Objections At Weddings Actually Happen In Real Life And Here Are 35 Stories That Folks In This Online Group Shared

A wedding is considered to be one of the most exciting and special occasions in a person’s life. It is also one of the most joyous occasions for family and friends of soon-to-be newlyweds. But as most of us know, there are situations where someone’s decision to marry their significant other is not met with much excitement or in the worst case, a serious objection.

Having this in mind, Reddit user @summeralexander14 asked people online to share some stories of them witnessing an objection during a wedding or even objecting themselves. The question that received 13.5k upvotes was soon filled with various stories that people decided to reveal to others. Some of these included funny and not-so-serious cases of objection, while others were quite intense and sad as it would reveal some deeper issues that lay within a family.

Do you have similar experiences with weddings? Which one of these situations do you find the most astonishing? Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments down below!

More Info: Reddit


My dad marrying his third wife.

My step brother and I were in the wedding party. He was about 6, I was 10. The preacher asks if anyone objects and my brother raises his hand so very politely. My dad asks why, and my step brother replies, "because I want you to promise to take me fishing whenever I want, first."

Image credits: vogera


I was at my cousin’s wedding and someone screamed at the top of their lungs “OBJECTION, your honor” because my cousin is a judge.

Image credits: Day283


My wife's uncle (who owned the farm we were getting married) stood up at the objection part. Immediately, his son (who was the man of honor) yelled at him to sit down. To his credit he did. For about 12 seconds then stood up again. He objected because there was a big f**king storm coming up the driveway and about to smack the ceremony and all of our hurrying couldn't beat it. My wife made it inside before getting drenched...no one else did. Got married inside instead.

Image credits: nutrap


At our friends marriage, there was a storm building outside. When the "does anyone object" part came up, there was a flash of lightning and a huge thunderclap. The power went out, and by candlelight the pastor said "I'm not counting that," and finished the ceremony. They were married 30 years, then she died from leukemia.
The video of their wedding is awesome.

Image credits: Plethorian


When my cousin got married to her wife, her parents, grandparents and a few other older family members stood up and walked out. They didn't say anything or try to stop the wedding, it was just a symbol of their disproval. My cousin was pretty devastated because she thought the attendance meant they had changed their mind and wanted to support her, but it was just a trick.

Image credits: AnyBodyPeople


My cousin was marrying a Korean guy she went to grad school with. His family had come in from abroad and were sitting all together on one side of the room. When they got to the objection part, this Korean girl yells out "NO!" and stands up and starts screaming in Korean at the groom. As everyone is trying to figure out what the hell is going on, an old lady calmly walks up to the girl and slaps her face. The girl starts sobbing as some more older women grab her and pull her outside.

The explanation was that she was just a drunk friend that didn't want him marrying an American. Found out later that the girl was actually a childhood sweetheart that was screaming how the groom promised to marry her-- which was awkward since the two were related to each other in some way (was not quite sure how). Anyway, cousin and her husband are quite happy, so no harm in the end.

Image credits: ShoddyEvent420


As the story goes, my parents’ wedding was officiated by my mother’s grandfather. When asked if there were any objections to my parents’ wedding, my father’s parents rose and stood silently. This was not a surprise; my mother and my father’s parents did NOT get along at all. Everyone knew this, so it wasn’t a surprise.

In response to their silent disapproval, my great-grandfather lauded their silent standing by saying something along the lines of “Ah, the parents of the groom have risen in support of the couple. Thank you!”

It’s unclear how the attendees responded, but my paternal grandparents left silently at that point. I never met them, but I think I’m glad I didn’t

Image credits: hbe327


I grew up in a super fundamentalist Christian community. My best friend fell in love, but her parents were pissed because they wanted to do an arranged marriage for her, so they locked her in the house for months. Finally I helped her escape and she got married in a very small ceremony.

She used to be very close to her brother, so she invited him. He was also angry about her eloping, so he wore all black, including black sunglasses, and stood there looking pissed the whole time.

We specifically asked the pastor to not do the "does anyone object" thing because we didn't want to give anyone the chance. When her brother realized the pastor wasn't going to say it, he tried to stop the wedding anyway. My brothers had to escort him out.

The whole thing was f**king heartbreaking.

Image credits: JamesandtheGiantAss


My dad's seen an objection - he volunteers at a church. The bride and groom were siblings, and their father hadn't told them until he objected (I believe he was estranged to both of them). They already had a kid apparently.

Image credits: Any_Lake_288


Not my wedding but at a friends, a family member paid some kid $20 to run in and say "Daddy don't marry that woman!" like it was his child. Did not go over well as a prank at all....

Image credits: bourbonisall


Priest here. Where I am, the only objection people can make is a legal one. It doesn’t matter if they merely don’t approve.

