It’s utterly fascinating watching how memes evolve over time. Most of us know the cheesy pickup line, “Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?” Well, the question has morphed and taken on a whole different meaning. And now, “Did it hurt?” memes are trending online, especially on Twitter.
The essence of the meme is very simple. You write, “Did it hurt?” then you throw out the second half of the classic pick-up line and, instead you add a burn, roast, or a witty but hurtful fact that’s like rubbing salt into someone’s wound. Twitter users have gotten exceedingly good at the trend, so our team here at Bored Panda has collected some of the very best “Did it hurt?” memes that mix humor with harsh kernels of truth to share with you.
Scroll down to check them all out, upvote your fave ones, and let us know which ones made you laugh the most.
Bored Panda reached out to British comedy writer Ariane Sherine for a comment about using humor to be honest with everyone, how to tell if a meme will go viral on Twitter (spoiler warning: you can't), and the need to avoid using pick-up lines that are cheesier than a large pizza with extra cheese. You can read our interview with her below, Pandas.
Image credits: misterspinch
Image credits: Katskratchh
Image credits: sherrysworld
Comedy writer Ariane was brutal when I asked her about using cheesy pick-up lines like "Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?" She said that even using them ironically should be avoided at all costs. We ought to put in a bit more effort! "I would avoid even ironic use in case the person doesn’t get the irony and thinks you’re a total muppet! Originality is so much more genuine and refreshing," she told Bored Panda.
Ariane, who is very active on Twitter and other social media platforms, said that predicting what will go viral online is a lost cause. There's too much luck involved.
"In my experience, it’s totally down to luck and you can’t predict virality whatsoever. I’ve tweeted things I thought would fly but they only got a handful of likes, and then I’ve tweeted things that I haven’t expected to do well but then a celebrity has retweeted them and suddenly they have thousands of likes! So who knows? That element of surprise is the beauty of Twitter," she shared her experience.
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Ariane noted that humor can often soften and diffuse a message. That's why some people tend to rely on it to share their real opinions about important topics. It also acts as a safety net in case things go awry. "Humor often softens and diffuses a message. It also has the bonus of you being able to say, ‘I wasn’t serious, it was only a joke’ if your message lands badly. With straight social commentary, you don’t have this leeway."
Meanwhile the line between mean jokes that are still funny and mean jokes that are downright mean depends on how sensitive the person is. "In general, we tend to think a joke is much funnier if it’s aimed at someone else than if it’s aimed at us," the comedy writer said.
Image credits: kieransofar
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Image credits: TihreneyAriyon
According to Know Your Meme, the cliché pick-up line “Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?” implies that the stranger you’re trying to woo at a bar (or the library, we’re not judging you Ravenclaws) is “considered cheesy and unusable.”
However, very recently, in the summer of 2021, the line morphed and became a ‘snowclone’ on Twitter. Internet users replaced the second half of the pick-up line with other humorous questions.
Image credits: Ticheriee
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A snowclone is a meme template where some words can be replaced with others for comedic or other effects. It’s all very similar to Mad Libs, the ‘fill-in-the-blank’ game, and shows that memes have a tendency to change and be updated over time.
Image credits: kieransofar
Image credits: Cpin42
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It’s not completely clear when the original “Did it hurt?” pick-up line originated. However, the first time it was mentioned in print was traced back to The Tampa Tribune in 1985. However, by then, the newspaper already suggested that people avoid using it.
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Image credits: ABGKYO
Personally, I like to imagine that the cheesy pick-up line was with humanity from the very beginning. It makes for a pretty hilarious anthropological narrative when you consider the possibility that it might have been in use while we were still nomads, living in caves, or building the first cities as we settled down to grow crops and raise livestock. Of course, that’s all just conjecture on my part. But it’s fun to daydream!
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Image credits: aleacabri
The pick-up line changed into the “Did it hurt?” meme this summer and became commonly used after Twitter user Bratzcokeden shared a post on July 20. They wrote, “Did it hurt? When u fell off” and got 58k likes and the post was retweeted 8k times, according to Know Your Meme.
After the Twitter user’s post, the new meme format spread like wildfire. People started using various humorous, slightly hurtful questions that acted like social commentary as much as they were sick burns. The memes mostly became very literal and direct, losing any link to their flirtatious and cheesy origin.
Image credits: AndreyasAsylum
Image credits: oocsitcoms
Image credits: midniqhtzone
Internet users even began using the new meme to refer to other memes. For instance, on August 24, Twitter user Thisyearsgurl made a post poking fun of the people falling off of milk crates while they were doing the Milk Crate Challenge (kids, adults, Pandas, don’t do this at home!).
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Meanwhile, the new format became so popular, it even got major companies involved who wanted to be trendy and relate to their customers more. Swiggy, a food ordering and delivery platform, tweeted out, "Did it hurt? When you realized pineapple on pizza actually tastes kinda nice?", vindicating my amazing taste when it comes to pizza toppings.
Instagram referred to the most famous egg in the world when it wrote, "Did it hurt? When an egg got more likes than you?" While Xbox had this classic zinger: "Did it hurt? When you got handed the player 2 controller?"
Image credits: DollopofSunshyn
Image credits: carlyynicole
Image credits: hovsjovs
Did you find the memes funny or painfully funny, dear Pandas? Do you have any “Did it hurt?” memes of your own design that you’d like to share with everyone else? Share your thoughts with everyone else in the comment section.
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