30 Folks In This Online Group Share How Their “Neighbors From Hell” Earned Their Name

Has anyone answered the question can’t we all just get along yet? No? Drats.

While there is surely a high enough chance that if you’re moving, you’re gonna end up with good neighbors, there is also a non-zero chance of having crummy ones, and alas this is a list of the latter.

Redditors have been sharing stories of the worst neighbors they’ve ever had, and believe you me, they cranked the dial up to 11 with this one.

Below is a curated list of the best stories collected from the now viral Reddit post, which has managed to get over 41,500 upvotes, 125 plus Reddit awards, and has generated a comment section that has reached nearly 11,000 comments.

Read the stories below, vote and comment on the ones you find the most daunting, and if you have your own nightmares to tell, please do in the comment section below!

More Info: Reddit


Lived in a small apartment and my neighbours always cranked up their music to 11. Like loud, loud. And until something like 7am. Maybe later, but that's when I would leave for work. It was so loud that I couldn't hear my own tv over it. My neighbours and I would bang on the door but they would never open the door. It was like trying to sleep at a festival.

Then at some point I found out they often left for a bar across the street but would just leave the music on, so I would pull the breaker for their apartment, but they would just come back at 5am and turn it back on.

It was reported by heaps of people, but nothing was ever done, so at some point I would jam their lock when they went out so their keys wouldn't work anymore and they had to get the property manager in while the music was blasting inside.

After a couple of times of that happening they were evicted.

Maybe I'm the bad neighbour in this story...

Image credits: time_to_reset


When my wife and I moved into our house in the summer of 2019, the neighbors on either side of us warned us about the people renting the house directly behind ours. Apparently they had been known to cause trouble and blow things way out of proportion, bordering on paranoia of everyone around them.

We kept it in mind but had no issues for the first 6 months or so after moving in. Their house sits on a hill behind ours and so overlooks the majority of our back yard due to the elevation change.

Well one night (morning, technically) at about 3am we wake up to Ring notifications from our phones showing video from our front doorbell - there’s a man standing barefoot in a sleeveless shirt on our porch POUNDING on our front door.

We give it 2-3 minutes just watching him on the app thinking maybe he’s drunk and has the wrong house… essentially giving him the benefit of the doubt. But then we start to hear him say “come out you f!@#$%g p@#$y, I’m gonna f@#k you up” etc and he leaves the porch and starts to head around the side of the house towards our backyard.

Considering we had NO idea who this was, my wife now immediately calls the police as I move out of our bedroom towards the external doors to look/listen for any attempt of home invasion. At this point our neighbors directly behind us throw a HUGE spotlight into our backyard from theirs.. we’re thinking okay cool they know something is up and they’re trying to help us out by shedding light on our backyard.

The cops arrive several long minutes later and knock, we explain the situation and they head out back to look around and get the scoop from the neighbors with the spotlight. It turns out that the spotlight neighbor was the one on our porch, he had jumped our fence into our backyard and up into his yard and then threw the light on.

He told the police that several nights prior, I had let my puppy out into MY OWN backyard in the middle of the night and because I was in my boxers, that I was “trying to expose myself to his family” because they could look down on our entire yard from where theirs sits.

He then followed this up to the police with “evidence” which consisted of videos he had taken THROUGH OUR WINDOWS of my wife and I inside of our own home doing totally normal things like chores, watching tv, etc.. nothing inappropriate or scandalous (not that it would have mattered anyway, we were in our OWN HOME). Because of the elevation difference, if they went out of their way they could technically slightly see through our closed blinds due to the angle… so they had been filming us for no reason at all and expected the police to see this as reasonable?

The cops came back in and my wife was devastated, a huge breach of our privacy of course and totally unfounded accusations as we had never done anything to anger these people, we hadn’t even met them. The police told us “just don’t worry about it, if he tries something again just give us a call” which wasn’t the most comforting at the time.

They moved out a few months later without any additional issues, my wife and I celebrated like it was a holiday when we saw the moving van in their driveway.

Image credits: NoWayThisIsTaken


Definitely the s@#thead 19 year olds that lived next door to me when I was finishing up college that screamed at Call of Duty at the top of their lungs through paper thin walls every night when they got killed, who also threw a pumpkin on the roof of my car, causing $3k worth of damage which is considered felony vandalism in Michigan.

I finally got them to confess and basically gave him a "stern talking to" as a 22 year old that was just done with college nonsense at that point, and told him I wasn't going to press charges as long as his insurance paid for it.

