Nobody likes a slacker. Even more so, nobody likes a slacker and his annoying friends.
And yet even more than that, nobody likes a slacker and his friends hogging the family pool so that the kids can’t play in it.
… and, even more-more so, nobody likes it when he promises he’ll let them play, but never delivers on the promise.
Do you see what his wife has to deal with?
More Info: Reddit
Having a pool is great, but having a pool that’s always taken by dad and his buddies is… well, anything but that
Image source: Eden, Janine and Jim (not the actual photo)
A wife and a mother of 2, nicknamed u/Ambers666, has recently visited the r/AITA community for some perspective on an issue she’s been having.
You see, she is the sole income earner in the family. This is so because her husband hasn’t had a job in 16 months now and has been struggling to find one. Yes, even OP is rolling her eyes at that one. This in turn has made her the sole buyer of stuff in the household.
But summer is approaching, and she knows the kids will want to enjoy it. Because of work, she won’t be able to take the kids to the beach, and the husband won’t be of any help here either because he would only do it if he had the car, but OP needs it for work.
Wife of said dad has taken the issue to the internet, asking if she is actually wrong to have kicked him and his buddies out
Image source: Ambers666
So, instead of having this entire headache, she decided to get their family pool renovated and upgraded so that the kids could use it. The ideal solution to an otherwise logistical nightmare, right?
Wrong. As soon as the money was spent and the pool was fixed up, her husband started organizing low-key pool parties with his buddies. They would come over and use it for hours, effectively not letting anyone else use it. Not even the kids.
In turn, the kids complained about being denied pool services on more than one occasion. So, the mother had to intervene. However, said intervention did not go well with the hubby. He flipped out.
The dad had promised he’d let the kids play, but still kept hogging all the pool space, and the kids called mom
Image source: Ambers666
He kept saying that it’s his house and his water too, and she can’t control what he does or who he brings. This made OP even more furious with him, but she did not back away. Instead, she put her foot down and said that the kids were going to get some pool time, or else he and his buddies could kiss the pool good-bye.
Well, the next day, OP’s daughter called her, crying. She explained that dad brought his friends over and, surprise, surprise, was doing that thing he’d been doing all the time. You know—being the pool mooch.
OP also provided some brief clarifications in post edit form
Image source: Ambers666
Image source: Joe Shlabotnik (not the actual photo)
At this point, OP was absolutely livid. So much so that she left in the middle of workday to go home and rip the husband and his buddies a new one. And as soon as she got home, all hell broke loose. She screamed, he blew up, the end result was his friends had to leave.
She was upset that he ignored her request to let the kids play in the pool. And he was upset she came over there, guns blazing, thinking she could manipulate him with her money and scream at his friends. He bolted to start calling all of them individually and apologizing on her behalf.
In subsequent edits, OP clarified that [1] she paid for the pool herself, [2] there is no understating just how long the friends would regularly stay there (which is always ALWAYS), and [3] none of these grown men clean up after themselves, so OP is often the one to do it. Which, at the very minimum, is totally unfair.
And folks online had absolutely no doubts that she has the right to be as furious with her husband as she needs to be.
But folks were having none of the dad’s shenanigans and said OP is not the bad guy here
Some thought that perhaps it’s a good thing he ended up leaving the house and not returning for an undetermined period of time. Others had a problem with him not having a job and seemingly not even trying to at this point. This is besides him being a crummy dad.
There was more, but you can check it all out in context here. Or check out our other Am I Being Unreasonable? articles here. But not without sharing your thoughts, opinions and other forms of personal conviction in the comment section down under!
The post Wife "Screams Her Head Off" At Her Husband And His Friends For Not Allowing Their Kids To Play In The Family Pool After She Renovated It Specifically For Them first appeared on Bored Panda.
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