Dangerous or dangerously adorable? That’s the question that’s been running in our heads non-stop ever since we found out about the existence of the ‘Hardcore AWW’ online community. A subreddit uniting a whopping 333k internet users, r/hardcoreaww invites people to share photos of wild, proud, and powerful animals that could destroy you in a heartbeat if they wanted to, doing incredibly cute things.
The aim of the subreddit isn’t just to melt our hearts with wholesome pics of cute cheetahs, lions, wolves, and magnificent bears, though. The subreddit hopes to raise awareness about these big but lovable ‘hardcore’ animals in the hopes of protecting them and their habitats. All of the photos shared are taken in either the animals' natural habitats or wildlife sanctuaries, without any malicious interference from human beings.
We’ve collected some of the very best pics from r/hardcoreaww to share with you Pandas, so go on—scroll down and check ‘em out. Let us know which of these BIG, fierce, and independent visitors you wouldn't mind running free on your (theoretical) massive plot of land in the wild.
Have you ever worked with animal conservation? Do you volunteer with big animals? If so, tell us all about your job in the comments. Obligatory warning about dangerous levels of cuteness ahead. Remember: no petting the cubs (unless you don’t mind sharp nibbles and noms)—stick to upvotes and respectful admiration from a distance.
Meanwhile, read on for Bored Panda's interview with a representative of the Born Free Foundation, an international wildlife charity that protects wild animals in their natural habitat, campaigns against the keeping of wild animals in captivity, and rescues wild animals in need. They explained why it's vital that wild animals not be mistreated in the pursuit of cute photos and that we shouldn't ignore the plight of endangered species that don't look as adorable.
#1 Just Hang Tight!!

Image credits: Isagra
"Whilst it is good if ‘adorable photos’ create a sense of empathy towards animals, this empathy needs to be directed into positive behavior that benefits conservation and the animals in the wild. Yet, unfortunately, animals can often be mistreated in the pursuit of a cute photo, being disturbed, or harassed in ways that are detrimental to their wellbeing," a representative of the Born Free Foundation told Bored Panda.
"For example, people are continually buying wild animals as pets as a status symbol or for selfie opportunities, which is unacceptable and cruel to these individuals that belong in the wild. Also, it is easy for ‘adorable’ animals to be loved and cared about, but there are so many amazing species out there in need of conservation and we can’t forget about them," they said.
"WWF claim that at least 10,000 go extinct every year. This extinction rate is unprecedented, and we must take action. Unfortunately, not all these species are ‘cute’ and so slip quietly into extinction. Greater attention is needed to promote conservation of all species. ‘Adorable photos’ are good if they are engaging people in conservation, but it is important to consider where those photos came from and whether that is a true representation of animals in the wild. Wild animals must be respected and valued."
#2 Best Pic Ever

Image credits: osgoodeian
#3 Little Bear Cub In Deep Thought

Image credits: Southernms
The Born Free Foundation also revealed to us the biggest challenge to big cat conservation at the moment. The representative noted that it is the issue of human-wildlife conflict. "Born Free works in two landscapes—Kenya and India—on lion and tiger conservation, respectively. Despite being on completely different continents, both landscapes share similar issues with conflicts. Both people and big cats suffer from these conflicts—lions and tigers prey on farmers’ livestock, resulting in subsequent retaliatory killings of the big cats. The human population is expanding, and therefore conflicts with these big cats are unfortunately increasing," they explained.
"Born Free aims to mitigate these conflicts using various initiatives that reduce the instances of human-wildlife conflict and create an enabling environment for coexistence with these iconic species. For example, in Amboseli, Kenya, Born Free have constructed over 350 predator-proof bomas (structures that protect livestock against predation), enabling pastoralists in this area to coexist with lions, helping to conserve a vulnerable species."
The Foundation also has similar initiatives in India, which aim to reduce conflicts with tigers. "We have recently trialed a stall-feeding project, whereby cattle are fed inside, rather than in the forest where they are vulnerable, thereby reducing livestock predation by tigers. In all our projects we work with the local community to foster positive perceptions towards big cat conservation, to reduce the impacts of human-wildlife conflict, and enable coexistence with iconic big cat species."
#4 Polar Bear Cub Blep

