85 Internet Users Share Great Random Advice That Might Make Life Easier For You

As you go through life—whether walking gently barefoot or dashing through the undergrowth without a care in the world—you naturally pick up some wisdom and experience along the way. And like the pebbles you’ll find on the beach, all of these insights can look very different, ranging from the practical (‘lift with your legs not your back’) all the way to the cliched but deeply true (‘spending time with your loved ones is far more important than your career’). Though some people simply advise you to regularly sharpen your shovel because it makes a world of difference.

Twitter user @Dustmopp31 made a lot of people smile when he asked them to share random but great bits of advice they’d like to give others. The question quickly spread beyond the boundaries of Twitter, however, and drew quite a lot of redditors from the r/MadeMeSmile subreddit into the discussion as well.

We’ve collected the very best, most interesting, and even quirky pieces of advice shared by these internet users. Scroll down, upvote your fave posts, and if you have any advice to share with all the other Pandas reading this, consider dropping by the comment section at the bottom of this article. Got your notepads ready? Let’s go!

I reached out to a couple of experts in their fields to hear what advice they'd give others. I spoke to British comedy writer, author, singer-songwriter, and all-round creative person Ariane Sherine in order to take a peek at the pearls of wisdom she's collected over the years. "What you give is usually what you get back. I’ve given my daughter endless kindness and love and she’s turned into a very kind and loving girl. But there are adults who don’t respond well to kindness and will throw it back in your face, so with adults, the lesson is: only love those who love you," she told Bored Panda how she approaches life. Scroll down for my interviews with Ariane, as well as with fitness expert and entrepreneur Jack Bly.


Apologize to your children. Genuinely. If you were wrong, say sorry and mean it.

Image credits: UnspeakablePlants

I asked comedy writer Ariane what advice she'd give anyone who keeps failing at something. Her approach is to be flexible while staying persistent and try something else. "Either another way of doing what you failed at, or something else entirely, but do persist. Not every seed you plant will grow, so you often have to plant many seeds in order that one will sprout."

I was curious if Ariane would do anything differently or give her past self any advice. However, she told me that she doesn't regret anything. "I wouldn’t tell my teenage self anything, as if she’d done anything different then I wouldn’t have my wonderful daughter now! But for other teenagers, I’d say: don’t waste yourselves on people who don’t care about you. Give your love to people who do."


Check-in on people who always seem strong. Sometimes they’re not doing well but think they can’t say anything because they’re the “strong one.”

Image credits: Simple_Somewhere_564


When you're cooking the recipe is only a reference. When you're baking the recipe is the work of the law.

Image credits: Correct-Serve5355

Meanwhile, fitness expert Jack told Bored Panda that the very best advice that he can give people is to start controlling their inputs in life. You are what you consume, not just what you eat. "Be mindful of what you put into your mind. Music, TV shows, social media, politics, etc. Think about if they are creating negative or positive thoughts and beliefs, he told Bored Panda.

"Inputs lead to beliefs and beliefs lead to your actions."

According to Jack, he's been "hardwired for optimism" since birth, so he has a better time facing challenges. "Whenever I face hardships, I always try to view it as a blessing. It will force me to grow in some capacity and get better."

As for advice that he'd give his younger self, Jack believes that authenticity and being your true self are the most important things. "Stop caring so much what others think. Be 100% authentic to you and chase what you want."


Never take criticism from someone you wouldn't take advice from.

Image credits: Ikhsan Sugiarto


Leave the first time he frightens you. Because it won't be the last.

Image credits: Technical_Acadia_218


Get everything in writing, even if you think you don’t need it. An email, a text message, something in case things don’t go as planned. Has saved me countless times and burned me by not having it.

Image credits: iwearshmedium

Advice comes in all shapes and sizes. And two areas that we definitely need to work on to create a solid foundation for our future include our finances, as well as our relationships.

