Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Compliment You’ve Ever Received?

Ever been complimented on something people don't usually compliment? or it was just a roast hidden by a sort of compliment? Write your answers here!


"You're the first woman I know that looks better naked than clothed."
Like okay are you praising my body or dissing my clothes?


I was in a Barnes and Noble once and a woman told me that she liked my aura. Apparently it was very bright and positive so it was a nice compliment.


"I hate pretty girls. They think they can get what they want with their looks. That's why I like you."

... so I'm not pretty. Oo


You pretty for a black girl
Umm eww.


Once my crushes mom complemented me on my socks in front of my crush and then she told him to look at my socks and i felt plain awkward?


A woman once said to me with exaggerated enthusiasm, "Oh, I just love the way you apply your makeup! It looks so natural - especially your blush! And I know what I'm talking about because I used to sell makeup."
I replied, "I'm not wearing any blush. That's just a mild case of rosacea."


"You have eyes like a cow. Jersey cow. Jerseys are pretty foxy for cows." Stop digging laddie.


“Nice muscles… for a girl” a football player at my school said this to me, roughly 10 seconds before I almost broke his arm in an arm wrestle. Never mess with a swimmer. Or a girl. Or a girl that swims. I guarantee that you will be injured either mentally, physically, or both.


"You're so tall & pretty! Are you a stripper?" - Some Random Lady at Walmart (& she was completely serious as she offered me a job at the local strip club after I responded "No.")


Them: Wow! You’re weird!
Me: thank you!
Them: < Awkwardly turns around >


I wore a new t-shirt with a purple cat on it to college. Us students from different classes got squeezed together into one room for a lecture on internships.
In the middle of the lecture, in the center of the room and with every student's full attention, our teacher suddenly falls silent. He peers over the rim of his glasses, at my shirt.
"...Nice pussy."


My friend told me I was an off brand Energizer Bunny


" you look like you can kill someone with your calves" I have pretty muscular legs


You are really smart for a woman.


“I love your new glasses. They make you look smart.”


You're so pretty except you're fat. At least your face is pretty.


You're more beautiful than a new set of snowtires! (I'm from northern Minnesota)


"You have really nice veins."


Following a routine colonoscopy, my gastro doctor said I have a "perfect colon." I said, "Thank you!" ?


Friend said that I have a beautiful neck and asked if she could stroke/touch it?


“You have such a Roman nose” let’s just be honest… it’s just a big f*@#ing nose


I have twice visited places I once worked at and have been told that "it is a lot less weird around here since you left" :)


My endodontist told me, while I was being prepped for oral surgery, I had "nice, long roots." Thanks?


1. "Usually, I don't like people like you but you are cool though."

2. "You're so different than I imagined."


"You're not as gay as I pictured in my head."
Ugh. Which is why I usually don't tell anyone


An older female colleague introduced me to my new (very) senior boss (already high in his 80s): "Sir, have you met Yoga Kitty, she is from our new plant..." His response: "Yes, I already noticed her - she's the one with the nice breasts!" Hmm, thanks... I guess?


Dang you're so purty,one of them big ol' healthy gals.


You are better at sports than other Indian girls.
Like wtf


"Hmmm... Maybe your taste in music isn't so terrible, after all."
(From a good friend upon learning I enjoyed listening to bands like The Granberries and not just Victorian light operas)


My ex grandmother in law told me I was bigger than I looked, while out shopping with me getting clothes. It was over 20 years ago! I’ve never forgotten that!


My friend told me I was "Strange, Unusual and very truthful with what I say."

She was being nice and said she liked having someone who was different and can trust when they say something.


"You're not as dumb as you look." I assume it was a quotation from something on TV.


Hey you're just a normal guy, I didn't expect that.


I was eating lunch at my high school a while back and someone who I’d never really talked to came up to me and said ‘You’re long.’ There were many moments of awkward silence before he just spun around and walked off.


