People Are Sharing The Most Underrated Thoughtful Gestures (65 Answers)

You don't need to shower people with expensive gifts to show that you care about them. If it's genuine, even a small act of kindness can go a long way. Like texting a friend just to see how they are doing. Or holding the elevator doors open for your neighbor. It can be that simple.

To learn more ways to make people smile, Redditor u/Self_World_Future asked others: "What is an underrated thoughtful gesture?" And they got plenty of answers. As of today, their post has 1,200 comments. Here are the most upvoted ones.


Visiting someone with alzheimers. You will leave with a broken heart and in 20 minutes they won't remember that you were there. But during your visit they will hopefully feel loved or at least know someone cares.

Image credits: RussO1313


If you are driving someone home. At night, wait for them to get to the door, unlock and enter before you leave.

Image credits: 2cats2hats


If you’re in a group walking and someone’s falling behind (carrying something, have to tie their shoe, just a slower walker/has shorter legs etc.), at least one person waiting for them to catch up. Doesn’t have to be everyone, but just one person, maybe two, waiting for them to finish what they’re doing or to catch up a bit. Both my best friend and my S/O have done this for me at varying points in our relationships, and every time they do it it makes me want to cry bc it shows they care and don’t want me to feel left out even though I’ve got these short little fuckin corgi legs and they’re all walking at the speed of sound.

Image credits: zachariesalads


Remembering little things. The other day I was talking to a friend and told him I just found out my sister is pregnant and he said “oh, the one who’s married to Brad?”. It was just nice that he makes a point to remember details that don’t necessarily mean anything to him.

Image credits: 01kaj10


Texting a friend just to see how they are doing. It’s always nice to have someone reach out vs feeling like you are the person reaching out all the time.

Image credits: kkkilla


Letting people off the subway before you rush in.

Image credits: somefuzzypants


Saying "Hi" to the security guard.

Image credits: chenzo17


Really listening when people speak and not just waiting for your turn to talk.

Image credits: reddit


Giving a compliment. E.g. you look nice today.

Image credits: The-goose--


Letting someone with minimal items cut in front of you at the grocery checkout.

Image credits: reddit


Take candid pictures of a mother with her children.

Or frankly ANYONE with their children..or grandchildren..or friends.. doing something other than posing in front of a fireplace at Christmas. You really have no idea how much I treasure the rare glimpses of me interacting with my kids when smiles aren't forced. Take them, send them, they want them. You don't have to ask..just.. do it. (So long as you, ya know.. know them and what not).

Image credits: jillaaa


Telling someone they got a booger just hanging for its dear life or their fly is open. Embarrassing but better than walking around with it like it's in vogue.

Image credits: Wiknetti


When a car stops to let me cross the street, thereby forcing the other oncoming car to also recognize that I need to cross.

There is a busy road I have to cross daily and I'm so grateful every single time that the cars stop for me to cross. It's just a simple gesture of feeling recognized.

Image credits: PrinceofCanino


I'm really glad you asked because earlier one of my friends who I hadn't talked to in a while expressed that they felt really comfortable with me, and came out as possibly trans (they are still figuring out exactly what their identity is, and had only told one person besides me) and told me how much they valued me as a friend. I actually came very close to crying because I was so moved by it. Tell your friends what they mean to you, it is incredibly powerful.

Image credits: RexIsAMiiCostume


A thank you card.

Image credits: Aprufer


When someone you're hanging out with throws away your trash or takes your dishes when you're done eating. Not that I expect that all the time, but I find it sweet when it happens. Like if you're sitting down at a fast food restaurant and your friend grabs your trash and throws it away with theirs.

Image credits: friendsareshit


Holding the door open for someone.

Image credits: sarahsunshine521


Saying “You’re welcome” after someone says thank you. It will make the person feel like what you did wasn’t a chore and that you wanted to do it for them. It will also make you look like less of a jerk and less stuck up

Image credits: effekt333


Engaged listening without interrupting.

Image credits: Cosmohumanist


Sending a meme to a friend that you know they'd enjoy.

Image credits: Elijah_MorningWood


Mom silently bringing cut up fruit to me in my room without asking.

Image credits: angerypenguins


Every time there's a new person at work, I recall what it was like being the new guy and go out my way to make them feel comfortable and let them know that I'll answer any questions judgement free.

Image credits: RalfHorris


Remembering someone's name goes a long way.

Image credits: reddit


When someone holds the elevator doors open when you're just a few seconds away.

Image credits: locheness4


Asking if a person got home okay.

Carrying groceries, bags or heavy items for an older person or family member.