Later that year when his roommate was flipping out about CoD and yelled something along the lines of "GODDAMNIT F@#$%^G HACKERS, EVERYONE IS F@#$%^G CHEATING, WHAT THE F@#K IS THIS BULLS@#T, I HATE THIS GAME, BUNCH OF F@#$%^G LOSERS AND CHEATERS", which was very clear through my bedroom wall while I was studying, so I didn't hesitate (since it had been months of that) after he got done with his tantrum and said:

"sounds like you just suck at CoD, bro."

I heard a crash of what sounded like a controller being banished to the shadow realm, and then didn't hear anything from him for a month. It was glorious.

Image credits: lookalive07


Their dogs got into my backyard and attacked my dog. My dog ended up ok but it was a long recovery and he still doesn’t walk right. He was and is the happiest dog ever so to see him on the ground covered in blood was the worst thing ever.

The dogs were able to get through because their kids at taken a plank out of my fence (they didn’t have a fence).

I left a letter on their door explaining the situation. They showed up at my door to tell me that it was my fault for not having a stronger fence and that they wouldn’t be paying any medical bills.

After a lot of them yelling and me calmly explaining why they actually would be paying, they eventually complied. They did build a fence, backwards, with the flat side facing them.

They are also loud as f@#k, got chickens that escape on a regular basis in our suburban neighborhood and are overall scummy people.

Image credits: Wolf97


The people living across the street from me when I lived in Colorado. They owned eight vehicles and didn't have any room to park any of them in their garage. They parked most of them on the street taking up parking spaces for half the block. Their daughter (in her 20s) always parked her Jeep directly in front of my house. It annoyed me that she parked there all the time but I never complained because it didn't really hurt anything and I was trying to be a decent neighbor.

Things went to s@#t when my dad called and said he wanted to visit me for a few days. He was 71 years old at the time and had Parkinson's disease which made it difficult for him to walk. I walked across the street and knocked on the door to be greeted by matriarch of the family. I was polite, explained that my dad had limited mobility and would be visiting the next Friday through Monday. I pointed at her daughters Jeep that was blocking the sidewalk leading to my front door. I remained courteous and asked if her daughter could park her vehicle elsewhere during that period of time.

She became noticeably agitated and told me that was her daughter's parking spot. I explained to her that it was directly in front of my house blocking my sidewalk and that it was undeniably my parking spot according to the HOA rules. She told me that I should have my dad park in my driveway. I pointed out that my driveway was very steep and that my dad would be unable to safely enter or exit his vehicle there. She then pointed to a parking spot that was open about fifty yards down the street and told me that I would have to tell my dad that he had to park there. I f!@#$%g lost it and started ripping her a new a!@hole calling her a trashy, good for nothing, worthless bitch. Finally her husband screamed from somewhere inside their house that she just needed to "Tell your f!@#$%g daughter to park somewhere else for three days!".

Image credits: Woodlands76


We had some neighbours that used to leave their garbage out in plastic bags the night before garbage day - instead of putting it in a bin. Around here, that's just ringing the dinner bell for raccoons and other critters.

Sure enough come morning there's garbage strewn all over the neighbourhood. What the raccoons and skunks didn't spread around, the wind picked up the slack. Some of the people on the street kindly approached the guy and asked him to put his garbage in a bin. He told them to go f@#k themselves.

Thus began the Garbage Wars.

Every morning of garbage day some people on my street would collect all the half eaten and rotten trash from their lawns and toss it back into the dude's backyard. He would collect it, then dump it back on their lawns. Or cram it into their bushes. People started finding half eaten burritos and candy wrappers in their mailboxes. The street started to look like a slum. Police were called. Health inspectors. City by-law enforcement. Each side was calling in whatever authority they could muster to get their enemy in s@#t.

The dude and his family (amazingly his wife seemed perfectly pleasant) lasted about 8 months then moved.

Every once in a while I find a random margarine lid or piece of styrofoam in my hedge, and my mind goes back to those dark days of war.

Image credits: kor_hookmaster


My downstairs neighbor was building bombs and accidentally detonated something that was in progress and wrecked his hands. A nurse at the hospital notified police that the wounds were suspicious and they came to investigate.

I was woken up to police forcibly entering his apartment. Shortly after an officer notified us that we needed to evacuate as there was a likely meth lab in the apartment. There wasn’t, it was only bombs.

