In This Viral Thread, People Are Exchanging Tips And Hacks For Living A Better Life (48 Answers)

It's no big secret that life is an incredibly tricky thing. 

However, before you berate yourself for failing one more time, remember that it's like that for everyone: Hollywood A-listers, world-class scientists, Instagram influencers who fly to the Seychelles every other weekend, your mom, and even your elderly neighbor who seems so content all the time. 

We're all experiencing life for the very first time, and it would be foolish to believe that we're able to nail it without encountering a few rocky roads on our way – yet, a few life lessons from those who have gone a long way have never hurt anybody. 

What is something that not a lot of people know [and] that if they knew it, would drastically improve their quality of life?” – this web user turned to one of Reddit’s most thought-provoking communities, asking its members to share their go-to piece of advice that would significantly enhance someone's quality of life. The post managed to garner over 1.6K upvotes as well as 1.5K comments revealing only the most life-changing tips. 

More info: Reddit


I realized that I would never talk to someone the way I talk to myself, it was a little light bulb moment. Self compassion is a long road.

Image credits: CactiNeedle


When having a discussion with someone you should listen to what they are saying and not think about what you’re going to say when they’re done talking.

Image credits: looseylewinsky


You don’t HAVE to become a parent if you don’t want to

Image credits: sleepyworm


Personal boundaries. You don’t own anyone an explanation and you don’t have to keep s****y people in your life.

Image credits: tennesseewaltz


Don't go cheap on mattresses or shoes.

Image credits: lukaron


It’s okay to not have an established opinion about everything.

Image credits: JaqenYcar


Saying "no" is easy. Saying "no" and not needing to explain yourself is even easier.

Image credits: UnusualWind5


Turn signals exist for a reason. *Use them.*

Image credits: skelepyro


Drinking mainly water and going outside for ten minutes a day will greatly improve mood and health

Image credits: Choonabayga


You are not obligated to stay in contact with friends or family forever. If they make you miserable you are free to walk away.

Image credits: otherm0ther


Never cheat on someone. You'll sleep better at night if you're guilt-free.

Image credits: MrMorsley


You don’t have to attend every argument you are invited to.

Image credits: Complex_Management87


It’s okay to be a virgin.

Image credits: blankspacefood


Feeling tired and/or like s**t all the time is not normal and if you do then you should probably see a Dr.

Image credits: HaViNgT


Getting off of social media.

Image credits: jeffend1981


White vinegar has 1001 uses

Image credits: bk15dcx


Don’t tell your self you’ll be happy when [insert goal here]

Be happy now because it may be all you’ve got

Image credits: rugzy_dot_eth


Incremental progress is realistic progress. If you're only going to find satisfaction in progress that takes large or extreme jumps to achieve, you'll just find long stretches of depression between a few days of satisfaction.

Image credits: Surprise_Corgi


Instead of saying something about yourself, ask the person a question about them or a follow up question about what they said last.

Image credits: idiotsincars22


Most interactions you have with others, particularly strangers, they'll forget about pretty soon after they happen. They have their own s**t going on. Once you realise this, it becomes much easier to ask that stupid question, to complain, or to let go of something embarrassing that happened.

Image credits: AlterEdward


Just stepping back and appreciating the world. Too many operate on autopilot 24/7 that they miss out on simple things.

Image credits: KidOmen


Put an end to working more than 40 hours per week.

Image credits: diklamoir


Spending time in nature is one of the best things to make you feel better. They don't call it forest bathing for nothing

Image credits: lhj81


Empathy. If you can empathize with why someone is acting or feeling a way it makes the world easier to navigate. It helps you give grace to others and reduces your stress as well. You also see that not everyone has walked the same path as you and even if they did, they had a different view.

Image credits: spookaddress


You don’t have to wait until bills are due to pay on them.

Image credits: brucemaguse


Exercise is good for keeping your body healthy

Not into ripped bodies?, not into team sports or sport culture?, not into gym lifestyle?

Exercise anyway, doing something you enjoy, it's good for you

Image credits: Stunning-Hedgehog932


Having a good sleep schedule. Going to bed AROUND the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning. I know this isn’t feasible for everybody but it really changed my life and my productivity through the day

Image credits: Sudden_Ad_756


If you're fat and lazy (Like I was), you can use your laziness to your advantage by convincing yourself that you're too lazy to get up and get a snack (I'm still lazy but I'd stopped having to get a snack every few moments thanks to that.)