I had one objection at a wedding, where the person who spoke claimed the groom was already married. That’s enough to stop the wedding. Turned out they were Serbian (which I knew) and didn’t know our legal system. The groom hadn’t realised the church wedding was also the legal wedding, so they’d married each other in a civil ceremony a few days before. That was fun to sort out!

Image credits: Peteat6


Not an objection, but my mom says that during her first wedding (not to my dad), literally EVERYONE, including her own family and the groom’s, was telling her behind the scenes that she could just “run off” or simply call off the ceremony entirely. But she paid them no mind and went on with the wedding.

A month later he got physically abusive with her. She packed her bags the same day and thankfully got out of it quickly.

Image credits: redsaturns


Not someone who had someone object at their wedding, but....

My older sister torments me about the second wedding I went to as a kid (first being my parents wedding).

Apparently attention seeking 4 year old me thought this gap of silence needed to be filled with my best cookie monster impression, so during the silence I yelled "Cookie Monster om nom nom nom."

Obviously everyone looked around at me in shock for breaking the silence, before the bride and most of the congregation burst out laughing.

This is the only wedding in my extended family that ended in divorce (4-5 years down the line) and as such I am one of the people that get stared at everytime this moment happens in a wedding. The oracle known as Cookie Monster.

Image credits: BazzaSmith


I was at the wedding of that rare beast - a work colleague who was actually a good friend as well. Only a couple of work people were invited by her, including a guy we'll call Matt, because that is his name. Matt and the bride had dated for a while a few years ago, but had remained good friends after.

So the ceremony starts, no sign of Matt... we get to the bit 'does anyone have any lawful objections etc' and the church goes quiet, then the heavy wooden door to the church door bangs open and there is Matt, looking red faced, flustered and upset and you could see the thoughts run through everyone's mind... 'Oh s**t'... and Matt limped awkwardly to a pew in the back and sat down quietly.

He'd overslept and twisted his ankle running to the church, that was all - so no objection, no drama, but damn we all though for a second it was going to kick off. My friend the bride even saw the funny side, about 3 months later.

Image credits: WiredAndTeary


Not an official objection, but when my mum was marrying my dad, my grandpa (her dad) circled her around the church over and over again telling her he didn’t have to stop, she didn’t have to go in, and they could just drive away.

It didn’t work. They’re still married 30+ years later. Eventually grandpa learned to like dad.

Image credits: anewae


First wedding in Vegas, found a homeless guy to be a witness in exchange for a sandwich from subway, objected because it didn’t have olives like he wanted.


Image credits: TheseVirginEars


Not quite an objection but sharing anyway:

When my dad and stepmother married, my litte brother was a toddler and had a hilarious and contagious laugh. Right when the objection part came up he decided to fill the moment of silence and then couldn't stop laughing at himself in a vicious cycle.

Had to stop the wedding so everyone could regain thier composure, b/c he had everyone else laughing so hard!

Image credits: space_D_BRE


I was at a wedding where there were three parties: the bride's, the groom's, and the groom's mother's. She hated the bride, thought she was not good enough for her son, etc. I was friends with both bride and groom, and they had to invite the groom's mom and dad, but they had the priest avoid the "Objection" part of the ceremony.

At the reception, there was a moment where the groom's father danced with the bride, and a few minutes later she stormed off the dance floor. The groom's dad had offered her $5,000 cash to walk away right then and there and have the marriage annulled. The reception featured a flambeau entrée, and everybody was watching the groom's mother, half expecting her to grab one of the flaming skewers from one of the waiters and hurl it at the bride.

They're still married 30 years later and have two kids, but I believe they are estranged from the groom's family for some reason...

Image credits: AAlHazred


My husbands (now former) female best friend said, "you know his parents prefer me. They want me to marry him but I turned him down" the morning of my wedding.

My ILs hate her.

Image credits: Mental_Vacation


My mother wrote 'help me' on the bottom of my shoes so when we kneeled during the ceremony everyone behind us would see it. It was pretty passive aggressive. But she wasn't wrong. Marriage lasted less than a year.

Image credits: keiths31


It wasn't verbal, and no one will admit it was 100% on purpose.

My husband's grandmother intentionally made him an hour late to our wedding, hoping we would just call it off.

She gave him directions to her timeshare that was her gift to us for the wedding night - except she conveniently gave him the wrong one. The one that was on the other side of the city from both the wedding and the correct one, and that he had to cross Interstate 4 (one of the worst highways in Florida, and possibly America) during 5pm traffic on a weekday to get to.

Everyone chalked it up to "oh, she's a senile old lady, she just got mixed up."

No she wasn't, and no she didn't. She was only senile when she could use it as a cover for being malicious. I could detail many other examples, but I won't.

What happened? The wedding started an hour late, so we lost an hour of the reception, and we're still married 13 years later.

