48 Stories Of The Breaking Point At Which Folks In This Online Group Decided Their Relationship Wasn’t Worth Continuing

People are complete just by themselves, so we shouldn't think that we have to be with someone to be happy or fulfilled. It is especially important to keep in mind when the relationship isn’t making you happy or you feel like it’s always bringing you down instead of lifting you up.

The signs of a relationship ending with no way of making it better will be different for every couple, so it’s best to trust your instinct. Regardless, humans are curious, so Redditor Nonchalant_Calypso asked, “What was the moment you knew your relationship was over?” and people opened up about their heartbreaks.

More info: Reddit


She poisoned my cat Mr Noodle


Thanks everybody for the support, and if you're asking: yeah I got the police involved

Image credits: GrumpaSpaceGoat


When you feel alone and they're right next to you.

Image credits: AuryLamby


When I was going through a miscarriage and he couldn’t take me to the ER because he was in fantasy leagues and football was on.

Image credits: amadileirbeer


The day my mom passed away (the coroner hadn't even come for her body yet) with zero consideration on how I felt and what I was going through my ex-fiancé thought it was great idea and a good time to tell me he has been cheating on me for the last 6 years, and how sorry he was for it.

He wasn't sorry he did it, but he sorry because the other woman had lied to him about who she really was and he wanted me to comfort him because he felt betrayed by her....

When I promptly broke up with him, he asked "wait is this really goodbye?" how could you do this to me now?

Image credits: OpenRepair4390


Married for 21 years. The last ten were devoid of any love, warmth, or caring. I (M53) did not want to get divorced and figured this was just the way the rest of my life would be.

We were taking our third shot at marriage counseling and after a few months, my wife says she has to quit counseling because she wants to attend a meditation class at the same time. She had something better to do than work on our marriage.

That's when it hit me that she didn't GAF at all about our marriage and I decided that I did not want that to be the rest of my life.

We're currently 2 1/2 years into divorce. It's painful and expensive. But personally I've never been happier. I am leading my best life. So so glad I decided to move on.

Image credits: FroggyB


I was at my best friend's wedding. When he saw his bride walking down the aisle, he had a grin so big it looked like it could have exploded right off of his face. He was so happy to be marrying this person. And when I thought about my, now-ex, gf I realized that I just didn't feel that way about her.

I will say, when I married my wife, I was grinning like an idiot.

Image credits: kitskill


When you dread her name coming up on caller ID because you knew it was an argument about nothing. Don’t settle for an angry life.

Image credits: sexychocolatethunder


When after 7 years, a particularly cold conversation, and with tears in my eyes I said, "I just want you to love me" and she said

"Well I dont, and dont you feel pathetic for having to ask?"

Edit: This was 5 years ago now and I am doing so much better. The best love is self love.

Image credits: FunMath2


My ex & I were not living together, but he had the key to my place. I told him that I was gonna go see my parents for the weekend, but then changed my mind last minute because I started feeling sick. I forgot to tell him & just went home after work & went to bed. I woke up around 10pm to get a glass of water & while I was in the kitchen I heard someone fumbling at the door with the lock. I freaked out because I lived on the 17th floor, so if it was a break in, I was f****d. All of a sudden he walks in..... dragging a tipsy girl in behind him.

I just stood there while he tried to make up some sort of excuse as to WHY he was there. The girl was pretty shocked too.

Image credits: UrszulaG


She had picked on me for months. Constantly criticizing everything. I couldn't do anything right. I tried. I kissed her a*s and apologized for every single perceived wrongdoing.
After months one day I told her, calmly, you're mean to me.

She blew up. Veins came out and she did that weird growl/yelling thing and told me she'd cut my throat and burn down my house.

I left with my kids to my parents house. Came back the next day she was gone. Haven't seen her since. And strangely, my anxiety is all but gone

Image credits: suburbanoutrage


She told me that I had a choice. Either I completely cut ties with ALL of my family and ALL of my friends. Or I cut ties with her. That was when I decided that her psycho had crossed a line that I wouldn't break. Very glad I dodged a bullet, very sad I lost close to 4 years of my life before I realized she was psycho.

Image credits: imunclebubba


You can see it in their eyes when they don't love you anymore.

I'll never forget that feeling.

Image credits: escape_of_da_keets


3 weeks before we broke up she described the kind of guy she would date if we broke up. She described her coworker and I honestly thought they had hooked up by this point. To my delight, he was a good noodle and never wanted to be more than work friends with her. When he found out she left me to be with him he reached out and told me he was sorry for everything even though it wasn't his fault. I told him I'm not holding anything against him, but thanked him for being a good person

Image credits: JuanTheNumber


When I had fertility tests done after 2 years of trying to fall pregnant.