Image credits: elee0228
#5 How To Catch A Cat: Big Kitty Edition

Image credits: evanesco-fade
#6 Speedy Danger Floofs

Image credits: amathysteightyseven
There's some exciting news on the animal conservation front. The Guardian reports that wolves, brown bears, and white-tailed eagles are "among the top predators making a comeback across Europe." This level of species recovery has been helped along by effective legal protection, habitat restoration, and reintroductions. In short, human efforts have helped!
However, while animal conservation efforts can be seen taking effect across the globe, not all of them are viewed in a positive light. For instance, India has ambitious plans to reintroduce cheetahs to the subcontinent. But there's some controversy there.
Some scientists warn that these efforts might not succeed because the habitat provided to them is inadequate. Some even see it as a political tactic and a vanity project. Currently, there are only around 6,500 adult cheetahs alive today.
According to the Wildlife Conservation Society, some of the biggest challenges that big cats face in the wild include habitat degradation, the loss of prey, being hunted down for their fur, bones, and body parts.
#7 Tiger In The Snow

Image credits: elee0228
#8 Lion Cub Playing In A Pile Of Leaves

Image credits: elee0228
#9 A Big Cat Is Still A Cat

Image credits: Vinccool96
“They are also threatened by conflicts with people—their need for space leads them to range outside protected areas and to become a real or perceived threat to local people and their livestock,” WCS explains.
“Around the world, big cats are among the most recognized and admired animals, at the top of the food chain. Yet all seven species are listed as Threatened or Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List, with the tiger categorized as Endangered,” the Wildlife Conservation Society writes.
#10 On The Coast Of British Columbia A Mutation Causes Some Black Bears To Be Born White. These Are Known As "Spirit Bears" And Have A Prominent Place In First Nations Oral Traditions

Image credits: JerryfromTomandJerry
#11 Relaxin' On Momma Bear

Image credits: Sy3Zy3Gy3
#12 Sweet Baby Elephants

Image credits: Southernms
Some ways to help the populations of big cats recover include preventing illegal killing, ensuring that any hunting of big cats’ prey is both legal and sustainable, reducing conflict with humans, and ensuring connectivity between animal populations.
#13 Look Mum I Have Your Tail

Image credits: Southernms
#14 Tiny Mountain Lion Kittens

Image credits: Southernms
#15 "Mom! You're Messing Up My Mane."

Image credits: elee0228
The r/hardcoreaww subreddit has been around for a whole decade. Founded all the way back in July of 2012, it has grown to have a loyal following of a third of a million people in that time. While some folks stay for the cute animal pics (hey, there’s nothing wrong with that!), others are more focused on helping spread the word about how we can all help protect these majestic creatures in their natural habitats.
“We value all life on the planet and agree that humans have been stripping away the natural habitats of the amazing beasts that we have demonized for our own expansion purposes, we want to highlight the importance of protecting them for the future generations,” the subreddit’s moderator team explains the goal of the community.
#16 Utterly Relaxed

Image credits: Jermzberry
#17 Lion Cub With A Big Morning Yawn

Image credits: JerryfromTomandJerry
#18 Polar Bear Cub Trying To Stay Warm

Image credits: commonvanilla
If you plan on being an active member of the ‘Hardcore AWW’ community, you’ve got to take the sub’s rules to heart. First of all, the mods highlight the need to be nice to others. That’s par for the course in all online interactions, of course. Respectful debate is absolutely encouraged; flaming people, however, is definitely not.
The moderators stress that the photos you share can’t have signs of a “bad human-made situation” for the animals featured. For instance, you shouldn’t be sharing photos that show possible neglect, abuse, bad living conditions, wildlife in human homes, small cages, bad food, and bad zoos. If you plan on sharing pics of rehabilitations, they have to have been done by qualified professionals.
#19 Say Cheese!