Image credits: reddit


Saying a persons name when addressing them.

Image credits: reddit


Warming her towels in the dryer while she's taking a shower.

Image credits: Hermits_Truth


Non expensive flowers for occasions. I'm talking 10$ daisy arrangement for your coworkers last day, or just because to a friend, I always bring wine and flowers as a host/hostess gift. There are so many cool flowers (not just roses!!)

And it can be for a male or female. The kings in your life deserve flowers as much as grandma. Tell him those sunflowers reminded you of his smile, tell bertha from accounting you appreciate the prompt Thursday afternoon checks. Tell Gamgam she's your favorite and leave a little sunshine in your wake.

Image credits: Kantotheotter


Someone deliberately taking their time to get on a bus you're running for.


After I hang out with my girlfriend, she'll often text me something like "Thanks for having me over today :)" and it'll make me feel really good because it's a reminder that we're doing this because we like being together and not just because it's convenient or routine or whatever.


Just a thank you wave or flash from a driver who you let go in front of you or before you. Just a small thing that makes me feel good.


When someone lets you into a lane. Thanks for not being a jerk!!


Today's been a rough one and my aunt just cleaned the kitchen for me so that is one thing that i very much appreciate.

Little things that most people think of as just part of someone's day can really make a big difference to that person.

Image credits: dorfmcpumpkin


Asking a customer service representative or cashier about their day.


Buy someone their favorite food item. My mom will specifically buy me new pears. It’s awesome because you see they like something, you remember they like something, and you put effort into getting them that something. For two-three bucks you can make a very thoughtful gesture.


Saying "please" and "thank you."

Image credits: fredjin


Visiting someone who just had a baby and bringing also something for a mother or offering her help. It isn’t just about the baby, she’s still a woman and it’s nice to bring her flowers, some natural cosmetics or a good book (multiple friends have told me that in the beginning they were nursing for what seemed like ages and managed to read quite a handful of books).


Pedestrians who give a little nod or a wave to front cars that stopped for them.


Someone recommending music to you or giving you a book to read that they love or think you’ll enjoy.


Just a simple greeting to a stranger. I live in a weird area where roughly 50% of people do it, and the other half don't. I hate it when I give a smile and a "good morning" and am met with a cold stare.


Shaking the professor's hand on the last day of class.


Introducing friends to other friends they haven't met yet.


Having a variety of drinks to offer people who come to my apartment. It's polite to offer a drink to a guest, and have a variety.


Taking your bag of the seat on the bus/train if others are looking for a place to sit.


Pushing your chair in is seldom done anymore IMO.


I try to have water bottles or soda every time I have workmen over to my house or furniture/appliance delivery guys. They work hard and I'm usually pretty late into their delivery day so I figure a little treat is appreciated (on top of a tip . . . I'm not a monster)


I don't know if this counts, but if I ever see a car parked at an expired meter, and if I have a spare coin, I throw it in.


Trying to understand, not to debate.


Standing up for an elderly or preggo so they can sit on the subway.


Asking someone to finish their story if they get cut off in a group. Nothing feels worse than feeling like nobody cares what you have to say, and nothing feels better than someone sticking up for you.


Giving a small nod to people you know.


Getting my oil changed yesterday and sitting in the waiting room and girl 30 years younger than me is getting a soda from the machine next to me... She looks over and asks me if I'd like a soda as well... I was a little surprised but politely said no and thank you... I thought it was an exceptionally kind gesture...


If you think something good about a stranger, (like if you admire their hair or makeup) that you should politely compliment them. Obviously don’t be vulgar.


Introductions. It takes ten seconds and makes the shy and socially inept feel quite a bit better.


Remembering sweet little things like how someone likes their coffee.


Ma’am/sir works wonders. Especially since it isn’t expected these days as much.


Saying “Wait, I don’t get what you mean. Can you repeat that?”

It does NOT signify to the other person that you weren’t listening. In fact, it actually signifies that you care enough about understanding that you’ll listen twice.


An occasional high five is always thoughtful.


Idk if this really counts but when you accidentally make eye contact with a stranger and both of y'all smile at each other.


Saying good morning to people with a smile.


Waiting for the friend that is tying their shoelaces.


Putting your shopping cart back.


Getting someone something from the shop when you go, even though they didn't ask you to.


Giving a compliment (even something simple) to the food someone cooked for you. Odds are cooking is an extension of the person's personality and it'll mean a lot!


Giving someone the grocery cart you’ve just pulled out if you are both approaching the carts at the same time.

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People Are Sharing The Most Underrated Thoughtful Gestures (65 Answers) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
