“What Is Something Socially Acceptable But You Can’t Help But Think ‘Why?'” (48 Responses)

We all live in a world governed by rules, common sense and socially acceptable norms. The latter ones refer to things that are generally viewed by the members of our society as being appropriate to engage in.

Although societal norms often vary from culture to culture, that doesn’t mean some of the generally accepted things are not to be questioned. With times changing, some of them feel outdated or raise more questions than they have answers.

This illuminating thread asked people to weigh in and list the things that are “socially acceptable but you can’t help but think ‘why?’” Below are some of the most illuminating responses, so scroll down!


People asking couples when are they going to make baby.

Image credits: TheMarathiDude


Beauty pageants for children

Image credits: mandatory6


Working while sick.

This expectation needs to stop. Being expected to work while sick doesn't make a good employee, it makes a bad employer. That's saying nothing of how this expectation leads to the rest of the employees getting sick too. There was a reason everyone at my previous job called the place the petri dish, if one person got sick literally everyone else would too because you either worked or went to the unemployment line.

Image credits: The_TALLMIGHTY


Off leash badly trained dogs in public parks where others are trying to enjoy a picnic.

Image credits: llamafarma73


Companies calling your phone without your consent. We're just lucky thet there isn't a market big enough that you'd have to check who's calling every 5 minutes.

Image credits: TheWhyWhat


Touching pregnant people's stomachs.

If I ever become pregnant and some rando decides that they can just start rubbing my stomach without asking then you bet I'm gonna be rubbing their stomach back

Image credits: wasabishark


Those baby/children’s clothes with sayings like “future heartbreaker” or “does this shirt make me look fat?” Why?

Image credits: Beign_yay


Texting while driving doesn’t get enough hate.

Image credits: Limp_Distribution


Posting EVERY minute of your life on social media.

Image credits: TelevisionCroissant


Driving after drinking at all. You are operating a 2-ton murder mobile. Please give the road your full attention.

Image credits: nicholus_h2


Working 40+ hours a week for someone else for most of your adult life only to maybe get 10 years to enjoy life when you may be too old to enjoy it anymore

Image credits: raspberrywines


Saying that your child is going to break so many hearts when they are older or saying to the mother to "save him for me" as a joke.

Just sexualising children in anyway especially when they are far too young to understand and begin to learn that its ok to grab a womans tits because when you did it your parents laughed and encouraged you when you were younger.

Its gross.

Image credits: ANGYandDENA


Being on your phone when having a conversation.

Image credits: holaxamigo


Assuming a childfree woman in the family will babysit your kid whenever you want to go out.

Image credits: mapletree-girl


Unpaid internship for students.

A poor student can't afford the costs that go along with the internship.

Image credits: SuvenPan


Not wearing a seatbelt. BACKSEAT TOO.
Let me tell you a story.

We had a girl in our house, basically a medical foster placement. Your typical 4-5 yo before her ‘incident’.
Her family was going somewhere together, mom and grandma (I think) and they strapped her into the kid seat. But didn’t strap the kid seat into the seat of the car. Head on collision, and this little girl (+kid seat)is sent *through* the dash board. Can’t walk, talk, feed herself, be a 5 yo. Had a chunk of her skull smashed to bits, repaired, removed again because of an infection, and a plate added.

Ffs people. Wear your damn seatbelts. You become a potential projectile for the other people in the car too. No one is safe.

Image credits: AdMotor1654


Honking your horn while in traffic. What do you want me to do, drive through the cars blocking the road? These people are morons.

Image credits: DropTablePosts


Family YouTube channels, honestly they start really sweet and all but it progressively gets worse when money gets involved.

Image credits: gargoyle_godzilla


Using speakerphone in public places.

Or having loud (should be private) conversations in public like everyone wants to hear.

I was just waiting at the social security office and EVERYONE in there overheard this woman helping this man, I’m assuming her man?, fill out his paperwork. She was shouting questions like “do you have any mental disabilities?” “Do you take medication?” Lady, no one thinks that’s cool.

