Hello Bored Panda! I’m a Boston-based writer and artist who posts comics online for random strangers on the internet. I always dreamed of being a cartoonist when I was little, so last year I decided to give it a shot — and now I’m finally doing it!
Here are some of my favorite comics I've drawn this year, so far.
For more of my comics on Bored Panda, see parts 1 & 2.
More info: Instagram | patreon.com | webtoons.com | reddit.com | Newsletter

So as I mentioned, I’m currently working on a little series about Moongirl, the obnoxious free spirit we all hate. She’s the sort of person who calls herself a 'soulpreneur' or an 'empath' or whatnot. Just kind of a bummer, you know what I mean? But I think that specific kind of internet personality is hilarious, so I’m developing a whole series of comics around her — and I’m really happy with how it’s turning out!


When it comes to my comics overall, well, this is the third part already but it actually took many months of work before I had any art I felt half-decent about sharing. I think the main thing that kept me pushing myself to keep doing it was watching each comic improve very slightly over the last one. Seeing that tangible progress was helpful.


At any given time, I have 100+ ideas jotted down in my notes for future comics. If I’m feeling excited about an idea, I try to get it sketched out pretty quickly, otherwise, it often joins that ongoing void of ideas I may never get around to fleshing out. I go back and explore old ideas when I’m feeling tapped out or I’m looking for something quick to knock out.


My memory is terrible — I have to write down ideas the moment I have them, otherwise, they’ll be lost to the ether. Sometimes I can’t even remember the nonsense I write down in the first place. What does “Tulsa bridge thing” mean, Rusty? The world may never know.


One of my favorite topics to explore has always been the way people interact on the internet. I post comics to Reddit pretty regularly, and Reddit more than any other social network really seems to exacerbate the Very Online ways people interact with each other — and I love it. People will respond to the most innocuous things with just complete and utter vitriol. It’s fascinating to me.






































from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/ZLI3aeH
via Boredpanda