Image credits: Isagra
#20 Cute Little Wolf Cub

Image credits: Southernms
#21 Smiling Lion Cub

Image credits: Southernms
“If there are signs of humans, you MUST add details to the post title proving a good life is lived. To ensure we're not accidentally promoting abusive situations, if there are posts that show evidence of humans in any way they must have information about the shot/video IN THE POST TITLE,” the moderators explain what other information you should share, depending on the type of pic posted.
#22 Young Lion Cub Gets Pampered By Lionesses

Image credits: commonvanilla
#23 Floofiest Bear

Image credits: elee0228
#24 Taking A Bath

Image credits: PeasKeys
“Answer these kinds of questions: 1) Why are there signs of humans, and how are the humans improving the lives of the animal? 2) Which sanctuary is this? 3) What was the story behind the animal? Is it a rehab? 4) Why is it interacting with humans at all?”
#25 Tiger And Cub

Image credits: elee0228
#26 Sweet Moment Between Mum And Pup

Image credits: Southernms
#27 "Hold My Tusk When We Cross The Road"

Image credits: Sy3Zy3Gy3
Meanwhile, members of the community should try to keep the content free from signs of injuries and hunting trophies. Now, obviously, these animals are dangerous and they hunt other living things for sustenance. However, the subreddit aims to “respect their beauty and not demonize them.”
#28 Chatty Little Black Panthers

Image credits: Southernms
#29 Cheetah Cub Getting Its Mother's Affection

Image credits: commonvanilla
#30 From R/Eyebleach

Image credits: davidogden7
If you share any photos that aren’t yours, do your best to credit the original photographer. And if you ever have doubts about whether or not a particular animal pic belongs on the sub, consider whether they could, theoretically, hurt a dozen or so people if they wanted to. Nobody actually wants to see these animals hurting anyone, obviously, but the ‘dangerous’ part in the ‘cute and dangerous’ can’t be entirely ignored, either.
#31 Caracal Kitten

Image credits: KinaGrace96
#32 Wild Coyote Finds Old Dog Toy And Takes It

Image credits: b12ftw
#33 Wolf Kisses

Image credits: Southernms
#34 Fluffy Cheetah Floofs

Image credits: Southernms
#35 Sleeping Cheetah

Image credits: elee0228
#36 Cheetah Love

Image credits: Southernms
#37 Nom, Nom, Nom

Image credits: Southernms
#38 Overbearing Polar Bear Mom Kissing Cub

Image credits: elee0228
#39 A Photogenic Lion Family, By H. Seeber

Image credits: sariaslani
#40 Stacked Coyote Pups

Image credits: JerryfromTomandJerry
#41 Frosted Flakes: Tiger Sleeping In The Snow

Image credits: elee0228
#42 Adorable Polar Bear Family

Image credits: commonvanilla
#43 Raury The Cleopard Would Like Your Attention

Image credits: noraad
#44 Full Of Food

Image credits: j3ffr33d0m
#45 Eyes

Image credits: hurfery
#46 Family Portrait

Image credits: r/hardcoreaww
#47 Bath Time With Mama Mountain Lion And Her Tiny Cubs

Image credits: Southernms
#48 "Dad! Do You Want To Play?"

Image credits: commonvanilla
#49 Little Wolf Pup And Mum

Image credits: Southernms
#50 Six Week Old Cheetah Cubs Waiting For Their Mother

Image credits: commonvanilla
#51 New Cheetah Cub At The San Diego Zoo Safari Park

Image credits: commonvanilla
#52 Lion Cub Encounters Its Reflection

Image credits: DoubleDot7
#53 Mother Bison And Sweet Little Calf

Image credits: Southernms
#54 Mom Cheetah And Her Cubs

Image credits: MistWeaver80
#55 An Adult Tiger Can Consume Up To 88 Pounds Of Meat In One Meal And Will Often Stay With Its Kill Or Bury It To Return And Dine Over A Period Of Days. It May Not Kill Again For Four Or Five Days

Image credits: GraveBreath
#56 Cheetah Cuddle Puddle

Image credits: Southernms
#57 Camera Shy Lion

Image credits: elee0228
#58 Baby Wolf With Mom

Image credits: Rabano11
#59 Lion And Lioness

Image credits: elee0228
#60 What Big Teefies You Have

Image credits: Southernms
#61 Beautiful Little Wolf Cub

Image credits: Southernms
#62 Baby Rhino With His Tongue Sticking Out

Image credits: glavbass
#63 Tiger Cub Wants A Hug

Image credits: elee0228
#64 "You Missed A Spot!"

