Twitter Can’t Get Enough Of This Page Dedicated To ‘Chaotic Cat Pictures’, Here Are 42 Of Their Best Posts

Cats are some of the cutest and most fascinating animals the world has ever known. And no matter how hard we try to satiate our desire for cat content, we just cat– Sorry, we just can’t get enough. We’ve covered the heartwarming transformations cats have gone through after being adopted into loving homes, memes we would tag our kitties in if their little paws could use Twitter, photos celebrating their adorable murder mittens, and pics that scream powerful meow energy

Today, however, we’re on a new mission. Exploring one of the other features of cats that all cat parents are sure to know and love: their chaotic side. They are essentially wild animals, right? So it only makes sense to feature them embracing their chaotic nature. From inexplicably finding their way onto the highest point in their homes to sticking their little heads in places they definitely don’t belong, we’ve gathered some of the cutest and most confusing pics from the Chaotic Cat Pictures Twitter account down below for all of you feline lovers to enjoy, as well as an interview with the creator of this beloved account. 

Be sure to upvote the pics you find particularly chaotic, and then let us know in the comments what the wildest thing you’ve ever witnessed your cat doing was. This is far from the first or last cat article Bored Panda will ever publish, but it just might be the most cat-otic!


Image credits: chaoticcatpics

To learn more about how this adorable sensation of a Twitter account got started, we reached out to the page's creator. When asked what sparked the creation of the account, they told Bored Panda, "My love for cats inspired me to make the account." They also admitted that they did not expect such rapid growth of the page, but what can we say? The internet loves cats.

We were also curious if the photos shared are typically user submitted or original photos from the creator, but they told us, "I pretty much just find them online." And when asked why they love cats so much, they shared with Bored Panda, "l like cats because they are intelligent creatures and cute." And while that is absolutely true, this page might not be the best one for highlighting the intelligence of kitties... The posts are definitely adorable, though, so we can certainly all appreciate them.


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics

Chaotic Cat Pictures is still relatively new to Twitter, as the account was initially launched in July 2022, but it’s already made quite the impression online. With over 34k followers, Chaotic Cat Pics is a beloved corner of Twitter. I mean, what’s not to love? Cute photos of kitties, hilarious content, and many photos that cannot fully be explained but can be appreciated nonetheless. We all know, people love cats, and a combination of cute cat photos and memes about them is a gold mine online. 

Cats have a reputation for being a bit mischievous and naughty, so it’s only fitting to celebrate their chaotic moments. They are intelligent, and sometimes unfairly labeled mean by those who don’t understand them, but they can also be hilariously goofy. And according to one article published in the Journal of Research in Personality, humans love cats all the more when they exhibit chaotic traits.


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics

The study explained that cats are prone to showing disinhibition, or “reduced behavioral restraint”, a feature that many of us would not be fond of in humans. Being unhinged, ignoring the rules and having an impaired regulation of our urges can lead to many dangerous and unfortunate situations as humans. But for cats? It only makes them more lovable. The more disinhibition cats displayed, the more their owners felt connected to them.

“These behaviors tend to foster more frequent cat-owner interactions and emotional closeness between the owner and cat,” reports Rebecca Evans, a Ph.D. student at the University of Liverpool and the first author of this study. “Pet-unfriendliness predicting a higher quality relationship was a little surprising.” But it might be because cats are little lovable monsters. Nobody adopts a cat without assuming the risk of being scratched, clawed or occasionally bitten. And maybe we enjoy their chaotic sides because we feel that we have to be inhibited in our daily lives. It’s entertaining and exciting to have a little fur ball running around the apartment going wild when we shine a laser light on the floor or dangle a toy on a string.


