I Used AI To Create Superheroes That Fight Real Everyday Problems (23 Pics)

Can't reach that itch in the middle of your back? Can't get that jar of pickles open? And you ran out of kitty litter again?

Never fear, as I have created everyday superheroes that fight real everyday problems, such as when you realize that you don't have change for the parking meter. No worries, Change-For-The-Parking-Meter Man is on the job!

Coffee Woman always shows up at 3 pm. Fabric Softener Man fights to keep Static Electricity Man at bay, although he's usually easy to spot as he has a pesky balloon or two always stuck to him.

I'm a photojournalist by trade, so it's nice to create something fantastical and fictional after a hard day's work capturing the real world around me.

Visit my previous post here on Bored Panda, where I used AI to see Dog Puns coming to life.

More info: Instagram | kevinlamb.ca | Facebook

#1 Pollinator Man

A hero of Earth, and is sadly allergic to pollen.

#2 Cat Litter Man

Who is like Sandman, but with litter.

#3 Coffee Woman

#4 Pun Man

His alter ego is...well...me.

#5 Mri Woman

She is a hero because that cancer won't find itself.

#6 Jar Opener Man

Always popular with the ladies.

#7 Dishwasher Man

#8 Change-For-The-Parking-Meter Man

Has the coins you need.

#9 Contact Lens Woman

Finds them on the ground for you.

#10 Fitted Sheet Woman

Says "give me that, useless man".

#11 Teacher Woman

Will straighten out those little monsters.

#12 Sleeping-In Man

He'll save you tomorrow.

#13 Buttered Toast Man

Because who doesn't love toast?

#14 Comfortable Shoes Man

#15 Fabric Softener Man

Static Electricity Man's nemesis.

#16 Toad Man

Every gardener's hero.

#17 Back Scratcher Man

Has all the tools.

#18 Happy Man

Always annoying. His alter ego's name is Ray O'Sunshine, of course.

#19 Mr. Kayakhead

Son of a famous Canadian, Mr. Canoehead.

#20 I-Don't-Know-What-Do-You-Want-To-Eat Woman

Is a formidable opponent.

#21 Static Electricity Man

An easy villain to spot with balloons stuck on him.

#22 Babysitter Man

Are they too much even for him?

#23 Plunger Man

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3UFvzOU
via Boredpanda

I Used AI To Create Superheroes That Fight Real Everyday Problems (23 Pics) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown