People Of Australia Share 34 Words And Names They Usually Pronounce Completely Different To Americans

Mark Webber has not competed in Formula 1 racing for almost ten years, but the memory of his inimitable Aussie accent is still alive among racers and fans. And he is not alone - literally any American or English who has been in close contact with a representative of the Green Continent for some time will sooner or later tell you a story in the style of "do you know how they pronounce this word?"

In fact, Australian English is a unique linguistic phenomenon, one of the most distinctive varieties of the most widely spoken language on our planet. Yes, things are different in Australia. And the words to which we are so accustomed sometimes sound quite unexpectedly different there.


Carmel. There's another A there for a reason.

Image credits: serenitative


"Eeemoo". It's a goddamn EEEM-YOU!!! Drives me bats**t insane every time.

Image credits: dutchroll0



Americans pronounce it as it's spelt, we pronounce mel-burn.

Image credits: CoDroStyle

The first British colony on the Australian continent, New South Wales, was founded in 1788, and after a little over thirty years, English scientists who came to Australia were forced to admit that a new version of the language had formed on the continent. And the more new settlers from different parts of Britain and Europe crossed the two oceans, the more different this option became.


*edit because apparently I need to say ~not all seppos~*

**F*****g "emoo"**. Also; Meer (mirror), squrl (squirrel), w**re movie (instead of horror), Erin when they mean Aaron, creg (craig), gram (Graham), riz-OE-toe (risotto). Nuculer... also I listen to a podcast where the guy says dragon weird, almost like draygon.

OH and when they say iron like eye-ron. And nitch instead of niche. And twot instead of twat.

How are they managing to f**k up "sentient"?

Edit to add CARRRR-mul, o-REG-a-no, and this f*****g video where they say wooder instead of water, or even their usual wahhhhderr.

Image credits: iusedtobefamous1892


Aluminium, pecan, almond, fillet, herbs, Melbourne, Cairns

Image credits: anon



Image credits: sharabi_bandar

English writer Anthony Burgess (that very guy who wrote The Clockwork Orange) described mid-twentieth-century Australian English as "a kind of petrified cockney from the Dickensian era." But at the same time, the language was strongly influenced by the languages ​​of Aboriginal Australians, and the influence of American culture in the second half of the century also did its job.

Today, according to linguists, about a third of Australians speak the so-called Broad Australian, nearly half of the population uses General Australian, and about ten percent usually maintain a conversation in Cultivated Australian. Do you want some auditory examples? For the first option just listen to, let's say, Bryan Brown or ex-Premier Minister Julia Gillard. For the second - it's enough to hear how Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe or Hugh Jackman speak. And to get acquainted with Cultivated Australian, simply watch any film with the participation of Geoffrey Rush or listen to a recording of the famous opera singer Joan Sutherland.


Craig as Creg. As a Craig it kills me

Image credits: Aussiechimp


Of course there’s multiple varying accents in the US, and some of these only occur in a subset:

erb for herb

boo-ee for buoy

yuman for human

aLOOminum for aluminium

flar for flower

J. S. Back for J. S. Bach

Image credits: billbotbillbot


Buoy. Americans say "booey". Dumbest thing ever.

Image credits: UnderstandingRight39

Interestingly, the final legitimization of Australian English in the minds of the Aussies themselves appeared relatively recently - in 1981, when the lexicographer Susan Butler published the first edition of the Macquarie Dictionary, which has since gone through seven reprints, and today is generally considered by universities and the legal profession to be the authoritative source on Australian English.

"There are many Englishes in the world: there's English English, or British English, there's American English, South African English, Singaporean English, Philippine English, and so on. Among those Englishes there is Australian English, which didn't really have any proper account, any proper record, of what its characteristics were," Susan Butler said in an interview with Junkee a few years before her retirement in 2017. "In those circumstances, communities can find it a little bit difficult to have a sense of what their English is, and certainly to believe in it - to believe it's a legitimate form of English."


Solder = Sarder

Image credits: bobba84


Duty - we have a tendency to pronounce it "jew-ty"

Image credits: ratdarkness


Toob instead of tube. My kids all pronounce YouToob instead of YouTube …

Image credits: anon

Be that as it may, today Australian English sometimes sounds completely unusual to the American ear, and having heard it somewhere on the streets of Melbourne, some modern Dorothy definitely has the right to say: "I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." Well, the more interesting it will be to scroll to the very end of this list and maybe add some more fascinating findings about how this or that word we are used to sounds far south of the equator.


They say Graham like "gram".

Image credits: DictionaryStomach


Antarctica (they don't pronounce the first t)

Image credits: Enceladus89


Here in the US on a certain quizzing show, the host pronounced Uluru as oo-LOO-roo. Not only that but she was *correcting* a contestant’s pronunciation.

But it’s oo-la-ROO, right?

Image credits: SaturdayHeartache


Oregano and basil have different stresses to the point that could be something else

Image credits: Mrbusybaconandeggs


Erin for Aaron.

Image credits: anon


Kirsten being pronounced ‘Keerstin’. Ick.

Image credits: chops_potatoes


Data vs Data as in Day-tah vs Dar-tar

Image credits: Schedulator


Niche... They say "nitch"

Image credits: timblom


Harry as Hairy

Image credits: anon


For some reason they say Dachshund as “doxund”. That is in no way close to the German it comes from.

Image credits: universe93


Enquiry. Australians say en-quiry. Americans say ink-wery.

Image credits: CEOofmyhouse56


Aussy instead of Auzzy. Even after an Australian has just said the damn word.

And lol at the Americans trying to convince us that they don’t realllly pronounce words different.

Image credits: loralailoralai


Antarctica - “Anardica”

Temperature - “Tempichure”

Van Gogh - “Van Go”

Graham - “Gram”

Craig - “Creg”

Herb - “Erb”

Emu - “Emoo”

Koala - “Koala bear”

Aussies - “Ahssies”

Mirror - “Mir”

Squirrel - “Skwerl”

Image credits: jcthefluteman


Caramel/car-mel and aluminium/alu-minum was the removal of a syllable really necessary?

Image credits: GirtBySteez


Solder (EN) != sodder (US)

Soft-Ts (EN) vs hard-Ts (US) - tunes == choons, not toons

The massive over-emphasis on R-sounds and elimination of many L-sounds.

The many, many excuses that pop up if you mention the difference, about "that's how it used to be pronounced/spelled/etc", that are usually folk etymologies or just false.

Image credits: dezignator


‘ Lever’ to sound like ‘leather’, and ‘missile’ to sound like the first syllable in ’mistletoe’.

Image credits: RobynFitcher


The name Megan.

Pronounced Meh-gan everywhere else.

Pronounced Mee-gan in Australia.

Image credits: needsmorecunts


Asperger's syndrome- US pronounce it assburgers.
It always blows my mind that they think that is an appropriate way to say that terminology.

Image credits: Simply-zeee


Aluminium & saying the h in vehicle.

Image credits: KelFocker


The way yanks pronounce “water” makes my f*****g blood boil. Wah-trr

Image credits: anon


Azma (asthma). There was a scene in big bang theory where Leonard teases Penny "can you even spell azmuh" while butchering the pronunciation himself.

Image credits: Rocks_whale_poo


How no one is mentioning cement in here is amazing. Americans pronounce it seament as in semen instead of “Ceh-ment”

Image credits: TyphoidMary234

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