Image credits: yossarian-milo-22
#65 Tigers Swimming Through Greenery

Image credits: Southernms
#66 The Black Panther

Image credits: Wendeta
#67 Polite Bear

Image credits: Ambry97
#68 Watchful Cougar Mum

Image credits: JerryfromTomandJerry
#69 Growling Tiger - Tiger's Roar Can Be Heard From Up To Two Miles Away

Image credits: GraveBreath
#70 Brown Bear Family In Finland

Image credits: JerryfromTomandJerry
#71 Tiger Nap

Image credits: insomnolescent
#72 Feisty Little Mountain Lion Cub

Image credits: Southernms
#73 Huge Mittens On Mountain Lion Kitten

Image credits: Southernms
#74 Black Panther Carrying Cub

Image credits: Southernms
#75 Leopard Dozing Off After A Big Meal

Image credits: DoubleDot7
#76 Looking Over Them

Image credits: PM_THIS_NUMBERS
#77 Careful, Little One

Image credits: JerryfromTomandJerry
#78 The Rare King Cheetah. Also Known As Cooper's Cheetah

Image credits: 1991Kira
#79 Learning To Swim

Image credits: Southernms
#80 Jaguar Striking A Pose

Image credits: Southernms
#81 White Lion Cubs

Image credits: MattBaster
#82 Triplets

Image credits: JerryfromTomandJerry
#83 The Cutest Little Death Machine

Image credits: JerryfromTomandJerry
#84 Polar Bear

Image credits: NocnyGracz
#85 Mountain Lion Kitten With Mighty Mittens

Image credits: Southernms
#86 Leopards Playing Pat-A-Cake

Image credits: JerryfromTomandJerry
#87 Mom Tiger And Cub, Photo By Art Wolfe

Image credits: Slow-moving-sloth
#88 Talkative Baby Cheetah Cubs

Image credits: Southernms
#89 Adopted Cub Yawning While Receiving A Bath From His New Mom

Image credits: Lillys-Titan
#90 Tiger Cub

Image credits: elee0228
#91 Polar Bear

Image credits: EdwebbFurfur
#92 Mountain Lion Kitten

Image credits: Southernms
#93 Stretches Stretches Stretches

Image credits: Southernms
#94 Lots Of Spots

Image credits: JerryfromTomandJerry
#95 Cub Wrangling

Image credits: Southernms
#96 The Twilight Years

Image credits: hurfery
#97 Sweet Little Wolf Pups

Image credits: Southernms
#98 Who Else Wants To Rub That Little Cheetah Tummy

Image credits: Southernms
#99 Oregon Zoo Mountain Lion Delivers First Cub

Image credits: Southernms
#100 Just A Look At The Size Of Those Paws

Image credits: Southernms
#101 Sweet Baby Hyena And Mum

Image credits: Southernms
#102 Practising His Howl

Image credits: countdookee
#103 Cheetah Cub Bonds With Its Mother

Image credits: commonvanilla
#104 Lioness Wrangling Runaway Cub

Image credits: Southernms
#105 Wolf Mom Giving The Side-Eye

Image credits: JerryfromTomandJerry
#106 Kids, That's How You Do It

Image credits: Isagra
#107 Friendly Bear

Image credits: elee0228
#108 Velvety Black Panther

Image credits: Southernms
#109 The Jaguarundi

Image credits: MattBaster
#110 I Got Married At The Zoo And All I Wanted Was A Picture With One Of The Lions. This Is My Favorite Picture From That Day

Image credits: fluffylikeaduck
#111 Bear Mom And Her Cubs

Image credits: commonvanilla
#112 Cute Little Tiger

Image credits: Southernms
#113 White Bengal Tigers

Image credits: 1ItalianLurker
#114 Velvety Black Panther

Image credits: Southernms
#115 Tiger And Cubs Out For A Stroll

Image credits: Southernms
#116 Cat

Image credits: LilaInFlames
#117 Huge Murder Mittens

Image credits: hurfery
#118 Stop Mum

Image credits: Southernms
#119 Tiger Posing In The Snow

Image credits: lazybear1718
#120 Ferocious Reflection

Image credits: BordNaMonaLisa
#121 Mountain Lion Kitten In The Snow

Image credits: Southernms
#122 No One Will Say I'm A Mere Cat

Image credits: DeathMelonEater
#123 Mother Polar Bear With Her Two Cubs

Image credits: commonvanilla
#124 A Streak Of Tigers

Image credits: elee0228
#125 Fluffy Polar Bear Cub With Its Mother

Image credits: commonvanilla
#126 Lioness Carrying Teeny Cub

Image credits: Southernms
from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3fqSO06
via Boredpanda