People Explain That They Or Someone They Knew Have Been Eating These 30 Foods Wrong For The Longest Time

People can argue about food, its preparation and the best combinations until the end of time. Somehow we all are born with different taste buds and there are people who like and dislike identical foods, so if you think about it, such a discussion is kind of pointless. 

But it still goes on as Redditor heystarbuckslover asks “What are some foods that most people have been eating the wrong way or not the way it was intended?” Most people interpreted the question a bit differently and actually told the weirdest and rarest ways they eat food or someone else does. 

Whether they answered the question directly or were talking about what they personally were eating wrong, this list of people’s mistakes may be viewed as educational or even inspirational if any of these wrong ways sound delicious to you.

More info: Reddit

#1 Eating Steak Well-Done

My dad believes steak should be well done. And by well done, unseasoned shoe leather.
Growing up I never could fathom why anyone loved steaks, and why they were such an 'expensive treat' at the house.
My dad would buy these beautiful, thick cut rib eyes, then toss them on the flaming grill with no seasoning, cook them on one side for seven minutes, flip, then other side, till they had shrank half their size and were charred. Then he would berate us for using sauce because 'it covered up the flavor of the meat'.
No Scott, your inability to cook on a grill covers the flavor.
It wasn't until I was 18 and living on my own that I tried to grill my own.
Seasoned with garlic powder and salt, flipped on the flaming grill often and buttered between flips, taken off when I was tired of waiting, I had my first medium rare steak that melted in my mouth.
I have never let my father 'cook' me another steak since.

Image credits: Gcannon21

#2 Eating French Toast As A Savory Dish

Okay, so this is more along the lines of me eating a certain dish the wrong way, but when I was little my mom would make french toast except she would put chilies, onions and sometimes chicken on it. I grew up thinking french toast was a savory dish until I ordered it at a diner and it was sweet. I still like my mom’s version of french toast better tbh.

Image credits: ItsSatyB1tch

#3 Eating Lightly Salted Peaches With Mayonnaise

My grandfather enjoys eating lightly salted peaches with mayonnaise. If you didnt know there was a wrong way to eat a peach, now you know.

Image credits: **sword_69420420

#4 Not Deveining Shrimps

You have to devein shrimp, or else you're eating their poop.

Image credits: Stop_Sign

#5 Eating Fruit That Is Not Ripe Enough

My dad served us underripe fruit my entire childhood because to him firm = good and soft = bad. The first time I had a mango that was actually ripe I was an adult and the experience was borderline orgasmic.

Image credits: noprods_nobastards

#6 Eating Kiwis With The Skin

I eat Kiwis with the hairy skin on. My mom said I seemed to like it so she wasn't going to stop me. Later on I find out that I'm a freak of nature for doing it, but I still eat it that way because I just like it. The only downside is that since I like the texture of the hair and skin, I have "forbidden fruit" moments when I'm looking at the abdomen of a tarantula.

Image credits: _Space_Bard_

#7 Eating Wax On Babybel Cheeses

Recently read where people were **eating the f*****g wax** on Babybel cheeses and I haven't been the same since

Image credits: anon

#8 Eating Cupcakes With The Wrapper

There was a comment a long time ago from a guy who found out in adulthood that you aren't supposed to eat the cupcake wrappers when someone looked horrified when he ate it.

Image credits: The_Lady_Aurora

#9 Eating The Whole Edamame Pod

When I first ate edamame I chewed up the entire pod and couldn't figure out why people enjoyed eating them. I did't realize you're just supposed to eat the bean inside the pod.

*Not peas in a pod. Beans.

Image credits: Amari__Cooper

#10 Not Letting The Pizza Rolls Cool Down

You're supposed to wait for the pizza rolls to cool down BEFORE you put them in your mouth, not after while you're doing the dragon breath thing trying not to let them touch your tongue

Image credits: UrdnotChivay

#11 Eating Banana By Bringing Mouth To It Instead Of Banana To Mouth

Ladies and gentlemen of Reddit. Do what ever you’d like behind closed doors, but please remember if you’re eating a banana in public it’s banana to mouth. Not mouth to banana.

Image credits: Naked_Lunge

#12 Eating The Artichoke With All Its Leaves

[A man once sued a restaurant in Miami for serving him an artichoke which he promptly ate all of.] I don't mean like "he finished the artichoke" - I mean that this guy, who apparently is a *Doctor*, just ate the entire f*****g thing, including all of the inedible parts.

For those of you who have never encountered an Artichoke, the edible part of the plant is a fleshy substance that is on the inside parts of the leaves. You scrape it off and eat that part and discard the leaves. The artichoke heart, at the middle of all of the leaves, is also edible (and delicious). The stem and the fibrous leaves are not edible. Well I guess except to this guy.

Image credits: The_Prince1513

#13 Putting Sugar In Mac And Cheese

My buddy's step dad puts sugar in his f*****g mac and cheese. Sometimes I think about it and I can't sleep

Image credits: YeetattheVoid

#14 Eating Spaghetti With The Sauce Only On The Top

To everyone who eats spaghetti with a little itty bitty smidge of sauce at the top with the rest completely dry and white: Atone or be banned from cooking forever.

Image credits: Makerinos

#15 Asking For Chopsticks In Thai Restaurants

It's not traditional to eat Thai food with chopsticks. They use a fork and a tablespoon. Stop asking for chopsticks in Thai restaurants.

Image credits: bigredcar

#16 Eating Oreos By Biting Into Them

Not others but I don't take Oreos apart and lick the frosting off first, I just bite into them like a savage.

