Even in our modern society, patriarchy is still alive and well and both men, women and everybody in between and beyond fall victim to it in numerous obscure ways. Tackling such deeply rooted problems definitely takes time but if we want to see change, we should simply start talking about it.
There's a woman-centered online community where its members are supporting one another through humor and magic. It is dedicated to both accepting and making fun of various mystical aspects of femininity that have been discredited by the patriarchy for so long.
Bored Panda has collected some of the best posts from the sub, so continue scrolling and upvote the pics that made you want to cast a spell yourself!
#1 Growing Up In Conservative Catholic Schools Has Impacted Me So Negatively, And Stuff Like This Is So Profoundly Meaningful To Me That I Wanted To Share With You Witches

Image credits: littlebunnyfoofoo6
Witchcraft and feminism seem to be closely related. Today, more and more women are starting to invoke the witch to find their power in a patriarchal society and reclaim authority over their own lives.
More than 300 years have passed since the infamous Salem trials, an event that marked a dark period of life in the settler colonies. It’s hard to imagine that the little town of Salem, Massachusetts, was hit with mass hysteria and paranoia that led to wrongful convictions and murder of innocent Salem residents due to accusations of witchcraft.
Usually, it was women who were accused of casting spells and they were often described as opinionated, confident, and ready to stand their ground when crossed. Females who existed outside mainstream societal boundaries were demonized and devalued by the society created and controlled by powerful men.
#2 Well This Was Unexpectedly Deep.

Image credits: Freyas_Follower
#3 “Friend Zone” Seems Better Than “Liar Intent On Sexual Manipulation Zone” To Me, Personally

Image credits: shari_teja
So it’s not a coincidence that there’s been a huge rise in the resurgence of interest in witchcraft among young people, at the same time as the resurgence in feminism, Frances F. Denny, a photographer and author of Major Arcana: Portraits of Witches in America, told The Independent. “If you look at the history of feminism in the 1960s and 1970s and the history of modern witchcraft, they’re moving in tandem. The waves are happening at the same time.”
Patriarchy is still a thing in the modern world but there are ways we can challenge it. Terry Real, a renowned couple’s therapist, lecturer and bestselling author, told Forbes that we all live under patriarchy, which is a rigid dichotomy of gender roles.
“Traditionally, men are supposed to be strong and feel independent, unemotional, logical and confident. Women are supposed to be expressive, nurturant, weak and dependent. One of the things I say about those traditional gender roles is they don’t make anybody happy and they don’t make for intimacy.”
#4 Seriously?

Image credits: rahmanila
#5 How Often Is A Women Denied Their Due In A Patriarchal Society

Image credits: over_and_above
According to him, these “rules” were built for stability, production and consumption: “It was about ’Buckle up and do your job.’” Today, people also want intimacy and happiness in their relationships, and “the old rules are not going to get us there.” The therapist explained that if we want to succeed, we need to re-configure who we are both as men and as women—we need a new vision.
Terry Real wants to undo this “halving” process and promotes the concept of whole people—make women want to be strong and confident and men not to be afraid to be big-hearted, vulnerable and sensitive. There are three effective steps that we all can try in order to achieve this “wholeness”.
#6 Wake. The F**k. Up

Image credits: Sin_Cos_Im_Tan
#7 That’s Not A Marriage. This Is A Marriage.

Image credits: CFD_Steve
To begin, be brave, have courage and step out of your comfort zone: “Become intensively aware of that contempt of vulnerability in both sexes. Beware of that code to shun our vulnerability, because we humans connect through our vulnerabilities, not through invulnerability.”
Next, don’t try and do this all by yourself: “Make this a collective movement. Get support.” You can start by starting a conversation with your friends and family, that way it’s easier to share thoughts, knowledge and seek change.
#8 How Interesting...

Image credits: something__clever__
#9 As A Food Working Kitchen Witch, I Applaud This

Image credits: sensistarfish
Finally, insist on wholeness from others and from yourself: “Insist on relationality in your boys, insist on strength in your girls, and insist on wholeness in your relationship with each other,” Real explained. “You can be a man and cry. You can be a woman and speak up. We can step outside the frame of patriarchy.”
#10 If The Science Witch Says "Don't Violate Quarantine Because We Could All Die.". Don't Violate Quarantine. Because You May All Die

Image credits: Freyas_Follower
#11 Carrie Is Still A Legend, Wherever She Is

Image credits: AeyviDaro
#12 She's Got A Point

Image credits: apocalypticalley
#13 I Never Realized It Either

Image credits: smashells32
#14 I Like This.

Image credits: ocyane
#15 Where Are My Ugly Prison Witches At?

Image credits: believeitornotjail
#16 Feminism

Image credits: alexbertanades
#17 In A Few Minutes We'll Have Legal, Safe And Free Abortion In Argentina! I'm Celebrating! We Are The Daughter Of The Witches You Could Not Burn!

Image credits: leidakar
#18 I Feel Like This Would Be Appreciated Here

Image credits: V0LTREF
#19 She's Onto Something...

Image credits: space_grrl
#20 What's Making You Happy This Autumn Season?

Image credits: UR_DEMON_BF
#21 Red Hair

Image credits: Alice_Moran
#22 Protest Loudly For Our Heroes

Image credits: sailorjupiter28titan
#23 *sips Tea*

Image credits: messie_jessie83
#24 What Is Feminism To You?

Image credits: samipuzzled
#25 It's Not About You

Image credits: apocalypticalley
#26 Probably.

Image credits: apocalypticalley
#27 Hope This Fits

Image credits: Sallyanonymous
#28 Rattlesnake Rights Now

Image credits: ChrisMMatthews
#29 Laughs In Occult

Image credits: henke
#30 Female Empowerment

Image credits: It_Is_Me_The_E
#31 Mark

Image credits: democracydiva
#32 ?

Image credits: apocalypticalley
#33 Enough

Image credits: angels_exist_666
#34 "Historical Accuracy"

Image credits: apocalypticalley
#35 "Always Carry A Eye-Stabbin' Knife." - Jesus

Image credits: Freyas_Follower
#36 I Dare You....

Image credits: angels_exist_666
#37 It’s A Beautiful Thing To See How You’ve Been Manipulated Into Victim Blaming, So You Can Change Your Thinking And Remember Who The Real Enemy Is

Image credits: hywtpf
#38 What A Nice Way To Be Known For! ?

Image credits: PeculiarProtocol
#39 Be Like Alice

Image credits: screwitagainsam
#40 Felt Like The Vibe Of This Sub

Image credits: weirdnewwhere
#41 Independence

Image credits: crystalllowery
#42 ?

Image credits: apocalypticalley
#43 The Real Magic Rbg Gave Women Is Independence

Image credits: sairarahman
#44 La Belle Maloney

Image credits: Mycatissnootsy
#45 They Hear Us Now

Image credits: drjengunter
#46 ?♀️

Image credits: apocalypticalley
#47 Advocating For Yourself Is Its Own Form Of Magic

Image credits: lizhackett
#48 The Real Viking Myths Were Actually Quite Fabulous

Image credits: Freyas_Follower
#49 Self-Care Witch Right Here

Image credits: athiefintamriel
#50 Fight For Human Rights

Image credits: haileymariiieee
from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3FKhKYW
via Boredpanda