Image credits: DrOddcat


Lived on the bottom floor of a two story Victorian. There was very little sound insulation between the two floors. When we moved in there was a friendly older couple that had a dog. We could hear it running around but honestly no big deal. Then they moved out and these three young guys moved in. Seemed nice at first but they turned out to be horrible.

Officially the rental agreement said quiet hours started at like 9pm. We basically told them, look, we're usually out of the house a lot and not home until late. As long as you're quiet by midnight during the week and 2am (bar time) on weekends we're cool. This seemed incredibly reasonable to me. Within a couple weeks of them moving in it was non-stop crappy techno music being blasted at all hours. As we had said, we weren't home much so that didn't bother us all that much. What did was the Tuesday night parties going until 4am. I'd go to their front door to ask them to quiet down and it would take a few minutes of ringing the doorbell and pounding before anyone would come down. Usually eyes were glazed over from either booze or drugs. I complained to their landlord multiple times but nothing really fixed it. I finally just started calling the cops and that would get them to stop for that night at least.

The final straw was they had a party with easily 60 or 70 people. Again, not a big deal, until it was 3am and the club music was blasting and everyone decided jumping up and down would be a great idea. I actually could see the ceiling flexing. I finally sat down and wrote a cease and desist letter detailing the city's noise ordinances and various other legal s@#t that would give me cause to sue them and put it in their mailbox. Sent it to their landlord as well. That stopped things. Should have done it months before that.

Finally the landlord had enough I guess because he came in and raised their rent to something insane like $6000 a month. We live in an expensive city but that was like 2x market rate at least. There was no rent control for this building so they were out within the month. Was pretty glorious to hear them yelling at each other about finding a new place to live.

Image credits: bg-j38


We rented a house that had another apartment in the basement. The lady who lived below us kept to herself for the most part so we didn't see her much.

Part of our rental was a detached garage and she asked if she could put small deep freezer in our garage. We were using it for storage, so we were fine with it. After a couple weeks of having her freezer in there, it somehow got unplugged and she came unglued on us and wanted us to pay to replace everything. I understood her frustration, but we hardly ever went into the garage since it was only for storage. In other words, we definitely didn't unplug it and our landlord agreed. But she was PISSED.

She had a son in college who came home for the summer. During that summer he found a cat and brought it home. His mom said no cats inside, so he would feed the kitten outside. She was pretty wild. He left for school again in the fall and we noticed that the cat was getting very thin. We started feeding her outside in her usual spot. Around Christmas we bought a bag of cat food and I made a plate of cookies and left them both at our neighbor's front door. The next day they were both back on our porch. Rude. Whatever.

We continued to feed the cat because she obviously wasn't feeding her. A few weeks later the cat came to our door crying. She was trying to come inside. Super weird considering she was pretty wild and we had never let her inside before. I let her in and noticed she was pregnant and for sure about to have babies. I made her a little corner and she had babies the next day. We let her stay in the house with us but we knew we couldn't keep her. I went downstairs to talk to our neighbor. She said that her son's cat was a boy so the cat we had obviously wasn't his.

I posted on Facebook to see if anyone was interested in fostering a cat and her kittens because we couldn't keep her. Her son saw my post on Facebook and got SUPER mad at his mom. She then called the cops and said that I stole her cat and lied to her when she confronted me about having the cat in my possession.

It was the stupidest, most frustrating thing that had ever happened to me as far as neighbors go.

Image credits: LePointlessPorcupine


When I started my first job post-college, I was thrilled to live by myself for the first time in my life. I had this beautiful 1 bedroom apartment in a solid part of town.

Everything was great until 6 months later, when new tenants moved in next to my unit. I had a package go missing (a phone case). Amazon had posted a photo of it at my door, so I thought that it was just a fluke. Then it happened again, and again, and again. The office wouldn’t accept packages, so I had to get my items delievered to friends’ places instead. Overall wildly inconvenient and the police didn’t care in the slightest when I reported it, so I just figured I’d deal with it.

Fast forward a few weeks, and I come home after being gone for less than an hour, to see that my doorknob and front door were scrapped up and the knob was barely hanging on.

Long story short, I had been parking in plain view of this guy’s window, so he was able to tell when I was home. I am 100% convinced he tried to break into my place, and that me coming home early interrupted him. I googled his name after I moved (I got it off a package at his door) and found that he was a convicted felon with charges that include grand theft auto, domestic assault, drug dealing, and an attempted break in.

