Some may say that enjoying good food is one of the best things about life, and after all, we do eat or snack all the time. But as with most things, not everybody likes the same food, since we all have different tastes. Some people are pickier than others when it comes to food. While some might eat pretty much most meals or delicacies, others will only go for things they’ve tried and tested many times and are comfortable with.
Today’s article, however, is about people who aren’t even that picky at all. After all, most people will at least try a couple of foods throughout their life that they wouldn’t usually eat. But even these non-picky eaters will steer clear of certain foods that even the thought of makes their stomachs turn. Someone on Reddit asked a question exactly about the latter—“Non-picky eaters, what’s one food you absolutely can’t get behind?” and the internet delivered. The question collected 24k upvotes and prompted 18.5k comments. Scroll down to see the list of some of the best responses to the question and consider upvoting the entries you relate to, as well as leaving a comment!
More info: Reddit
#1 Lutefisk
Lutefisk. It is a terrible idea someone had here in Norway some centuries ago. You take a perfectly edible cod and dry it. So far, so good; You can still rescue the fish by making Bacalao.Then, you follow up by soaking the fish, the very fish you just dried, in water for a few days. Finally, when the fish no longer thinks its remains can be further mistreated you put it into a bath of lye dissolved in water. The end process sees you with a swollen mess of a fish that's got a ph of 11-12, which is lethal. To make the damn thing edible you need to soak it in water for over a week.
This is, incredibly enough, considered a delicacy and is something many try to foist upon poor, unsuspecting, tourists. Me? I think the fish has been through enough, no need to make it a participant in crimes against humanity as well.
Image credits: Zakath_
Exotic foods are definitely not for everyone, after all, not everybody is into the idea of having a taste of silk worms, tarantulas or snails. And that is completely okay. Most of us will typically eat what we're used to, and getting out of that "comfort zone", especially when it is unnecessary, can be quite difficult. And even though trying out new things is generally a great idea to expand your horizons, as long as you're eating healthily, there's definitely no need to go for the extreme if you don't want to. So the next time your friends or family decide to host for you a local version of "Fear Factor", it's okay to say no.
#2 Tarantulas
Tarantulas. As an arachnophobe, I cannot eat that. Also there is some kind of Filipino food that is literally just an underdeveloped duck fetus/embryo thing straight out the egg, which is another I will never eat.Image credits: saundersmarcelo
#3 Balut
Those half developed birds in the eggImage credits: TwoTwoJohn
#4 Boiled Silk Worms
Boiled silk worms. Tried them in Cambodia and from the name you'd expect them to be not great, but I was unprepared for how incredibly awful it was.Image credits: Brit_J
Even if you are a picky eater, however, do not be too hard on yourself. Although, as mentioned before, trying out some new meals can be a great experience, you don't have to do it every time, as would just be too stressful. Furthermore, being a picky eater isn't exactly your own choice all the time. According to Smithsonian Magazine, picky eating is a product of both nature (genetics being one factor) and nurture (your parents, for example, preparing specific meals as you grow up), although the science behind all that is incredibly complex, to the point where there is little consensus on one explanation. So don't stress yourself out for not liking olives, grapefruit, or even bananas.
#5 Fermented Shark
Fermented shark from Iceland.Image credits: rUdicky
#6 Pickled Pigs Feet
Pickled pigs feet. There's only a tiny bit of actual meat in there. No way.Image credits: owsley567
#7 Animal Eyes And Brains
Eyes, brains, and genitals. Sure it's arbitrary but that's my line, I'm down to at least try eating anything else.Image credits: pleased_to_yeet_you
All in all, food is food. But that doesn't mean we all have to like eating the same thing. We all have different tastes and we don't have to break out of our comfort zone all the time either. Let's just all agree that pizza is awesome.
#8 Peeps
peeps. never understood the hype.Image credits: lollolkennylollol
#9 Grapefruit
I can get behind grapefruit.TO SHOVE IT OFF A CLIFF.
Image credits: OldSoulRobertson
#10 Sweet Pickles
Sweet pickles. Absolutely disgusting and blasphemous!Image credits: westwardnomad
#11 Flaming Hot Cheetos
Flaming hot Cheetos. I simply don't like them it's not even that they're too hot for me, I like spicy food but I think they taste like plastic.Image credits: TheShmannaBeast
#12 Overly Sweet Desserts
Overly sweet dessertsImage credits: PineapplePizzaAlways
#13 Meatloaf
Meatloaf.“But you’ll like my moms meatloaf…”
No. I don’t like ANY meatloaf.
Image credits: mountain_daisy
#14 Celery
Raw celery. Disgusting And 100 year eggsImage credits: musicmous3
#15 Anchovies
This thread is full up of some fear factor stuff. I just don't like anchovies. They're too salty.Image credits: Ton_Macaronski
#16 Tripe
TripeImage credits: NealR2000
#17 Natto
Natto. It’s the soapy, sticky texture. Or anything with harissa. I just … can’t.Image credits: noots-to-you
#18 Organ Meat
I just don't like organs. The texture of most organ meat is terrible.Image credits: TheClayroo
#19 Snails
Snails or oysters RockefellerImage credits: HakunaTostada
#20 Liver
LiverImage credits: daveskaye
#21 Stinky Tofu
Stinky tofu. It actually doesn’t taste that bad but dear lord, the smell is horrendousImage credits: yuenadan
#22 Pickled Eggs
Pickled eggsImage credits: Automatic_Judge7910
#23 Durian
DurianImage credits: xnamwodahs
#24 Octopus And Squid
Octopus/squid It's a texture issue for me. Great flavor, though.Image credits: Belmung
#25 Okra
Okra.. always slimy to meImage credits: Mags22
#26 Blue Cheese
Blue cheeseImage credits: SweetDiddy
#27 Bananas
I'm basically a garbage disposal, but just the smell of bananas makes me gag. I will not eat anything with banana in it. And before you ask, yes, that even includes banana bread.Image credits: TwelveSilverPennies
#28 Bitter Melon
Bitter melon. I don’t care if it’s good for you.Image credits: dedeenxo
#29 Olives
Olives. I retry them every so often to make sure. I nearly vomit every time.I've eaten various bugs, organs, fermented things, and beyond....but olives man, can't do it.
Image credits: Lyirthus
#30 Pears
Raw pears... Literally the only thing I don't like to eat. Pears are the unholy love child born from a red delicious and a bag of sand.Red delicious are not high on my list of foods either. It's literally the least delicious and worst textured of all the apples. Seriously whoever named that boring flavorless apple deserves to burn in hell along with the guy that first cultivated it.
Don't get me wrong, though. I'll still eat red delicious no problems. I'll just die a little with every bite. Give me a pear and I'll take a bite to see if it still disgusting, which it always does, before I proceed to toss it in the trash where it belongs.
Image credits: p**p_grunts
#31 Canteloupe
I just... canteloupe. No but really, its yuck to me.Image credits: disgruntledgrumpkin
#32 Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese. It has the texture of vomit.Image credits: tomorrowistomato
#33 Tomatoes
Tomatoes. I wanna like them they look like juicy apples and one bite is enough for me to never try again even the different breedsImage credits: kieman96
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