it’s worth ensuring you have the entire space planned out in order to stay cohesive,” Kel writes. “It may mean you have a mix of styles while you’re in the transitional period of old and new, but stay true to the board and it’ll be worth it when you get to the end result!”
#13 Lots Of New People Here- So Here’s A Throwback To Ceiling Boobies

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#14 There’s Crossing Streams Then There’s…

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#15 You Are Hereby Banned From The Scrap Yard

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
And finally, we asked Kel what the most important thing to keep in mind is when designing a space. “It’s function,” she revealed. “How will you use the space and how can you design it to meet those needs? Think about how you want it to look and feel too, then combine those ideas together to create a functional yet beautiful space that reflects your personality and fulfills your needs.”
If you’d like to gain more tips from the expert, be sure to check out Kel’s website Oh So Kel right here!
#16 What Giant A*s Cat Lives In This Room I Need To Know

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#17 This Is Fine. Everything Is Fine

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#18 Happy Halloween’ish, Because This Is Terrifying

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
I was curious why so many of us are inept when it comes to interior design, so I consulted this article that Shelley Little wrote for MyMove breaking down the top mistakes that almost everyone makes. One of the first errors she details is not properly shopping around and budgeting before making impulse purchases for a space. We all know how easy it can be to see something that catches your eye and immediately want to rush to the checkout, but buyer's remorse is an awful feeling, Shelley warns. Take it slow, and don’t fear that the piece will vanish into thin air if you don’t buy it today. Who knows? You might not even want it after you design the rest of the space!
#19 I Will Not Take No For An Answer

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#20 Alexa Play “Idk I Kinda Love It” In 3….2…1…

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#21 Custom Is A State Of Mind

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
Shelley also recommends buying fabrics and textiles first when planning out a space. She notes that many of us make the mistake of painting first, but it’s actually easier to find fabrics we love and then choose the paint color accordingly. We are likely to be much pickier about fabrics, but once we find the perfect ones, we don’t want to turn them down just because we painted the walls the wrong shade of blue.
#22 The Chiropractor Special

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#23 Enjoy Your Eye Twitch

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#24 Exit Through The Poop Shop

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
Finally, Shelley assures readers that you don’t have to keep grandma’s antiques displayed in your home if you’re not a fan of them. Just because you inherited a lovely vase or set of dishes does not mean it fits with the theme of your home, and you can likely leave it in the attic or basement for safekeeping. The same goes for any piece you keep on display out of guilt, whether it’s a painting your best friend made for you or a rug your mother gave you for Christmas. “Set yourself free and make your home full of things that make you happy,” Shelley writes.
#25 When That Third Roommate Hasn’t Paid Rent

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#26 Is This The Stupidest Way Ever To Put Dirt In Your Pool Or A Brilliant Way To Chill A Party’s Worth Of Beer?

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#27 Same, Sink. Same

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
We hope we haven’t scarred you by introducing you to all of these painfully bad design photos. If you are designing a home of your own, pandas, remember that you are free to do whatever you like with it. But if you make questionable choices, you can’t be surprised when they end up online! Keep upvoting the photos you can’t believe actually exist in people’s homes, and let us know in the comments below what you think the worst design faux pas is. Then, if you’re interested in checking out Bored Panda’s previous articles featuring Please Hate These Things, you can find them right here and here!
#28 Vroom Vroom / Need For S(Pee)d

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#29 Custom Or I Don’t Want It

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#30 Stay On Your Side Of The Sink

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#31 Control A, Control C, Control V. Control Z!!!! Control Z!!!

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#32 Malicious

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#33 The Struggle Is Real

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#34 It’s Ok To Just Donate Some Stuff

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#35 So About That Punch List…

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#36 More Beautiful With Tetanus

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#37 Convenience, But At What Cost?

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#38 The Biggest Inception Fan Ever

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#39 Emergency Toilet For When The Taco Bell Hits On The Stairs

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#40 Worst Magic Eye Puzzle Ever

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#41 Even Your Cat Is Breaking His Leg

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#42 What Linen Closet?

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#43 That’s A Load Bearing Shelf

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#44 Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#45 When You’ll Do Anything To Avoid The Upper Decker

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#46 Light Switches Are For Losers

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#47 This Is Vicious

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#48 Do Less

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#49 New Years Resolution: Use A Tape Measure

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#50 Kramer Will Not Be Happy About This

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#51 Carpet The World

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#52 Lookout Below!

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#53 Blew The Upholstery Budget On The Infinity Pool

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#54 I’m Sorry, I Don’t Get Paid Enough To Care

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#55 All Custom Everything

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#56 Hi Bye Part 2

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#57 That’s Enough IKEA For Today

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#58 Conscious Uncoupling At Its Best

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#59 Oh Excuse Me, And Yours Doesn’t?

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#60 Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#61 That Screen Saver When The Logo Hits The Corner Perfectly

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#62 *head Tilt*

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#63 Caption Contest! The Winner Gets A Free Visit From The Edward Scissorhands Who Created This Masterpiece

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#64 We Should All Aim To Be As Indispensable As This Soap Dispenser

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#65 Is That A Challenge?

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#66 I Can Show You The World. Shining, Shimmering Dust Mites…

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#67 Where There’s A Will There’s A Way Goddamnit

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#68 What Giant Lives Here

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#69 What Happens In This Room?

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#70 Not Wrong Though

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#71 Howdy Neighbor

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#72 What’s Someone Keep In Here? Wrong Answers Only

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#73 Close Enough

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#74 Blue Jean Babies Are Made Here

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#75 Look Out Below!

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#76 Lower The Drawbridge I Gotta Take A Dump

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#77 Welcome To Hell

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#78 How Did We Get Here?

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#79 This Prison Cell Sucks

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#80 Them: How Petty Are You? Me:

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#81 You’re Gonna Wanna Swipe

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#82 Priorities

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#83 Stuart Little Is Movin On Up Huh?

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#84 It Just Doesn’t End

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#85 They’ll Never Notice

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#86 Where To Begin

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#87 Needed Proof That The Grass Was In Fact Greener

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#88 Someone Misunderstood The Assignment

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#89 Shower But Make It Tetris

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#90 Good As New

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#91 When You’re 8’7”, 150lbs

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#92 Doing The Least And The Most Is A Common Theme Here

Image credits: pleasehatethesethings
#93 Don’t Forget Your Lifealert
#94 Lighting Is Fantastic Though
#95 This Is Fine. Everything Is Fine
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