Image credits: Ladyringo


Alright everyone sit down and buckle in becuase I have got a 15 year long feud for you.

My mom, dad and I moved into a condo when I was about 14, it's set up like an apartment building, so we we had a neighbor on our right and one below us. When we first moved in we met Trina our downstairs neighbor, she was an older woman (60's) taking care of her mentally challenged grandson (my same age but mentally a 6 year old with minimal language development) she seemed sweet and welcomed us. We had a few small issues but kept them to ourselves; she smoked A LOT, like 3-4 packs a day, and the smell would over take our house, and he grandson would "scream" a lot in the early morning but nothing serious and we never said a word. We were all friendly enough and life was fine.

About two years after moving in my mom bought a portable hose, to water her outdoor plants and clean the balcony off. This is when s@#t hit the fan. Trina lost it when my mom washed the patio for the first time, just water no chemicals, just rinsing the dirt off. Trina promptly started screaming about killing my mom for doing this. She then complained to the condo association every single day for years. She started to burn small fires in a coffee can under our windows in an attempt to smoke us out. She once saw my bedroom window was left open and literally flooded my room with her hose. She would call the police on every single noise we ever made, it got to the point that if she called the police and they showed up and there wasn't an issue she would be fined $50.

A couple years later I become pregnant young (18) and my boyfriend moved in and we had a baby. She told my boyfriend that I had a revolving line of men, and I was unsure who the father was but chose him because he was nice. (Completely fabricated) She continued with her nonsense for years and years, she once was driving down the drive way while I was getting my then two kids into the car; she literally tried to hit my oldest son with her car. I had to physically pick him up and throw him out of the way. When the police came she denied everything.

She harrased my family for years to the point of the condo association having to have private meetings with her and my dad, which nothing ever came of. The condo association was just as fed up as we were.

Three years ago my mom died suddenly of CJD and when she realized my mom was no longer around she laughed and told my dad and my kids that my mom deserved to die. She was an awful, awful woman. She recently fell I'll with Covid, and subsequently had a stroke. We don't know if she is still alive or in a home but my dad (who still lives there) says it's nice to be free of the constant harassment.

Image credits: ambersavampire


Had a neighbor a few houses down who kept to himself. One day he was turning onto our road and I happened to be behind him. Some kids were cutting across his yard so he stopped to yell at them and I couldn’t go around so I was stuck. He then started backing up but I had only a little room before backing into a very busy road. He then hit the front of my car and yelling at me. I was maybe 18 at the time and was legitimately terrified. I was able to make it down the block to my house, called my mom and she encouraged me to make a police report. The officer came, was super kind and offered to go to the house of the man who hit me to get his insurance information. The man refused to answer and the officer made a report and called to check in later in the afternoon.

That night the neighbor ended up taking a shotgun and pounded on a few neighbors doors, presumably looking for me. The police were called and quite a few officers responded. They could not find the man so had everyone on our street shelter in place until they could find him. Officers ended up finding him under a boat in his backyard.

I don’t know if he was arrested or committed but he never was back at his house and his family sold it a few months later.

Image credits: Hawt4teach


Apartment building- The upstairs neighbours dog peed on their patio and it dripped down onto me while I was sitting outside reading. I yelled and ran to shower and when I texted them to ask them to take their dog out to pee in future they said it wasn’t their dog and it must have blown over from somewhere else. What?

Image credits: ClubWithAJungleTheme


Current neighbor. She has a small business practice out of her home. She had her customers park on my yard (easement, technically) despite the town telling her she couldn’t. Despite all the times I told her to stop, she never did until one person parked facing my house, 2ft from my no trespassing signs… cops got called. I filled a complaint against the customer. (Never saw that car again, btw.) Then she tried to lease my front yard. Then she tried to buy my house while we lived in it. She told contractors that they could access her yard through ours, they dumps loads of gravel and sand in my front yard as their storage area, and a cement truck tore 18in ruts in my yard. A tree on the property line was infested with termites and a huge branch fell on a mutually owned fence… she demanded we pay to have the limb removed because it was damaging the (horribly dilapidated) fence, but she didn’t want us to cut down the tree because of the shade it provided her back patio, that was installed at the expense of my yard.

The whole tree came down.

Image credits: 2020onrepeat


Our neighbor was tossing bags of her vomit into my yard for about a year. Like 50 bags. Called the cops. Turns out she had an eating disorder she was hiding from her parents.