The PA at my doctor's office always tells me I have beautiful eardrums during my annual visit. One time she even told another doctor to look at them. The other doctor was also impressed.


You’re strong for a girl. (Most Christian, sexist, and stupid guy I’ve ever met.)


"You look more human than usual"
For context, I have a severe iron deficiency that makes my skin deathly pale and that day I was wearing foundation darker than my skin color


You're the prettiest person I've seen in a wheelchair. Seriously? Just because I get around differently than most people by using a wheelchair doesn't mean I need to be reminded about it constantly. My wheelchair and disability doesn't define who I am, I am so much more.


when I was like 4-5, I was looking at the toys in Target and some woman passes, runs her hand along my ponytail, saying "I love your hair!!"

it was strange, but it was funny :]


At the gym: "You could balance a Buick on your butt!"
While getting a massage: "You have very elegant toes."


"Your scleras are so white, you must be very healthy!"


Someone said to me I was odd. This was most likely because I told them I was learning Ancient Greek.


If you were a super hero, you'd be Deadpool. Still don't know how to take it, DP is a bad @ss, but that skin condition..


When I was pregnant a coworker told me I looked like Mother Earth. He meant it as a compliment.


That I remind them of canned beans. I don't even know how to respond to that.


I was told by several family members that I am their favorite bc I don't tell people what they want to hear, but I'm blunt and severely honest. Even when they don't want to hear it and they get mad at me or hate me for it, they appreciate that I tell them what they need to hear instead of placating them.


My friend was over one time and out of no wear just touches my cheek and says " you have a very soft face." Still don't know how I feel about that


“You’re hotter than the Florida sun… at night… in the middle of winter…”
“Maybe not ALL Christian’s are bad…”
“You’re pretty tall for a short person!”
“You’re the smartest woman I’ve ever met!”(I got a 32% on the math test before this)
“Dang you look so smart with your glasses on! Still ugly, but smart!”


You ar not as ugly as most gingers and lucky you 're a woman, and you only have freckles in your face....


You look like a beautiful vampire (I have very pale skin)


[When I was 12 my dad and sister said] ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
That i was weird/unique because 12 year olds should not like to clean, or love looking at cleaning products to test.... :>


"How come a beautiful girl like you could have hurt herself like that?"


Someone told me I have a voice like HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. I don't....I think I don't.


Apparently I have a cute sneeze. Thanks?


This was a compliment I received on the "About Me" section on a dating website:
"I really like your syntax."


Working as a golf caddy and an old man who I wasn’t even caddying for gave me a dollar tip for “being pretty.” I’m one dollar pretty!


When I was 12. We all got matching long-johns for Christmas with those funny button down drop-drawers in the back. I thought it would be fun to, well, try it out. Unbuttoned them, did my business, and made my way to the fireplace for Christmas Eve pictures. "HEY Mikey!" my sister shouted after the picture. "Nice Caboose!"

.... oh boy. It seems I forgot to button up my drawers and my butt was indeed hanging out!


Sitting in a bathroom stall at a convenience store, a woman says”Ma’am I love your piercings, did they hurt?” Um, thanks, yes, please excuse the toilet flushing.


Oh yeah, and this one- "your butt sure looks good naked, not flat like it looks in jeans"


This random girl that I didn't even know walked up and started playing with my hair (at the time it was medium length, mid-way between my shoulders and ears. It's curly, sometimes it would look like I used a curling iron on it.)
Her: Huh, your hair is super pretty!
Me: uh............. thanks?
Her: *STILL PLAYING WITH IT* do you use a curling iron?
Me: no... I just brush it when I get up....
Her: huh.... *plays with it more then walks away*

We were in gym. In middle school. I didn't even know her name.


my grandmother thought I was wearing makeup, I have never ever in my life worn makeup. she also said that my eyebrows were something people strive for, my eyebrows are very bushy, and she thought I was wearing lipstick.


