In the dank year of 2018, some person uploaded a post to the me_irl subreddit. It was a picture of Trump’s Tweet, edited to say something completely random. By filling in the gaps between the letters, you could finally understand that it said: “o, the Pelican. so smoothly doth he crest. a wind god!”
It made no sense at all. But that’s besides the point, as people found it funny in some abstract way. 5 years down the line, a dedicated community has formed, making these things daily. Here are some of the funniest (can we call these funny?) examples from there.
Image credits: u/deleted
More info: Reddit
#1 What A Flirt
Boring brutal fact. Many women are cute

Image credits: u/JWinslow23
#2 Elon's Back At It Again
Goal of government should be Giving each person catgirls.

Image credits: u/SuperTheNova
#3 Peach?
yo peach?

Image credits: u/aT80tank
The original Reddit post happened in 2018, the 24th of March, on me_irl, a subreddit meant for posting “selfies of the soul,” things that represent you innately. After all this time, the post has collected almost 21 thousand upvotes and 200 comments.
At first, people didn’t understand what it was, laughing at the poetic absurdity of the Tweet and hoping that it would take off, with people making more of them. Little did they know…
#4 Joe Makes A Shocking Discovery
Poo flows from the people of the United States.

Image credits: u/BermudaTaco
#5 Not The Meat!
i just spent Two Dollars on MEaT! If Iran takes any i will be sad

Image credits: u/ducks_underneath
#6 The Four Beliefs
pelicans believe in:
Ending man

Image credits: u/danlev
The statement that resonated with folks the most after seeing the original “Pelican” was: “Finally, a president who's not afraid to say what we're all thinking.” Others questioned reality and wondered how people come up with things like these, wondering that it could be a different form of Haiku.
A mere day later, the community was formed on March 25th. Currently, there are 41 thousand people there, all getting Pelicanized memes in their feeds.
#7 No Hate Towards Tom But If We Have The Tools
We have all the tools we need to fight Tom hanks and master chief.

Image credits: u/Huperman1
#8 A Bit Belated But A Very Gracious Concession All The Same
So, you're the President of the United States, joe
you go more votes, by far - ant I lost. You won

Image credits: u/mumbly-joe
#9 Public Service Announcement:
ATTENTION: Bernie Sanders is 193
he old

Image credits: u/TomNookTheCook
This may surprise you, but people have been making Pelicanized memes for far longer than you may be willing to believe. This is actually an art form called erasure or blackout poetry.
Words are deleted, cut, or blotted out from any kind of previous text, be it a newspaper, a poetry book, or, in this case, a Tweet. It changes the original meaning but retains some authorship, drawing attention to new themes.
#10 Oh No!
Somebody stole my freaking hair!

Image credits: u/[deleted]
#11 Now That's My President
The quest for hot dogs is on

Image credits: u/mxmentomori
#12 Dumps
How come my dumps are so devastating in their percentage and power of destruction?

Image credits: u/sasha07974
#13 Who Doesn't Enjoy That Rich, Smooth Sound?
Americans only love to experience bassoons

Image credits: u/0x5742
One of the earliest known adopters of this technique was Doris Cross, particularly known for her works with dictionaries. Using them, she could make astounding works of art by deleting parts of text and creating intricate drawings over them.
Blackout poetry may be used as a form of self-expression or a form of critique of political suppression and secrecy. Most importantly, like any great form of art, it is versatile and deeper than it may seem at first glance.
#14 Sorry For Uploading So Much, I Should Take A Nap
i must do something about the TEENS
They are tired! they should be able to rest
so easy

Image credits: u/JWinslow23
#15 Run Kitty!
pelican, thou art so dangerous to the cat. Watch out, run!

Image credits: u/Profossen
#16 It's Bulls*it! I Did Not!
President Trump did not hit Biden. not true, oh hi, @mark

Image credits: u/AnYunYun
#17 Oofh Owie Ouch
"The fire is hoT ow oW Ow!

Image credits: u/iAMA_butter_robot
Now that we know a bit more about what the formal name for “Pelicanizing” is, we can take a look at other similar communities. Again on Reddit, SpeedOfLobsters has the same basic concept of using blackout poetry to create humorous images, but they no longer limit themselves to Tweets. There is also ExpandDong, a community that adds letters to things in a ransom note fashion, leading to humorous but explicit results.
Finally, an honorable mention should be made to Sbubby, a community for editing various logos in ways that look the same but say something different. I don’t think I can't put this linguistic game into words, so you’re best off just looking at it yourself.
#18 Pete Announces His Post-Campaign Plans
Americans are hungry
we'll eat this president and the next.

