People Are Sharing 64 Unspoken Rules That Are Universally Accepted

Time and again, we've all wondered if it’d be possible to live in a society where there are no rules. But norms of everyday life have somewhat the same function as the rules of games: they tell us what ‘moves' are allowed and which ones are not. Not only do our interactions run smoothly, but the whole world we live in feels harmonious and in order.

So in order to really see how and which rules govern our lives, and what we make of them, we have to look at the universal, unspoken ones that everyone should be aware of, if they already aren’t. Shared by people in various Reddit threads, some of these rules are simple no-brainers, others represent more elaborate conventions, so let’s see which ones people pointed out as the most important ones.

Scroll down, share your thoughts in the comment section and be sure to check out our previous post with more of the “unwritten rules” of life.


NEVER propose at someone else's wedding, never.

Image credits: Kearshi


You don’t microwave fish in the break room at work.

Image credits: DestinysChildSupport


If somebody gives their phone to look at a picture don't scroll and see all their other pictures.

Image credits: [deleted]


Don't ask if she is pregnant. Just don't.

Image credits: ohyoshimi


Give me six feet of space when I’m at the ATM or the urinal. Basically, whenever I’m taking valuables out of my pants.

Image credits: Dammit_Banned_Again


There will always be a demilitarized urinal between two urinating men, unless overpopulation becomes a factor, in which case participating piddlers will look either straight forward or directly down at their dingle dongle.

Image credits: tallperson117


If you're watching garbage Facebook videos in the break room and other people are trying to enjoy their hour of peace wear some [freaking] headphones Alana.

Image credits: Enollient


Covering your mouth when sneezing...although everyone doesn't always do it

Image credits: Mojovman


You don't get a "bless you" after sneeze number 3.

Image credits: Dickcheese_McDoogles


If you notice something on someone that can be fixed within 5 minutes, tell them (Shirt stain, food in teeth etc)

Image credits: Bogshow


If you work in childcare and see a baby walk for the first time you don’t say anything to the parent.

Image credits: [deleted]


For any space holding people (train, elevator, classroom), let people exit before you try to enter

Image credits: _NendSudes


An appearance flaw that cannot be easily changed shall be completely ignored.

Image credits: picksandchooses


You do not initiate small talks with someone with their headphones on.


When using tongs, you must always click them together a couple times.


If a child shoots you with a toy gun you act hurt or pretend to die for them. No questions asked. I learned this when I became an aunt lol.

Image credits: [deleted]


When walking through a door and someone is behind you, hold the door long enough so the person doesn't get hit by it.

Image credits: [deleted]


Closing your mouth when you chew.


You don’t take pictures of kids that aren’t yours


Small wave at the driver when they stop at the crosswalk so they know you know they saw you.


The internet is forever, so be careful what you put on it- especially if your real name/face/details are attached. People will find them and bring them up at the worst possible times. A few seconds of thinking about if it's really a good idea to post that comment or whatever can do a lot of good.


When using a stud finder, you must first point it at yourself and go "beep"


When you enter an elevator, you face the door.


Push in your damn seat.


If you offer something, you offer twice only. If they say no both times you don't push it


If someone you don't know suddenly strikes up a desperate conversation and seems to be wary of their surroundings while on a night out - they are your best friend. Best friend. Because they're probably being harassed by another drunken patron and need some backup and I don't care if it's your mortal enemy, you act like you love them because they've got problems.

You do not ignore someone like that.


If the teacher makes a mistake that benefits everyone (forgets homework, leaves answers on the board, etc) you don't point it out!


Don't make marks in a book that someone loaned to you. That means no dog-earing the pages, no highlighting/underlining/circling phrases and no writing notes in the margins. If you want to do that crap, get your own copy, don't ask to borrow a copy from me.


“In the house of a hanged man, don’t talk about rope”

Old proverb. Meaning don’t dig up old, nasty stuff with people you know will be uncomfortable/offended


Don't wear white to another woman's wedding


You don't reject your grandma's offer of food (at least in Mexico)


The problem magically goes away when the person who's there to fix it shows up.


Put it back in the same place you found it.


If you're in a public toilet, don't piss on the toilet seat. Sadly, there are always people that disregard that rule.


If your dress has pockets, you must tell everyone.


Picking your nose is very satisfying, but don't do it in public


When walking in a store, treat the aisles as you would the road. AKA stay to the right (US).


Do not stand still in any choke-point of an indoor or outdoor space. Doesn't have to be a doorway or hallway.


Don’t put your phone on speaker in public places


Don't ruin Santa Claus for little kids


Never expect a friend to fix your car for free or for a six pack. Ask them how much they'll charge you. If they do ask for beer, ask their favorite. Don't buy cheap shit


If you accidentally bump into someone you apologize (in the US anyway)


Zipper Rule: when driving and two lanes become one drivers merge from alternate lanes one at a time right left right left ... like a zipper.


If you are done using the microwave and there is time left, you must clear off the remaining time.

Don't be a savage.


If you’re securing something in a truck bed or trailer, you must always say “that ain’t goin’ anywhere” once you’ve finished.


Don’t drive slower than traffic on the left lane of a highway.


In public (public transport, libraries, canteens etc), sit at unoccupied seats/tables first. Only sit with a stranger when there are none left.


If you have two friends over, who don't know each other, you don't leave them alone.

The exception to this rule is if you are trying to set them up


When making eye contact with someone from a distance, you nod down if you don't know them, and "nod" up if you do.


Don’t walk in the same direction with someone after saying bye


In public transportation, you let the person in most need have your seat.


If a two year old speaks gibberish to you, you reply with either "you think so?" Or "thank you for telling me".


Dont eat smelly food on public transport


In a long awkward hallway as you walk toward someone and they walk toward you, you don't make eye contact or make any kind of greeting till you're about 10-15 feet apart.


If I'm showing you a pic of my crush on Instagram don't double tap to fucking zoom


If you’re in a car that is not yours, always ask before rolling down windows, changing A/C, plugging in phone etc.


We don t share toothbrushes


Don't ask the IT dept for help with your personal device unless you are somehow able to compensate them.


If someone asks if you have a pad or tampon and you have one give it to her. You'd want someone to do the same for you.


DO NOT! I repeat, DO NOT go through someone’s night stand drawers.


When a child hands you a toy phone, you pretend to have a conversation.


Don't eat food that isn't yours without asking for permission first.


Office door closed = I’m busy. Office door open = I’m available if you want to talk to me.


There is no seating arrangement in a university class but no one should sit in my seat

from Bored Panda
via Boredpanda

People Are Sharing 64 Unspoken Rules That Are Universally Accepted Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