"you look like the undertaker from Black Butler. But like, with the hair and stuff, y'know?"

So i look like a like a creepy guy with bangs and a corpse fetish? Thanks. If they hadn't of added the last part i would of felt great.


Random man at a shopping center, back when I was a teenager, "It's not right for a girl to be tall, dark, and handsome!"


Try to think of anything said about you as a compliment. Because it might be meant as one, and even if it isn't it will make you much more happy to think that is is.


"You smell *Long sniff* Like champagne and roses." I still do not know what that means.


My dentist told me I have room for my wisdom teeth since I have a big mouth.


Not even sure if this was a compliment, but someone once told me, I'd be useful in an apocalypse


A new student assistant, who I had not yet met, sidled up to me and said, " I bet you were a Pagan." As well as being the Graduation Supervisor, I also taught Humanities and Fine Arts. Every semester I showed The Holy Grail before teaching the Dark and Middle Ages. She and I became very close.


stranger on a bus told me (in a complimentary way) that my ears are really small?


Really annoying back handed compliment - I was at a specialist Dentist having a painful procedure and I had a mouth full of instruments. The Dentist told his Assistant 'she is such a beautiful woman when she smiles' I felt upset that he would talk over me like I wasn't there, and did he expect me to smile under the circumstances. Not Professional at all.


"You're...pale and interesting."

From my Gran, who loves but doesn't like me.


"You've got nice legs, for a fat person."


I was walking to work one day and passed by this older couple. We exchanged good mornings with each other. Then, out the blue, the lady says "Mmm, I bet you smell good too!" I just do that WTF in my head and smile, and say, "uhh, yeah. Showered and everything."


Coworker asked my age, I reluctantly said "30" and she said "Oh! That's ok, you would never know it" for context she was 27 and all my other coworkers low 20s. I'm like......ok?????


"Your voice is much bigger than your body." Still not 100% sure it was a compliment. Low key bothers me occasionally.


I shaved my head and people keep telling me I have a nice round head... which is understandable I guess but also its very strange


Ya know, in your own way, you're kind of pretty.


Being told, “You’re so goofy and silly, how are you still single?” I don’t think goofy is a plus for most high school boys but oh well.


I like your butt. ( I was in front of my mom, dad, sister, and niece!)


We don't think of you as a girl. Or as a guy. You're neuter.


"You have teeth/look like a bunny!"
One of my friends in 5th grade called me that because I have an overbite and she thought it was cute ig


I've been complemented on three things in my life.
Once I've been told I have nice hair (normal)
Several times I've been told I have nice arms. (I'm rather muscular)
But the one I get the most, probably over thirty times, is that I have nice eyebrows. (Oddly enough)


My first office job, at a car lot, I was getting stuff out of supply closet, the boss says, I'll bet you look pretty nice naked. A very sexist place, way before any movement calling him out. The sales guys would have me page Mr. Hunt. Paging Mike Hunt!


I've been told I have nice ear canals by my doctor at least twice in my life


My love for you is like a cumquat.


I’m still waiting. Sigh.


My friend to this one good looking but snotty girl who had a bit of acne: "Your face is as smooth as a baby's bottom....with diaper rash." I thought that was a bit much though.


I have "child bearing hips".


I saw a woman I know and said “oh Helen, you look so beautiful today “. She replied well you’re pretty, but just on the inside. I about choked on my coffee.


More like what I say to some of my clients (I’m a tattooist). Sometimes their skin is just soooo satisfying to tattoo that I drop “Ohhh, you have such nice skin” and it really comes off like I might throw them in a well Buffalo Bill style.


“You smell different when you’re awake.”


"Your hair is beautiful. I'd like to ask you out but I would want to control your hair. I'd want to be your hair master."


An old family friend once said to me: "I see you took my advice and didn't lose any weight since I last saw you!"

I replied back: "I see you took my advice and got older!"