Image credits: u/BermudaTaco
#19 The Lobstering Is Upon Us
Obama destroyed the lobster
Now it's back, bigger and better
Enjoy your "lobstering"

Image credits:
#20 Very Unfair!
who Took my goat
very unfair

Image credits: u/dylneed1
#21 It Sure Is, Joe
Trump stol the garfield phone. It's unforgiveable.

Image credits: u/goodbige
Coming back to our current topic, Pelicanizing. If you were wondering, you can now create your own edit without Photoshop or MsPaint. By taking a quick visit to the Pelicanizer, created by Josiah Winslow, with a Twitter or Mastodon (Twitter alternative) link in hand, you can create your very own piece of art or comedy. Try it out, the website works well, and it’s at the same time easier and more difficult to create your own works than it may seem at first glance.
#22 Bernie Says
eat your chair

Image credits: u/v1ncent97
I did NOT shower today in public. I haven't seen or spoken to soap in close to 18 years. Shower a man, and a Man may ache. Never had a watery Bath!

Image credits: Unknown
#24 Oh There It Is!
I see the Pelican Party now. Thank you!

Image credits: u/_JohnLemon__
#25 It’s Over
We finally ended infrastructure
our nation's crumbling

Image credits:
For this article, Bored Panda was lucky enough to get in contact with the creator of the Pelicanizer and an active voice in the Pelicanizing community, Josiah Winslow, a hobbyist programmer. Josiah works on lots of programming projects when he has the time, and you can see what he is working on on his Twitter or Mastodon accounts.
Asked about the meaning of the original Pelican, Josiah believes that “whoever made the original picture only ever meant it as a funny one-off meme.” It’s so far removed from the original context (the 2016 Republican National Committee) that it doesn’t seem that deep.
“But part of me thinks that's the point: it's such a silly thing, put in the mouth of someone who already says a bunch of silly things (well, that's my opinion, anyway).”
#26 Le Toucan Has Arrived !
le toucan has arrived!

Image credits: u/I-need-to-sneeze
#27 Two-Part Pelican
Why dost thou, o Pelican, soar with
overwhelming allure.
o Pelican were I thou!

Image credits: u/Valdevia
#28 Come Home Now, Your Father Is Looking For You
Pelicans come here
come home fast along with me now

Image credits: u/JWinslow23
#29 This Describes Molyneux Very Well
Ohhh, I lack her talents and am Very nasty.

Image credits: u/JJ2478
Josiah had already put out some posts on the OThePelican sub and had the idea of making the Pelicanizer. He thought that being able to remove the letters from Tweets on a website would be easier than drawing over them by hand. “The first version of the site was made only knowing what I knew then, and it was pretty barebones compared to how it is now.”
Josiah doesn’t have any real goal for the Pelicanizer. He created it to help himself and others create these niche memes easier. As long as that stays true - Josiah is happy.
#30 We Live In A Society
gamers rise up now. The world is watching

Image credits: u/[deleted]
#31 Monk Petting Punishable By Law
I did not pat that monk becausse I'm wise.

Image credits: u/berfv

Image credits: Unknown
#33 O, The C Ro W
o, the Crow it handed to us the word, very slowly it Presented order, and ended fights, VERY no blebeing

Image credits: u/Aquilaar
Asked about whether there is a deeper meaning in these Tweets, he said: “Mostly, I think they're just funny memes. But every so often, I'll see a Pelicanized tweet that I can tell is making some sort of larger statement -- and isn't that what all great art does?”
He gives out some examples. The user OSUBonanza created a post making Elon Musk’s Tweet say “Bye People, F the People", seemingly satirizing Elon’s general attitude on his decisions after becoming CEO.
Another post by Coalmunist made Trump’s Tweet say: “love is a phony Hoax. It is a Scam that is promised. What has happened to me!” Josiah said that it “honestly reads like a poem to me (and I'm ashamed to say, I very much relate to it).”
“And who could forget when mumbly-joe posted what a Trump concession might have looked like?”
Josiah summarizes his view after giving us examples, saying that although most Pelicanized Tweets strive to be funny, some could definitely be classified as art. And they have the power to be both.
First it wags the toes... cat king of mine.
The ants make us own a home, a bus, a shoot her in the clit!

Image credits: Unknown
Pay day exploits unethical cons to promote I ate forms.

Image credits: Unknown
fine! It's time to get vaguely fed. You give me very dead food and I'll eat.

Image credits: Unknown
"I" has zero "intelligence", I just pout for years but more sad

Image credits: Unknown
Not to be judgey but it's weird as hell to have taco meals for your lion.

Image credits: Unknown
Good pet
we Giggle #noW ay

Image credits: Unknown
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