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics

Cats are often allowed to exhibit a little more chaos and “choose violence” more often than dogs because they usually cannot do as much damage. Usually. They are small, and although their claws are sharp, a bite from a cat is not likely to do any really harm, aside from the pain and possibly drawing a bit of blood. So their owners often find it amusing when they are chaotic and crazy. They can climb on top of a door, into a tree or sprint through the house at 3 in the morning without causing any real reasons for concern. Plus, it is much harder to train a cat than a dog, so most owners just accept that the chaos is part of the deal. They’re not going to listen to you, so why try to control them? Let them be free and along with that, they’ll be hilarious and entertaining.


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics

As Marte Dæhlen wrote in a piece for Science Norway titled ‘Why Can’t You Get Your Cat To Follow Orders?’, “Quite often, we become the servants of the cat, rather than the other way around.” But if the chaos is really out of control, or it’s beginning to make you stressed in your own home, there are certain tactics that might be able to help you have a semblance of control over your kitty. Researcher Susanne Schötz, who works at Lund University in Sweden and specializes in understanding how humans and cats can mutually communicate, told Science Norway that to solve an issue with our cats, we need to get to the root of the problem. “Cat owners should find out how cats work and why they do what they do. Like peeing and pooing outside the litter box. Understanding what causes a cat’s behavior is an effective way of solving problems.”


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics

Schötz explains that if we want to understand what’s going on with our cats, we need to figure out what they are trying to tell us. For example, any change in their environment can make them stressed and can actually be registered as trauma in their bodies. So we must respect that our cats are creatures of habit. Schötz also warns that cat owners should never punish their fur babies. “And I mean never!” she says. “The risk is really great that the cat will not understand why it is being punished but it will associate the chastening with the person doing it. So the cat ends up trying to avoid this human.”


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics

Rather than ever using punishment with our cats, we can instead incentivize them with rewards like treats, toys and affection. Schötz also explains that clicker training can be used with cats as well. This is when you provide your pet with a tasty treat or access to a toy right after making a click sound, and eventually, your cat will respond to the click sound itself. You could also simply say the word “good” rather than use a click sound. To teach your cat, however, you must be patient and only train them in very short intervals. Their attention spans cannot handle more than a couple of minutes of focus, and you have to catch them in the right mood. Cats are very much different from dogs in the way that they do not aim to please us. 


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics

Part of the reason cats are so difficult to train is because they are much less domesticated than dogs. They have never been bred to perform any special functions, so they maintain a lot of their natural, wild animal instincts. In fact, biologist John Bradshaw says that our cats don’t even realize we are a different species. They simply view us as giant cats. And even today, about 85% of cats mate with wild males, so the species is not being carried on by purely domesticated kitties. Bradshaw even says that, “The way cats relate to humans is driven more by instincts than by learned behavior.”


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics

And while cat training is much less common than dog training, Sarah Ellis, co-author of The Trainable Cat says that maybe it should be more popular. “People don’t traditionally train cats because they think of cats as ... independent and full of free will,” she says. “What they don’t realize, though, is that they are subconsciously training their cats on a daily basis.” She explains that we’re often training our cats to do exactly what we don’t want them to by giving them lots of attention for things like pooping on the carpet or scratching up the furniture. When we yell about those things in front of a dog, they immediately get a guilty look on their faces and lay down with their tail between their legs. But a cat? They will likely be satisfied because all attention is positive attention. 


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics

Whether you have a fluffy feline friend at home or not, we hope you're enjoying this list of chaotic cat photos. We cannot provide explanations for all of them, but sometimes, art should just speak for itself. Cats are certainly a special species, and I'm satisfied laughing at these adorable and hilarious images without knowing how in the world some of them took place. Keep upvoting the images you find particularly chaotic, and then feel free to share about the wildest thing you've ever witnessed a cat do in the comments. And if you're looking for even more crazy cat pics, we recommend checking out this Bored Panda article next.


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics


Image credits: chaoticcatpics

from Bored Panda
via Boredpanda

Twitter Can’t Get Enough Of This Page Dedicated To ‘Chaotic Cat Pictures’, Here Are 42 Of Their Best Posts Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