Some time ago, financial expert Sam Dogen, the founder of the popular Financial Samurai blog, shared how we should approach work when we’re young. “In your 20s and 30s you need to work BOTH smarter AND harder, especially if you are of average intelligence. The world is a brutally competitive place with some of the smartest people also working the hardest. So working long hours while you’re still young and learning is a matter of practicality,” he shared with Bored Panda. However, just hard work by itself isn’t enough.

“You can’t expect to go straight to the corner office without putting in your dues. At the same time, you can’t expect to outperform your peers simply through hard work, You have to be strategic by building a strong network of relationships internally and externally (clients) who will pull to get you promoted and help you get paid at your next job.”


Never answer a kid's joke. Always let them tell you the punchline even if you already know it.

Image credits: kmfp5150


TURN ON SUBTITLES FOR YOUR KIDS!!! Studies have shown it’s proven to help with reading.

Image credits: rainbowsunshines


If a kid ever hands you a banana, you answer it like a telephone.

Image credits: NightAndShinyArmor

However, we shouldn’t work ourselves to the bone. It’s important to recognize when we’re burning out and take the necessary steps to recharge. “Take sick days and mentally recharge. Don’t just think being ill is just a physical thing. There are plenty of mental illnesses. They are just not as visible. There is no better time than right now to take sick days due to the pandemic and the greater awareness of mental health issues. There is simply no shame in healing the mind!” Sam said.

He added that some people boast about how much they work because they feel like nobody’s noticing their efforts. “The irony is, if you have great results, there’s no need to tell anybody how hard you work,” he noted.


Befriend the IT team at work.

Image credits: adeltron30303


Never lie to your doctor.

Image credits: ChickFromTheSticks


When in doubt if you get a weird email, text, letter; never click any links in the text or email. Always go to the bank to verify if it is real.

Image credits: kat92876

Meanwhile, relationship expert Dan Bacon, the founder of The Modern Man project, said that honesty is vital to the long-term success of any serious relationship. It’s important to have honest conversations about practical issues like divvying up the housework in order to prevent resentment building up and to avoid unnecessary arguments.

“Housework used to be seen as women’s work only, due to a man traditionally being the breadwinner and the woman staying at home all day. Yet, in today’s society, if both the man and woman are working, it’s more fair, loving, and respectful for both of them to contribute to keeping the house clean. On the other hand, if a man is the sole breadwinner and the woman stays home all day, many people would agree that she should do most or even all of the housework. That said, no one actually ‘has to’ do anything in a relationship,” the expert told Bored Panda.


Never insult someone who is going to prepare your food or has access to your data.

Image credits: EEpromChip


From domestic abusers to supposed experts to politicians. If someone tells you not to seek out another's opinion, they're lying to you.

Image credits: ALiteralSentientTank


Use sunscreen.

Image credits: partyhatwurmpl3

“A woman shouldn’t ever force a man to do housework and a man shouldn’t force a woman to do it either. Instead, the couple should honestly agree on what they feel is fair and then go with that. If it feels unfair to one of them, resentment will build up, arguments will happen and they will feel less connected and happy as a couple,” Dan said.

According to him, if we feel that we’re left doing all the chores at home, we should ask our partners why they think we should be doing all of the housework by ourselves. “Then, ask if they honestly think that is a fair, loving, and respectful way for them to be approaching the relationship.”


Forgive your younger self.

Most importantly, start small. Pick one moment of the past - start small- and view it through your current self. Oftentimes, our mistakes make a lot of sense considering our age/situation. View your past self as if it was your friend or child and comfort accordingly.

TLDR It’s forgiving/understanding your past self by understanding WHY you made that mistake.

Image credits: kennedymayfans


Waste is generated at the time of purchase, not disposal. Holding onto junk just because you paid money for it isn’t being thrifty, it’s hoarding. Your mental health and your wallet will both be better off if you get rid of it to make space for the things you actually need.

Image credits: Fakjbf


The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

Image credits: Channiex


If you love someone, tell them. Friends, family, coworker. It doesn’t matter. This may be the last time you talk to them.

Image credits: JewVader1


When a kid shows you a drawing, instead of saying “what is it?” Or guessing, which could upset them, ask them

“Can you tell me about it?”