Moved into a crappy apartment in a building that was occupated by basically the worst people in the area. Pretty rural small town. Junkies, alcoholics etc. I moved there because I don’t have a driver’s license and I needed to live close to my new job at a café (no buses in the area, except school buses,) and it was relatively cheap.

Anyways, one night when I came home from work, I met two of my neighbors by the entrance to the building. These two were living wall-to-wall with me, and I had listened to their drugged-up saturnalias more than once. They started following me up the stairs, not saying a single word, just following me. I rush inside and lock the door, when they start hammering at it. Yelling, hammering their hands at the door so hard I thought they would break it. I yelled back at them "what the f@#k do you want?? Leave me alone!"

They stopped their hammering and the man said, with a fragile voice; "We were just wondering if we could borrow your pee for a drug test tomorrow." I not so politely declined, told them to f@#k off, and called the police.

Didn’t live there for much longer, I’ll tell you that.

Image credits: DoodieMcWiener


My current neighbors will randomly light bombshell fireworks in the middle of the night during the middle of the week as if some of us don’t have to wake up early for work.

Also when I was younger and living in a different city our front neighbors stole our dog from our backyard one day and we didn’t find out it was them until a few months later when we saw our dog in their yard. They denied they stole it and wouldn’t give it back to us until we got the police involved.

Image credits: Duhveed6


There’s a whole list with this one. We moved into an apartment complex and the neighbors right next door on our landing made our experience there extremely uncomfortable to put it lightly.

-Two weeks after we moved in, 20 armed officers showed up and breached the neighbor’s door. The cops said they couldn’t locate the person they were after and that’s all the info we got on the incident.

-Through our shared wall, we heard a man shout “If you don’t stop doing that I swear to god I’ll punch you again. Do you want me to punch you again?” Followed by a child crying. We called CPS- and then we were afraid because we were the only ones that could have heard, so they’d know it was us who called.

-Very often, we’d see strangers at the neighbors doorstep. When they’d knock on the neighbors door, it was easy to hear from anywhere in our apt and sometimes we’d think maybe it was our door. Many times, we’d hear a child next door answer, and then shout something like, “mom, so and so is ready.” I’d like to believe she was just giving haircuts or something (technically still against lease agreement), but based on the types of people showing up at the door, it seems unlikely.

-We were exiting the apartment at the same time as the neighbors, and lived on the second floor. Their 4 year old fell all the way down the concrete stairs to the ground level. We were horrified and moved to help. The mother stepped in and ignored us, yelled at her crying and definitely hurt child, and then quickly got in their car and drove off.

We moved after a year and never looked back. But I do think about those kids and I feel sad knowing that so many children are in abusive situations, raised by incompetent parents who were likely raised in the same terrible cycle.

Image credits: nasamarine


I rented a flat with an ex and the upstairs neighbour was an absolute nightmare. Deadbeat dad who had his kid every weekend and left them screaming all the time. He'd blast music until sunrise every day even when he had his kid. Got the council involved, nothing happened. Got child services involved, nothing happened. He used to argue every Sunday with his ex about how he wasn't paying child support. They'd argue right outside our door (we were on the ground floor). The guy was unemployed, owed the landlord a lot of money, and only left his flat to get groceries or drugs. He kicked off at me because my cat meowed loudly once.

Image credits: jenjudges


My neighbor was allowing their large dog to s@#t in my back yard. This happened day after day. I placed a shovel out by my firepit and when my neighbor was in his yard, I took the shovel and re-gifted it back to their yard. They got the message.

Image credits: Suspicious-Feeling49


Just straight up rednecks who wanted the full neighbor experience without putting in any effort themselves. It was like they'd moved from some hillbilly commune where you could just demand things of your neighbors.

Every day when I got home from school, the three youngest kids would bang on our door until we gave them snacks. One of them, when denied snacks, came back and broke our glass door with a hammer.

They turned the shared side yard (legally ours but shared because we weren't necessarily using it) into a lumber yard/playground where they dug a massive pit for mud wrestling (no bulls@#t there - mud wrestling).

The second oldest kid (6 in total) had an old A/C air handling unit in the backyard that he was allowed to hit with a sledge hammer when he got angry. He got angry often and at some pretty irregular hours. I ran into him at a bowling alley years after they moved away/got kicked out/went bankrupt. He had a tattoo across his chest that said IMMORTAL DEATH in a black-red-black gradient. He also had giant scars all over his back, chest and arms - he said he woke up in the middle of the highway on Halloween night, all cut up. Who knows if that's true, but if it could happen to anyone, he was the guy.