He left me the same day I found out I was infertile.

Image credits: LuckyCaticorn


I got into a car accident and called him and he didn't care

Image credits: Jello_Such


Found nude pictures of her and some other dude on the family camera and they were taken on our couch in our living room in our house.

Image credits: ChyCheck


When she came up on caller id and my first thought was "Ugh.".

Image credits: LiterallyOuttoLunch


I would always be the one to initiate talking and taking part in activities together. I realized I was the only one putting effort in.

Image credits: ilovemydogpeanut


When I realized I dreaded Fridays, our standard date night, and saw it as something I needed to get past before I could start enjoying the weekend.

Image credits: Always_Trying01


When she said “ you don’t look like you are going anywhere with your life “
I was 18 in the middle of college where the hell was I suppose to be at that point

Image credits: Vamip89


He stopped talking to me 3 days into a 3 week holiday, I made the best of it, once home the silent treatment continued for another 3 weeks. He rolls over in bed one morning and starts talking like nothing happened. I should have ended it long before, but THAT was the moment I knew it was over.

Image credits: everybody-meow-now


When we were arguing for the umpteenth time and I lost the will to continue. I usually begged her to stay but I just told her to go

Image credits: PM_ME_SOME_LUV


I was going through a cancer scare. She didn’t come with me to any appointments because she didn’t want to miss class. She was my best friend and the only person in the city who I told about what was happening. She, however, told several of her friends and classmates and let the news spread through our program (I think she liked the second-hand sympathy). She minimized everything, told me I was overreacting when I went to her for support, and told me I’d feel better if I just stopped touching the mass. When it came time to decide what to do when our lease ended, I chose to move home to be with my family. We broke it off, she moved out, and two days later I was diagnosed with cancer.

I know it sounds bad, but I’m better for having gone through it. I’ll always hold that cancer was one of the best things to happen to me.

Image credits: jakelth


When he proposed to me in front of a crowd of over 3,000 people, at a job we BOTH worked at, just two weeks after we had gotten into one of the worst fights we had ever had. What was the topic of the fight? He had joked about proposing and I told him I didn’t feel ready to be married.

The relationship lasted for about 6 months after that, but the ring never felt like anything more than a shackle.

Image credits: Kenrenkins


The moment he "accidentally" sent me a text that was supposedly meant for someone else, making plans to hook up at his house. My only response to that was "OK, be safe".

I added quotes because I suspected that he did this on purpose to try and get me to break up with him, expecting some sort of angry response from me. He didn't get that, although I did get an earful from him a couple weeks down the line about how he "never found me attractive physically or romantically". To which I responded, "OK" and never talked to him again.

To this day, I will never understand why some people choose to play games rather than just be upfront. No matter, I'm now happily married to an amazing person!

Image credits: CraigFL


When her Dad, who i had just met, told her to stop being a b***h or she would lose me. (looking back at it, she was being a total b***h, but it was her dad saying it that opened my eyes.) We broke up after her parents left.

Image credits: Trogdoryn


We used to get in some real bad arguments. These arguments would often end in her hitting me. Once in a while, she'd really go to town on me. I can take a hit, but she could throw a punch. Girl had a hell of right hook. Years of that, off and on.

Anyway, one evening, one such argument turns into her just wailing on me. And I finally snapped. I pushed her up against the wall and was ready to hit her back. Just for a moment.

I didn't. I walked away. The fight didn't end there, and the relationship didn't end that night. But I walked away for good not long after.

Image credits: N_Who


I hadn't slept in our bed for 18 months and asked "Don't you even miss me in here?"


Edit: I offered to sleep in the guest room due to my snoring (weight gain, stress of working several jobs, and general stress of life/marriage). We never slept in the same bed again.

I now know after therapy I was immensely depressed and am much better at taking care of myself both physically and mentally.

While the marriage didn't recover, we have 2 amazing kids and my headspace is much more free.

Image credits: Ok-Juggernaut-5920


He had a can of drink, asked if anyone wanted any (we were in a group)..I said yes please so he poured it in the bin.

Sounds minor, but this was the last thing after alot of s**t.

Image credits: Limp2myLoom


When I saw how she completely changed when her boss was around. She became much more pleasant, flirty, and amenable. That's when I realized the only reason she was dating me was in hopes it would make her boss jealous enough to leave his wife for her.

