#TraumatizeTheMen: Woman Reveals The Creepy Things She Says To Catcallers That Harass Her In The Street And Goes Viral On TikTok

What some men still don’t realize is that catcalling, asking a woman her number or trying to get to know her just on the street doesn’t make her feel flattered. And even if she feels annoyed, that feeling most probably is not as big as the fear she feels.

You never know what that man’s intentions are, if he’s actually just being friendly or he has something else in mind. But women are finding out ways to make such men leave them alone. They’ve learnt that if you act creepy or crazy enough, men won’t proceed with bothering you. This woman on TikTok shares her stories of what crazy things she says that makes men turn their back to her and is becoming more popular on the platform.

More info: TikTok

Woman doesn’t put up with men’s unwanted attention by scaring them off with the wildest comments

Image credits: caffinated_kitti

The TikToker is Kitti, who introduces herself on her Instagram as a villain coach and seeks to traumatize TheMen, having in mind those who can’t behave like normal people and not harass random women. She is an Aquarius and enjoys long walks in the moonlight where no one talks to her, as she introduces herself to Bored Panda readers.

Although Kitti shared quite a few stories on her page because it just so happens that if you go out of your home, you inevitably meet men on the street, and some of them will want to interact, one video really stands out with 5.9 million views. Such a number might be explained by the fact that the woman managed to record an interaction she had, demonstrating that her previous stories are all true.

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

The TikToker captured a couple of interactions on camera and posted them online

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

In that viral video, a man is heard asking Kitti for her phone number. But Kitti warns the man that everyone that ends up in her contacts will receive a call from organ harvesters. The man doesn’t even know what that is, but the woman patiently explains who those people are, which creates an even stronger effect saying it explicitly.

The TikToker says it with a calm voice that sounds so serious and so true the man changes his mind about wanting Kitti’s phone number and is seen going away, hopefully mildly traumatized and thinking about his actions. At the end of the video, Kitti challenges her audience to write her what she should say to the next man who tries to do something similar as she can say anything with a straight face.

One of them went viral with 5.6M views and showed how effective her method of scaring men away is

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

When Bored Panda talked with Kitti, we found out that this isn’t a newly discovered thing for the TikToker: “I had used it on childhood bullies to make them back off and realized it was multifaceted. I started being very unnerving towards unwanted encounters of all types and it’s never failed me.”

Kitti shared that up until now, there have been no cases when the situation escalated or the men were so out of touch with reality, they would continue bothering her: “It’s reverse psychology and not something they’re expecting so it throws them off and makes them choose to leave the encounter. This keeps me safer since they don’t necessarily feel rejected.”

On the occasion when a man asks her for her phone number, Kitti explains that when she gets their number, they will contacted by organ harvesters

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

Kitti used the organ harvesting story with other men as well and it seems that this one line was enough for the men to not engage further. What is also necessary to add is that a woman feels when something is up.

These videos which show the actual interaction weren’t captured by accident. Kitti told us, “In the cases I’ve caught so far I could see the men leering and very obviously trying to engage in conversation with me so I started to record as they made their way over.”

Such an unexpected response throws men off and makes them want to end the interaction, which was the woman’s goal from the start

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

On another occasion Kitti told a man asking to be her friend that he probably doesn’t really want that because she noticed others don’t like it when she digs up dead things and eventually eats them.

In one of the first of her videos, Kitti shared that she told a man that she didn’t have a boyfriend or at least one that’s alive, making a suggestion that she was the cause of their deaths, which made the creep leave her alone.

Kitti says that she hasn’t had a case when a man wouldn’t leave her alone and reenacts on video what their faces look like when she says what she does

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

A line that men really like saying that irks women’s nerves is asking them to smile. Like women are there for their entertainment and have to be smiling to please them even if there is no reason to smile.

So Kitti suggests to these men that you don’t have a reason to smile because a lot of really bad things happened in your life at the same time. But so bad to the point that they wouldn’t even want to try to console you, like health problems one after another, weird things like finding out you mispronounced a word the whole time, scary stuff like your grandma dying because a tree fell on her.

If you don’t have the imagination to come up with this on the spot, just have a list in your head that would work in any situation and of course, all of this has to be delivered with a straight face and with all seriousness.

Pretending to be insane makes Kitti feel safe because men don’t feel that their pride was hurt as they weren’t directly rejected

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

Kitti gives some advice on how to master the art of making men go away more than willingly: “Practice all kinds of different methods. Some find that being overly chipper, loud and obnoxious works, some start loudly crying about their fish dying, while others just make animal sounds.” It seems that the less the story you come up with makes sense, the more it makes you sound crazy, which is the goal.

Practice makes perfect and Kitti is now a pro because she has had a lot of opportunities to sharpen her skills. She also thinks it’s a good idea to “work on it in the mirror, come up with a persona – whatever you need to do to feel confident because that’s the real trick.”

When people say confidence is key, they know what they’re talking about and the TikToker agrees. “The more confident you can be in what you’re saying, the more likely they are to back down.”

But it is important to deliver the story with confidence and a straight face, really becoming one with that crazy persona

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

Kitti believes that anyone can do it and all it takes is a little practice and she advises not to be afraid of confrontation

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

As Kitti is more experienced in the field, she is working on a series that will show examples of what can be said in different environments and depending on the manner in which you would be approached.

Her last words of wisdom are, “Always be safe, and follow your gut instincts – be confrontational! I’ve always thought since I could get killed for saying no politely anyway – I may as well make it known preemptively that I was a stranger than they were and that I wouldn’t go down easy. Ovaries of steel are a mindset and anyone can have that.”

Image credits: caffinatedkitti

Here you can watch the video in which Kitti captures the moment when the man is too creeped out to continue talking with her

@caffinatedkitti I keep seeing comments to stay safe. Bold of y’all to assume I’m the one who needs to be cautious on who I speak to #outcreepthecreeper #fyp #women #streetharassment #comeback #WomenOwnedBusiness ♬ Ovaries of Steel – Kitti

We would love to hear if you’ve ever said something so crazy to a man that showed unwanted attention to you that he didn’t want to continue a conversation with you. If not, would you like to try it? Also, did you like the stories that Kitti came up with? Let us know in the comments!

The post #TraumatizeTheMen: Woman Reveals The Creepy Things She Says To Catcallers That Harass Her In The Street And Goes Viral On TikTok first appeared on Bored Panda.

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3rG5rrN
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#TraumatizeTheMen: Woman Reveals The Creepy Things She Says To Catcallers That Harass Her In The Street And Goes Viral On TikTok Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