Image credits: tmptsitwm


I lived in an apartment with slot of rotating tenants. and elderly lady moved in across the hall from me promptly started hoarding. I started to figure it out when her deck/porch started to fill up with odds and ends furniture including but not limited to a roll top desk. She also yelled at me once for taking her key out of the front door and putting it in the mail slot. Anyway after a couple of weeks I started to realize I hadn’t seen her in awhile and started to smell something real weird. Turns out she had died and no one knew about it for a week hence the smell. Her family came and cleared out all her stuff about a week after that. This is Wisconsin in the winter and I had my good doc marten workboots outside my door because they were wet. They used one of my boots to prop open their door while they moved out and then stole them when they were done.

Image credits: According-Height-866


Lived in a duplex and after a year a nurse moved in who went to work at like 3am. But she also let her dog out and that f!@#$%g thing barked at eeevvvrrryttthhing.

Then she went and got two more (huskies puppies) one of which must have been a terror and she left it outside while she was at work and it would just sit by the door and howl for hours and hours at a time. The number of times I was woken up and couldn’t go back to sleep after was maddening.

I left notes and tried to talk to her about it but she would just make some s!@#$y comment “they’re dogs, get over it” and walk off.

I called the police about the noise, when they came out he said that there had been other calls and they had been out before. Not sure what they did but it worked. She only lived there for about 4 months and moved out. But what a long 4 months.

Image credits: Graphics_Nerd


I have a schizophrenic neighbor that has believed for years that I am hacking his electronic devices, scanning his phone, harassing/terrorizing him, etc. Over the years he has claimed I've held an old man hostage in my condo, allowed blood to drip from my patio to his, and that I'm a terrible racist. He leaves notes on the inside of his car accusing me of these things.

Image credits: knowses


Guy owned 6 cars and kept them all parked on the street in a very congested block of apartments. Spent hours tending to them, and they somehow always looked rustier when he was done. If a leaf landed on one of his cars he would accuse the neighborhood of intentionally placing leaves on his car to annoy him.

Image credits: Vampilton


A bunch of things with my ding-dong neighbor. She had a large dog that hated my older, smaller dog. One day her dog ran into my yard and bit my dog. She did apologize for this one, did not happen again.

Neighbor dumped her lawn clippings into my back yard. Had to ask her to stop and clean up her mess.

She decided to build a fence. No survey. So I paid for a survey of my property. She started building her fence 3 feet over on my property. I had her stop and remove the fence. She was angry and never rebuilt it.

I painted my house. She painted her house, same color. I bought a new car. She bought a new car - same color, same configuration.

There's other minor stuff, but that's enough. Odd person. Very odd.

Image credits: TheSquirrelWithin


Had one that would basically steal our mail and other stuff from our porch and yard. Caught her once to confront her and she started yelling at me to stop attacking her and tried to say I was stealing her stuff. Ended up with the police getting called and us filing a restraining order against her.

Image credits: kamekukushi


I have a few from the same neighbor who I'll call Linda. Linda would often have men outside the apartment building that she locked out screaming her name. But the best story regards a boyfriend Linda had who insisted my room mate and I call him "The Captain." About a week after meeting him, we came home to a wedding announcement for Linda and The Captain. Yes, his name was The Captain on the announcement. Exactly one week later still, The Captain was arrested outside our apartment building for public intoxication at 2 AM while screaming "I've made a huge mistake, f@#k you Linda! A huge mistake! I'm ruined!"

Image credits: katartsis


I used to live in a house that was split into two apartments. My neighbors had the lower half, and I learned we had issues with the HVAC when their cigarette smoke came visibly pouring out our registers: stank up everything we owned.

Then one of them stole my car.

Image credits: [deleted]


Dude pretended to be a reverend but was actually just a filthy f!@#$%g hoarder. He insisted on wearing sandals all of the time, and whenever he left his flat, the entire stairwell would stink of century old unwashed feet.

Eventually, the beetles that had infested his flat crawled up and into our kitchen and then everywhere.

Took months to get him evicted. F@#k that guy.

Image credits: _Nick_2711_

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30 Folks In This Online Group Share How Their “Neighbors From Hell” Earned Their Name Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