"I like your big bird shoes!"- random person at harps
i was wearing yellow converse. and i have smol feet.?


"Tú tiene uvas grandes"


I shared my home with 2 full sized iguanas, mated pair lived 3 years and received bag of food from local synagogue


"hey girl, I like the way you move" -old man in NYC who stared at me for like 15 minutes


You don't look Mexican.


"Wow! You look really good in clothes!"

This was said in front of my new husband. He was a customer of mine, I'm an automobile mechanic and he had never seen me in anything except uniforms before.


A female friend was told by a guy she had been dating, "You're the marrying kind." No more dates for Mr. Smooth.


MIL: Wow! Is your hair growing?
Me: Usually
Husband: literal LOL
MIL: meant as compliment!


Was on a 5 hour flight from Hong Kong. I sat next to an elderly lady who was flying alone. We started a conversation and she seemed nice. Then she said:

"You're very pretty, but you're fat."

I just smiled uncomfortably, put on my headphones and watched movies for the rest of the flight.


“Omg your voice is so adorable!”
and “aww you have such a cute voice!
I have a squeaky voice for a boy which is really embarrassing ?


A few weeks ago I was at Kroger with my 4 year old. An older lady commented on how cute she was & I thanked her. She then told me she loved my hair color (I'm a natural redhead). I thanked her again and said "it's always been like this." Her next comment completely threw me off. She said "well you paid for it." I must have momentarily made a face because she then said "oh is it natural?" Well obviously.


I was a bartender and invited to a wedding reception of the daughter of a customer with whom I was friends. It was a rather upscale occasion and I was nicely dressed. A few of my bar customers were also there. One man who was a steady customer and friendly did not even say hello to me. I felt totally ignored. We were all seated at a long table and suddenly from out of nowhere he shouted...."Hi Betty! I didn't recognize you with clothes on!"


When I lived in Copenhagen I was told by a classmate's mom that I behaved like a girl from way out in the countryside. The word in Danish that she used is not usually used in a positive way ("bondsk"). I know she meant it in a nice way but it still felt weird.

I have given many guys the compliment that they have a handsome/amazing nose. I'm a nasophiliac and I notice noses. Lol. I'm sure almost all of them found it weird. ?


A dentist once told me i had a "beautiful bite".


Your bones are so pronounced - dental hygienist as she had her fingers in my mouth and feeling my gums.


I got complimented on my saliva production once at the dentist


I had someone tell me once that I “could wear things that would make other people look hideous”. Thanks, I think?


“You used to have such nice legs when you were skinny”.


A friend once told me I have cute toe fingers. ?


"my cousins are weird, and when I told them about you, they felt better àbout themselves." Not really a compliment but at least I'm making someone feel better lol


A girl once told me she liked my accent.
I didn't have a different accent from her I just can't talk right.


Someone told my friend he was "soft".


I am trans and genderfluid, and I finally got my mom to let get my haircut.
She told me that I had such a feminine face I didn't look anything like a boy even with my hair cut.
My brother told me I had an "aunt" haircut (my sister is pregnant)
My sister told me I looked like Audrey Hepburn.
And the entire time my grandma was here she kept telling me what a pretty girl I was and how my dad would be chasing away boys when I'm older.


I had a boy I got suspended say in the middle of a sentence “ hey, do you know your my least favourite person in this room” I was like “ oh my gawd really? Cause I thought you were my best friend” and I gave him the death stare. He hasn’t spoken to me since which is quite nice actually.

So I took that as a compliment I don’t really know why but I did.


A lot of people praise my eyelashes. I am a man, and the only thing I know about my eyelashes is that I have them...One woman told me that when I die, I could donate them to her and she'd get them made up as false lashes. Not creepy at all!


When I was 17 a friend of mine said:"I wish I was as good in putting people off as you are."


You’re a really good singer. You should join our punk rock band…(in high school).

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3E7yOYR
via Boredpanda

Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Compliment You’ve Ever Received? Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
