There has been a lot of information about the benefits of drinking water. Having this in mind, users of the subreddit HydroHomies decided to share funny memes to brighten people’s moods and remind them to get that glass of water now and then.
Besides water being a crucial liquid for our body system, it has numerous other benefits. Our body is made of more than 60% water. This is why if a person loses a few percent of their body water, it can cause damage to their physical and mental health.
More Info: Reddit
#1 Water Is The Solution To All Problems

Image credits: Homosoapien
#2 Hydrohero

Image credits: Wasif-Amir
#3 Pro Tip

Image credits: youknowmeasjess
For a body to function properly, people need to drink water according to their build and exercise preferences. Water transfers oxygen through our body, regulates its temperature, prevents skin from breakouts and wrinkling, and ensures proper work of the digestive system.
#4 Does This Count?

Image credits: galaxim3
#5 So Uncivilized

Image credits: doctorzaius6969
#6 All Day Everyday

Image credits: Dutge
Our brain also depends on water. Not drinking enough water can cause headaches and have an impact on our mood and memory. Water should also be considered important in weight loss. It is suggested that before eating, it is good to have a glass of water or choose water instead of a snack first as our brain tends to mix thirst for hunger.
#7 Me At Work Be Like

Image credits: B_ry7
#8 Prescription Water Lol

Image credits: jojo-pose
#9 Only Hydrohomies Can Pick This Up

Image credits: Lil_Goatmilk
It’s one thing to forget to drink water but there are some areas where people don’t have the access to clean water. According to World Health Organization (WHO), “climate change, increasing water scarcity, population growth, demographic changes, and urbanization already pose challenges for water supply systems”. They estimate that by the year 2025 half of the world will be experiencing water scarcity. Having this in mind, some changes need to be made.
#10 In A Moment Of Weakness, I Ordered A Coke From The Vending Machine. It Dispensed A Water Instead. It Is A Sign

Image credits: Sarcherre
#11 This Is Why Water Is The Best. It Doesn't Have Any Ketamine In It

Image credits: Squiggamemes
#12 This Guy Gets It

Image credits: MajesticRocker
#13 Thought You Guys May Appreciate This

Image credits: Jiggarelli
These changes start from changing our everyday habits such as making sure to use the amount of water that we actually need instead of letting it run carelessly, implementing some water-saving technologies and also educating ourselves on this problem.
#14 Important Things In Life

Image credits: shreyaskg
#15 Some Of You Might See A Doctor

Image credits: samnesjuwen
#16 Best Surname Ever

Image credits: dazmanchan
#17 Was At A Vineyard And Almost Got Into A Fight With The Owner Over This Sign

Image credits: ireallylikepotroast
#18 What A Silly Thing To Call A Hydro-Throne

Image credits: WhataburgerBuns
#19 Hydrated Ants

Image credits: SRK_Mine
#20 Water Always Cold Unlocked

Image credits: Deshaun288
#21 Gotta Stay Hydrated

Image credits: Metalsheepapocalypse
#22 I Found It, Homies

Image credits: nerdqueenhydra
#23 She Confused, But She Got The Spirit

Image credits: Tqffo
#24 We Deserve Respect For What We’re Doing!

Image credits: Sergeant-Alpaca
#25 Finished My Gallon For The Day And This Appeared On My Leg

Image credits: sorden96
#26 When All The Cups Are Dirty

Image credits: TheHolyCrusaderI
#27 Found This Granite H20 Bench In The Wild Of Ireland

Image credits: adeptopeth212
#28 Oh Yeah

Image credits: hackz88
#29 Went To The Coke Museum For The First Time With Freinds Today. Had To Share My Favorite Flavor!

Image credits: BlenderClout
#30 Fixed It

Image credits: jpgnicky
#31 Nestle “Water”

Image credits: sir-veloso
#32 Water With The Bone In

Image credits: Carter52
#33 Never Seen Something So Disrespectful

Image credits: sterile-water
#34 I’m A Homie, But Geesh…

Image credits: DPforlife
#35 Lettuce Is Crispy Water

Image credits: isneezesimcards
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