A given name is certainly a crucial part of someone’s life and identity. After all, it’s what’s going to be written on your documents and what most people will use to address you officially. However, a name that you create for yourself or that others give you can be as important as your “real” one. Giving someone a nickname is usually an act that occurs to simplify communication or make it more playful and personal. Being someone with a long name, I especially relate to the former.
However, sometimes nickname-giving can be slightly mischievous, and not necessarily in an offensive way. Sometimes people will give out nicknames that are there to brighten everyone’s mood, and not to make someone feel bad. Today’s post is exactly about that - slightly mischievous nicknames that stuck to people in the old days of high school. The Twitter post that inspired this post went viral, collecting 39.6k likes and told the story of the guy everybody called "pants", which inspired others to share their memories of high school nicknames. Consider upvoting the nicknames that you found funniest and leave a comment!
More info: Twitter
Image credits: PAL LTER (not the actual photo)

Image credits: DehvanM
The very concept of high school nicknames is kind of odd and silly. People will pick up upon the most random thing and make it part of their daily interactions. Which isn't inherently bad, because a lot of the time, these nicknames will stick and make the repetitive nature of the routine and names less boring.

Image credits: keight1972

Image credits: tbagwell64

Image credits: RussoKatie

Image credits: Shenanigans_luv
The randomness of these nicknames is, what I feel, makes them so entertaining. It seems as if one can take anything about a person, or what they've done and attach that to them as a way to address them.

Image credits: TKid661

Image credits: craig_b10

Image credits: caitiedelaney

Image credits: danstalilonis
All in all, I feel like this list is a prime example of great nicknames that give everyone, not excluding the person being addressed with it, a good laugh. What nickname did you have or found funny? Let us know in the comments below the article!

Image credits: Jrodella_

Image credits: JimsEmber

Image credits: WallySierk

Image credits: pderrow

Image credits: morbidlyamy

Image credits: GvGoldmedal

Image credits: UricBeaufolle

Image credits: Leon__Chase

Image credits: SeanShafershark

Image credits: MortweetsC

Image credits: NAlorakid

Image credits: asyouknowBob

Image credits: Sheeeellllll

Image credits: NoniDoll

Image credits: MaraWilson

Image credits: Alex______Black

Image credits: OceansOfBliss

Image credits: DweebOfTheYear

Image credits: 1100theking

Image credits: StockOMatic

Image credits: josh_wick

Image credits: raging_banshee

Image credits: mandy__jordan

Image credits: Huge___Ackman

Image credits: polapetit

Image credits: BenBenTwoTwent1

Image credits: chrisjewson_

Image credits: KateERyan

Image credits: foreverburning

Image credits: DweebOfTheYear
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