Hi, my name is Steve Nelson (aka Snelse) and I draw funny comics and illustrations in my spare time. I post a new drawing pretty much every single day and you can find all my work on my website or on my Instagram.
I've picked my favorite drawings I've done this year to share on here and really hope you enjoy them!
More info: Instagram | snelse.co.uk | twitter.com | Facebook
#1 Everyone

#2 Take A Picture

#3 The Mole Tavern

#4 Abducted

#5 Emojis

#6 Occupational Hazard

#7 When I Tell People I'm Here For Them

#8 Life

#9 Undercover

#10 Construction Error

#11 Spacesuit

#12 American Army Knife

#13 Shopping Baskets

#14 Balls

#15 Brave Knights On The Magnetic Fields

#16 Panda Jam

#17 2 Birds, 1 Stone

#18 We All Do It

#19 Dummy

#20 Learning To Ride A Bike

#21 Sheep Straighteners

#22 Rattlesnakes

#23 Dead Sentence

#24 Which Wire?

#25 Virgin Wolf

#26 Death Metal

#27 Rip Bubbles

#28 Blew It

#29 Shadow Fed Up

#30 Hybrid

#31 Wfh

#32 What Did Ian Do?

#33 Better Bring A Jacket

#34 Vi-Car

#35 Why Do Men Do This?

#36 Who Gives Fish Mortgages Anyway?

#37 Not Good Enough

#38 Moving Boxes

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3FeFTXE
via Boredpanda