Can't reach that itch in the middle of your back? Can't get that jar of pickles open? And you ran out of kitty litter again?
Never fear, as I have created everyday superheroes that fight real everyday problems, such as when you realize that you don't have change for the parking meter. No worries, Change-For-The-Parking-Meter Man is on the job!
Coffee Woman always shows up at 3 pm. Fabric Softener Man fights to keep Static Electricity Man at bay, although he's usually easy to spot as he has a pesky balloon or two always stuck to him.
I'm a photojournalist by trade, so it's nice to create something fantastical and fictional after a hard day's work capturing the real world around me.
Visit my previous post here on Bored Panda, where I used AI to see Dog Puns coming to life.
More info: Instagram | | Facebook
#1 Pollinator Man
A hero of Earth, and is sadly allergic to pollen.
#2 Cat Litter Man
Who is like Sandman, but with litter.
#3 Coffee Woman
#4 Pun Man
His alter ego
#5 Mri Woman
She is a hero because that cancer won't find itself.
#6 Jar Opener Man
Always popular with the ladies.
#7 Dishwasher Man
#8 Change-For-The-Parking-Meter Man
Has the coins you need.
#9 Contact Lens Woman
Finds them on the ground for you.
#10 Fitted Sheet Woman
Says "give me that, useless man".
#11 Teacher Woman
Will straighten out those little monsters.
#12 Sleeping-In Man
He'll save you tomorrow.
#13 Buttered Toast Man
Because who doesn't love toast?
#14 Comfortable Shoes Man
#15 Fabric Softener Man
Static Electricity Man's nemesis.
#16 Toad Man
Every gardener's hero.
#17 Back Scratcher Man
Has all the tools.
#18 Happy Man
Always annoying. His alter ego's name is Ray O'Sunshine, of course.
#19 Mr. Kayakhead
Son of a famous Canadian, Mr. Canoehead.
#20 I-Don't-Know-What-Do-You-Want-To-Eat Woman
Is a formidable opponent.
#21 Static Electricity Man
An easy villain to spot with balloons stuck on him.
#22 Babysitter Man
Are they too much even for him?
#23 Plunger Man
from Bored Panda
via Boredpanda