The kid will be excited to tell you all about it and they don’t get upset that their nonsensical squiggles weren’t immediately recognized.

Image credits: ginntress


Brush your teeth no matter what just brush em before you lose em

Image credits: Soft_Emergency9036


Whenever you’re stuck in a situation where someone starts to cry, offer to get them water. It gives them the space to express their emotions privately for a bit and feel cared for as you are trying to help by getting water. Also helps if people crying makes you uncomfortable.

Image credits: Lilpoopiesquat


If you see a bathroom in your dream, don’t use it.


Use turn signals when driving.

Image credits: StarKiller5A


Make sure you drink enough water. Every cell in your body needs it

Image credits: Runner_Grl


When you are on a job interview, don't forget that you are also evaluating whether that job is a fit for you. Ask about benefits, work culture, what the interviewer personally finds valuable about working there. 1. This makes it appear that you have self-worth and eases your nervousness. 2. The answers they give can tell you a lot about whether you actually want to work there.

Image credits: hypercoolseries


From argumentative a**holes at the grocery store to bullies in public school, this is my best advice:

If someone tries to give you a hard time verbally and wants to start crap with you, insult you, or just get you going in some way, always remember:

You allow conversations to happen. You can control the length by simply not engaging. Remember: anyone who tries harder to get you to respond is losing and getting desperate.

Source: former Correctional Officer. People talking s**t to you from behind bars doesn't matter when you never acknowledge it. Eventually, you stop caring when you hear instigation and you hear it for what it is: a power play. The only winning option is not to play.

Image credits: LoneQuietus81


Don't smoke. Don't even start.


Don’t expect ‘you’ from other people.

Image credits: Beneficial-Bridge879


Small tips : if you go somewhere, take with you something that should be there (if you go to the kitchen for a glass or a snack, take with you the old glass or who is already there) it will make the big cleaning faster.

Image credits: Gobadorgosleep


If you're an artist or in a job where you type a lot, take breaks and do wrist stretches! Carpel Tunnel sucks.

Image credits: Macbuff-of-Fife


Never send an angry email or text immediately. Wait at least an hour and read it out loud or to a friend.

Image credits: FlourFlavored


It’s okay to like things that are considered “cringey” or unpopular. You decide what you like, not everyone else.


If your friend is starting a new business, don’t expect a discount. Instead, support them with sales as much as possible.


Learn how to say no, and learn how to have tact and grace towards others.


Take care of your Mental health. It should be a priority. Once you lose your health, life sucks.


Keep learning new things


Add your email recipients AFTER you've finished and checked the email. But add attachments first! Too many times I sent out emails without adding the necessary files.

Image credits: Christian Erfurt


Work will never love you back.


Always budget for less money than you have, that way if you make mistakes it’ll be ok. Leave room for error


Clean as you cook. Pick up after yourself!


Don’t feel upset if you can’t find a nice woman/man to date/spend time with. Rather be the loneliest man alive than being attached to the wrong one. It only takes one wrong one to never make this mistake again. Take your time, you are beautiful and there is no rush.


Don’t use dryer sheets or softener when washing towels! It coats laundry in a light layer of oil or wax and ruins the absorbency


Professionally: Always read the contract. And don’t sign it if it doesn’t work for you. Don’t compromise. Contracts are not about getting together, they’re about what happens when you want to get apart.


Never go grocery shopping while you are hungry. You’ll buy up the entire store.

Image credits: Somepenguinsss


Teach your children to have situational awareness. They will be less likely to become a victim. They will also learn how to read a room or public space for danger. It will also become useful in other aspects of life such as driving or walking alone. Most adults don't have this. Most people don't pay attention to anything. It's a good life skill.


Even though it says “flushable”, it’s not!


DO Not use public Wi-Fi for banking


The best advice I ever got was from a Veterinarian when I brought him a newly adopted old dog with many health issues: "I will help you prolong his life, I will NOT help you prolong his death." Words to live by when you have pets and have to face "the decision".


Make boundaries.


Always eat before going out drinking.


If you have a friend who is really into a kind of music you want to know more about, ask them to make you a mixtape/playlist.

