Renting a property can be stressful for everyone involved. Both landlords and tenants have plenty of terrible stories about one another. But the one we chose to show to you today is personal. It cuts straight to the core of this complex relationship. Greed.
Reddit user RockyMoose made a post on r/ProRevenge about the way he got back at the man who raised his rent by 50% just because he learned that RockyMoose was earning a decent living. However, given the name of the subreddit it appeared on, you can probably guess that it’s not the end of it. Years later, due to a random encounter, the two met yet again. Only this time, it was the landlord who paid the price. And quite a big one.
This landlord probably never expected that his greed would come back to bite him in the crotch
Image credits: RODNAE Productions (not the actual photo)
But years later, he paid a huge price for treating his tenants like trash
Most of the people in the comment section called it justice
But some thought the guy was way out of line
The post "Landlord Is Jealous Of My Income, Raises My Rent By 0. I Screw Him Years Later For k" first appeared on Bored Panda.
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