Who ever said there is no place for anger on the internet?
Anger isn’t bad, if you know where to channel it. And this online community found a creative way to do this.
r/AngryUpvote is a Reddit community for that “feeling of a particularly bad dad joke.” Though there ought to be a little asterisk (*) added to that phrase, which you will learn about a bit later, but for now, scroll further, enjoy the top posts from the subreddit, read up more on what it’s all about, and, of course, vote and comment.
More Info: r/AngryUpvote
#1 Angry For A Different Reason

Image credits: sadface_jr
#2 Take My Upvote And Leave

Image credits: Intrepid_Mastodon_97
#3 Wait, That's Legal

Image credits: PoshAndRepressed
#4 Good One

Image credits: shotgun-priest
#5 I’m Not Sure How To Feel About This One

Image credits: reddit.com
So, as mentioned above, and as it’s probably obvious enough, r/AngryUpvote is a part of Reddit that’s dedicated to bad jokes. But these aren’t your regular, run of the mill bad jokes. Oh no, sir. And a tad bit contrary to what the subreddit’s description section says, it’s not exclusively for dad jokes, though those can and are actually included.
According to one of the subreddit’s moderators (or simply mods, as Redditors often call them), Cloudclock, it’s not a dad joke subreddit per se. By the looks of things, it’s a subreddit for memes and jokes that are so bad (or cringe, or whatever other unpleasant feeling you’d happen to feel) that you can’t but give them an upvote... in rage and anger at your own disbelief that your soul found it funny, but an upvote’s an upvote.
#6 Idk If This Has Been Posted Here Or Not But God Damnit

Image credits: reddit.com
#7 Checkmate

Image credits: _MrEngland_
#8 Take My Upvote

Image credits: Inst_inct
#9 You're Welcome

Image credits: reddit.com
#10 He Threw Up

Image credits: Interesting_Crow580
Since late June of 2019, the subreddit has grown into a rather large community. To be precise, and as of the moment of this article, the sub has 381,000 members, or Angry Voters, as the subreddit jokingly implies. And you gotta give props to he (or she or they) who adjusted the “members online” section to indicate how many people are “throwing tables” at that moment.
The community also has several rules in place to keep order and peace, namely things like no reposts, posts having to be from Reddit, posts having to be relevant to the subreddit, and the like.
#11 *Eleven Pants*

Image credits: Lazybones_17
#12 Wow, Okay

Image credits: Redbeak27
#13 Not To Be Confused With A Kazoo

Image credits: EthanSL24
#14 Just Leave Your Upvote And Back Away

Image credits: jonxtine90
#15 Get Out

Image credits: larsmert
Speaking of posts, it is all pretty much as you would expect. Memes containing humor that violates you to no end. Yet you find yourself still applauding it because it quite likely did make you laugh in the end, leaving you with a sense of self-megaloathing.
Among the subreddit’s top posts of all time, we have what is probably one of the most creative Rick Rolls in the history of Rick Rolling… in the form of a Wheel of Fortune.
Then there’s this wise-guy who took an unorthodox approach to answer the question You could erase one person from everyone’s memory. Who would it be?
And, there was also this one, where McDonald’s was reacting to Twitter upping their tweet character count to 280 and them saying that they only need enough space for a burger and fries. Another witty tweeter, though, took a jab at the global fast food chain, or, more precisely, their frequent ice machine breakdowns, asking if the ice cream emoji broke down too. [slow clap]
#16 You Butter Believe It!

Image credits: QuakeGuy98
#17 From R/Nuxtakusubmissions

Image credits: 1Raheem
#18 Fricking New Jersey

Image credits: Outrageous_Ebb_7517
#19 Ya Need Glasses…

Image credits: Anothergamer5
#20 Holy Tintinnabulations Batman !

Image credits: rainbowarriorhere
Alas, r/AngryUpvote is your only stop on Reddit for humor that may or may not make you laugh, and quite likely may infuriate you. Other angry subreddits don’t really follow that vibe, as they’re either straight up cathartic in nature, like r/Anger, or follow another branch of the internet’s interests, like r/AngryCats. Though you could find some similarities with the r/TechnicallyTheTruth subreddit, which also sometimes contains jokes that make you want to flip a table (or seven), but you can't but accept it as a technical reality.
And before you ask, yes, there is also an r/AngryBirds subreddit. But I digress.
Whatever the case, feel free to check out and join the r/AngryUpvote community as you can never do the things you talk about in an article justice, but you can certainly point towards the real deal, so there you have it.
But before you go, keep scrolling, and share your thoughts and laughs in the comment section below!
#21 One More For The Portfolio!

Image credits: isytown
#22 Title

Image credits: Stephadamus1171
#23 I Hate You

Image credits: MeltsYourMind
#24 What About Their Faces?

Image credits: Pristine_Ad136
#25 WTF

Image credits: WaRDishOaTHrEP
#26 Gym

Image credits: nanosaitama
#27 Took Me Some Time

Image credits: HIDD3N_WEEB
#28 Ah Yes, Fireworks:

Image credits: Brent_Fox
#29 Live Stream

Image credits: mcaus15
#30 Oh For Gods' Sake

Image credits: Ncfetcho
#31 This Makes Me Mad.... Take My Upvote And My Dignity

Image credits: Ravenclawguy
#32 *laughs In Evil*

Image credits: S**ta**1512
#33 Not Happy

Image credits: BrandaNix
#34 Sorry Buddy

Image credits: OnlyHere4ZEMemes
#35 ?

Image credits: RegenL
#36 Got A Love/Hate Relationship With Dad Jokes

Image credits: purplesocks-
#37 Bloom'n Onion Anyone?

Image credits: Allanon_Kvothe
#38 Literally

Image credits: kristltmao
#39 I

Image credits: CosmicOli
#40 B O E I N G

Image credits: shrey_bob7
#41 Dis One

Image credits: WARHEAD25
#42 Wowsers

Image credits: rainbowarriorhere
#43 Ground Beef

Image credits: mcaus15
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