Image credits: ThroughMyOwnEyes

#17 Cooking Smoked Salmon

This is really relevant to me today, because I just found out that my girlfriend has been buying smoked salmon for years then cooking it!

Image credits: sarasti

#18 Picking The Fluffy Parts Away From Each Piece Of Popcorn

My friend eats popcorn by picking the fluffy parts away from each piece and discarding the “seed” center. Every time i tel him hes an idiot but hes too stubborn to just eat a damn piece of popcorn like a human

Image credits: homiej420

#19 Salting An Apple And Putting It On A Stick

My grandpa would peel a green apple using this nifty little device, then salt it and put it on a stick and give it to me

Image credits: Dirty_Rotten_Bastard

#20 Steaming Brussels Sprouts And Not Seasoning Them

If you steam brussel sprouts and also dont salt and pepper them of course you dont like them. They need to be charred and on the brink of almost burnt for them to be good. Olive oil salt and pepper in a 450 degree oven cut in half, cook for 10 to 15 minutes.

Image credits: SmurfSawce

#21 Eating Ginger Slices With Sushi Instead Of Between Slices

Ginger with Sushi. You're actually supposed to eat the ginger slices between eating the rolls of sushi so as to cleanse the palate.

Although, personally I love putting ginger and Wasabi on my sushi roll then eating it in one bite.

Image credits: bcook5

#22 Licking The Tacos' Inside First, Eating The Shell After

Ya seen these taco lickers? You heard of these guys? Yeah, well there are these people out there, and I don't know who raised them or how they turned out the way they did, but they eat their tacos middle-out. They dip their heads down to their tacos and lick out all the insides first, then eat the soggy shell afterwards. Sometimes they don't even eat the shell. I can't take my kids out to the Taqueria anymore because of these freaks. I don't want my little girls to become taco lickers. It's just not natural and I will not have any taco lickers living under the roof of my house!

Image credits: 100_Donuts

#23 Putting The Spread On The Salty Side Of The Cracker

For me, it was crackers with any sort of topping until my wife showed me the error of my ways.

I would always put cheese, or whatever spread I might be eating with the crackers on the top i.e. salty side of the cracker. My wife lost her ever loving mind when she saw me do this. She then proceeded to explain to me that I should turn the cracker over and put the spread, cheese, or whatever on the bottom so that the salty side would hit my tongue when I put the bite in my mouth.

It was a revelation.

Image credits: dubgeek

#24 Eating Vegemite In A Sandwich Instead Of A Toast

Vegemite. As an American I was tricked into eating some as a sandwich and was convinced it was just a food meant to prank people with. An Australian friend was alarmed when I recounted this and corrected the method for me.
"Oh GOD no, you don't eat it as a sandwich! You've gotta get yourself a nice piece of toast, spread a good layer of butter on it, then just the tiniest scrape of Vegemite over that. And if you can get a slice of cheap processed cheese on there, even better! Please please don't dismiss Vegemite until you give it another go."
This same friend introduced me to TimTams AND the TimTam slam, so who was I not to trust her implicitly?? I took her advice, and I'm glad I did. Ended up buying myself a little jar because dang, that's a nice little savory punch if you use it right!

Image credits: mongaloogirl

#25 Putting Noodle Seasoning Before Draining The Water

people can make their basic ramen taste a bit better, open the packet, take out the seasoning, and set it aside, cook the ramen just in the water, after its cooked drain the water leaving only a tiny tiny amount, pour some more out you still have too much, just a little, and add the seasoning and mix it at that point, it actually flavors the noodles themselves and makes em taste much better

Image credits: demonardvark

#26 Rinsing Your Pasta

It might have been said already, but I got tired of scrolling.

I don't know if it's "most", but I know it's fairly common to rinse off your pasta after you drain the water. Don't do that.

Also, cooking the pasta until it sticks to a wall means you over cooked it.

I've read plenty of ways "to make your pasta better" but those two simple things are the only ones that really made any difference to me.

Image credits: teke367

#27 Throwing Away The "The Fleshy Seedy Inside" Of Guavas

I don't know about most people, but growing up I always thought I hated guavas because they were so dry. Turns out, my parents used to cut out the best part--the fleshy seedy inside-- and serve me the dry rinds...

Edit: since a lot of the comments are confused, I'd like to clear a few things up.
My parents would cut out where the seeds are and eat the green part + the white parts where there are no seeds. not sure if that's fully the rind; I guess the easiest way to compare it is with a watermelon: it's like cutting away the red flesh and eating the skin + white part. no, my parents don't hate me (maybe for other reasons) because I've seen them throw away the seeds. we are Vietnamese and my parents prefer the dry, crunchy texture with some chili salt and think the seeds cause constipation.

Image credits: vasedpeonies

#28 Not Removing The Membrane That Is On The Bottom Of A Rack Of Ribs

Not many people know but you are supposed to remove the membrane that is on the bottom of a rack of ribs before you cook them. It makes them easier to cut and eat.

Image credits: Karallys36

#29 Thowing Away Salmon Skin

If you eat salmon to have a healthy meal, it's more beneficial to leave the skin on... just fry it with some salt/pepper until it's crispy.

Image credits: TummyStickers

#30 Biting Off Apple Skin Instead Of Peeling It

Up until a couple of years ago (22 currently) I thought you were supposed to bite the skin off the apple then eat it.

If I didn't have a knife I would spend my time biting around the entire apple, spitting the skin out, then eating it.

Image credits: Keeng_Keenan

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People Explain That They Or Someone They Knew Have Been Eating These 30 Foods Wrong For The Longest Time Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