Image credits: NoxRiddle


I was told by my husband’s family his sister planned to object. The week before she told us she would go to my husband’s next wedding because we won’t last long. It’s been 10 years and I’m still happy she didn’t go, lol.

Image credits: Idk102585


My ex-wifes Aunt said to me on the wedding day...

" you dont have to do this ya know "

I should have listened

Image credits: Dorothy_The_Winosaur


A friend, call her Blonde Doctor, was getting married in five days and I definitely didn’t care for the groom based on his past behavior. I was joking around with a different friend and sent them a link to a wiki-how on “How to stop a wedding”. Went back to a text conversation with Blonde Doctor, and it turns out I accidentally sent her the link to the wiki-how, not my other friend. Whoops.

It ended up being a fairly awkward wedding. Two years later, they’re divorced and we’re friends again.

EDIT: Yes, Blonde Doctor is a Scrubs reference. Whenever I am telling a story and I don’t want to reveal personal information, I just refer to people as either Blonde Doctor or Keyser Soze.

Image credits: AbeVigoda76


I had a small chunk of my family boycott my wedding, not because of my choice of groom but because of my choice of clergy. They even promised to pay for another clergy.

I kept the clergy and they did not attend. After several years they are still spiteful and have burned many bridges aside from mine.

Image credits: PhobiusofMobius


On my first wife my entire family objected, they said I was making a bad choice

They were right, I shouldn't have married her. So happy I divorced her 2 years later...honestly should have divorced her sooner, honestly shouldn't have married her to begin with.

Thank god I had no kids with her.

Image credits: SonDontPlay


My dad objected leading upto my wedding. Even went as far as making a Facebook(he's 60+) and letting a bunch of people know he was against it.

There was no way he could object at the wedding cause he didn't come.

Image credits: i8bonelesschicken


Exgfs coworker wedding. The groom’s side chick shows up absolutely hammered right when the ceremony started. Screaming at him saying she’s supposed to marry him. She was carried out by a few of the groomsmen. Ceremony went on like nothing happened. Find out about 1 year later that he was still cheating ( with that chick and another one)

Image credits: ok_koreal


My maternal granddad said to my mum on her wedding day, to not marry my dad as he wasn’t good enough for her. He was right of course, but if she’d listened I wouldn’t exist.

Image credits: trev2234


I objected to my sister marrying her second husband six months after her divorce... she told me to f*#! Off. Married him anyway... they now have 3 kids and are happily married

Image credits: kilozeta


It didn’t quite happen but a work friend who was a libertarian had planned to stand up during my wedding ceremony and deliver a speech objecting organised marriage as a form of government control, explaining that it’s wrong to be forced to register your relationship with the state in order for it to be legally recognised and such. Luckily he shared his plan with someone with similar political views who convinced him it would have been a jerk move so instead he no showed and put a long post on Facebook about his reasons for “conscientiously objecting”.

Image credits: TimedDelivery


When I was a kid, I wanted to object at my cousin’s wedding because his bride-to-be was mean. They’re still married 30 years later and she’s still an awful person. Everyone knows he won’t leave because she’d keep his daughters from him.

I’m not going to go into any more detail because it might dox me or my family. I just want to say my family is massive, there’s a s**tton of interpersonal drama and I am not close to this particular branch for more than just my cousin’s wife.

Image credits: seitancauliflower


When I was like 5 I objected at my cousins wedding. I didn't know what that really meant. I saw it in a clip of a movie... never knew what the movie was...


One wedding I was invited to the bride was a friend from school. As the priest went to the objection part everyone in her side of the family looked at me and this made everyone else look at me too.

I was weirded and later learned that everyone thought I had a crush on her and would be injection to the wedding. She was a friend and I had no romantic feelings for her and I was dating her sister at the time (no one knew). She's still married to him and they have kids so I guess it's a good marriage.

Distant relative's wedding, she was marrying a foreigner and the wedding in her home country was just a formality as she was already legally married. We get to the objection part and some dude screams out and starts sobbing and yelling at the bride on how she was a wh**e for not marrying him.

Turns out the object was an ex she had before moving away, the ex was a piece of s**t abuser who left her to be a movie star but became a drug abuser. He was pissed she was getting married to someone else. Here's the biter her family brought that guy to the wedding knowing this was going to happen.

To those asking and getting all sus, I'm okay I genuinely did not have any romantic feelings for her. It was weird how they all looked at me but i thought I must've carted out loud or was saying what I was thinking.

Image credits: illogicalfuturity


Not at the wedding itself, but in advance. My Unitarian minister initially refused to perform the service because he thought my wife was LDS (she's not), and that she would end up being "only" the first wife in a polygamous arrangement. (Neither one of us believe in polygamy. And not even the LDS do polygamy anymore.)

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/328oXmD
via Boredpanda

Objections At Weddings Actually Happen In Real Life And Here Are 35 Stories That Folks In This Online Group Shared Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
