In this past year, I've had the opportunity to make a lot of connections on Instagram. Most are fans of the comic series that I created, and a few are artists who either create great artwork or illustrate comics of their own unique designs.
Examining new ways to illustrate and color my comics gives me a chance to grow as an artist and the opportunity to test my comic-creating capabilities.
Sometimes, I would see something fantastic in an artist's work. An image or an idea that I would like to try to incorporate into one of my comics. Only after speaking with the artist and asking for their permission would I begin the process, fully giving credit where credit is due.
I have had the opportunity to chat with some of these creative individuals about many things, one of which is being able to do a comic crossover. Everyone loves a crossover comic.
If you would like to see more of my Bored Panda posts, you can click here, here, or here.
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#1 Plumbing Problems

When I am creating a Bonebag webcomic, I start with sticky notes. Sticky notes are great because they are the size of a single comic panel. If I don’t like it I can either redraw it on a new sticky note or move them around to make the comic better. Sticky notes are great for writing down ideas for later comics as well. Sometimes it’s as simple as writing down a funny title or even a comic outline. No cartoonist should be without their sticky notes.
#2 Date Nite
As time progressed, I received some interesting requests. What if Grimm went on a date?
This idea intrigued me. I had not thought of Grimm having a love life, let alone going on a romantic date. I put this question to my readers. "Who would be Grimm's date?" After much discussion, I decided to create Mandy the Mermaid. This was a fantastic comic. Even though it was only a few panels long, it had a heart. And it pushed me to my limits on coloring.

#3 The Cat Came Back

Here’s the thing about making comics, it’s like therapy for me. I don’t do it for money. That would turn it into a job and I already have one of those. My favorite thing about creating comics is tracing over my rough sketches. I like fleshing out the drawing in ways that my early concept didn’t show. It’s like watching a flower unfold.
#4 Something About Rosemary

#5 Witch Joke

When I am trying to figure out something funny, the best place to look for inspiration is from other funny people. I like to look at funny puns and listen to other comedians. Humor is everywhere. Sometimes it’s in the little things. Things that happen in our lives. We just have to be observant.
#6 Bonebag Meets Belzebubs
As for the crossover comics, Bonebag is transported via summoning circle and meets one of the characters from the Belzebubs Comic series (created by JP Ahonen)

#7 Feel The Burn

A lot of people who create digital content measure their success by the number of followers they have or by the number of likes their stuff gets. For me, I measure success when I read a comment (sometimes a direct message) from a fellow artist, telling me how much they love my work. That it makes them laugh. That it brightens their day. That is a success. I hope to be doing this for a long time. Making comics for people to enjoy.
#8 Game Night

#9 Curse Jar

If I were to give someone advice, someone who is just starting out, I would tell them this: It’s ok if you don’t see a lot of progress. Just keep doing it so long as it makes you happy. Learn as you grow. Don’t do it for followers. Don’t do it for money (but don’t do it for free either). If someone wants you to draw them something, put a price on it. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you are worth.
#10 Poltergust A/C Repair
The creator of Towny Town Comics (Jacob Luther) allowed me to use an A/C unit in need of an exorcism

#11 One Kay Thanks
Eventually, I hit the 1000 followers milestone

#12 A Viking We Will Go

#13 Free Hamper
The creator of the webcomic series Deliberately Buried Comics gave me permission to use an image of a Free Hamper they had

#14 Meet Bob The Zombie
Bob The Zombie interrupts Bonebag's morning breakfast ritual. (Bob was created by Jonathan LA Luz, Dead Inside Comics)

#15 Drinking Buds

#16 Wait! Is It Cookie Season Already!

#17 Eeney, Meeney, Miney... Magic

#18 Everyone Loves A Crossover Comic

#19 Oboe Lessons On Tuesdays

#20 Hunger

#21 Screen Time

#22 Tricky Treat

#23 Quack Attack

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