Image credits: ABrownieKink


You shouldn't care about anyone (celebrity, politician, family, etc.) more than they're willing to care about you.

Image credits: AskRedditAndChewGum


Separating needs from wants, yet fighting against peer pressure to buy things you don’t need.

Image credits: Steve4505


Pee after sex! Used to have so many uti's until I learned that and haven't had one since! It's so easy and useful idk why this isn't more well known


Go for a walk in the woods when you are sad/ angry/ anxious/ scared. You will feel
better and will be able to understand and face your situation with more clarity.


Take the time to learn the basics of cooking skills, invest in a couple of good quality pots and pans (from a thrift shop is fine), keep three sharp knives: chef's, paring, and carving. And throw out any spice more than a year old.

Image credits: ALittleTouchOfGray


“Trusting someone” isn’t actually trusting the other person to never make a mistake or never hurt your feelings - that’s something you can’t control.
It’s putting trust in yourself that you have the ability to handle any situation that may come with being vulnerable. Life hasn’t been the same since I realized.


Always round down your paycheck. You made 433 this week. So 400.

Always round up your bills.

Take you highest monthly bills times 12 and that's an estimate for how much you need to live.

Then take the lowest pay month and times that by 12. That's how much you make a year. Roughly.

Bills fluctuate(heat electric etc)and your pay isn't always the same. IE sick days etc.

This is the difference between what you can buy and what you can afford. If your pay is below or slightly over to those yearly bills you need to cut stuff or another job.

This will help you estimate your financial status before it becomes a bigger problem.

Image credits: wraithwraven


Life is very short. Try to have as much fun as you can in that short period of time. You got like 900 months and that’s it.

Remember, you really don’t need a big house or an expensive car or a lot of other materialistic stuff. Less is more. And by having less means you save a lot of money. Most people have to work very hard to maintain a certain lifestyle. A lot of people are slaves to their own mortgage or other fixed costs. But does that really make you happy?


Your thoughts dictate the quality of your life.


Don't ever engage in any way with a narcissist.

Image credits: lt_Drebin84


It sounds silly, but attaching my keys to my wallet and using a Tile has been such a big change for little effort. I used to waste so much time hunting for my keys and wallet, and now I don’t.

Also laying out my clothes the night before. Even though I don’t have a complex wardrobe or anything, it just gets me going.

SAD light in winter, when I wake up, 18 inches away from the face. No more SAD.


Silence can set the stage for the practice of mindfulness, which has a range of mental health benefits.

Being mindful and aware of what is happening in the present moment can reduce anxiety, quiet racing thoughts, and calm the nervous system.

Image credits: Back2Bach


Self awareness. There are so many people that are blissfully ignorant running around these days. It's horrific to be part of this society


Dental care when you’re young can prevent major problems when you’re older. Get a Sonicare toothbrush! ( I’m not a dentist)


The benefits of strength (weight) training. Especially for people who are close to reaching the age 50+. It makes A HUGE difference.

Having strong muscles, bones, and tendons is crucial for everything to do with life. And as you age, they inevitably atrophy, so having a higher starting point when you get old prolongs you vitality significantly.

There's plenty of reasons why everybody should hit the gym at least once per week.

For some reason, most people seem to think gym is just for aesthetics. Your muscles aren't aesthetic organs, ffs.

Image credits: Scuka1


If you use a Neti pot to clear your sinuses, you need to use water that’s been filtered or boiled first. If you use water that hasn’t been sterilized, like tap water, there’s a chance brain eating amoebae which you just shoved up your nose could travel further up and infect your brain.


If you’re in a car that’s new to you and don’t know what side the gas tank is on, there’s a symbol by your gas gauge (usually of a gas pump) with an arrow showing which side your tank is located on

Image credits: Bending_toast


Use wood pellet for cat litter. No more cat litter smell, super cheap and easy to clean.

Image credits: noza1986


"Do the thing, and you shall have the power." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Instead of wanting the "strength/will/confidence" to do something, do the something to get the "strength/will/confidence".

Doesn't have to be a huge action, just something small daily or weekly and let it compound.


when you go out, never forget your WOWEE






from Bored Panda
via Boredpanda

In This Viral Thread, People Are Exchanging Tips And Hacks For Living A Better Life (48 Answers) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
