35 Facts That May Mess With Your Chronological Understanding Of Things, As Shared By This Guy

People usually have a pretty good intuition when it comes to time. Even if we don’t remember exactly when a thing happened, we can give a pretty precise guess if it was a week ago, a couple of months or a few years ago. This might be explained by the fact that we lived through those events and we just feel how long ago they were.

But it is quite different when it comes to things that we learnt from history. We learn different events as separate facts and not as a continuous story so even if they happened at the same time, it might not click in our heads.

But when they are placed side by side, it is very surprising to see them in a new perspective. TikTok user Adorian Deck, also known as The Facts Guy, who has a following of almost 4 million people, dedicated a whole series to facts that mess with our perception of time and we collected the facts that his followers were interested to hear the most. And if you want to know even more similar facts, here is an older Bored Panda article that you might like.

More info: TikTok


Betty White was actually older than sliced bread.

Image credits: adoriandeck


Cream Puff is the oldest cat to have ever lived on record at 38 years and 3 days old.

Image credits: adoriandeck


Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, was already 17 years old by the time Orville Wright, one of the inventors of the airplane passed away. There is only a 66-year time difference between when we flew for the first time and when we landed on the Moon.

Image credits: adoriandeck


In 1903 The New York Times ran an editorial saying that humans will not be able to fly for a million years. Just 2 months later the Wright brothers took flight.

Image credits: adoriandeck


Starry Night was painted in the same year that Nintendo became a company.

Image credits: adoriandeck


If Anne Frank was still alive, she would still have been 7 years younger than Betty White was. This also means that Martin Luther King Jr. would have been 7 years younger than Betty White as well.


We figured out how to travel to the moon before we put wheels on suitcases.

Image credits: adoriandeck


While the United States was working on sending people to the Moon, interracial marriage was still illegal in 16 states.

Image credits: adoriandeck


If you went back the same amount of time from today as Marty did from 1985 to 1955, you only would be traveling to 1991 [video was filmed in 2021].

Image credits: adoriandeck


There were 14 presidents during the reign of Queen Elizabeth and she’s met 13 of them [she didn’t meet Lyndon Johnson].

Image credits: adoriandeck


Karl Marx, the creator of Communism, wrote a letter to Abraham Lincoln congratulating him on his reelection.

Image credits: adoriandeck


Harriet Tubman was still alive for another month after Rosa Parks was born.

Image credits: adoriandeck


Pablo Picasso was actually alive more recently than Jimi Hendrix.

Image credits: adoriandeck


Joe Biden once served in Congress with 6 different people born in the 1800s.

Image credits: adoriandeck


Octopuses have been around for longer than the dinosaurs.

Image credits: adoriandeck


Rosa Parks was alive long enough to witness Hurricane Katrina.

Image credits: adoriandeck


Everything you see happened in the past-not the present. It takes time for the brain to process visual information so by the time you’ve actually seen something, it already happened.

Image credits: adoriandeck


The current oldest person living in the world today is 118 years old [119 years old in 2022]. She’s been alive longer than the time between the date the US Constitution took effect [1788] and her birth.

Image credits: adoriandeck


Betty White was 9 years old when Thomas Edison passed away.

Image credits: adoriandeck


We didn’t know that a meteor killed the dinosaurs until 1991. That’s around the same time that the movie Home Alone was in theaters [November 16, 1990].

Image credits: adoriandeck


In 2020 researchers discovered fossils of green algae that existed 1 billion years ago.

Image credits: adoriandeck


Bowhead whales can live for over 200 years which means that there are likely whales in the ocean today that were alive during the Civil War [1861–1865].

Image credits: adoriandeck


The first episode ever of Doctor Who [November 23, 1963] was released the night after J. F. K.’s assassination [November 22, 1963].

Image credits: adoriandeck


If you put the universe's 13.8 billion years into a year-long timeline, here’s what it looks like: The Big Bang occurs January 1st at 12 AM. The Milky Way Galaxy forms on March 16th. Our Solar System takes shape on September 2nd. The formation of Earth follows shortly after on September 6th. The first complex cells emerge on Earth on November 9th. Dinosaurs appear on Christmas and are extinct by December 30th. All of recorded human history starts on the night of December 31st at 11:59:33 PM. Jesus Christ is born at 11:59:55 PM. The average human life lasts about 1/4th of a second of this timeline. Less than the blink of an eye which is 1/3rd of a second.

Image credits: adoriandeck


The Sahara Desert was green and alive with vegetation only about 6,000 years ago [more precisely 11,000-5,000 years ago].

Image credits: adoriandeck


Mark Twain lived long enough to take a color photo [correction: 1908] before he passed away.

Image credits: adoriandeck


From the time Pluto was discovered to the time that Pluto lost its planet status it hadn’t even completed one orbit around the sun. it actually still hasn’t. Pluto was discovered in 1930 and downgraded in 2006 (76 years later). It takes Pluto 248 years to orbit the Sun which means that it will not have made a full orbit around the sun until 2178.

Image credits: adoriandeck


The Eastern Roman Empire fell only 40 years before Christopher Columbus landed in the Americas. This means that plenty of people who considered themselves Romans heard of the discovery of the new world.

Image credits: adoriandeck


Cleopatra was alive [9 B.C.-31 B.C.] closer in time to the moon landings [1969-1972] than the building of the Great Pyramids [2550 B.C.-2490 B.C.].

Image credits: adoriandeck


The last American [Ronnie Lee Gardner] to be executed by firing squad was in 2010, the same year that Toy Story 3 came out.

Image credits: adoriandeck


A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus. It takes 243 Earth days for Venus to rotate once, but only 225 earth days to orbit the Sun.

Image credits: adoriandeck


Leonardo da Vinci was a year younger than Cristopher Columbus.

Image credits: adoriandeck


Will Smith is now older than the actor who played Uncle Phil was at the time that The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air first premiered in 1990.

Image credits: adoriandeck


The last major Hollywood movie to be released on VHS was a History Of Violence in 2006.

Image credits: adoriandeck


The last telegram that was ever sent was in India only 8 years ago.

Image credits: adoriandeck

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/35ERkdK
via Boredpanda

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