People love to share what they love and you will learn a lot.


Going to community college for your first 2 years saves almost half the cost of your bachelor’s degree.


Wet your hands before rolling meatballs.


Have compassion: you are not the only one having a bad day or week.


This is pretty common, but if you find yourself cringing at something you did, take pride in the fact that you have grown up beyond that mistake


Never ask a woman if she’s pregnant.


In all relationships, allow room for change & forgiveness. Our views change as we age & we all make mistakes.


If you put some baking soda in the water when boiling eggs, the shell peels off easily instead of in little pieces


Comparison is the killer of joy. Knock it off.


When checking out a house, either to rent or to buy then make sure to check the number and position of plug sockets in each room.

Too few and at odd locations can be a sign the wiring is old and hasn't been redone for a long time, or in a new building, it can be a sign of a cheap rush job.

Both can take a long time to put right and be very costly (if you are renting this might mean a reluctant landlord keeps putting it off and you live with the fallout)


If you want to be seen: Stand Up
If you want to be heard: Speak Up
If you want to be respected: Shut Up

my Father's wisdom.


Life is too damn short. Quit that toxic job. Break off that toxic relationship. Don't let peoples' toxicity lead you on a path you were not meant for. You live for you!


Lock your door as soon as you get in the car.


Ask each of your family members to write/ record their story. Make it a tradition. In a century your family will either know their whole family’s story or you can have your own private museum of history from the eyes of basic people.

Image credits: Superdangerdan


A falling knife has no handle.


Always save your work.


If you’re ever in a scenario where you can’t safely test whether something has electricity running, always use the back of your hand. If you use the palm and it’s hot it could cause your hand to close on it and kill you. Again always be safe first, but if you have no other option don’t use your palm


Make calls to your friends and family more often. Especially your mom.


If your kid puts something up their nose, block their other nostril and put your mouth completely over their open mouth and then blow a little forcefully. It’ll come out. Save yourself an ER copay.


Ego costs more than it is worth.


Nobody gives you a medal for drinking booze. You can say "no" or "I'm ok for now" if your peers get offended by this your Friends are toxic.


Start saving for retirement as soon as you get a job. Don't touch it until you retire, unless you absolutely, undoubtedly, life-or-death need to.


Don’t raise great children, raise children who will grow up to be great adults.


When you get stabbed keep the knife in and don't pull it out of the wound


Never let your tank get below a quarter


99% of the time whatever you are worrying about is not as bad as you imagine.


Even if you are not big on history, learn some key dates/ years/periods by heart: World wars, Magna Carta, Great London Fire, when agriculture started, Ice Ages. Decide to learn about 10, depending also where you live (your country's independence date for example), then just stick them in your memory in any way you can and is most suitable for your learning style. Don't overdo it, because then you won't do it. This way you can quickly place events in history on your mental map and you have a clearer picture of where we've been and where we are heading.

Image credits: Daugarlagur


Debt is stupid. If you cannot afford it don’t buy it. There are a few exceptions but in that case, make sure to pay it off quickly. The longer you're in dept the more you're technically paying.

If you instead set those payments aside and later use them for outright buying that item it ends up cheaper in the long run.


Sharpen your shovel regularly. I know it sounds dumb, but it makes a WORLD of difference. Same for lawnmower blades, but every couple of months or so. Or if you hit something big.


Let it go. Whatever it is. If it doesn’t serve you, let it go.

Image credits: nikkitikkitavi23


When mixing eggs and butter together while baking, make sure the butter is in the bowl first.

Update your resume and change it slightly based on what job you're applying for. Don't lie, just change the spotlight to what skills would best appeal to the employer.

Writing things down when studying actually helps, due to muscle memory.


Never use a wet washcloth on a hot cooking surface.


Listen to Mom, she does know more than you.


Be nice to yourself, and the people around you.

Also the a**hole ones, there is literally nothing better than killing with kindness

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3oUk89A
via Boredpanda

85 Internet Users Share Great Random Advice That Might Make Life Easier For You Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