Image credits: anon


Hanging out with them feels often like a chore than something you’re excited about

Walking on eggshells to avoid them getting mad

They don’t match your efforts like they used to

Noticing they don’t listen when you’re talking

They don’t feel like ‘home’ anymore

They download Tinder and see people

They cheat on you

Image credits: Unemployed_Fisherman


We'd had our ups and downs for the better part of 8 months, one day we met for lunch and she sat down and started talking. All of a sudden it was like I woke up from a dream and realized I wasn't attracted to or interested in them at all.

There had been much worse moments so it was surprising it happened during everyday conversation.


We took a break and I realized I was so much happier just doing my own thing.

We were 23, had been dating for 6 years. She had graduated college and I was finishing up.


When she choose the night before my finals (exactly 2am - finals were at 8am) to confess to cheating basically. Ruined my final exams that sem.

Image credits: Ragefakar


When even just asking to hang out, felt like a chore. It just wasn’t worth it anymore more.

Image credits: Loves_me_tacos125


Everything starts an argument.

Image credits: TheHentaiiChrist


When she repeatedly slammed her head through the wall claiming a demon was telling her to do it, and then threatened to call the cops and say I beat her up.


We had been long distance for a couple of months and I actually felt relieved to be hundreds of miles away from him. He never called me or texted, it was always me who reached out. I got tired of it and started calling less and less. One day, after we hadn't spoken for a few weeks, i called him and he answered and sounded surprised to hear from me. Conversation went:
Me - "hey, it's me"
Him - "Oh...hi? ...why are you calling me?"
Me - "no reason. Just to say hi"
Him - "Oh, okay, well I was actually just doing something. Can I call you another day?"

And, after years of awful screaming arguments and stupid games, that's when I knew the relationship was dead.

Image credits: EchidnaOptimal3504


I was engaged to my girlfriend of 5.5 years (3.5 dating 2 engaged) I noticed that out of nowhere she started acting very suspicious and more cautious of her phone around me and not wanting me to be around her when she was playing games with people on discord which I didn't really care about. I knew something was up when I would tell her I loved her and to have a good day when she would leave for work and she would just kinda smile and nod. One day I was cleaning up around the house and noticed that she had left her computer open and saw some messages between her and a guy she plays games with talking about some things that I would rather not repeat. When I confronted her about it, I was gaslit and made out to be crazy. I knew then it was the beginning of the end. A year and a half later I finally had enough evidence and she admitted to cheating on me for a year and a half. 6 months before our wedding. I'm still not over it after a year and a half later and I genuinely don't think I'll be able to trust the same again.


After I separated from my first wife, I was dating a girl who was also separated and goung through her divorce. Tried to keep each other out things. my ex wife was being ridiculous, using the children as leverage, trying to extort money etc it put me into a real bad slump/depression. Then I saw the girl I was dating, knowing how badly it was hurting me literally do the exact same thing to her ex.


when he went from spending so much time with me and giving me updates about his day without me having to ask him, to going MIA for days on end to the point where i had to beg for him to spend some time together.

found out from a mutual friend that he had started seeing someone on the side two weeks before we called it off.


When we bought a house together and I proposed that same dat we closed. The next day she did a 180 and was completely different person. Stuck it out for almost 3 yrs but I had enough of the horrible treatment. Tried to tell her that Im her partner and not another child in the house. Never got through to her.


When I found out she was sending nudes to people on discord. Had a gut feeling it would go past just pictures and I was right.

Image credits: BeatnikFink


Every time I did something wrong she could never tell me, it was always her friend that would text me/pull me aside to tell me. I had to grow and learn to be better so I cut it off


When she started being cold to me, and being unsure about our relationship. Then she started talking about this "guy" from her class. You know the rest.

Image credits: charset00


I worked the front desk in college, and would take my laptop down to play video games ( chill job). She wanted to argue and came down at about 11pm and gets mad and closes my laptop. She said she was done. I go out to get flowers after my shift, this is midnight, and go to her dorm room to give them to her. Another guy was already there in boxers…I’m almost sure the relationship had been over for a while, I just found out late…

Image credits: ricardobmf23


Life was stagnant.

We mutually called it quits after we had a talk, and it went better for both of us. We gave it the good ol' college try but we still grew apart.

Good times

Image credits: pineappledaddy


When she wanted to meet at a coffee shop. Never seen her drink coffee once.

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3TdZf6v
via Boredpanda

48 Stories Of The Breaking Point At Which Folks In This Online Group Decided Their Relationship Wasn’t Worth Continuing Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