Image credits: blurredlimes9


People smashing other people's face into cake when it's their birthday, or when newly weds are sharing a cake and they smear the cake onto their SO's face in the ceremony. Just, why? Not everyone thinks it's a fun, quirky thing to do, it ruins whatever makeup they're using, and most of the time I see it, the people with cake on their face gets pretty mad over it, and I think they're justified


Strangers touching all over babies. Pinching cheeks, picking them up and kissing them. I’ve had people come up to me at a store and open up her car seat cover to see her. And I’ve had people that know my mom (strangers to me) come up and kiss her and pinch her cheeks and pass her around when she was just a little infant. None of them cleaning their hands either. I enjoy seeing people that I know holding and loving on my child but at least ask especially if you are a stranger.


Needing to be in contact 24/7 in order to show interest in someone you’re dating


Full grown adults dating barely "legal" teens


Going to get crucified for this but getting drunk.
I don't have a problem with drinking alcohol but the way people talk about how drunk they got with immense pride always baffled me.

Also the fact that it's completely legal along with cigarettes when other things aren't is moronic.


Taking pictures of strangers without permission when the context isn’t justified, especially covertly (bonus points if the person does it for the purposes of sharing/posting it). Am I the only one that thinks it is weird and creepy?


Giving up so much private data to companies without the option not to.


Customer entitlement in retail. Returns culture. Posting bad reviews before trying to understand what actually went wrong when it comes to meeting their expectations.

Image credits: NotTodayGamer


Abuse towards men, it’s still laughed at when a man says it happened to him


Bullying people for not drinking alcohol in social situations


Not using your turn signal while driving.



They're unnatural, useless and need too much water.


People casually talking negatively about an unattractive/ugly person in their vicinity and the people they are with never call them out on it and will go along with them. As an ugly woman this constantly happens to me.


Untrained 'emotional support' animals. I’m all for service animals, but some people abuse the concept and just make sh*t up.


Bringing a baby to an R-RATED MOVIE. Why?


How we have become so okay with so much consumption just for the sake of it.
Black Friday deals, "sales", new phone upgrades every year. It's all so weird.
Also working for 80000hrs of our lives is pretty weird too

Image credits: internsearcher25


Asking a women when she is going to marry and why doesn't she have a boyfriend.

Asking a couple when they are going to have kids. There are a lot of couples that can't get pregnant and asking that is like rubbing the wound with salt


Telling a young person that they’ll change their mind eventually when they say they have no interest in ever getting married.

Also telling someone they’ll want kids eventually even if they’re adamant about never having kids.

Case in point, I would very much prefer to have two cats that I can love and pamper and cuddle with than a husband or wife.

I refuse to give birth, I refuse to be pregnant, if it ever happens, I am getting an abortion. If I ever have kids, it’ll be through foster or adoption and it’ll only happen if I become moderately wealthy and can give those kids a good life, if not? My cats will be close enough to kids anyway.


Oversharing everything and everywhere your kids or babies are. Like putting full names, tagging their school/frequented play areas, interests, etc. Friends and family ain’t the only people looking at this stuff.


Pockets in female clothing…..I am a male. My daughters cannot understand why there is fake pockets in all womenswear.


Kids having social media accounts


Rich megachurch pastors


People listening to loud music on their phone in public transports without headphone.


grabbing people’s wheelchairs and pushing them without being asked or asking consent. pushing people around is rude as f**k and bullying behaviour, but if someone is on wheels suddenly it’s fine? no. don’t touch the chair


Gender reveals


Stomping cigarette butts out on the ground.


Not knowing how to cook, prepare or pack food for yourself.


Going "above and beyond" with no return in terms of work ethic.


Being viewed as a failure if you don’t enter into a relationship, get married and/or have kids.

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3R6PPXS
via Boredpanda

“What Is Something Socially Acceptable But You Can’t Help But Think ‘Why?'” (48 Responses) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown